func (db *mssql) CreateTableSql(table *core.Table, tableName, storeEngine, charset string) string { var sql string if tableName == "" { tableName = table.Name } sql = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT [name] FROM sys.tables WHERE [name] = '" + tableName + "' ) CREATE TABLE " sql += db.QuoteStr() + tableName + db.QuoteStr() + " (" pkList := table.PrimaryKeys for _, colName := range table.ColumnsSeq() { col := table.GetColumn(colName) if col.IsPrimaryKey && len(pkList) == 1 { sql += col.String(db) } else { sql += col.StringNoPk(db) } sql = strings.TrimSpace(sql) sql += ", " } if len(pkList) > 1 { sql += "PRIMARY KEY ( " sql += strings.Join(pkList, ",") sql += " ), " } sql = sql[:len(sql)-2] + ")" sql += ";" return sql }
func addIndex(indexName string, table *core.Table, col *core.Column, indexType int) { if index, ok := table.Indexes[indexName]; ok { index.AddColumn(col.Name) col.Indexes[index.Name] = indexType } else { index := core.NewIndex(indexName, indexType) index.AddColumn(col.Name) table.AddIndex(index) col.Indexes[index.Name] = indexType } }
func (b *oracle) CreateTableSql(table *core.Table, tableName, storeEngine, charset string) string { var sql string sql = "CREATE TABLE " if tableName == "" { tableName = table.Name } sql += b.Quote(tableName) + " (" pkList := table.PrimaryKeys for _, colName := range table.ColumnsSeq() { col := table.GetColumn(colName) /*if col.IsPrimaryKey && len(pkList) == 1 { sql += col.String(b.dialect) } else {*/ sql += col.StringNoPk(b) //} sql = strings.TrimSpace(sql) sql += ", " } if len(pkList) > 0 { sql += "PRIMARY KEY ( " sql += b.Quote(strings.Join(pkList, b.Quote(","))) sql += " ), " } sql = sql[:len(sql)-2] + ")" if b.SupportEngine() && storeEngine != "" { sql += " ENGINE=" + storeEngine } if b.SupportCharset() { if len(charset) == 0 { charset = b.URI().Charset } if len(charset) > 0 { sql += " DEFAULT CHARSET " + charset } } return sql }
func (session *Session) _row2BeanWithDateFormat(dateFormat string, rows *core.Rows, fields []string, fieldsCount int, bean interface{}, dataStruct *reflect.Value, table *core.Table) error { scanResults := make([]interface{}, fieldsCount) for i := 0; i < len(fields); i++ { var cell interface{} scanResults[i] = &cell } if err := rows.Scan(scanResults...); err != nil { return err } if b, hasBeforeSet := bean.(BeforeSetProcessor); hasBeforeSet { for ii, key := range fields { b.BeforeSet(key, Cell(scanResults[ii].(*interface{}))) } } defer func() { if b, hasAfterSet := bean.(AfterSetProcessor); hasAfterSet { for ii, key := range fields { b.AfterSet(key, Cell(scanResults[ii].(*interface{}))) } } }() var tempMap = make(map[string]int) for ii, key := range fields { var idx int var ok bool var lKey = strings.ToLower(key) if idx, ok = tempMap[lKey]; !ok { idx = 0 } else { idx = idx + 1 } tempMap[lKey] = idx if fieldValue := session.getField(dataStruct, key, table, idx); fieldValue != nil { rawValue := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(scanResults[ii])) // if row is null then ignore if rawValue.Interface() == nil { continue } if fieldValue.CanAddr() { if structConvert, ok := fieldValue.Addr().Interface().(core.Conversion); ok { if data, err := value2Bytes(&rawValue); err == nil { structConvert.FromDB(data) } else { session.Engine.logger.Error(err) } continue } } if _, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(core.Conversion); ok { if data, err := value2Bytes(&rawValue); err == nil { if fieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && fieldValue.IsNil() { fieldValue.Set(reflect.New(fieldValue.Type().Elem())) } fieldValue.Interface().(core.Conversion).FromDB(data) } else { session.Engine.logger.Error(err) } continue } rawValueType := reflect.TypeOf(rawValue.Interface()) vv := reflect.ValueOf(rawValue.Interface()) fieldType := fieldValue.Type() hasAssigned := false col := table.GetColumnIdx(key, idx) if col.SQLType.IsJson() { var bs []byte if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.String { bs = []byte(vv.String()) } else if rawValueType.ConvertibleTo(core.BytesType) { bs = vv.Bytes() } else { return fmt.Errorf("unsupported database data type: %s %v", key, rawValueType.Kind()) } hasAssigned = true if len(bs) > 0 { if fieldValue.CanAddr() { err := json.Unmarshal(bs, fieldValue.Addr().Interface()) if err != nil { session.Engine.logger.Error(key, err) return err } } else { x := reflect.New(fieldType) err := json.Unmarshal(bs, x.Interface()) if err != nil { session.Engine.logger.Error(key, err) return err } fieldValue.Set(x.Elem()) } } continue } switch fieldType.Kind() { case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128: // TODO: reimplement this var bs []byte