Пример #1
// devMoved tells if a device moved based on the passed latest GPS records.
// At least 2 track GPS records must be present to report moving (to return true).
func devMoved(rs []*ds.GPS) bool {
	// Min delta distance that is considered moving
	const minDeltaDist = 230 // [m]

	var first, last *ds.GPS // First and Last track records

	for _, r := range rs {
		if !r.Track() {
		if first == nil {
			first = r

		if last != nil {
			if logic.Distance(last.GeoPoint.Lat, last.GeoPoint.Lng, r.GeoPoint.Lat, r.GeoPoint.Lng) > minDeltaDist {
				return true

		last = r

	// Device might be moving very slow, e.g. only 100 m per minute in which case subsequent
	// records will not report moving. Also compare the first to the last:
	if first != nil && last != nil {
		if logic.Distance(last.GeoPoint.Lat, last.GeoPoint.Lng, first.GeoPoint.Lat, first.GeoPoint.Lng) > minDeltaDist {
			return true

	return false
Пример #2
// checkAlert checks the specified alert.
func checkAlert(c appengine.Context, a *ds.Alert, accKeyID int64) {
	const alertDurationMin = 5
	const alertDuration = alertDurationMin * time.Minute

	// Get latest car GPS records
	carRecords, err := getDevRecords(c, a.CarDevID)
	if err != nil {

	// Check if car GPS records are received properly:
	if time.Since(carRecords[0].Created) > alertDuration {
		c.Warningf("No car GPS records found in the last %d minutes!", alertDurationMin)
		sendAlert(c, accKeyID, "Car GPS device gone dark!", carGoneDarkAlertMail)

	if a.PersMobDevID == 0 {
		c.Debugf("Car GPS records found in the last 5 minutes. No Personal Mobile device specified.")

	carMoved := devMoved(carRecords)
	if !carMoved {
		// Nothing more to do if car is not moving
		c.Infof("Car is not moving. Ok.")

	c.Infof("Car is moving!")

	// Get latest personal mobile GPS records
	persMobRecords, err := getDevRecords(c, a.PersMobDevID)
	if err != nil {

	// Check if personal mobile GPS records are received properly:
	if time.Since(persMobRecords[0].Created) > alertDuration {
		c.Warningf("No personal mobile GPS records found in the last %d minutes!", alertDurationMin)
		sendAlert(c, accKeyID, "Car is moving without you!", carMovingWithoutYouMail)

	persMobMoved := devMoved(persMobRecords)

	// Do not draw fast conclusion here if personal mobile is not moving,
	// it might be GPS tracking was just turned on and we don't have 2 track records yet
	// or they are not at great distance. But if we don't even have 1 track record,
	// that's hijacking-suspicious:

	if persMobMoved {
		c.Infof("Personal mobile is also moving!")
	} else {
		c.Infof("Personal mobile is NOT moving!")

	var pg1 *ds.GPS
	for _, r := range persMobRecords {
		if r.Track() {
			pg1 = r

	if pg1 == nil || time.Since(pg1.Created) > alertDuration {
		// Car is moving and we don't have recent track record from personal mobile!
		c.Warningf("No personal mobile GPS track record found in the last %d minutes!", alertDurationMin)
		sendAlert(c, accKeyID, "Car is moving without you!", carMovingWithoutYouMail)

	// Check distance:
	// We have a track record for both devices for sure (because both moved which also ensures having at least 2!).
	var cg1, cg2 *ds.GPS
	for _, r := range carRecords {
		if r.Track() {
			if cg1 == nil {
				cg1 = r
			} else if cg2 == nil {
				cg2 = r

	cg1.Dd = logic.Distance(cg2.GeoPoint.Lat, cg2.GeoPoint.Lng, cg1.GeoPoint.Lat, cg1.GeoPoint.Lng) // [m]
	cg1.Dt = cg1.Created.Sub(cg2.Created)                                                           // duration
	cv := float64(cg1.Dd) / cg1.Dt.Seconds()                                                        // Car speed [m/s]
	cpdt := math.Abs(cg1.Created.Sub(pg1.Created).Seconds())                                        // [s]
	dist := logic.Distance(cg1.GeoPoint.Lat, cg1.GeoPoint.Lng, pg1.GeoPoint.Lat, pg1.GeoPoint.Lng)

	c.Debugf("Car movement speed: %.1f km/h", cv*3.6)
	c.Debugf("Delta T between latest Car and PersMob GPS records: %d s", int64(cpdt))
	c.Debugf("Car - PersMob distance: %d m", dist)

	var alertMargin int64 = 500 // [m]
	// Increase alert margin based on the movement speed of the car and the delta time between
	// the last car and personal mobile GPS records.
	// Also if this delta time is greater, accuracy decreases/drops.
	// So also increase alert margin based on delta time: 6 meters for every second.
	// (It is an effect like increasing car speed by 6 m/s = 21.6 km/h.)
	// BE RESTRICTIVE: Only do this correction if personal mobile is also moving!
	// If not, do not let the car get far away (if for example pers mob is not moving,
	// the car could get kilometers away before alert would be sent).
	if persMobMoved {
		alertMargin += int64(cv*cpdt + cpdt*6)
	c.Debugf("Using alert margin distance: %d m", alertMargin)

	if dist > alertMargin {
		c.Warningf("Personal mobile is not moving together with car!")
		sendAlert(c, accKeyID, "Car is moving without you!", carMovingWithoutYouMail)
	c.Infof("They are moving together. Ok.")