Пример #1
func MetaAndSpecCheckingFunction(expected runtime.Object) CheckingFunction {
	return func(obj runtime.Object) error {
		if util.ObjectMetaAndSpecEquivalent(obj, expected) {
			return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("Object different expected=%#v received=%#v", expected, obj)
Пример #2
func waitForDaemonSetUpdateOrFail(clientset *kubeclientset.Clientset, namespace string, daemonset *v1beta1.DaemonSet, timeout time.Duration) {
	By(fmt.Sprintf("Fetching a federated daemonset shard of daemonset %q in namespace %q from cluster", daemonset.Name, namespace))
	err := wait.PollImmediate(framework.Poll, timeout, func() (bool, error) {
		clusterDaemonSet, err := clientset.Extensions().DaemonSets(namespace).Get(daemonset.Name)
		if err == nil { // We want it present, and the Get succeeded, so we're all good.
			if util.ObjectMetaAndSpecEquivalent(clusterDaemonSet, daemonset) {
				By(fmt.Sprintf("Success: shard of federated daemonset %q in namespace %q in cluster is updated", daemonset.Name, namespace))
				return true, nil
			} else {
				By(fmt.Sprintf("Expected equal daemonsets. expected: %+v\nactual: %+v", *daemonset, *clusterDaemonSet))
			By(fmt.Sprintf("DaemonSet %q in namespace %q in cluster, waiting for daemonset being updated, trying again in %s (err=%v)", daemonset.Name, namespace, framework.Poll, err))
			return false, nil
		By(fmt.Sprintf("DaemonSet %q in namespace %q in cluster, waiting for being updated, trying again in %s (err=%v)", daemonset.Name, namespace, framework.Poll, err))
		return false, nil
	framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Failed to verify daemonset %q in namespace %q in cluster", daemonset.Name, namespace)
Пример #3
func waitForDaemonSetOrFail(clientset *kubeclientset.Clientset, namespace string, daemonset *v1beta1.DaemonSet, present bool, timeout time.Duration) {
	By(fmt.Sprintf("Fetching a federated daemonset shard of daemonset %q in namespace %q from cluster", daemonset.Name, namespace))
	var clusterDaemonSet *v1beta1.DaemonSet
	err := wait.PollImmediate(framework.Poll, timeout, func() (bool, error) {
		clusterDaemonSet, err := clientset.Extensions().DaemonSets(namespace).Get(daemonset.Name)
		if (!present) && errors.IsNotFound(err) { // We want it gone, and it's gone.
			By(fmt.Sprintf("Success: shard of federated daemonset %q in namespace %q in cluster is absent", daemonset.Name, namespace))
			return true, nil // Success
		if present && err == nil { // We want it present, and the Get succeeded, so we're all good.
			By(fmt.Sprintf("Success: shard of federated daemonset %q in namespace %q in cluster is present", daemonset.Name, namespace))
			return true, nil // Success
		By(fmt.Sprintf("DaemonSet %q in namespace %q in cluster.  Found: %v, waiting for Found: %v, trying again in %s (err=%v)", daemonset.Name, namespace, clusterDaemonSet != nil && err == nil, present, framework.Poll, err))
		return false, nil
	framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Failed to verify daemonset %q in namespace %q in cluster: Present=%v", daemonset.Name, namespace, present)

	if present && clusterDaemonSet != nil {
		Expect(util.ObjectMetaAndSpecEquivalent(clusterDaemonSet, daemonset))
func (nc *NamespaceController) reconcileNamespace(namespace string) {
	if !nc.isSynced() {
		nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, nc.clusterAvailableDelay, false)

	baseNamespaceObj, exist, err := nc.namespaceInformerStore.GetByKey(namespace)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to query main namespace store for %v: %v", namespace, err)
		nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true)

	if !exist {
		// Not federated namespace, ignoring.
	baseNamespace := baseNamespaceObj.(*api_v1.Namespace)
	if baseNamespace.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		if err := nc.delete(baseNamespace); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to delete %s: %v", namespace, err)
			nc.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseNamespace, api.EventTypeNormal, "DeleteFailed",
				"Namespace delete failed: %v", err)
			nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true)

