Пример #1
func CheckPodsExceedingFreeResources(pods []*api.Pod, allocatable api.ResourceList) (fitting []*api.Pod, notFittingCPU, notFittingMemory []*api.Pod) {
	totalMilliCPU := allocatable.Cpu().MilliValue()
	totalMemory := allocatable.Memory().Value()
	milliCPURequested := int64(0)
	memoryRequested := int64(0)
	for _, pod := range pods {
		podRequest := getResourceRequest(pod)
		fitsCPU := (totalMilliCPU - milliCPURequested) >= podRequest.milliCPU
		fitsMemory := (totalMemory - memoryRequested) >= podRequest.memory
		if !fitsCPU {
			// the pod doesn't fit due to CPU request
			notFittingCPU = append(notFittingCPU, pod)
		if !fitsMemory {
			// the pod doesn't fit due to Memory request
			notFittingMemory = append(notFittingMemory, pod)
		// the pod fits
		milliCPURequested += podRequest.milliCPU
		memoryRequested += podRequest.memory
		fitting = append(fitting, pod)
Пример #2
func GetNonZeroCore(resource *api.ResourceList) int64 {
	var outCore int64
	// Override if un-set, but not if explicitly set to zero
	if _, found := (*resource)[api.ResourceCPU]; !found {
		outCore = DefaultNodeCore
	} else {
		outCore = resource.Cpu().Value()
	return outCore
Пример #3
// TODO: Consider setting default as a fixed fraction of machine capacity (take "capacity api.ResourceList"
// as an additional argument here) rather than using constants
func getNonzeroRequests(requests *api.ResourceList) (int64, int64) {
	var out_millicpu, out_memory int64
	// Override if un-set, but not if explicitly set to zero
	if (*requests.Cpu() == resource.Quantity{}) {
		out_millicpu = defaultMilliCpuRequest
	} else {
		out_millicpu = requests.Cpu().MilliValue()
	// Override if un-set, but not if explicitly set to zero
	if (*requests.Memory() == resource.Quantity{}) {
		out_memory = defaultMemoryRequest
	} else {
		out_memory = requests.Memory().Value()
	return out_millicpu, out_memory
Пример #4
// GetNonzeroRequests returns the default resource request if none is found or what is provided on the request
// TODO: Consider setting default as a fixed fraction of machine capacity (take "capacity api.ResourceList"
// as an additional argument here) rather than using constants
func GetNonzeroRequests(requests *api.ResourceList) (int64, int64) {
	var outMilliCPU, outMemory int64
	// Override if un-set, but not if explicitly set to zero
	if _, found := (*requests)[api.ResourceCPU]; !found {
		outMilliCPU = DefaultMilliCpuRequest
	} else {
		outMilliCPU = requests.Cpu().MilliValue()
	// Override if un-set, but not if explicitly set to zero
	if _, found := (*requests)[api.ResourceMemory]; !found {
		outMemory = DefaultMemoryRequest
	} else {
		outMemory = requests.Memory().Value()
	return outMilliCPU, outMemory
Пример #5
func CheckPodsExceedingCapacity(pods []*api.Pod, capacity api.ResourceList) (fitting []*api.Pod, notFitting []*api.Pod) {
	totalMilliCPU := capacity.Cpu().MilliValue()
	totalMemory := capacity.Memory().Value()
	milliCPURequested := int64(0)
	memoryRequested := int64(0)
	for _, pod := range pods {
		podRequest := getResourceRequest(pod)
		fitsCPU := totalMilliCPU == 0 || (totalMilliCPU-milliCPURequested) >= podRequest.milliCPU
		fitsMemory := totalMemory == 0 || (totalMemory-memoryRequested) >= podRequest.memory
		if !fitsCPU || !fitsMemory {
			// the pod doesn't fit
			notFitting = append(notFitting, pod)
		// the pod fits
		milliCPURequested += podRequest.milliCPU
		memoryRequested += podRequest.memory
		fitting = append(fitting, pod)