Пример #1
func Example() {
	var (
		g           = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "Program Options")
		bindFlag    = cflag.String(g, "bind", ":80", "Address to bind server to (e.g. :80)")
		fooFlag     = cflag.String(g, "foo", "", "Some flag")
		barFlag     = cflag.Int(g, "bar", 42, "Some other flag")
		doStuffFlag = cflag.Bool(g, "doStuff", false, "Do stuff?")


	fmt.Printf("Bind: %s\n", bindFlag.Value())
	fmt.Printf("Foo:  %s\n", fooFlag.Value())
	fmt.Printf("Bar:  %d\n", barFlag.Value())
	fmt.Printf("Do Stuff: %v\n", doStuffFlag.Value())
Пример #2

var authGroup = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "auth")
var registerCAPTCHAFlag = cflag.Bool(authGroup, "registercaptcha", false, "Require CAPTCHA on register?")

var log, Log = xlog.New("web.auth")

type Backend interface {
	GetDatabase() *pgx.ConnPool
	GetCAPTCHA() *captcha.Config

type GetBackendFunc func(req *http.Request) Backend

var GetBackend GetBackendFunc

func Auth_Login_GET(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	tpl.MustShow(req, "auth/login", nil)
Пример #3

// This will always point to a path which the platform guarantees is an empty
// directory. You can use it as your default chroot path if your service doesn't
// access the filesystem after it's started.
// On Linux, the FHS provides that "/var/empty" is an empty directory, so it
// points to that.
var EmptyChrootPath = daemon.EmptyChrootPath

var (
	uidFlag       = cflag.String(fg, "uid", "", "UID to run as (default: don't drop privileges)")
	gidFlag       = cflag.String(fg, "gid", "", "GID to run as (default: don't drop privileges)")
	daemonizeFlag = cflag.Bool(fg, "daemon", false, "Run as daemon? (doesn't fork)")
	chrootFlag    = cflag.String(fg, "chroot", "", "Chroot to a directory (must set UID, GID) (\"/\" disables)")
	pidfileFlag   = cflag.String(fg, "pidfile", "", "Write PID to file with given filename and hold a write lock")
	forkFlag      = cflag.Bool(fg, "fork", false, "Fork? (implies -daemon)")

func systemdUpdateStatus(status string) error {
	return sdnotify.Send(status)

func setproctitle(status string) error {
	return nil

func (info *Info) serviceMain() error {
Пример #4
package examplelib

import "gopkg.in/hlandau/easyconfig.v1/cflag"

var g = cflag.NewGroup(nil, "Server Options")
var bindFlag = cflag.String(g, "bind", ":53", "Address to bind to (e.g.")
var publicKeyFlag = cflag.String(g, "publicKey", "", "Path to the DNSKEY KSK public key file")
var privateKeyFlag = cflag.String(g, "privateKey", "", "Path to the KSK's corresponding private key file")
var zonePublicKeyFlag = cflag.String(g, "zonePublicKey", "", "Path to the DNSKEY ZSK public key file; if one is not specified, a temporary one is generated on startup and used only for the duration of that process")
var zonePrivateKeyFlag = cflag.String(g, "zonePrivateKey", "", "Path to the ZSK's corresponding private key file")
var namecoinRPCUsernameFlag = cflag.String(g, "namecoinRPCUsername", "", "Namecoin RPC username")
var namecoinRPCPasswordFlag = cflag.String(g, "namecoinRPCPassword", "", "Namecoin RPC password")
var namecoinRPCAddressFlag = cflag.String(g, "namecoinRPCAddress", "localhost:8336", "Namecoin RPC server address")
var cacheMaxEntriesFlag = cflag.Int(g, "cacheMaxEntries", 100, "Maximum name cache entries")
var selfNameFlag = cflag.String(g, "selfName", "", "The FQDN of this nameserver; if empty, a psuedo-hostname is generated")
var selfIPFlag = cflag.String(g, "selfIP", "", "The canonical IP address for this service")
var httpListenAddrFlag = cflag.String(g, "httpListenAddr", "", "Address for the webserver to listen at (default: disabled)")
var canonicalSuffixFlag = cflag.String(g, "canonicalSuffix", "bit", "Suffix to advertise via HTTP")
var canonicalNameserversFlag = cflag.String(g, "canonicalNameservers", "", "Comma-separated list of nameservers to use for NS records; if blank, selfName (or autogenerated psuedo-hostname) is used")
var hostmasterFlag = cflag.String(g, "hostmaster", "", "Hostmaster e. mail address")
var vanityIPs = cflag.String(g, "vanityIPs", "", "Comma separated list of IP addresses to place in A/AAAA records at the zone apex (default: don't add any records)")
var doStuff = cflag.Bool(g, "doStuff", false, "Do stuff")
Пример #5

// This will always point to a path which the platform guarantees is an empty
// directory. You can use it as your default chroot path if your service doesn't
// access the filesystem after it's started.
// On Linux, the FHS provides that "/var/empty" is an empty directory, so it
// points to that.
var EmptyChrootPath = daemon.EmptyChrootPath

var (
	uidFlag       = cflag.String(fg, "uid", "", "UID to run as (default: don't drop privileges)")
	gidFlag       = cflag.String(fg, "gid", "", "GID to run as (default: don't drop privileges)")
	daemonizeFlag = cflag.Bool(fg, "daemon", false, "Run as daemon? (doesn't fork)")
	stderrFlag    = cflag.Bool(fg, "stderr", false, "Keep stderr open when daemonizing")
	chrootFlag    = cflag.String(fg, "chroot", "", "Chroot to a directory (must set UID, GID) (\"/\" disables)")
	pidfileFlag   = cflag.String(fg, "pidfile", "", "Write PID to file with given filename and hold a write lock")
	forkFlag      = cflag.Bool(fg, "fork", false, "Fork? (implies -daemon)")

func systemdUpdateStatus(status string) error {
	return systemd.NotifySend(status)

func (info *Info) serviceMain() error {
	if forkFlag.Value() {
		isParent, err := daemon.Fork()
		if err != nil {
			return err