Пример #1
		// The intent is to ensure the replication controller manager has observed and reported status of
		// the replication controller at least once since the manager restarted, so that we can determine
		// that it had the opportunity to create/delete pods, if it were going to do so. Scaling the RC
		// to the same size achieves this, because the scale operation advances the RC's sequence number
		// and awaits it to be observed and reported back in the RC's status.
		ScaleRC(framework.Client, ns, rcName, numPods, true)

		// Only check the keys, the pods can be different if the kubelet updated it.
		// TODO: Can it really?
		existingKeys := sets.NewString()
		newKeys := sets.NewString()
		for _, k := range existingPods.ListKeys() {
		for _, k := range newPods.ListKeys() {
		if len(newKeys.List()) != len(existingKeys.List()) ||
			!newKeys.IsSuperset(existingKeys) {
			Failf("RcManager created/deleted pods after restart \n\n %+v", tracker)

	It("Scheduler should continue assigning pods to nodes across restart", func() {

		restarter := NewRestartConfig(
			getMasterHost(), "kube-scheduler", ports.SchedulerPort, restartPollInterval, restartTimeout)

		// Create pods while the scheduler is down and make sure the scheduler picks them up by
		// scaling the rc to the same size.