	glog.V(3).Infof("Ensuring delete object from underlying clusters finalizer for namespace: %s",
	// Add the DeleteFromUnderlyingClusters finalizer before creating a namespace in
	// underlying clusters.
	// This ensures that the dependent namespaces are deleted in underlying
	// clusters when the federated namespace is deleted.
	updatedNamespaceObj, err := nc.deletionHelper.EnsureDeleteFromUnderlyingClustersFinalizer(baseNamespace)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to ensure delete object from underlying clusters finalizer in namespace %s: %v",
			baseNamespace.Name, err)
		nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, false)
	baseNamespace = updatedNamespaceObj.(*api_v1.Namespace)

	glog.V(3).Infof("Syncing namespace %s in underlying clusters", baseNamespace.Name)
	// Sync the namespace in all underlying clusters.
	clusters, err := nc.namespaceFederatedInformer.GetReadyClusters()
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to get cluster list: %v", err)
		nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, nc.clusterAvailableDelay, false)

	operations := make([]util.FederatedOperation, 0)
	for _, cluster := range clusters {
		clusterNamespaceObj, found, err := nc.namespaceFederatedInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(cluster.Name, namespace)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to get %s from %s: %v", namespace, cluster.Name, err)
			nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true)
		desiredNamespace := &api_v1.Namespace{
			ObjectMeta: util.CopyObjectMeta(baseNamespace.ObjectMeta),
			Spec:       baseNamespace.Spec,
		glog.V(5).Infof("Desired namespace in underlying clusters: %+v", desiredNamespace)

		if !found {
			nc.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseNamespace, api.EventTypeNormal, "CreateInCluster",
				"Creating namespace in cluster %s", cluster.Name)

			operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{
				Type:        util.OperationTypeAdd,
				Obj:         desiredNamespace,
				ClusterName: cluster.Name,
		} else {
			clusterNamespace := clusterNamespaceObj.(*api_v1.Namespace)

			// Update existing namespace, if needed.
			if !util.ObjectMetaAndSpecEquivalent(desiredNamespace, clusterNamespace) {
				nc.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseNamespace, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInCluster",
					"Updating namespace in cluster %s. Desired: %+v\n Actual: %+v\n", cluster.Name, desiredNamespace, clusterNamespace)

				operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{
					Type:        util.OperationTypeUpdate,
					Obj:         desiredNamespace,
					ClusterName: cluster.Name,

	if len(operations) == 0 {
		// Everything is in order
	glog.V(2).Infof("Updating namespace %s in underlying clusters. Operations: %d", baseNamespace.Name, len(operations))

	err = nc.federatedUpdater.UpdateWithOnError(operations, nc.updateTimeout, func(op util.FederatedOperation, operror error) {
		nc.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseNamespace, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInClusterFailed",
			"Namespace update in cluster %s failed: %v", op.ClusterName, operror)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to execute updates for %s: %v", namespace, err)
		nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true)

	// Evertyhing is in order but lets be double sure
	nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, nc.namespaceReviewDelay, false)
Пример #5
func (ic *IngressController) reconcileIngress(ingress types.NamespacedName) {
	glog.V(4).Infof("Reconciling ingress %q for all clusters", ingress)
	if !ic.isSynced() {
		ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.clusterAvailableDelay, false)

	key := ingress.String()
	baseIngressObjFromStore, exist, err := ic.ingressInformerStore.GetByKey(key)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to query main ingress store for %v: %v", ingress, err)
		ic.deliverIngress(ingress, 0, true)
	if !exist {
		// Not federated ingress, ignoring.
		glog.V(4).Infof("Ingress %q is not federated.  Ignoring.", ingress)
	baseIngressObj, err := conversion.NewCloner().DeepCopy(baseIngressObjFromStore)
	baseIngress, ok := baseIngressObj.(*extensionsv1beta1.Ingress)
	if err != nil || !ok {
		glog.Errorf("Internal Error %v : Object retrieved from ingressInformerStore with key %q is not of correct type *extensionsv1beta1.Ingress: %v", err, key, baseIngressObj)
	} else {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Base (federated) ingress: %v", baseIngress)

