Пример #1
func BuildClusterConfig(c *federation_v1beta1.Cluster) (*restclient.Config, error) {
	var serverAddress string
	var clusterConfig *restclient.Config
	hostIP, err := utilnet.ChooseHostInterface()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for _, item := range c.Spec.ServerAddressByClientCIDRs {
		_, cidrnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(item.ClientCIDR)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		myaddr := net.ParseIP(hostIP.String())
		if cidrnet.Contains(myaddr) == true {
			serverAddress = item.ServerAddress
	if serverAddress != "" {
		if c.Spec.SecretRef == nil {
			glog.Infof("didn't find secretRef for cluster %s. Trying insecure access", c.Name)
			clusterConfig, err = clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags(serverAddress, "")
		} else {
			kubeconfigGetter := KubeconfigGetterForCluster(c)
			clusterConfig, err = clientcmd.BuildConfigFromKubeconfigGetter(serverAddress, kubeconfigGetter)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		clusterConfig.QPS = KubeAPIQPS
		clusterConfig.Burst = KubeAPIBurst
	return clusterConfig, nil
Пример #2
func setInitDynamicDefaults(cfg *kubeadmapi.MasterConfiguration) error {
	// Auto-detect the IP
	if len(cfg.API.AdvertiseAddresses) == 0 {
		ip, err := netutil.ChooseHostInterface()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		cfg.API.AdvertiseAddresses = []string{ip.String()}

	// Validate version argument
	ver, err := kubeadmutil.KubernetesReleaseVersion(cfg.KubernetesVersion)
	if err != nil {
		if cfg.KubernetesVersion != kubeadmapiext.DefaultKubernetesVersion {
			return err
		} else {
			ver = kubeadmapiext.DefaultKubernetesFallbackVersion
	cfg.KubernetesVersion = ver
	fmt.Println("[init] Using Kubernetes version:", ver)

	// Omit the "v" in the beginning, otherwise semver will fail
	// If the version is newer than the specified version, RBAC v1beta1 support is enabled in the apiserver so we can default to RBAC
	k8sVersion, err := semver.Parse(cfg.KubernetesVersion[1:])
	if k8sVersion.GT(allowAllMaxVersion) {
		cfg.AuthorizationMode = "RBAC"

	fmt.Println("[init] Using Authorization mode:", cfg.AuthorizationMode)

	// Warn about the limitations with the current cloudprovider solution.
	if cfg.CloudProvider != "" {
		fmt.Println("[init] WARNING: For cloudprovider integrations to work --cloud-provider must be set for all kubelets in the cluster.")
		fmt.Println("\t(/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf should be edited for this purpose)")

	// Validate token if any, otherwise generate
	if cfg.Discovery.Token != nil {
		if cfg.Discovery.Token.ID != "" && cfg.Discovery.Token.Secret != "" {
			fmt.Printf("[init] A token has been provided, validating [%s]\n", kubeadmutil.BearerToken(cfg.Discovery.Token))
			if valid, err := kubeadmutil.ValidateToken(cfg.Discovery.Token); valid == false {
				return err
		} else {
			fmt.Println("[init] A token has not been provided, generating one")
			if err := kubeadmutil.GenerateToken(cfg.Discovery.Token); err != nil {
				return err

		// If there aren't any addresses specified, default to the first advertised address which can be user-provided or the default network interface's IP address
		if len(cfg.Discovery.Token.Addresses) == 0 {
			cfg.Discovery.Token.Addresses = []string{cfg.API.AdvertiseAddresses[0] + ":" + strconv.Itoa(kubeadmapiext.DefaultDiscoveryBindPort)}

	return nil
Пример #3
// NewProxier returns a new Proxier given a LoadBalancer and an address on
// which to listen.  Because of the iptables logic, It is assumed that there
// is only a single Proxier active on a machine. An error will be returned if
// the proxier cannot be started due to an invalid ListenIP (loopback) or
// if iptables fails to update or acquire the initial lock. Once a proxier is
// created, it will keep iptables up to date in the background and will not
// terminate if a particular iptables call fails.
func NewProxier(loadBalancer LoadBalancer, listenIP net.IP, netsh netsh.Interface, pr utilnet.PortRange, syncPeriod, udpIdleTimeout time.Duration) (*Proxier, error) {
	if listenIP.Equal(localhostIPv4) || listenIP.Equal(localhostIPv6) {
		return nil, ErrProxyOnLocalhost

