Пример #1
// setup produces a sub-key and Salsa20 counter given a nonce and key.
func setup(subKey *[32]byte, counter *[16]byte, nonce *[24]byte, key *[32]byte) {
	// We use XSalsa20 for encryption so first we need to generate a
	// key and nonce with HSalsa20.
	var hNonce [16]byte
	copy(hNonce[:], nonce[:])
	salsa.HSalsa20(subKey, &hNonce, key, &salsa.Sigma)

	// The final 8 bytes of the original nonce form the new nonce.
	copy(counter[:], nonce[16:])
Пример #2
// XORKeyStream crypts bytes from in to out using the given key and nonce. In
// and out may be the same slice but otherwise should not overlap. Nonce must
// be either 8 or 24 bytes long.
func XORKeyStream(out, in []byte, nonce []byte, key *[32]byte) {
	if len(out) < len(in) {
		in = in[:len(out)]

	var subNonce [16]byte

	if len(nonce) == 24 {
		var subKey [32]byte
		var hNonce [16]byte
		copy(hNonce[:], nonce[:16])
		salsa.HSalsa20(&subKey, &hNonce, key, &salsa.Sigma)
		copy(subNonce[:], nonce[16:])
		key = &subKey
	} else if len(nonce) == 8 {
		copy(subNonce[:], nonce[:])
	} else {
		panic("salsa20: nonce must be 8 or 24 bytes")

	salsa.XORKeyStream(out, in, &subNonce, key)
Пример #3
// Precompute calculates the shared key between peersPublicKey and privateKey
// and writes it to sharedKey. The shared key can be used with
// OpenAfterPrecomputation and SealAfterPrecomputation to speed up processing
// when using the same pair of keys repeatedly.
func Precompute(sharedKey, peersPublicKey, privateKey *[32]byte) {
	curve25519.ScalarMult(sharedKey, privateKey, peersPublicKey)
	salsa.HSalsa20(sharedKey, &zeros, sharedKey, &salsa.Sigma)
Пример #4
// Apply HSalsa20 function for data. Used to hash public keys.
func HApply(data *[32]byte) {
	salsa.HSalsa20(data, new([16]byte), data, &salsa.Sigma)