	if baseIngress.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		if err := ic.delete(baseIngress); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to delete %s: %v", ingress, err)
			ic.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseIngress, api.EventTypeNormal, "DeleteFailed",
				"Ingress delete failed: %v", err)
			ic.deliverIngress(ingress, 0, true)

	glog.V(3).Infof("Ensuring delete object from underlying clusters finalizer for ingress: %s",
	// Add the required finalizers before creating a ingress in underlying clusters.
	updatedIngressObj, err := ic.deletionHelper.EnsureFinalizers(baseIngress)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to ensure delete object from underlying clusters finalizer in ingress %s: %v",
			baseIngress.Name, err)
		ic.deliverIngress(ingress, 0, true)
	baseIngress = updatedIngressObj.(*extensionsv1beta1.Ingress)

	glog.V(3).Infof("Syncing ingress %s in underlying clusters", baseIngress.Name)

	clusters, err := ic.ingressFederatedInformer.GetReadyClusters()
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to get cluster list: %v", err)
		ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.clusterAvailableDelay, false)
	} else {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Found %d ready clusters across which to reconcile ingress %q", len(clusters), ingress)

	operations := make([]util.FederatedOperation, 0)

	for _, cluster := range clusters {
		baseIPName, baseIPAnnotationExists := baseIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations[staticIPNameKeyWritable]
		firstClusterName, firstClusterExists := baseIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations[firstClusterAnnotation]
		clusterIngressObj, clusterIngressFound, err := ic.ingressFederatedInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(cluster.Name, key)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to get cached ingress %s for cluster %s, will retry: %v", ingress, cluster.Name, err)
			ic.deliverIngress(ingress, 0, true)
		desiredIngress := &extensionsv1beta1.Ingress{}
		objMeta, err := conversion.NewCloner().DeepCopy(baseIngress.ObjectMeta)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Error deep copying ObjectMeta: %v", err)
		objSpec, err := conversion.NewCloner().DeepCopy(baseIngress.Spec)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Error deep copying Spec: %v", err)
		desiredIngress.ObjectMeta, ok = objMeta.(v1.ObjectMeta)
		if !ok {
			glog.Errorf("Internal error: Failed to cast to v1.ObjectMeta: %v", objMeta)
		desiredIngress.Spec = objSpec.(extensionsv1beta1.IngressSpec)
		if !ok {
			glog.Errorf("Internal error: Failed to cast to extensionsv1beta1.Ingressespec: %v", objSpec)
		glog.V(4).Infof("Desired Ingress: %v", desiredIngress)

		if !clusterIngressFound {
			glog.V(4).Infof("No existing Ingress %s in cluster %s - checking if appropriate to queue a create operation", ingress, cluster.Name)
			// We can't supply server-created fields when creating a new object.
			desiredIngress.ObjectMeta = util.DeepCopyRelevantObjectMeta(baseIngress.ObjectMeta)
			ic.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseIngress, api.EventTypeNormal, "CreateInCluster",
				"Creating ingress in cluster %s", cluster.Name)

