func main() { if len(os.Args) == 1 { cmd := exec.Command(os.Args[0], "-test.bench=.*", "-test.benchmem=true", "-test.benchtime=2s") cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr cmd.Run() return } fmt.Printf("Build: %s %s-%s\n", runtime.Version(), runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH) hashers := []struct { name string hash hash.Hash }{ {"SHA256", sha256.New()}, {"SHAKE256", shakeAdapter{sha3.NewShake256(), 64}}, } benchmarks := []testing.InternalBenchmark{} for _, h := range hashers { benchmarks = append(benchmarks, testing.InternalBenchmark{ Name:, F: wrap(h.hash), }) } testing.Main(func(pat, str string) (bool, error) { return true, nil }, nil, benchmarks, nil) }
func main() { for _, c := range curves { f, err := os.Create(c.params.Name) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error creating file %s: %s", c.params.Name, err) os.Exit(-1) } h := sha3.NewShake256() h.Write([]byte(c.params.Name)) h.Write([]byte(": doubly prime")) buf := make([]byte, c.bits) v := new(big.Int) fmt.Fprintf(f, "[") for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { if i != 0 { fmt.Fprintf(f, ",") } for trial := 0; ; trial++ { h.Read(buf) v.SetBytes(buf) if v.Cmp(c.params.P) == -1 { break } } fmt.Fprintf(f, "%d", v) } fmt.Fprintf(f, "]\n") f.Close() } }
func main() { flag.Parse() value := flag.Arg(0) nonce := flag.Arg(1) if len(value) == 0 || len(nonce) == 0 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s <value> <nonce>\n", os.Args[0]) os.Exit(1) } shake := sha3.NewShake256() shake.Write([]byte(value)) shake.Write([]byte("|")) shake.Write([]byte(nonce)) hash := make([]byte, 16) _, err := shake.Read(hash) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } fmt.Printf("%X-%X-%X-%X\n", hash[0:3], hash[4:7], hash[8:11], hash[12:15]) }
// tokenHash calculates a SHA3 token hash. func tokenHash(b []byte, c *conf.Config) []byte { h := make([]byte, c.Listener.Security.TokenLen) d := sha3.NewShake256() d.Write([]byte(c.Listener.Security.Salt)) d.Write(b) d.Read(h) return h }
func expandSecret(sk *[SecretKeySize]byte) (x, skhr *[32]byte) { x, skhr = new([32]byte), new([32]byte) hash := sha3.NewShake256() hash.Write(sk[:32]) hash.Read(x[:]) hash.Read(skhr[:]) x[0] &= 248 x[31] &= 127 x[31] |= 64 return }
// This is the same as in the CONIKS paper. // H(k_empty || nonce || prefix || depth) func HashEmptyBranch(treeNonce []byte, prefixBits []bool) []byte { h := sha3.NewShake256() h.Write([]byte{EmptyBranchIdentifier}) h.Write(treeNonce) h.Write(ToBytes(prefixBits)) buf := make([]byte, 4) binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf, uint32(len(prefixBits))) h.Write(buf) var ret [HashBytes]byte h.Read(ret[:]) return ret[:] }
// Differences from the CONIKS paper: // * Add an identifier byte at the beginning to make it impossible for this to collide with leaves // or empty branches. // * Add the prefix of the index, to protect against limited hash collisions or bugs. // This gives H(k_internal || h_child0 || h_child1 || prefix || depth) func HashInternalNode(prefixBits []bool, childHashes *[2][HashBytes]byte) []byte { h := sha3.NewShake256() h.Write([]byte{InternalNodeIdentifier}) h.Write(childHashes[0][:]) h.Write(childHashes[1][:]) h.Write(ToBytes(prefixBits)) buf := make([]byte, 4) binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf, uint32(len(prefixBits))) h.Write(buf) var ret [HashBytes]byte h.Read(ret[:]) return ret[:] }
// This is the same as in the CONIKS paper: H(k_leaf || nonce || index || depth || value) func HashLeaf(treeNonce []byte, indexBytes []byte, depth int, value []byte) []byte { h := sha3.NewShake256() h.Write([]byte{LeafIdentifier}) h.Write(treeNonce) h.Write(indexBytes) buf := make([]byte, 4) binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf, uint32(depth)) h.Write(buf) h.Write(value) var ret [HashBytes]byte h.Read(ret[:]) return ret[:] }
