Пример #1
func (self *ClusterConfiguration) getShardRange(querySpec QuerySpec, shards []*ShardData) []*ShardData {
	if querySpec.AllShardsQuery() {
		return shards

	startTime := common.TimeToMicroseconds(querySpec.GetStartTime())
	endTime := common.TimeToMicroseconds(querySpec.GetEndTime())

	// the shards are always in descending order, if we have the following shards
	// [t + 20, t + 30], [t + 10, t + 20], [t, t + 10]
	// if we are querying [t + 5, t + 15], we have to find the first shard whose
	// startMicro is less than the end time of the query,
	// which is the second shard [t + 10, t + 20], then
	// start searching from this shard for the shard that has
	// endMicro less than the start time of the query, which is
	// no entry (sort.Search will return the length of the slice
	// in this case) so we return [t + 10, t + 20], [t, t + 10]
	// as expected

	startIndex := sort.Search(len(shards), func(n int) bool {
		return shards[n].startMicro < endTime

	if startIndex == len(shards) {
		return nil

	endIndex := sort.Search(len(shards)-startIndex, func(n int) bool {
		return shards[n+startIndex].endMicro <= startTime

	return shards[startIndex : endIndex+startIndex]
Пример #2
func NewShard(id uint32, startTime, endTime time.Time, database, spaceName string, wal WAL) *ShardData {
	shardDuration := endTime.Sub(startTime)
	return &ShardData{
		id:               id,
		startTime:        startTime,
		endTime:          endTime,
		wal:              wal,
		startMicro:       common.TimeToMicroseconds(startTime),
		endMicro:         common.TimeToMicroseconds(endTime),
		serverIds:        make([]uint32, 0),
		shardDuration:    shardDuration,
		shardNanoseconds: uint64(shardDuration),
		SpaceName:        spaceName,
		Database:         database,
Пример #3
func (self *Shard) getIterators(fields []*metastore.Field, start, end time.Time, isAscendingQuery bool) (iterators []storage.Iterator) {
	iterators = make([]storage.Iterator, len(fields))

	// start the iterators to go through the series data
	for i, field := range fields {
		iterators[i] = self.db.Iterator()

		t := start
		var seq uint64 = 0
		if !isAscendingQuery {
			t = end
			seq = maxSeqNumber

		tmicro := common.TimeToMicroseconds(t)
		sk := newStorageKey(field.Id, tmicro, seq)
		log.Debug("Initializing iterator to %v", sk.bytes())

		if !isAscendingQuery && iterators[i].Valid() {

		if err := iterators[i].Error(); err != nil {
			log.Error("Error while getting iterators: %s", err)
			return nil
Пример #4
func (self *Shard) executeSinglePointQuery(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, name string, columns []string, p engine.Processor) error {
	fields, err := self.getFieldsForSeries(querySpec.Database(), name, columns)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error looking up fields for %s: %s", name, err)
		return err

	query := querySpec.SelectQuery()
	fieldCount := len(fields)
	fieldNames := make([]string, 0, fieldCount)
	point := &protocol.Point{Values: make([]*protocol.FieldValue, 0, fieldCount)}
	timestamp := common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetStartTime())
	sequenceNumber, err := query.GetSinglePointQuerySequenceNumber()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// set the timestamp and sequence number
	point.SequenceNumber = &sequenceNumber

	for _, field := range fields {
		sk := newStorageKey(field.Id, timestamp, sequenceNumber)
		data, err := self.db.Get(sk.bytes())
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if data == nil {

		fieldValue := &protocol.FieldValue{}
		err = proto.Unmarshal(data, fieldValue)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		fieldNames = append(fieldNames, field.Name)
		point.Values = append(point.Values, fieldValue)

	result := &protocol.Series{Name: &name, Fields: fieldNames, Points: []*protocol.Point{point}}

	if len(result.Points) > 0 {
		_, err := p.Yield(result)
		return err
	return nil
Пример #5
func (self *Shard) deleteRangeOfSeries(database, series string, startTime, endTime time.Time) error {
	fields := self.metaStore.GetFieldsForSeries(database, series)
	st := common.TimeToMicroseconds(startTime)
	et := common.TimeToMicroseconds(endTime)
	return self.deleteRangeOfFields(fields, st, et)