			// We always first create an ingress in the first available cluster. Once that ingress
			// has been created and allocated a global IP (visible via an annotation),
			// we record that annotation on the federated ingress, and create all other cluster
			// ingresses with that same global IP.
			// Note: If the first cluster becomes (e.g. temporarily) unavailable, the
			// second cluster will become the first cluster, but eventually all ingresses
			// will share the single global IP recorded in the annotation of the
			// federated ingress.
			haveFirstCluster := firstClusterExists && firstClusterName != "" && ic.isClusterReady(firstClusterName)
			if !haveFirstCluster {
				glog.V(4).Infof("No cluster has been chosen as the first cluster. Electing cluster %s as the first cluster to create ingress in", cluster.Name)
				ic.updateAnnotationOnIngress(baseIngress, firstClusterAnnotation, cluster.Name)
			if baseIPAnnotationExists || firstClusterName == cluster.Name {
				if baseIPAnnotationExists {
					glog.V(4).Infof("No existing Ingress %s in cluster %s and static IP annotation (%q) exists on base ingress - queuing a create operation", ingress, cluster.Name, staticIPNameKeyWritable)
				} else {
					glog.V(4).Infof("No existing Ingress %s in cluster %s and no static IP annotation (%q) on base ingress - queuing a create operation in first cluster", ingress, cluster.Name, staticIPNameKeyWritable)
				operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{
					Type:        util.OperationTypeAdd,
					Obj:         desiredIngress,
					ClusterName: cluster.Name,
			} else {
				glog.V(4).Infof("No annotation %q exists on ingress %q in federation and waiting for ingress in cluster %s. Not queueing create operation for ingress until annotation exists", staticIPNameKeyWritable, ingress, firstClusterName)
		} else {
			clusterIngress := clusterIngressObj.(*extensionsv1beta1.Ingress)
			glog.V(4).Infof("Found existing Ingress %s in cluster %s - checking if update is required (in either direction)", ingress, cluster.Name)
			clusterIPName, clusterIPNameExists := clusterIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations[staticIPNameKeyReadonly]
			baseLBStatusExists := len(baseIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) > 0
			clusterLBStatusExists := len(clusterIngress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) > 0
			logStr := fmt.Sprintf("Cluster ingress %q has annotation %q=%q, loadbalancer status exists? [%v], federated ingress has annotation %q=%q, loadbalancer status exists? [%v].  %%s annotation and/or loadbalancer status from cluster ingress to federated ingress.", ingress, staticIPNameKeyReadonly, clusterIPName, clusterLBStatusExists, staticIPNameKeyWritable, baseIPName, baseLBStatusExists)
			if (!baseIPAnnotationExists && clusterIPNameExists) || (!baseLBStatusExists && clusterLBStatusExists) { // copy the IP name from the readonly annotation on the cluster ingress, to the writable annotation on the federated ingress
				glog.V(4).Infof(logStr, "Transferring")
				if !baseIPAnnotationExists && clusterIPNameExists {
					ic.updateAnnotationOnIngress(baseIngress, staticIPNameKeyWritable, clusterIPName)
				if !baseLBStatusExists && clusterLBStatusExists {
					lbstatusObj, lbErr := conversion.NewCloner().DeepCopy(&clusterIngress.Status.LoadBalancer)
					lbstatus, ok := lbstatusObj.(*v1.LoadBalancerStatus)
					if lbErr != nil || !ok {
						glog.Errorf("Internal error: Failed to clone LoadBalancerStatus of %q in cluster %q while attempting to update master loadbalancer ingress status, will try again later. error: %v, Object to be cloned: %v", ingress, cluster.Name, lbErr, lbstatusObj)
						ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, true)
					baseIngress.Status.LoadBalancer = *lbstatus
					glog.V(4).Infof("Attempting to update base federated ingress status: %v", baseIngress)
					if updatedFedIngress, err := ic.federatedApiClient.Extensions().Ingresses(baseIngress.Namespace).UpdateStatus(baseIngress); err != nil {
						glog.Errorf("Failed to update federated ingress status of %q (loadbalancer status), will try again later: %v", ingress, err)
						ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, true)
					} else {
						glog.V(4).Infof("Successfully updated federated ingress status of %q (added loadbalancer status), after update: %q", ingress, updatedFedIngress)
						ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.smallDelay, false)
			} else {
				glog.V(4).Infof(logStr, "Not transferring")
			// Update existing cluster ingress, if needed.
			if util.ObjectMetaAndSpecEquivalent(baseIngress, clusterIngress) {
				glog.V(4).Infof("Ingress %q in cluster %q does not need an update: cluster ingress is equivalent to federated ingress", ingress, cluster.Name)
			} else {
				glog.V(4).Infof("Ingress %s in cluster %s needs an update: cluster ingress %v is not equivalent to federated ingress %v", ingress, cluster.Name, clusterIngress, desiredIngress)
				objMeta, err := conversion.NewCloner().DeepCopy(clusterIngress.ObjectMeta)
				if err != nil {
					glog.Errorf("Error deep copying ObjectMeta: %v", err)
					ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, true)