if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.String { bs = []byte(vv.String()) } else if rawValueType.ConvertibleTo(core.BytesType) { bs = vv.Bytes() } hasAssigned = true if len(bs) > 0 { if fieldValue.CanAddr() { err := json.Unmarshal(bs, fieldValue.Addr().Interface()) if err != nil { session.Engine.logger.Error(err) return err } } else { x := reflect.New(fieldType) err := json.Unmarshal(bs, x.Interface()) if err != nil { session.Engine.logger.Error(err) return err } fieldValue.Set(x.Elem()) } } case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: switch rawValueType.Kind() { case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: switch rawValueType.Elem().Kind() { case reflect.Uint8: if fieldType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(vv) } } } case reflect.String: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.String { hasAssigned = true fieldValue.SetString(vv.String()) } case reflect.Bool: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Bool { hasAssigned = true fieldValue.SetBool(vv.Bool()) } case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: switch rawValueType.Kind() { case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: hasAssigned = true fieldValue.SetInt(vv.Int()) } case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: switch rawValueType.Kind() { case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: hasAssigned = true fieldValue.SetFloat(vv.Float()) } case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint: switch rawValueType.Kind() { case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint: hasAssigned = true fieldValue.SetUint(vv.Uint()) case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: hasAssigned = true fieldValue.SetUint(uint64(vv.Int())) } case reflect.Struct: if fieldType.ConvertibleTo(core.TimeType) { if rawValueType == core.TimeType { hasAssigned = true t := vv.Convert(core.TimeType).Interface().(time.Time) z, _ := t.Zone() if len(z) == 0 || t.Year() == 0 { // !nashtsai! HACK tmp work around for lib/pq doesn't properly time with location dbTZ := session.Engine.DatabaseTZ if dbTZ == nil { dbTZ = time.Local } session.Engine.logger.Debugf("empty zone key[%v] : %v | zone: %v | location: %+v\n", key, t, z, *t.Location()) t = time.Date(t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), t.Hour(), t.Minute(), t.Second(), t.Nanosecond(), dbTZ) } // !nashtsai! convert to engine location var tz *time.Location if col.TimeZone == nil { t = t.In(session.Engine.TZLocation) tz = session.Engine.TZLocation } else { t = t.In(col.TimeZone) tz = col.TimeZone } // dateFormat to string //loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local") //重要:获取时区 rawValue.Interface().(time.Time).Format(dateFormat) t, _ = time.ParseInLocation(dateFormat, t.Format(dateFormat), tz) fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(t).Convert(fieldType)) } else if rawValueType == core.IntType || rawValueType == core.Int64Type || rawValueType == core.Int32Type { hasAssigned = true var tz *time.Location if col.TimeZone == nil { tz = session.Engine.TZLocation } else { tz = col.TimeZone } t := time.Unix(vv.Int(), 0).In(tz) //vv = reflect.ValueOf(t) fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(t).Convert(fieldType)) } else { if d, ok := vv.Interface().([]uint8); ok { hasAssigned = true t, err := session.byte2Time(col, d) if err != nil { session.Engine.logger.Error("byte2Time error:", err.Error()) hasAssigned = false } else { fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(t).Convert(fieldType)) } } else if d, ok := vv.Interface().(string); ok { hasAssigned = true t, err := session.str2Time(col, d) if err != nil { session.Engine.logger.Error("byte2Time error:", err.Error()) hasAssigned = false } else { fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(t).Convert(fieldType)) } } else { panic(fmt.Sprintf("rawValueType is %v, value is %v", rawValueType, vv.Interface())) } } } else if nulVal, ok := fieldValue.Addr().Interface().(sql.Scanner); ok { // !<winxxp>! 