Пример #1
// Checks whether the given node has pods which satisfy all the required pod affinity scheduling rules.
// If node has pods which satisfy all the required pod affinity scheduling rules then return true.
func (checker *PodAffinityChecker) NodeMatchesHardPodAffinity(pod *api.Pod, allPods []*api.Pod, node *api.Node, podAffinity *api.PodAffinity) bool {
	for _, podAffinityTerm := range getPodAffinityTerms(podAffinity) {
		podAffinityTermMatches, matchingPodExists, err := checker.AnyPodMatchesPodAffinityTerm(pod, allPods, node, podAffinityTerm)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(10).Infof("Cannot schedule pod %+v onto node %v, an error ocurred when checking existing pods on the node for PodAffinityTerm %v err: %v",
				podName(pod), node.Name, podAffinityTerm, err)
			return false

		if !podAffinityTermMatches {
			// If the requiredDuringScheduling affinity requirement matches a pod's own labels and namespace, and there are no other such pods
			// anywhere, then disregard the requirement.
			// This allows rules like "schedule all of the pods of this collection to the same zone" to not block forever
			// because the first pod of the collection can't be scheduled.
			match, err := priorityutil.PodMatchesTermsNamespaceAndSelector(pod, pod, &podAffinityTerm)
			if err != nil || !match || matchingPodExists {
				glog.V(10).Infof("Cannot schedule pod %+v onto node %v, because none of the existing pods on this node satisfy the PodAffinityTerm %v, err: %+v",
					podName(pod), node.Name, podAffinityTerm, err)
				return false
	// all the required pod affinity scheduling rules satisfied
	glog.V(10).Infof("All the required pod affinity scheduling rules are satisfied for Pod %+v, on node %v", podName(pod), node.Name)
	return true
Пример #2
func (c *PodAffinityChecker) getMatchingAntiAffinityTerms(pod *api.Pod, allPods []*api.Pod) ([]matchingPodAntiAffinityTerm, error) {
	var result []matchingPodAntiAffinityTerm
	for _, existingPod := range allPods {
		affinity, err := api.GetAffinityFromPodAnnotations(existingPod.Annotations)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if affinity != nil && affinity.PodAntiAffinity != nil {
			existingPodNode, err := c.info.GetNodeInfo(existingPod.Spec.NodeName)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			for _, term := range getPodAntiAffinityTerms(affinity.PodAntiAffinity) {
				match, err := priorityutil.PodMatchesTermsNamespaceAndSelector(pod, existingPod, &term)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				if match {
					result = append(result, matchingPodAntiAffinityTerm{term: &term, node: existingPodNode})
	return result, nil
Пример #3
func getMatchingAntiAffinityTerms(pod *v1.Pod, nodeInfoMap map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo) ([]matchingPodAntiAffinityTerm, error) {
	allNodeNames := make([]string, 0, len(nodeInfoMap))
	for name := range nodeInfoMap {
		allNodeNames = append(allNodeNames, name)

	var lock sync.Mutex
	var result []matchingPodAntiAffinityTerm
	var firstError error
	appendResult := func(toAppend []matchingPodAntiAffinityTerm) {
		defer lock.Unlock()
		result = append(result, toAppend...)
	catchError := func(err error) {
		defer lock.Unlock()
		if firstError == nil {
			firstError = err

	processNode := func(i int) {
		nodeInfo := nodeInfoMap[allNodeNames[i]]
		node := nodeInfo.Node()
		if node == nil {
			catchError(fmt.Errorf("node not found"))
		var nodeResult []matchingPodAntiAffinityTerm
		for _, existingPod := range nodeInfo.PodsWithAffinity() {
			affinity, err := v1.GetAffinityFromPodAnnotations(existingPod.Annotations)
			if err != nil {
			if affinity == nil {
			for _, term := range getPodAntiAffinityTerms(affinity.PodAntiAffinity) {
				namespaces := priorityutil.GetNamespacesFromPodAffinityTerm(pod, &term)
				selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(term.LabelSelector)
				if err != nil {
				match := priorityutil.PodMatchesTermsNamespaceAndSelector(pod, namespaces, selector)
				if match {
					nodeResult = append(nodeResult, matchingPodAntiAffinityTerm{term: &term, node: node})
		if len(nodeResult) > 0 {
	workqueue.Parallelize(16, len(allNodeNames), processNode)
	return result, firstError
Пример #4
// Checks if scheduling the pod onto this node would break any rules of this pod.
func (c *PodAffinityChecker) satisfiesPodsAffinityAntiAffinity(pod *v1.Pod, node *v1.Node, affinity *v1.Affinity) bool {
	allPods, err := c.podLister.List(labels.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		return false