				desiredIngress.ObjectMeta, ok = objMeta.(v1.ObjectMeta)
				if !ok {
					glog.Errorf("Internal error: Failed to cast to v1.ObjectMeta: %v", objMeta)
					ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, true)
				// Merge any annotations and labels on the federated ingress onto the underlying cluster ingress,
				// overwriting duplicates.
				if desiredIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations == nil {
					desiredIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
				for key, val := range baseIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations {
					desiredIngress.ObjectMeta.Annotations[key] = val
				if desiredIngress.ObjectMeta.Labels == nil {
					desiredIngress.ObjectMeta.Labels = make(map[string]string)
				for key, val := range baseIngress.ObjectMeta.Labels {
					desiredIngress.ObjectMeta.Labels[key] = val
				ic.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseIngress, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInCluster",
					"Updating ingress in cluster %s", cluster.Name)

				operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{
					Type:        util.OperationTypeUpdate,
					Obj:         desiredIngress,
					ClusterName: cluster.Name,
				// TODO: Transfer any readonly (target-proxy, url-map etc) annotations from the master cluster to the federation, if this is the master cluster.
				// This is only for consistency, so that the federation ingress metadata matches the underlying clusters.  It's not actually required				}

	if len(operations) == 0 {
		// Everything is in order
		glog.V(4).Infof("Ingress %q is up-to-date in all clusters - no propagation to clusters required.", ingress)
	glog.V(4).Infof("Calling federatedUpdater.Update() - operations: %v", operations)
	err = ic.federatedIngressUpdater.UpdateWithOnError(operations, ic.updateTimeout, func(op util.FederatedOperation, operror error) {
		ic.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseIngress, api.EventTypeNormal, "FailedClusterUpdate",
			"Ingress update in cluster %s failed: %v", op.ClusterName, operror)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to execute updates for %s: %v", ingress, err)
		ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, true)
	// Schedule another periodic reconciliation, only to account for possible bugs in watch processing.
	ic.deliverIngress(ingress, ic.ingressReviewDelay, false)
func (frsc *ReplicaSetController) reconcileReplicaSet(key string) (reconciliationStatus, error) {
	if !frsc.isSynced() {
		return statusNotSynced, nil

	glog.V(4).Infof("Start reconcile replicaset %q", key)
	startTime := time.Now()
	defer glog.V(4).Infof("Finished reconcile replicaset %q (%v)", key, time.Now().Sub(startTime))

	objFromStore, exists, err := frsc.replicaSetStore.Indexer.GetByKey(key)
	if err != nil {
		return statusError, err
	if !exists {
		// don't delete local replicasets for now. Do not reconcile it anymore.
		return statusAllOk, nil
	obj, err := conversion.NewCloner().DeepCopy(objFromStore)
	frs, ok := obj.(*extensionsv1.ReplicaSet)
	if err != nil || !ok {
		glog.Errorf("Error in retrieving obj from store: %v, %v", ok, err)
		frsc.deliverReplicaSetByKey(key, 0, true)
		return statusError, err
	if frs.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		if err := frsc.delete(frs); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to delete %s: %v", frs, err)
			frsc.eventRecorder.Eventf(frs, api.EventTypeNormal, "DeleteFailed",
				"ReplicaSet delete failed: %v", err)
			frsc.deliverReplicaSetByKey(key, 0, true)
			return statusError, err
		return statusAllOk, nil

	glog.V(3).Infof("Ensuring delete object from underlying clusters finalizer for replicaset: %s",
	// Add the required finalizers before creating a replicaset in underlying clusters.
	updatedRsObj, err := frsc.deletionHelper.EnsureFinalizers(frs)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to ensure delete object from underlying clusters finalizer in replicaset %s: %v",
			frs.Name, err)
		frsc.deliverReplicaSetByKey(key, 0, false)
		return statusError, err
	frs = updatedRsObj.(*extensionsv1.ReplicaSet)

	glog.V(3).Infof("Syncing replicaset %s in underlying clusters", frs.Name)

	clusters, err := frsc.fedReplicaSetInformer.GetReadyClusters()
	if err != nil {
		return statusError, err