增加支持sql.Scanner接口的结构,如sql.NullString hasAssigned = true if err := nulVal.Scan(vv.Interface()); err != nil { //fmt.Println("sql.Sanner error:", err.Error()) session.Engine.logger.Error("sql.Sanner error:", err.Error()) hasAssigned = false } } else if col.SQLType.IsJson() { if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.String { hasAssigned = true x := reflect.New(fieldType) if len([]byte(vv.String())) > 0 { err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(vv.String()), x.Interface()) if err != nil { session.Engine.logger.Error(err) return err } fieldValue.Set(x.Elem()) } } else if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Slice { hasAssigned = true x := reflect.New(fieldType) if len(vv.Bytes()) > 0 { err := json.Unmarshal(vv.Bytes(), x.Interface()) if err != nil { session.Engine.logger.Error(err) return err } fieldValue.Set(x.Elem()) } } } else if session.Statement.UseCascade { table := session.Engine.autoMapType(*fieldValue) if table != nil { hasAssigned = true if len(table.PrimaryKeys) != 1 { panic("unsupported non or composited primary key cascade") } var pk = make(core.PK, len(table.PrimaryKeys)) switch rawValueType.Kind() { case reflect.Int64: pk[0] = vv.Int() case reflect.Int: pk[0] = int(vv.Int()) case reflect.Int32: pk[0] = int32(vv.Int()) case reflect.Int16: pk[0] = int16(vv.Int()) case reflect.Int8: pk[0] = int8(vv.Int()) case reflect.Uint64: pk[0] = vv.Uint() case reflect.Uint: pk[0] = uint(vv.Uint()) case reflect.Uint32: pk[0] = uint32(vv.Uint()) case reflect.Uint16: pk[0] = uint16(vv.Uint()) case reflect.Uint8: pk[0] = uint8(vv.Uint()) case reflect.String: pk[0] = vv.String() case reflect.Slice: pk[0], _ = strconv.ParseInt(string(rawValue.Interface().([]byte)), 10, 64) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported primary key type: %v, %v", rawValueType, fieldValue)) } if !isPKZero(pk) { // !nashtsai! TODO for hasOne relationship, it's preferred to use join query for eager fetch // however, also need to consider adding a 'lazy' attribute to xorm tag which allow hasOne // property to be fetched lazily structInter := reflect.New(fieldValue.Type()) newsession := session.Engine.NewSession() defer newsession.Close() has, err := newsession.Id(pk).NoCascade().Get(structInter.Interface()) if err != nil { return err } if has { //v := structInter.Elem().Interface() //fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) fieldValue.Set(structInter.Elem()) } else { return errors.New("cascade obj is not exist!") } } } else { session.Engine.logger.Error("unsupported struct type in Scan: ", fieldValue.Type().String()) } } case reflect.Ptr: // !nashtsai! TODO merge duplicated codes above //typeStr := fieldType.String() switch fieldType { // following types case matching ptr's native type, therefore assign ptr directly case core.PtrStringType: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.String { x := vv.String() hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.PtrBoolType: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Bool { x := vv.Bool() hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.PtrTimeType: if rawValueType == core.PtrTimeType { hasAssigned = true var x = rawValue.Interface().(time.Time) fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.PtrFloat64Type: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Float64 { x := vv.Float() hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.PtrUint64Type: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { var x = uint64(vv.Int()) hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.PtrInt64Type: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { x := vv.Int() hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.PtrFloat32Type: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Float64 { var x = float32(vv.Float()) hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.PtrIntType: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { var x = int(vv.Int()) hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.PtrInt32Type: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { var x = int32(vv.Int()) hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.PtrInt8Type: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { var x = int8(vv.Int()) hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.PtrInt16Type: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { var x = int16(vv.Int()) hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.PtrUintType: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { var x = uint(vv.Int()) hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.PtrUint32Type: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { var x = uint32(vv.Int()) hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.Uint8Type: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { var x = uint8(vv.Int()) hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.Uint16Type: if rawValueType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { var x = uint16(vv.Int()) hasAssigned = true fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } case core.Complex64Type: var x complex64 if len([]byte(vv.String())) > 0 { err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(vv.String()), &x) if err != nil { session.Engine.logger.Error(err) } else { fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } } hasAssigned = true case core.Complex128Type: var x complex128 if len([]byte(vv.String())) > 0 { err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(vv.String()), &x) if err != nil { session.Engine.logger.Error(err) } else { fieldValue.