	// Check all affinity terms.
	for _, term := range getPodAffinityTerms(affinity.PodAffinity) {
		termMatches, matchingPodExists, err := c.anyPodMatchesPodAffinityTerm(pod, allPods, node, &term)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(10).Infof("Cannot schedule pod %+v onto node %v,because of PodAffinityTerm %v, err: %v",
				podName(pod), node.Name, term, err)
			return false
		if !termMatches {
			// If the requirement matches a pod's own labels are namespace, and there are
			// no other such pods, then disregard the requirement. This is necessary to
			// not block forever because the first pod of the collection can't be scheduled.
			if matchingPodExists {
				glog.V(10).Infof("Cannot schedule pod %+v onto node %v,because of PodAffinityTerm %v, err: %v",
					podName(pod), node.Name, term, err)
				return false
			namespaces := priorityutil.GetNamespacesFromPodAffinityTerm(pod, &term)
			selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(term.LabelSelector)
			if err != nil {
				glog.V(10).Infof("Cannot parse selector on term %v for pod %v. Details %v",
					term, podName(pod), err)
				return false
			match := priorityutil.PodMatchesTermsNamespaceAndSelector(pod, namespaces, selector)
			if !match {
				glog.V(10).Infof("Cannot schedule pod %+v onto node %v,because of PodAffinityTerm %v, err: %v",
					podName(pod), node.Name, term, err)
				return false

	// Check all anti-affinity terms.
	for _, term := range getPodAntiAffinityTerms(affinity.PodAntiAffinity) {
		termMatches, _, err := c.anyPodMatchesPodAffinityTerm(pod, allPods, node, &term)
		if err != nil || termMatches {
			glog.V(10).Infof("Cannot schedule pod %+v onto node %v,because of PodAntiAffinityTerm %v, err: %v",
				podName(pod), node.Name, term, err)
			return false

	if glog.V(10) {
		// We explicitly don't do glog.V(10).Infof() to avoid computing all the parameters if this is
		// not logged. There is visible performance gain from it.
		glog.Infof("Schedule Pod %+v on Node %+v is allowed, pod afinnity/anti-affinity constraints satisfied.",
			podName(pod), node.Name)
	return true
Пример #5
func (p *podAffinityPriorityMap) processTerm(term *api.PodAffinityTerm, podDefiningAffinityTerm, podToCheck *api.Pod, fixedNode *api.Node, weight float64) {
	match, err := priorityutil.PodMatchesTermsNamespaceAndSelector(podToCheck, podDefiningAffinityTerm, term)
	if err != nil {
		if p.firstError == nil {
			p.firstError = err
	if match {
		for _, node := range p.nodes {
			if p.failureDomains.NodesHaveSameTopologyKey(node, fixedNode, term.TopologyKey) {
				p.counts[node.Name] += weight
Пример #6
// Checks whether the given node has pods which satisfy all the
// required pod anti-affinity scheduling rules.
// Also checks whether putting the pod onto the node would break
// any anti-affinity scheduling rules indicated by existing pods.
// If node has pods which satisfy all the required pod anti-affinity
// scheduling rules and scheduling the pod onto the node won't
// break any existing pods' anti-affinity rules, then return true.
func (checker *PodAffinityChecker) NodeMatchesHardPodAntiAffinity(pod *api.Pod, allPods []*api.Pod, node *api.Node, podAntiAffinity *api.PodAntiAffinity) bool {
	// foreach element podAntiAffinityTerm of podAntiAffinityTerms
	// if the pod matches the term (breaks the anti-affinity),
	// don't schedule the pod onto this node.
	for _, podAntiAffinityTerm := range getPodAntiAffinityTerms(podAntiAffinity) {
		podAntiAffinityTermMatches, _, err := checker.AnyPodMatchesPodAffinityTerm(pod, allPods, node, podAntiAffinityTerm)
		if err != nil || podAntiAffinityTermMatches {
			glog.V(10).Infof("Cannot schedule pod %+v onto node %v, because not all the existing pods on this node satisfy the PodAntiAffinityTerm %v, err: %v",
				podName(pod), node.Name, podAntiAffinityTerm, err)
			return false