	// collect current status and do schedule
	allPods, err := frsc.fedPodInformer.GetTargetStore().List()
	if err != nil {
		return statusError, err
	podStatus, err := podanalyzer.AnalysePods(frs.Spec.Selector, allPods, time.Now())
	current := make(map[string]int64)
	estimatedCapacity := make(map[string]int64)
	for _, cluster := range clusters {
		lrsObj, exists, err := frsc.fedReplicaSetInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(cluster.Name, key)
		if err != nil {
			return statusError, err
		if exists {
			lrs := lrsObj.(*extensionsv1.ReplicaSet)
			current[cluster.Name] = int64(podStatus[cluster.Name].RunningAndReady) // include pending as well?
			unschedulable := int64(podStatus[cluster.Name].Unschedulable)
			if unschedulable > 0 {
				estimatedCapacity[cluster.Name] = int64(*lrs.Spec.Replicas) - unschedulable

	scheduleResult := frsc.schedule(frs, clusters, current, estimatedCapacity)

	glog.V(4).Infof("Start syncing local replicaset %s: %v", key, scheduleResult)

	fedStatus := extensionsv1.ReplicaSetStatus{ObservedGeneration: frs.Generation}
	operations := make([]fedutil.FederatedOperation, 0)
	for clusterName, replicas := range scheduleResult {

		lrsObj, exists, err := frsc.fedReplicaSetInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(clusterName, key)
		if err != nil {
			return statusError, err

		lrs := &extensionsv1.ReplicaSet{
			ObjectMeta: fedutil.CopyObjectMeta(frs.ObjectMeta),
			Spec:       frs.Spec,
		specReplicas := int32(replicas)
		lrs.Spec.Replicas = &specReplicas

		if !exists {
			if replicas > 0 {
				frsc.eventRecorder.Eventf(frs, api.EventTypeNormal, "CreateInCluster",
					"Creating replicaset in cluster %s", clusterName)

				operations = append(operations, fedutil.FederatedOperation{
					Type:        fedutil.OperationTypeAdd,
					Obj:         lrs,
					ClusterName: clusterName,
		} else {
			currentLrs := lrsObj.(*extensionsv1.ReplicaSet)
			// Update existing replica set, if needed.
			if !fedutil.ObjectMetaAndSpecEquivalent(lrs, currentLrs) {
				frsc.eventRecorder.Eventf(frs, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInCluster",
					"Updating replicaset in cluster %s", clusterName)

				operations = append(operations, fedutil.FederatedOperation{
					Type:        fedutil.OperationTypeUpdate,
					Obj:         lrs,
					ClusterName: clusterName,
			fedStatus.Replicas += currentLrs.Status.Replicas
			fedStatus.FullyLabeledReplicas += currentLrs.Status.FullyLabeledReplicas
			// leave the replicaset even the replicas dropped to 0
	if fedStatus.Replicas != frs.Status.Replicas || fedStatus.FullyLabeledReplicas != frs.Status.FullyLabeledReplicas {
		frs.Status = fedStatus
		_, err = frsc.fedClient.Extensions().ReplicaSets(frs.Namespace).UpdateStatus(frs)
		if err != nil {
			return statusError, err

	if len(operations) == 0 {
		// Everything is in order
		return statusAllOk, nil
	err = frsc.fedUpdater.UpdateWithOnError(operations, updateTimeout, func(op fedutil.FederatedOperation, operror error) {
		frsc.eventRecorder.Eventf(frs, api.EventTypeNormal, "FailedUpdateInCluster",
			"Replicaset update in cluster %s failed: %v", op.ClusterName, operror)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to execute updates for %s: %v", key, err)
		return statusError, err