	hostIP, err := utilnet.ChooseHostInterface()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to select a host interface: %v", err)

	proxyPorts := newPortAllocator(pr)

	glog.V(2).Infof("Setting proxy IP to %v and initializing iptables", hostIP)
	return createProxier(loadBalancer, listenIP, netsh, hostIP, proxyPorts, syncPeriod, udpIdleTimeout)
Пример #4
// Set IP and hostname addresses for the node.
func (kl *Kubelet) setNodeAddress(node *v1.Node) error {
	if kl.nodeIP != nil {
		if err := kl.validateNodeIP(); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to validate nodeIP: %v", err)
		glog.V(2).Infof("Using node IP: %q", kl.nodeIP.String())

	if kl.cloud != nil {
		instances, ok := kl.cloud.Instances()
		if !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to get instances from cloud provider")
		// TODO(roberthbailey): Can we do this without having credentials to talk
		// to the cloud provider?
		// TODO(justinsb): We can if CurrentNodeName() was actually CurrentNode() and returned an interface
		// TODO: If IP addresses couldn't be fetched from the cloud provider, should kubelet fallback on the other methods for getting the IP below?
		nodeAddresses, err := instances.NodeAddresses(kl.nodeName)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to get node address from cloud provider: %v", err)
		if kl.nodeIP != nil {
			for _, nodeAddress := range nodeAddresses {
				if nodeAddress.Address == kl.nodeIP.String() {
					node.Status.Addresses = []v1.NodeAddress{
						{Type: nodeAddress.Type, Address: nodeAddress.Address},
						{Type: v1.NodeHostName, Address: kl.GetHostname()},
					return nil
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to get node address from cloud provider that matches ip: %v", kl.nodeIP)

		// Only add a NodeHostName address if the cloudprovider did not specify one
		// (we assume the cloudprovider knows best)
		var addressNodeHostName *v1.NodeAddress
		for i := range nodeAddresses {
			if nodeAddresses[i].Type == v1.NodeHostName {
				addressNodeHostName = &nodeAddresses[i]
		if addressNodeHostName == nil {
			hostnameAddress := v1.NodeAddress{Type: v1.NodeHostName, Address: kl.GetHostname()}
			nodeAddresses = append(nodeAddresses, hostnameAddress)
		} else {
			glog.V(2).Infof("Using Node Hostname from cloudprovider: %q", addressNodeHostName.Address)
		node.Status.Addresses = nodeAddresses
	} else {
		var ipAddr net.IP
		var err error

		// 1) Use nodeIP if set
		// 2) If the user has specified an IP to HostnameOverride, use it
		// 3) Lookup the IP from node name by DNS and use the first non-loopback ipv4 address
		// 4) Try to get the IP from the network interface used as default gateway
		if kl.nodeIP != nil {
			ipAddr = kl.nodeIP
		} else if addr := net.ParseIP(kl.hostname); addr != nil {
			ipAddr = addr
		} else {
			var addrs []net.IP
			addrs, err = net.LookupIP(node.Name)
			for _, addr := range addrs {
				if !addr.IsLoopback() && addr.To4() != nil {
					ipAddr = addr

			if ipAddr == nil {
				ipAddr, err = utilnet.ChooseHostInterface()

		if ipAddr == nil {
			// We tried everything we could, but the IP address wasn't fetchable; error out
			return fmt.Errorf("can't get ip address of node %s. error: %v", node.Name, err)
		} else {
			node.Status.Addresses = []v1.NodeAddress{
				{Type: v1.NodeLegacyHostIP, Address: ipAddr.String()},
				{Type: v1.NodeInternalIP, Address: ipAddr.String()},
				{Type: v1.NodeHostName, Address: kl.GetHostname()},
	return nil