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&x)) } } hasAssigned = true } // switch fieldType // default: // session.Engine.LogError("unsupported type in Scan: ", reflect.TypeOf(v).String()) } // switch fieldType.Kind() // !nashtsai! for value can't be assigned directly fallback to convert to []byte then back to value if !hasAssigned { data, err := value2Bytes(&rawValue) if err == nil { session.bytes2Value(col, fieldValue, data) } else { session.Engine.logger.Error(err.Error()) } } } } return nil }
func genCols(table *core.Table, session *Session, bean interface{}, useCol bool, includeQuote bool) ([]string, []interface{}, error) { colNames := make([]string, 0, len(table.ColumnsSeq())) args := make([]interface{}, 0, len(table.ColumnsSeq())) for _, col := range table.Columns() { lColName := strings.ToLower(col.Name) if useCol && !col.IsVersion && !col.IsCreated && !col.IsUpdated { if _, ok := session.Statement.columnMap[lColName]; !ok { continue } } if col.MapType == core.ONLYFROMDB { continue } fieldValuePtr, err := col.ValueOf(bean) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } fieldValue := *fieldValuePtr if col.IsAutoIncrement { switch fieldValue.Type().Kind() { case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int, reflect.Int64: if fieldValue.Int() == 0 { continue } case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint64: if fieldValue.Uint() == 0 { continue } case reflect.String: if len(fieldValue.String()) == 0 { continue } } } if col.IsDeleted { continue } if session.Statement.ColumnStr != "" { if _, ok := session.Statement.columnMap[lColName]; !ok { continue } } if session.Statement.OmitStr != "" { if _, ok := session.Statement.columnMap[lColName]; ok { continue } } // !evalphobia! set fieldValue as nil when column is nullable and zero-value if _, ok := session.Statement.nullableMap[lColName]; ok { if col.Nullable && isZero(fieldValue.Interface()) { var nilValue *int fieldValue = reflect.ValueOf(nilValue) } } if (col.IsCreated || col.IsUpdated) && session.Statement.UseAutoTime { val, t := session.Engine.NowTime2(col.SQLType.Name) args = append(args, val) var colName = col.Name session.afterClosures = append(session.afterClosures, func(bean interface{}) { col := table.GetColumn(colName) setColumnTime(bean, col, t) }) } else if col.IsVersion && session.Statement.checkVersion { args = append(args, 1) } else { arg, err := session.value2Interface(col, fieldValue) if err != nil { return colNames, args, err } args = append(args, arg) } if includeQuote { colNames = append(colNames, session.Engine.Quote(col.Name)+" = ?") } else { colNames = append(colNames, col.Name) } } return colNames, args, nil }
// Auto generating conditions according a struct func buildConditions(engine *Engine, table *core.Table, bean interface{}, includeVersion bool, includeUpdated bool, includeNil bool, includeAutoIncr bool, allUseBool bool, useAllCols bool, unscoped bool, mustColumnMap map[string]bool, tableName, aliasName string, addedTableName bool) ([]string, []interface{}) { var colNames []string var args = make([]interface{}, 0) for _, col := range table.Columns() { if !includeVersion && col.IsVersion { continue } if !includeUpdated && col.IsUpdated { continue } if !includeAutoIncr && col.IsAutoIncrement { continue } if engine.dialect.DBType() == core.MSSQL && col.SQLType.Name == core.Text { continue } if col.SQLType.IsJson() { continue } var colName string if addedTableName { var nm = tableName if len(aliasName) > 0 { nm = aliasName } colName = engine.Quote(nm) + "." + engine.Quote(col.Name) } else { colName = engine.Quote(col.Name) } fieldValuePtr, err := col.ValueOf(bean) if err != nil { engine.logger.Error(err) continue } if col.IsDeleted && !unscoped { // tag "deleted" is enabled colNames = append(colNames, fmt.Sprintf("(%v IS NULL OR %v = '0001-01-01 00:00:00')", colName, colName)) } fieldValue := *fieldValuePtr if fieldValue.Interface() == nil { continue } fieldType := reflect.TypeOf(fieldValue.Interface()) requiredField := useAllCols if b, ok := mustColumnMap[strings.ToLower(col.Name)]; ok { if b { requiredField = true } else { continue } } if fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { if fieldValue.IsNil() { if includeNil { args = append(args, nil) colNames = append(colNames, fmt.Sprintf("%v %s ?", colName, engine.dialect.EqStr())) } continue } else if !fieldValue.IsValid() { continue } else { // dereference ptr type to instance type fieldValue = fieldValue.Elem() fieldType = reflect.TypeOf(fieldValue.Interface()) requiredField = true } } var val interface{} switch fieldType.Kind() { case reflect.Bool: if allUseBool || requiredField { val = fieldValue.Interface() } else { // if a bool in a struct, it will not be as a condition because it default is false, // please use Where() instead continue } case reflect.String: if !requiredField && fieldValue.String() == "" { continue } // for MyString, should convert to string or panic if fieldType.String() != reflect.String.String() { val = fieldValue.String() } else { val = fieldValue.Interface() } case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: if !requiredField && fieldValue.Int() == 0 { continue } val = fieldValue.Interface() case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: if !requiredField && fieldValue.Float() == 0.0 { continue } val = fieldValue.Interface() case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: if !requiredField && fieldValue.Uint() == 0 { continue } t := int64(fieldValue.Uint()) val = reflect.ValueOf(&t).Interface() case reflect.Struct: if fieldType.ConvertibleTo(core.TimeType) { t := fieldValue.Convert(core.TimeType).Interface().(time.Time) if !requiredField && (t.IsZero() || !fieldValue.IsValid()) { continue } val = engine.FormatTime(col.SQLType.Name, t) } else if _, ok := reflect.New(fieldType).Interface().(core.Conversion); ok { continue } else if valNul, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(driver.Valuer); ok { val, _ = valNul.Value() if val == nil { continue } } else { if col.SQLType.IsJson() { if col.SQLType.IsText() { bytes, err := json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface()) if err != nil { engine.logger.Error(err) continue } val = string(bytes) } else if col.SQLType.IsBlob() { var bytes []byte var err error bytes, err = json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface()) if err != nil { engine.logger.Error(err) continue } val = bytes } } else { engine.autoMapType(fieldValue) if table, ok := engine.Tables[fieldValue.Type()]; ok { if len(table.PrimaryKeys) == 1 { pkField := reflect.Indirect(fieldValue).FieldByName(table.PKColumns()[0].FieldName) // fix non-int pk issues //if pkField.Int() != 0 { if pkField.IsValid() && !isZero(pkField.Interface()) { val = pkField.Interface() } else { continue } } else { //TODO: how to handler? panic(fmt.Sprintln("not supported", fieldValue.Interface(), "as", table.PrimaryKeys)) } } else { val = fieldValue.Interface() } } } case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map: if fieldValue == reflect.Zero(fieldType) { continue } if fieldValue.IsNil() || !fieldValue.IsValid() || fieldValue.Len() == 0 { continue } if col.SQLType.IsText() { bytes, err := json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface()) if err != nil { engine.logger.Error(err) continue } val = string(bytes) } else if col.SQLType.IsBlob() { var bytes []byte var err error if (fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Array || fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Slice) && fieldType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { if fieldValue.Len() > 0 { val = fieldValue.Bytes() } else { continue } } else { bytes, err = json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface()) if err != nil { engine.logger.Error(err) continue } val = bytes } } else { continue } default: val = fieldValue.Interface() } args = append(args, val) var condi string if col.IsPrimaryKey && engine.dialect.DBType() == "ql" { condi = "id() == ?" } else { condi = fmt.Sprintf("%v %s ?", colName, engine.dialect.EqStr()) } colNames = append(colNames, condi) } return colNames, args }
// Auto generating update columnes and values according a struct func buildUpdates(engine *Engine, table *core.Table, bean interface{}, includeVersion bool, includeUpdated bool, includeNil bool, includeAutoIncr bool, allUseBool bool, useAllCols bool, mustColumnMap map[string]bool, nullableMap map[string]bool, columnMap map[string]bool, update, unscoped bool) ([]string, []interface{}) { var colNames = make([]string, 0) var args = make([]interface{}, 0) for _, col := range table.Columns() { if !includeVersion && col.IsVersion { continue } if col.IsCreated { continue } if !includeUpdated && col.IsUpdated { continue } if !includeAutoIncr && col.IsAutoIncrement { continue } if col.IsDeleted && !unscoped { continue } if use, ok := columnMap[col.Name]; ok && !use { continue } fieldValuePtr, err := col.ValueOf(bean) if err != nil { engine.logger.Error(err) continue } fieldValue := *fieldValuePtr fieldType := reflect.TypeOf(fieldValue.Interface()) requiredField := useAllCols includeNil := useAllCols lColName := strings.ToLower(col.Name) if b, ok := mustColumnMap[lColName]; ok { if b { requiredField = true } else { continue } } // !evalphobia! set fieldValue as nil when column is nullable and zero-value if b, ok := nullableMap[lColName]; ok { if b && col.Nullable && isZero(fieldValue.Interface()) { var nilValue *int fieldValue = reflect.ValueOf(nilValue) fieldType = reflect.TypeOf(fieldValue.Interface()) includeNil = true } } var val interface{} if fieldValue.CanAddr() { if structConvert, ok := fieldValue.Addr().Interface().