Пример #1
// checkResource determines whether a specific resource needs to be over-written.
func checkResource(threshold int64, actual, expected api.ResourceList, res api.ResourceName) bool {
	val, ok := actual[res]
	expVal, expOk := expected[res]
	if ok != expOk {
		return true
	if !ok && !expOk {
		return false
	q := new(inf.Dec).QuoRound(val.AsDec(), expVal.AsDec(), 2, inf.RoundDown)
	lower := inf.NewDec(100-threshold, 2)
	upper := inf.NewDec(100+threshold, 2)
	if q.Cmp(lower) == -1 || q.Cmp(upper) == 1 {
		return true
	return false
Пример #2
func TestSemantic(t *testing.T) {
	table := []struct {
		a, b        interface{}
		shouldEqual bool
		{resource.MustParse("0"), resource.Quantity{}, true},
		{resource.Quantity{}, resource.MustParse("0"), true},
		{resource.Quantity{}, resource.MustParse("1m"), false},
			resource.Quantity{Amount: inf.NewDec(5, 0), Format: resource.BinarySI},
			resource.Quantity{Amount: inf.NewDec(5, 0), Format: resource.DecimalSI},
		{resource.MustParse("2m"), resource.MustParse("1m"), false},

	for index, item := range table {
		if e, a := item.shouldEqual, Semantic.DeepEqual(item.a, item.b); e != a {
			t.Errorf("case[%d], expected %v, got %v.", index, e, a)
Пример #3
func dec(i int64, exponent int) *inf.Dec {
	// See the below test-- scale is the negative of an exponent.
	return inf.NewDec(i, inf.Scale(-exponent))
Пример #4
func dec(i int64, exponent int) *inf.Dec {
	return inf.NewDec(i, inf.Scale(-exponent))
Пример #5
const (
	// maxInt64Factors is the highest value that will be checked when removing factors of 10 from an int64.
	// It is also the maximum decimal digits that can be represented with an int64.
	maxInt64Factors = 18

var (
	// Commonly needed big.Int values-- treat as read only!
	bigTen      = big.NewInt(10)
	bigZero     = big.NewInt(0)
	bigOne      = big.NewInt(1)
	bigThousand = big.NewInt(1000)
	big1024     = big.NewInt(1024)

	// Commonly needed inf.Dec values-- treat as read only!
	decZero      = inf.NewDec(0, 0)
	decOne       = inf.NewDec(1, 0)
	decMinusOne  = inf.NewDec(-1, 0)
	decThousand  = inf.NewDec(1000, 0)
	dec1024      = inf.NewDec(1024, 0)
	decMinus1024 = inf.NewDec(-1024, 0)

	// Largest (in magnitude) number allowed.
	maxAllowed = infDecAmount{inf.NewDec((1<<63)-1, 0)} // == max int64

	// The maximum value we can represent milli-units for.
	// Compare with the return value of Quantity.Value() to
	// see if it's safe to use Quantity.MilliValue().
	MaxMilliValue = int64(((1 << 63) - 1) / 1000)
Пример #6
func amount(i int64, exponent int) infDecAmount {
	// See the below test-- scale is the negative of an exponent.
	return infDecAmount{inf.NewDec(i, inf.Scale(-exponent))}
Пример #7
// Test that a TransactionRetryError will retry the read until it succeeds. The
// test is designed so that if the proto timestamps are bumped during retry
// a failure will occur.
func TestAsOfRetry(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()

	params, cmdFilters := createTestServerParams()
	// Disable one phase commits because they cannot be restarted.
	params.Knobs.Store.(*storage.StoreTestingKnobs).DisableOnePhaseCommits = true
	s, sqlDB, _ := serverutils.StartServer(t, params)
	defer s.Stopper().Stop()

	const val1 = 1
	const val2 = 2
	const name = "boulanger"

	if _, err := sqlDB.Exec(`
		`); err != nil {
	var tsStart string
	if err := sqlDB.QueryRow(`
			INSERT INTO d.t (s, a) VALUES ($1, $2)
			RETURNING cluster_logical_timestamp();
		`, name, val1).Scan(&tsStart); err != nil {

	var tsVal2 string
	if err := sqlDB.QueryRow("UPDATE d.t SET a = $1 RETURNING cluster_logical_timestamp()", val2).Scan(&tsVal2); err != nil {
	walltime := new(inf.Dec)
	if _, ok := walltime.SetString(tsVal2); !ok {
		t.Fatalf("couldn't set decimal: %s", tsVal2)
	oneTick := inf.NewDec(1, 0)
	// Set tsVal1 to 1ns before tsVal2.
	tsVal1 := walltime.Sub(walltime, oneTick).String()

	// Set up error injection that causes retries.
	magicVals := createFilterVals(nil, nil)
	magicVals.restartCounts = map[string]int{
		name: 5,
	cleanupFilter := cmdFilters.AppendFilter(
		func(args storagebase.FilterArgs) *roachpb.Error {
			defer magicVals.Unlock()

			switch req := args.Req.(type) {
			case *roachpb.ScanRequest:
				for key, count := range magicVals.restartCounts {
					if err := checkCorrectTxn(string(req.Key), magicVals, args.Hdr.Txn); err != nil {
						return roachpb.NewError(err)
					if count > 0 && bytes.Contains(req.Key, []byte(key)) {
						err := roachpb.NewTransactionRetryError()
						magicVals.failedValues[string(req.Key)] =
							failureRecord{err, args.Hdr.Txn}
						txn := args.Hdr.Txn.Clone()
						txn.Timestamp = txn.Timestamp.Add(0, 1)
						return roachpb.NewErrorWithTxn(err, &txn)
			return nil
		}, false)

	var i int
	// Query with tsVal1 which should return the first value. Since tsVal1 is just
	// one nanosecond before tsVal2, any proto timestamp bumping will return val2
	// and error.
	// Must specify the WHERE here to trigger the injection errors.
	if err := sqlDB.QueryRow(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT a FROM d.t AS OF SYSTEM TIME %s WHERE s = '%s'", tsVal1, name)).Scan(&i); err != nil {
	} else if i != val1 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected val: %v", i)

	// Verify that the retry errors were injected.
	checkRestarts(t, magicVals)

	// Query with tsVal2 to ensure val2 is indeed present.
	if err := sqlDB.QueryRow(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT a FROM d.t AS OF SYSTEM TIME %s", tsVal2)).Scan(&i); err != nil {
	} else if i != val2 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected val: %v", i)
Пример #8
// CmpInt64 returns 0 if the quantity is equal to y, -1 if the quantity is less than y, or 1 if the
// quantity is greater than y.
func (q *Quantity) CmpInt64(y int64) int {
	if q.d.Dec != nil {
		return q.d.Dec.Cmp(inf.NewDec(y, inf.Scale(0)))
	return q.i.Cmp(int64Amount{value: y})
Пример #9
// NewScaledQuantity returns a new Quantity representing the given
// value * 10^scale in DecimalSI format.
func NewScaledQuantity(value int64, scale Scale) *Quantity {
	return &Quantity{
		Amount: inf.NewDec(value, scale.infScale()),
		Format: DecimalSI,
Пример #10
// NewMilliQuantity returns a new Quantity representing the given
// value * 1/1000 in the given format. Note that BinarySI formatting
// will round fractional values, and will be changed to DecimalSI for
// values x where (-1 < x < 1) && (x != 0).
func NewMilliQuantity(value int64, format Format) *Quantity {
	return &Quantity{
		Amount: inf.NewDec(value, 3),
		Format: format,