	// Some operations were made, reconcile after a while.
	return statusNeedRecheck, nil
Пример #7
func (fdc *DeploymentController) reconcileDeployment(key string) (reconciliationStatus, error) {
	if !fdc.isSynced() {
		return statusNotSynced, nil

	glog.V(4).Infof("Start reconcile deployment %q", key)
	startTime := time.Now()
	defer glog.V(4).Infof("Finished reconcile deployment %q (%v)", key, time.Now().Sub(startTime))

	objFromStore, exists, err := fdc.deploymentStore.GetByKey(key)
	if err != nil {
		return statusError, err
	if !exists {
		// don't delete local deployments for now. Do not reconcile it anymore.
		return statusAllOk, nil
	obj, err := conversion.NewCloner().DeepCopy(objFromStore)
	fd, ok := obj.(*extensionsv1.Deployment)
	if err != nil || !ok {
		glog.Errorf("Error in retrieving obj from store: %v, %v", ok, err)
		return statusError, err

	if fd.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		if err := fdc.delete(fd); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to delete %s: %v", fd.Name, err)
			fdc.eventRecorder.Eventf(fd, api.EventTypeNormal, "DeleteFailed",
				"Deployment delete failed: %v", err)
			return statusError, err
		return statusAllOk, nil

	glog.V(3).Infof("Ensuring delete object from underlying clusters finalizer for deployment: %s",
	// Add the required finalizers before creating a deployment in underlying clusters.
	updatedDeploymentObj, err := fdc.deletionHelper.EnsureFinalizers(fd)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to ensure delete object from underlying clusters finalizer in deployment %s: %v",
			fd.Name, err)
		return statusError, err
	fd = updatedDeploymentObj.(*extensionsv1.Deployment)

	glog.V(3).Infof("Syncing deployment %s in underlying clusters", fd.Name)

	clusters, err := fdc.fedDeploymentInformer.GetReadyClusters()
	if err != nil {
		return statusError, err

	// collect current status and do schedule
	allPods, err := fdc.fedPodInformer.GetTargetStore().List()
	if err != nil {
		return statusError, err
	podStatus, err := podanalyzer.AnalysePods(fd.Spec.Selector, allPods, time.Now())
	current := make(map[string]int64)
	estimatedCapacity := make(map[string]int64)
	for _, cluster := range clusters {
		ldObj, exists, err := fdc.fedDeploymentInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(cluster.Name, key)
		if err != nil {
			return statusError, err
		if exists {
			ld := ldObj.(*extensionsv1.Deployment)
			current[cluster.Name] = int64(podStatus[cluster.Name].RunningAndReady) // include pending as well?
			unschedulable := int64(podStatus[cluster.Name].Unschedulable)
			if unschedulable > 0 {
				estimatedCapacity[cluster.Name] = int64(*ld.Spec.Replicas) - unschedulable

	scheduleResult := fdc.schedule(fd, clusters, current, estimatedCapacity)

	glog.V(4).Infof("Start syncing local deployment %s: %v", key, scheduleResult)

	fedStatus := extensionsv1.DeploymentStatus{ObservedGeneration: fd.Generation}
	operations := make([]fedutil.FederatedOperation, 0)
	for clusterName, replicas := range scheduleResult {

		ldObj, exists, err := fdc.fedDeploymentInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(clusterName, key)
		if err != nil {
			return statusError, err

		// The object can be modified.
		ld := &extensionsv1.Deployment{
			ObjectMeta: fedutil.DeepCopyRelevantObjectMeta(fd.ObjectMeta),
			Spec:       fedutil.DeepCopyApiTypeOrPanic(fd.Spec).(extensionsv1.DeploymentSpec),
		specReplicas := int32(replicas)
		ld.Spec.Replicas = &specReplicas

		if !exists {
			if replicas > 0 {
				fdc.eventRecorder.Eventf(fd, api.EventTypeNormal, "CreateInCluster",
					"Creating deployment in cluster %s", clusterName)

				operations = append(operations, fedutil.FederatedOperation{
					Type:        fedutil.OperationTypeAdd,
					Obj:         ld,
					ClusterName: clusterName,
		} else {
			// TODO: Update only one deployment at a time if update strategy is rolling udpate.