func Compute(m []byte, sk *[SecretKeySize]byte) []byte { x, _ := expandSecret(sk) var ii edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement var iiB [32]byte edwards25519.GeScalarMult(&ii, x, hashToCurve(m)) ii.ToBytes(&iiB) hash := sha3.NewShake256() hash.Write(iiB[:]) // const length: Size hash.Write(m) var vrf [Size]byte hash.Read(vrf[:]) return vrf[:] }
// Verify returns true iff vrf=Compute(m, sk) for the sk that corresponds to pk. func Verify(pkBytes, m, vrfBytes, proof []byte) bool { if len(proof) != ProofSize || len(vrfBytes) != Size || len(pkBytes) != PublicKeySize { return false } var pk, c, cRef, t, vrf, iiB, ABytes, BBytes [32]byte copy(vrf[:], vrfBytes) copy(pk[:], pkBytes) copy(c[:32], proof[:32]) copy(t[:32], proof[32:64]) copy(iiB[:], proof[64:96]) hash := sha3.NewShake256() hash.Write(iiB[:]) // const length hash.Write(m) var hCheck [Size]byte hash.Read(hCheck[:]) if !bytes.Equal(hCheck[:], vrf[:]) { return false } hash.Reset() var P, B, ii, iic edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement var A, hmtP, iicP edwards25519.ProjectiveGroupElement if !P.FromBytesBaseGroup(&pk) { return false } if !ii.FromBytesBaseGroup(&iiB) { return false } edwards25519.GeDoubleScalarMultVartime(&A, &c, &P, &t) A.ToBytes(&ABytes) hm := hashToCurve(m) edwards25519.GeDoubleScalarMultVartime(&hmtP, &t, hm, &[32]byte{}) edwards25519.GeDoubleScalarMultVartime(&iicP, &c, &ii, &[32]byte{}) iicP.ToExtended(&iic) hmtP.ToExtended(&B) edwards25519.GeAdd(&B, &B, &iic) B.ToBytes(&BBytes) var cH [64]byte hash.Write(ABytes[:]) // const length hash.Write(BBytes[:]) // const length hash.Write(m) hash.Read(cH[:]) edwards25519.ScReduce(&cRef, &cH) return cRef == c }
func main() { msg := []byte("Taichi Nakashima") // A MAC with 32 bytes of output has 256-bit security strength h := make([]byte, 64) // The SHAKE functions are recommended for most new uses. // They can produce output of arbitrary length. // SHAKE256, with an output length of at least 64 bytes, provides 256-bit security against all attacks. d := sha3.NewShake256() d.Write(msg) d.Read(h) fmt.Printf("Length: %d byte (%d bits)\n", len(h), len(h)*8) fmt.Printf("Output: %x\n", h) }
// Prove returns the vrf value and a proof such that Verify(pk, m, vrf, proof) // == true. The vrf value is the same as returned by Compute(m, sk). func Prove(m []byte, sk *[SecretKeySize]byte) (vrf, proof []byte) { x, skhr := expandSecret(sk) var cH, rH [64]byte var r, c, minusC, t, grB, hrB, iiB [32]byte var ii, gr, hr edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement hm := hashToCurve(m) edwards25519.GeScalarMult(&ii, x, hm) ii.ToBytes(&iiB) hash := sha3.NewShake256() hash.Write(skhr[:]) hash.Write(sk[32:]) // public key, as in ed25519 hash.Write(m) hash.Read(rH[:]) hash.Reset() edwards25519.ScReduce(&r, &rH) edwards25519.GeScalarMultBase(&gr, &r) edwards25519.GeScalarMult(&hr, &r, hm) gr.ToBytes(&grB) hr.ToBytes(&hrB) hash.Write(grB[:]) hash.Write(hrB[:]) hash.Write(m) hash.Read(cH[:]) hash.Reset() edwards25519.ScReduce(&c, &cH) edwards25519.ScNeg(&minusC, &c) edwards25519.ScMulAdd(&t, x, &minusC, &r) proof = make([]byte, ProofSize) copy(proof[:32], c[:]) copy(proof[32:64], t[:]) copy(proof[64:96], iiB[:]) hash.Write(iiB[:]) // const length: Size hash.Write(m) vrf = make([]byte, Size) hash.Read(vrf[:]) return }
func progd_forword(ar cmdoptS) { //create metadata leveldb dbi, err := bolt.Open(ar.out_dir+"/md", 0600, nil) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } tx, err := dbi.Begin(true) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } defer tx.Rollback() db, err := tx.CreateBucket([]byte("Ketv1")) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } //generate crypto nonce nonce, _ := GenerateRandomBytes(24) //store it err = db.Put([]byte("nonce"), nonce) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } //calc key keyhasher := sha3.NewShake256() keyhasher.Write(nonce) keyhasher.Write([]byte(ar.secret_key)) xchachakey := make([]byte, 32) keyhasher.Read(xchachakey) poly1305key := make([]byte, 32) keyhasher.Read(poly1305key) //init stream var LimitedSizeWriteToFilei LimitedSizeWriteToFile LimitedSizeWriteToFilei.InitNow() LimitedSizeWriteToFilei.TargetPatten = ar.out_dir + "/df%X" if !ar.div_unitk { LimitedSizeWriteToFilei.BytesPerFile = int64(ar.div_at) * const_Mbyte } else { LimitedSizeWriteToFilei.BytesPerFile = int64(ar.div_at) * const_Kbyte } cryptos, err := chacha20.NewXChaCha(xchachakey, nonce) HashWriter := sha3.NewShake256() CyDWriter := io.MultiWriter(LimitedSizeWriteToFilei, HashWriter) Data_writer := NewEncryptedWriter(cryptos, CyDWriter) CompressedStream := snappy.NewWriter(Data_writer) TarStream := tar.NewWriter(CompressedStream) GenFileList(ar.in_dir) for id := range rfi { filedes, err := os.Open(ar.in_dir + "/" + rfi[id]) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Failed to open file " + rfi[id] + ":" + err.Error()) } filein, _ := filedes.Stat() hdr := &tar.Header{ Name: rfi[id], Mode: 0600, Size: filein.Size(), } if err := TarStream.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } _, err = io.Copy(TarStream, filedes) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Failed to Write file " + rfi[id] + ":" + err.Error()) } filedes.Close() } if err := TarStream.Close(); err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } _, _, nd := LimitedSizeWriteToFilei.Finialize() FileHash := make([]byte, 64) HashWriter.Read(FileHash) var poly1305sum [16]byte var poly1305sum_key [32]byte copy(poly1305sum_key[:], poly1305key) poly1305.Sum(&poly1305sum, FileHash, &poly1305sum_key) err = db.Put([]byte("poly1305sum"), poly1305sum[:]) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } bb := new(bytes.Buffer) binary.Write(bb, binary.LittleEndian, nd) err = db.Put([]byte("packagesum"), bb.Bytes()) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } //we won't use it anymore if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } dbi.Close() //finially we call par2 to compute reconstruction data if ar.parrate != 0 { _, err := exec.LookPath("par2") if err != nil { fmt.Println("Unable to whereis par2, reconstruction data compute was ignored:" + err.Error()) } DirIf, _ := os.Open(ar.out_dir) DirIfs, _ := DirIf.Readdirnames(-1) cmdargs := []string{"c", "-a", "mdpp", "-r" + strconv.Itoa(ar.parrate), "-v", "--"} cmdargs = append(cmdargs, DirIfs...) cmd := exec.Command("par2", cmdargs...) cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout Absp, _ := filepath.Abs(ar.out_dir) cmd.Dir = Absp err = cmd.Start() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Unable to exec par2, reconstruction data compute was ignored:" + err.Error()) } err = cmd.Wait() if err != nil { fmt.Println("par2 was finished unsuccessfully, reconstruction data compute was ignored(or failed):" + err.Error()) } } fmt.Printf("Hash: %x\n", FileHash) fmt.Printf("Key: %s\n", ar.secret_key) }
func progd_reverse(ar cmdoptS) { if ar.parrate != 0 { //we do not care the actual number _, err := exec.LookPath("par2") if err != nil { fmt.Println("Unable to whereis par2, metadata reconstruction was ignored:" + err.Error()) } cmd := exec.Command("par2", "r", "mdpp.par2", "-v", "--", "md") cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout Absp, _ := filepath.Abs(ar.in_dir) cmd.Dir = Absp err = cmd.Start() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Unable to exec par2, metadata reconstruction data compute was ignored:" + err.Error()) } err = cmd.Wait() if err != nil { fmt.Println("par2 was finished unsuccessfully, metadata reconstruction data compute was ignored(or failed):" + err.Error()) } } //Open metadata leveldb dbi, err := bolt.Open(ar.in_dir+"/md", 0600, nil) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } tx, err := dbi.Begin(false) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } defer tx.Rollback() db := tx.Bucket([]byte("Ketv1")) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } ndb := db.Get([]byte("packagesum")) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } var nd int64 missing_file := make([]string, 0, 25) all_file := make([]string, 0, 25) binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(ndb), binary.LittleEndian, nd) var cfn int64 for cfn <= nd { cnnn := fmt.Sprintf(ar.in_dir+"/df%X", cfn) all_file = append(all_file, fmt.Sprintf("df%X", cfn)) if _, err := os.Stat(cnnn); err != nil { if ar.parrate == 0 { missing_file = append(missing_file, fmt.Sprintf("df%X", cfn)) } else { //touch the missing file so that par2 will try to recover this cfnd, err := os.Create(cnnn) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } cfnd.Close() missing_file = append(missing_file, fmt.Sprintf("df%X", cfn)) } } cfn++ } if len(missing_file) != 0 { if ar.parrate == 0 { fmt.Println("%d file missing", len(missing_file)) for cf := range missing_file { fmt.Println(cf) } fmt.Println("Failed to reverse operate as there is file missing.") os.Exit(-1) } else { fmt.Println("%d file missing, but reconstruction by par2 underway.") for cf := range missing_file { fmt.Println(cf) } } } data_reconstruction_unsuccessful := true if ar.parrate != 0 { //we do not care the actual number _, err := exec.LookPath("par2") if err != nil { fmt.Println("Unable to whereis par2, data reconstruction was ignored:" + err.Error()) } cmdargs := []string{"r", "mdpp.par2", "-v", "--"} cmdargs = append(cmdargs, all_file...) cmd := exec.Command("par2", cmdargs...) cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout Absp, _ := filepath.Abs(ar.in_dir) cmd.Dir = Absp err = cmd.Start() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Unable to exec par2, metadata reconstruction was ignored:" + err.Error()) } err = cmd.Wait() if err != nil { fmt.Println("par2 was finished unsuccessfully, data reconstruction was ignored(or failed):" + err.Error()) } else { data_reconstruction_unsuccessful = false } } if ar.parrate != 0 && data_reconstruction_unsuccessful { fmt.Println("operation failed: unable to reconstruct.") fmt.Println("If data were correct, remove parrate might do.") for cf := range missing_file { os.Remove(fmt.Sprint("%s/%s", ar.in_dir, cf)) } os.Exit(-1) } //now we do the actual job nonce := db.Get([]byte("nonce")) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(-1) } //calc key keyhasher := sha3.NewShake256() keyhasher.Write(nonce) keyhasher.Write([]byte(ar.secret_key)) xchachakey := make([]byte, 32) keyhasher.Read(xchachakey) poly1305key := make([]byte, 32) keyhasher.Read(poly1305key) //set up stream var LimitedSizeReadFromi LimitedSizeReadFrom LimitedSizeReadFromi.InitNow() LimitedSizeReadFromi.TargetPatten = ar.in_dir + "/df%X" cryptos, err := chacha20.NewXChaCha(xchachakey, nonce) HashWriter := sha3.NewShake256() Tread := io.TeeReader(LimitedSizeReadFromi, HashWriter) DataReader := NewDecryptedReader(Tread, cryptos) DeCompressedStream := snappy.NewReader(DataReader) TarStream := tar.NewReader(DeCompressedStream) for { hdr, err := TarStream.Next() if err == io.EOF { // end of tar archive break } if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } filenamex := hdr.Name if !IsPathAllowed(hdr.Name) { filenamex = url.QueryEscape(hdr.Name) } dirc := filepath.Dir(ar.out_dir + "/" + filenamex) os.MkdirAll(dirc, 0700) cfhd, err := os.Create(ar.out_dir + "/" + filenamex) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } _, err = io.Copy(cfhd, TarStream) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } cfhd.Close() } LimitedSizeReadFromi.Finialize() FileHash := make([]byte, 64) HashWriter.Read(FileHash) fmt.Printf("Hash: %x\n", FileHash) var poly1305sum [16]byte var poly1305sum_key [32]byte poly1305sums := db.Get([]byte("poly1305sum")) copy(poly1305sum[:], poly1305sums) copy(poly1305sum_key[:], poly1305key) iscorrect := poly1305.Verify(&poly1305sum, FileHash, &poly1305sum_key) dbi.Close() if iscorrect == true { fmt.Println("Correct File data") os.Exit(0) } else { fmt.Println("File data is't match!") os.Exit(-2) } }