func main() { flag.Usage = usage flag.Parse() // Check usage if flag.NArg() == 0 { usage() } // use file system of underlying OS fs.Bind("/", vfs.OS(*goroot), "/", vfs.BindReplace) // Bind $GOPATH trees into Go root. for _, p := range filepath.SplitList(build.Default.GOPATH) { fs.Bind("/src/pkg", vfs.OS(p), "/src", vfs.BindAfter) } corpus := godoc.NewCorpus(fs) corpus.Verbose = *verbose pres = godoc.NewPresentation(corpus) pres.TabWidth = *tabWidth pres.ShowTimestamps = *showTimestamps pres.ShowPlayground = *showPlayground pres.ShowExamples = *showExamples pres.DeclLinks = *declLinks pres.SrcMode = false pres.HTMLMode = false readTemplates(pres, false) if err := godoc.CommandLine(os.Stdout, fs, pres, flag.Args()); err != nil { log.Print(err) } }
func init() { enforceHosts = !appengine.IsDevAppServer() playEnabled = true log.Println("initializing godoc ...") log.Printf(".zip file = %s", zipFilename) log.Printf(".zip GOROOT = %s", zipGoroot) log.Printf("index files = %s", indexFilenames) goroot := path.Join("/", zipGoroot) // fsHttp paths are relative to '/' // read .zip file and set up file systems const zipfile = zipFilename rc, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("%s: %s\n", zipfile, err) } // rc is never closed (app running forever) fs.Bind("/", zipfs.New(rc, zipFilename), goroot, vfs.BindReplace) fs.Bind("/lib/godoc", mapfs.New(static.Files), "/", vfs.BindReplace) corpus := godoc.NewCorpus(fs) corpus.Verbose = false corpus.MaxResults = 10000 // matches flag default in main.go corpus.IndexEnabled = true corpus.IndexFiles = indexFilenames if err := corpus.Init(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } corpus.IndexDirectory = indexDirectoryDefault go corpus.RunIndexer() pres = godoc.NewPresentation(corpus) pres.TabWidth = 8 pres.ShowPlayground = true pres.ShowExamples = true pres.DeclLinks = true pres.NotesRx = regexp.MustCompile("BUG") readTemplates(pres, true) mux := registerHandlers(pres) dl.RegisterHandlers(mux) short.RegisterHandlers(mux) // Register /compile and /share handlers against the default serve mux // so that other app modules can make plain HTTP requests to those // hosts. (For reasons, HTTPS communication between modules is broken.) proxy.RegisterHandlers(http.DefaultServeMux) log.Println("godoc initialization complete") }
func registerHandlers() { corpus = godoc.NewCorpus(fs) corpus.MaxResults = 100 if err := corpus.Init(); err != nil { panic(err) } /* // TODO: enable indexing and analysis. // Currently indexing consumes a lot of memory that mobile devices cannot tolerate. // Static analysis does not handle the current unusual GOROOT setup. corpus.IndexEnabled = true corpus.IndexDirectory = func(dir string) bool { return dir != "/pkg" && !strings.HasPrefix(dir, "/pkg/") } corpus.IndexInterval = -1 go corpus.RunIndexer() go analysis.Run(true, &corpus.Analysis) */ // presentation pres = godoc.NewPresentation(corpus) pres.TabWidth = tabWidth pres.ShowTimestamps = false pres.ShowExamples = true pres.DeclLinks = true pres.HTMLMode = true pres.PackageText = readTemplate("package.txt") pres.SearchText = readTemplate("search.txt") pres.CallGraphHTML = readTemplate("callgraph.html") pres.DirlistHTML = readTemplate("dirlist.html") pres.ErrorHTML = readTemplate("error.html") pres.ExampleHTML = readTemplate("example.html") pres.GodocHTML = readTemplate("godoc.html") pres.ImplementsHTML = readTemplate("implements.html") pres.MethodSetHTML = readTemplate("methodset.html") pres.PackageHTML = readTemplate("package.html") pres.SearchHTML = readTemplate("search.html") pres.SearchDocHTML = readTemplate("searchdoc.html") pres.SearchCodeHTML = readTemplate("searchcode.html") pres.SearchTxtHTML = readTemplate("searchtxt.html") pres.SearchDescXML = readTemplate("opensearch.xml") // handlers http.Handle("/doc/play/", pres.FileServer()) http.Handle("/robots.txt", pres.FileServer()) // do we care? http.Handle("/", pres) http.Handle("/pkg/C/", redirect.Handler("/cmd/cgo/")) redirect.Register(nil) }
