Пример #1
func NewWikiEngine(state pinterface.IUserState) *WikiEngine {
	pool := state.Pool()

	wikiState := new(WikiState)
	wikiState.pages = simpleredis.NewHashMap(pool, "pages")
	wikiState.pool = pool

	return &WikiEngine{state, wikiState}
Пример #2
func NewTimeTableEngine(state pinterface.IUserState) *TimeTableEngine {
	pool := state.Pool()
	timeTableState := new(TimeTableState)

	timeTableState.plans = simpleredis.NewHashMap(pool, "plans")

	timeTableState.pool = pool
	return &TimeTableEngine{state, timeTableState}
Пример #3
// Create a new *UserState that can be used for managing users.
// dbindex is the Redis database index (0 is a good default value).
// If randomseed is true, the random number generator will be seeded after generating the cookie secret (true is a good default value).
// redisHostPort is host:port for the desired Redis server (can be blank for localhost)
// Also creates a new ConnectionPool.
func NewUserState(dbindex int, randomseed bool, redisHostPort string) *UserState {
	var pool *simpleredis.ConnectionPool

	// Connnect to the default redis server if redisHostPort is empty
	if redisHostPort == "" {
		redisHostPort = defaultRedisServer

	// Test connection
	if err := simpleredis.TestConnectionHost(redisHostPort); err != nil {

	// Aquire connection pool
	pool = simpleredis.NewConnectionPoolHost(redisHostPort)

	state := new(UserState)

	state.users = simpleredis.NewHashMap(pool, "users")

	state.usernames = simpleredis.NewSet(pool, "usernames")

	state.unconfirmed = simpleredis.NewSet(pool, "unconfirmed")

	state.pool = pool

	state.dbindex = dbindex

	// For the secure cookies
	// This must happen before the random seeding, or
	// else people will have to log in again after every server restart
	state.cookieSecret = cookie.RandomCookieFriendlyString(30)

	// Seed the random number generator
	if randomseed {

	// Cookies lasts for 24 hours by default. Specified in seconds.
	state.cookieTime = cookie.DefaultCookieTime

	// Default password hashing algorithm is "bcrypt+", which is the same as
	// "bcrypt", but with backwards compatibility for checking sha256 hashes.
	state.passwordAlgorithm = "bcrypt+" // "bcrypt+", "bcrypt" or "sha256"

	if pool.Ping() != nil {
		defer pool.Close()
		log.Fatalf("Error, wrong hostname, port or password. (%s does not reply to PING)\n", redisHostPort)

	return state