			currentLd := ldObj.(*extensionsv1.Deployment)
			// Update existing replica set, if needed.
			if !fedutil.ObjectMetaAndSpecEquivalent(ld, currentLd) {
				fdc.eventRecorder.Eventf(fd, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInCluster",
					"Updating deployment in cluster %s", clusterName)

				operations = append(operations, fedutil.FederatedOperation{
					Type:        fedutil.OperationTypeUpdate,
					Obj:         ld,
					ClusterName: clusterName,
				glog.Infof("Updating %s in %s", currentLd.Name, clusterName)
			fedStatus.Replicas += currentLd.Status.Replicas
			fedStatus.AvailableReplicas += currentLd.Status.AvailableReplicas
			fedStatus.UnavailableReplicas += currentLd.Status.UnavailableReplicas
	if fedStatus.Replicas != fd.Status.Replicas ||
		fedStatus.AvailableReplicas != fd.Status.AvailableReplicas ||
		fedStatus.UnavailableReplicas != fd.Status.UnavailableReplicas {
		fd.Status = fedStatus
		_, err = fdc.fedClient.Extensions().Deployments(fd.Namespace).UpdateStatus(fd)
		if err != nil {
			return statusError, err

	if len(operations) == 0 {
		// Everything is in order
		return statusAllOk, nil
	err = fdc.fedUpdater.UpdateWithOnError(operations, updateTimeout, func(op fedutil.FederatedOperation, operror error) {
		fdc.eventRecorder.Eventf(fd, api.EventTypeNormal, "FailedUpdateInCluster",
			"Deployment update in cluster %s failed: %v", op.ClusterName, operror)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to execute updates for %s: %v", key, err)
		return statusError, err

	// Some operations were made, reconcile after a while.
	return statusNeedRecheck, nil
func (nc *NamespaceController) reconcileNamespace(namespace string) {
	if !nc.isSynced() {
		nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, nc.clusterAvailableDelay, false)

	baseNamespaceObj, exist, err := nc.namespaceInformerStore.GetByKey(namespace)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to query main namespace store for %v: %v", namespace, err)
		nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true)

	if !exist {
		// Not federated namespace, ignoring.
	baseNamespace := baseNamespaceObj.(*api_v1.Namespace)
	if baseNamespace.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		if err := nc.delete(baseNamespace); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to delete %s: %v", namespace, err)
			nc.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseNamespace, api.EventTypeNormal, "DeleteFailed",
				"Namespace delete failed: %v", err)
			nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true)

	clusters, err := nc.namespaceFederatedInformer.GetReadyClusters()
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to get cluster list: %v", err)
		nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, nc.clusterAvailableDelay, false)

	operations := make([]util.FederatedOperation, 0)
	for _, cluster := range clusters {
		clusterNamespaceObj, found, err := nc.namespaceFederatedInformer.GetTargetStore().GetByKey(cluster.Name, namespace)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to get %s from %s: %v", namespace, cluster.Name, err)
			nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true)
		desiredNamespace := &api_v1.Namespace{
			ObjectMeta: util.CopyObjectMeta(baseNamespace.ObjectMeta),
			Spec:       baseNamespace.Spec,

		if !found {
			nc.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseNamespace, api.EventTypeNormal, "CreateInCluster",
				"Creating namespace in cluster %s", cluster.Name)

			operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{
				Type:        util.OperationTypeAdd,
				Obj:         desiredNamespace,
				ClusterName: cluster.Name,
		} else {
			clusterNamespace := clusterNamespaceObj.(*api_v1.Namespace)

			// Update existing namespace, if needed.
			if !util.ObjectMetaAndSpecEquivalent(desiredNamespace, clusterNamespace) {
				nc.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseNamespace, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInCluster",
					"Updating namespace in cluster %s", cluster.Name)

				operations = append(operations, util.FederatedOperation{
					Type:        util.OperationTypeUpdate,
					Obj:         desiredNamespace,
					ClusterName: cluster.Name,

	if len(operations) == 0 {
		// Everything is in order
	err = nc.federatedUpdater.UpdateWithOnError(operations, nc.updateTimeout, func(op util.FederatedOperation, operror error) {
		nc.eventRecorder.Eventf(baseNamespace, api.EventTypeNormal, "UpdateInClusterFailed",
			"Namespace update in cluster %s failed: %v", op.ClusterName, operror)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to execute updates for %s: %v", namespace, err)
		nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, 0, true)

	// Evertyhing is in order but lets be double sure
	nc.deliverNamespace(namespace, nc.namespaceReviewDelay, false)