func init() { playEnabled = true log.Println("initializing godoc ...") log.Printf(".zip file = %s", zipFilename) log.Printf(".zip GOROOT = %s", zipGoroot) log.Printf("index files = %s", indexFilenames) goroot := path.Join("/", zipGoroot) // fsHttp paths are relative to '/' // read .zip file and set up file systems const zipfile = zipFilename rc, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("%s: %s\n", zipfile, err) } // rc is never closed (app running forever) fs.Bind("/", zipfs.New(rc, zipFilename), goroot, vfs.BindReplace) fs.Bind("/lib/godoc", mapfs.New(static.Files), "/", vfs.BindReplace) corpus := godoc.NewCorpus(fs) corpus.Verbose = false corpus.MaxResults = 10000 // matches flag default in main.go corpus.IndexEnabled = true corpus.IndexFiles = indexFilenames if err := corpus.Init(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } corpus.IndexDirectory = indexDirectoryDefault go corpus.RunIndexer() pres = godoc.NewPresentation(corpus) pres.TabWidth = 8 pres.ShowPlayground = true pres.ShowExamples = true pres.DeclLinks = true pres.NotesRx = regexp.MustCompile("BUG") readTemplates(pres, true) registerHandlers(pres) log.Println("godoc initialization complete") }
func main() { flag.Usage = usage flag.Parse() playEnabled = *showPlayground // Check usage: either server and no args, command line and args, or index creation mode if (*httpAddr != "" || *urlFlag != "") != (flag.NArg() == 0) && !*writeIndex { usage() } var fsGate chan bool fsGate = make(chan bool, 20) // Determine file system to use. if *zipfile == "" { // use file system of underlying OS rootfs := gatefs.New(vfs.OS(*goroot), fsGate) fs.Bind("/", rootfs, "/", vfs.BindReplace) } else { // use file system specified via .zip file (path separator must be '/') rc, err := zip.OpenReader(*zipfile) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("%s: %s\n", *zipfile, err) } defer rc.Close() // be nice (e.g., -writeIndex mode) fs.Bind("/", zipfs.New(rc, *zipfile), *goroot, vfs.BindReplace) } if *templateDir != "" { fs.Bind("/lib/godoc", vfs.OS(*templateDir), "/", vfs.BindBefore) } else { fs.Bind("/lib/godoc", mapfs.New(static.Files), "/", vfs.BindReplace) } // Bind $GOPATH trees into Go root. for _, p := range filepath.SplitList(build.Default.GOPATH) { fs.Bind("/src", gatefs.New(vfs.OS(p), fsGate), "/src", vfs.BindAfter) } httpMode := *httpAddr != "" var typeAnalysis, pointerAnalysis bool if *analysisFlag != "" { for _, a := range strings.Split(*analysisFlag, ",") { switch a { case "type": typeAnalysis = true case "pointer": pointerAnalysis = true default: log.Fatalf("unknown analysis: %s", a) } } } corpus := godoc.NewCorpus(fs) corpus.Verbose = *verbose corpus.MaxResults = *maxResults corpus.IndexEnabled = *indexEnabled && httpMode if *maxResults == 0 { corpus.IndexFullText = false } corpus.IndexFiles = *indexFiles corpus.IndexDirectory = indexDirectoryDefault corpus.IndexThrottle = *indexThrottle corpus.IndexInterval = *indexInterval if *writeIndex { corpus.IndexThrottle = 1.0 corpus.IndexEnabled = true } if *writeIndex || httpMode || *urlFlag != "" { if err := corpus.Init(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } pres = godoc.NewPresentation(corpus) pres.TabWidth = *tabWidth pres.ShowTimestamps = *showTimestamps pres.ShowPlayground = *showPlayground pres.ShowExamples = *showExamples pres.DeclLinks = *declLinks pres.SrcMode = *srcMode pres.HTMLMode = *html if *notesRx != "" { pres.NotesRx = regexp.MustCompile(*notesRx) } readTemplates(pres, httpMode || *urlFlag != "") registerHandlers(pres) if *writeIndex { // Write search index and exit. if *indexFiles == "" { log.Fatal("no index file specified") } log.Println("initialize file systems") *verbose = true // want to see what happens corpus.UpdateIndex() log.Println("writing index file", *indexFiles) f, err := os.Create(*indexFiles) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } index, _ := corpus.CurrentIndex() _, err = index.WriteTo(f) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println("done") return } // Print content that would be served at the URL *urlFlag. if *urlFlag != "" { handleURLFlag() return } if httpMode { // HTTP server mode. var handler http.Handler = http.DefaultServeMux if *verbose { log.Printf("Go Documentation Server") log.Printf("version = %s", runtime.Version()) log.Printf("address = %s", *httpAddr) log.Printf("goroot = %s", *goroot) log.Printf("tabwidth = %d", *tabWidth) switch { case !*indexEnabled: log.Print("search index disabled") case *maxResults > 0: log.Printf("full text index enabled (maxresults = %d)", *maxResults) default: log.Print("identifier search index enabled") } fs.Fprint(os.Stderr) handler = loggingHandler(handler) } // Initialize search index. if *indexEnabled { go corpus.RunIndexer() } // Start type/pointer analysis. if typeAnalysis || pointerAnalysis { go analysis.Run(pointerAnalysis, &corpus.Analysis) } // Start http server. if err := http.ListenAndServe(*httpAddr, handler); err != nil { log.Fatalf("ListenAndServe %s: %v", *httpAddr, err) } return } if *query { handleRemoteSearch() return } if err := godoc.CommandLine(os.Stdout, fs, pres, flag.Args()); err != nil { log.Print(err) } }