(core.Conversion); ok { data, err := structConvert.ToDB() if err != nil { engine.logger.Error(err) } else { val = data } goto APPEND } } if structConvert, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(core.Conversion); ok { data, err := structConvert.ToDB() if err != nil { engine.logger.Error(err) } else { val = data } goto APPEND } if fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { if fieldValue.IsNil() { if includeNil { args = append(args, nil) colNames = append(colNames, fmt.Sprintf("%v=?", engine.Quote(col.Name))) } continue } else if !fieldValue.IsValid() { continue } else { // dereference ptr type to instance type fieldValue = fieldValue.Elem() fieldType = reflect.TypeOf(fieldValue.Interface()) requiredField = true } } switch fieldType.Kind() { case reflect.Bool: if allUseBool || requiredField { val = fieldValue.Interface() } else { // if a bool in a struct, it will not be as a condition because it default is false, // please use Where() instead continue } case reflect.String: if !requiredField && fieldValue.String() == "" { continue } // for MyString, should convert to string or panic if fieldType.String() != reflect.String.String() { val = fieldValue.String() } else { val = fieldValue.Interface() } case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: if !requiredField && fieldValue.Int() == 0 { continue } val = fieldValue.Interface() case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: if !requiredField && fieldValue.Float() == 0.0 { continue } val = fieldValue.Interface() case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: if !requiredField && fieldValue.Uint() == 0 { continue } t := int64(fieldValue.Uint()) val = reflect.ValueOf(&t).Interface() case reflect.Struct: if fieldType.ConvertibleTo(core.TimeType) { t := fieldValue.Convert(core.TimeType).Interface().(time.Time) if !requiredField && (t.IsZero() || !fieldValue.IsValid()) { continue } val = engine.FormatTime(col.SQLType.Name, t) } else if nulType, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(driver.Valuer); ok { val, _ = nulType.Value() } else { if !col.SQLType.IsJson() { engine.autoMapType(fieldValue) if table, ok := engine.Tables[fieldValue.Type()]; ok { if len(table.PrimaryKeys) == 1 { pkField := reflect.Indirect(fieldValue).FieldByName(table.PKColumns()[0].FieldName) // fix non-int pk issues if pkField.IsValid() && (!requiredField && !isZero(pkField.Interface())) { val = pkField.Interface() } else { continue } } else { //TODO: how to handler? panic("not supported") } } else { val = fieldValue.Interface() } } else { // Blank struct could not be as update data if requiredField || !isStructZero(fieldValue) { bytes, err := json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface()) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("mashal %v failed", fieldValue.Interface())) } if col.SQLType.IsText() { val = string(bytes) } else if col.SQLType.IsBlob() { val = bytes } } else { continue } } } case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map: if !requiredField { if fieldValue == reflect.Zero(fieldType) { continue } if fieldValue.IsNil() || !fieldValue.IsValid() || fieldValue.Len() == 0 { continue } } if col.SQLType.IsText() { bytes, err := json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface()) if err != nil { engine.logger.Error(err) continue } val = string(bytes) } else if col.SQLType.IsBlob() { var bytes []byte var err error if (fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Array || fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Slice) && fieldType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { if fieldValue.Len() > 0 { val = fieldValue.Bytes() } else { continue } } else { bytes, err = json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface()) if err != nil { engine.logger.Error(err) continue } val = bytes } } else { continue } default: val = fieldValue.Interface() } APPEND: //fmt.Println("==", col.Name, "==", fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)) args = append(args, val) if col.IsPrimaryKey && engine.dialect.DBType() == "ql" { continue } colNames = append(colNames, fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", engine.Quote(col.Name))) } return colNames, args }