	// Check if scheduling the pod onto this node would break
	// any anti-affinity rules indicated by the existing pods on the node.
	// If it would break, system should not schedule pod onto this node.
	for _, ep := range allPods {
		epAffinity, err := api.GetAffinityFromPodAnnotations(ep.Annotations)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(10).Infof("Failed to get Affinity from Pod %+v, err: %+v", podName(pod), err)
			return false
		if epAffinity == nil {
		epNode, err := checker.info.GetNodeInfo(ep.Spec.NodeName)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(10).Infof("Failed to get node from Pod %+v, err: %+v", podName(ep), err)
			return false
		for _, epAntiAffinityTerm := range getPodAntiAffinityTerms(epAffinity.PodAntiAffinity) {
			match, err := priorityutil.PodMatchesTermsNamespaceAndSelector(pod, ep, &epAntiAffinityTerm)
			if err != nil {
				glog.V(10).Infof("Failed to get label selector from anti-affinityterm %+v of existing pod %+v, err: %+v", epAntiAffinityTerm, podName(pod), err)
				return false
			if match && checker.failureDomains.NodesHaveSameTopologyKey(node, epNode, epAntiAffinityTerm.TopologyKey) {
				glog.V(10).Infof("Cannot schedule Pod %+v, onto node %v because the pod would break the PodAntiAffinityTerm %+v, of existing pod %+v, err: %v",
					podName(pod), node.Name, epAntiAffinityTerm, podName(ep), err)
				return false
	// all the required pod anti-affinity scheduling rules are satisfied
	glog.V(10).Infof("Can schedule Pod %+v, on node %v because all the required pod anti-affinity scheduling rules are satisfied", podName(pod), node.Name)
	return true
Пример #7
// AnyPodMatchesPodAffinityTerm checks if any of given pods can match the specific podAffinityTerm.
// First return value indicates whether a matching pod exists on a node that matches the topology key,
// while the second return value indicates whether a matching pod exists anywhere.
// TODO: Do we really need any pod matching, or all pods matching? I think the latter.
func (c *PodAffinityChecker) anyPodMatchesPodAffinityTerm(pod *api.Pod, allPods []*api.Pod, node *api.Node, term *api.PodAffinityTerm) (bool, bool, error) {
	matchingPodExists := false
	for _, existingPod := range allPods {
		match, err := priorityutil.PodMatchesTermsNamespaceAndSelector(existingPod, pod, term)
		if err != nil {
			return false, matchingPodExists, err
		if match {
			matchingPodExists = true
			existingPodNode, err := c.info.GetNodeInfo(existingPod.Spec.NodeName)
			if err != nil {
				return false, matchingPodExists, err
			if c.failureDomains.NodesHaveSameTopologyKey(node, existingPodNode, term.TopologyKey) {
				return true, matchingPodExists, nil
	return false, matchingPodExists, nil
Пример #8
func (p *podAffinityPriorityMap) processTerm(term *v1.PodAffinityTerm, podDefiningAffinityTerm, podToCheck *v1.Pod, fixedNode *v1.Node, weight float64) {
	namespaces := priorityutil.GetNamespacesFromPodAffinityTerm(podDefiningAffinityTerm, term)
	selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(term.LabelSelector)
	if err != nil {
	match := priorityutil.PodMatchesTermsNamespaceAndSelector(podToCheck, namespaces, selector)
	if match {
		func() {
			defer p.Unlock()
			for _, node := range p.nodes {
				if p.failureDomains.NodesHaveSameTopologyKey(node, fixedNode, term.TopologyKey) {
					p.counts[node.Name] += weight
Пример #9
// AnyPodMatchesPodAffinityTerm checks if any of given pods can match the specific podAffinityTerm.
// First return value indicates whether a matching pod exists on a node that matches the topology key,
// while the second return value indicates whether a matching pod exists anywhere.
// TODO: Do we really need any pod matching, or all pods matching? I think the latter.
func (c *PodAffinityChecker) anyPodMatchesPodAffinityTerm(pod *v1.Pod, allPods []*v1.Pod, node *v1.Node, term *v1.PodAffinityTerm) (bool, bool, error) {
	matchingPodExists := false
	namespaces := priorityutil.GetNamespacesFromPodAffinityTerm(pod, term)
	selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(term.LabelSelector)
	if err != nil {
		return false, false, err
	for _, existingPod := range allPods {
		match := priorityutil.PodMatchesTermsNamespaceAndSelector(existingPod, namespaces, selector)
		if match {
			matchingPodExists = true
			existingPodNode, err := c.info.GetNodeInfo(existingPod.Spec.NodeName)
			if err != nil {
				return false, matchingPodExists, err
			if c.failureDomains.NodesHaveSameTopologyKey(node, existingPodNode, term.TopologyKey) {
				return true, matchingPodExists, nil
	return false, matchingPodExists, nil
Пример #10
func (c *PodAffinityChecker) getMatchingAntiAffinityTerms(pod *v1.Pod, allPods []*v1.Pod) ([]matchingPodAntiAffinityTerm, error) {
	var result []matchingPodAntiAffinityTerm
	for _, existingPod := range allPods {
		affinity := existingPod.Spec.Affinity
		if affinity != nil && affinity.PodAntiAffinity != nil {
			existingPodNode, err := c.info.GetNodeInfo(existingPod.Spec.NodeName)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			for _, term := range getPodAntiAffinityTerms(affinity.PodAntiAffinity) {
				namespaces := priorityutil.GetNamespacesFromPodAffinityTerm(existingPod, &term)
				selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(term.LabelSelector)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				match := priorityutil.PodMatchesTermsNamespaceAndSelector(pod, namespaces, selector)
				if match {
					result = append(result, matchingPodAntiAffinityTerm{term: &term, node: existingPodNode})
	return result, nil