Пример #1
// CalculateNodeLabelPriority checks whether a particular label exists on a node or not, regardless of its value.
// If presence is true, prioritizes nodes that have the specified label, regardless of value.
// If presence is false, prioritizes nodes that do not have the specified label.
func (n *NodeLabelPrioritizer) CalculateNodeLabelPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	var score int
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	labeledNodes := map[string]bool{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		exists := labels.Set(node.Labels).Has(n.label)
		labeledNodes[node.Name] = (exists && n.presence) || (!exists && !n.presence)

	result := []schedulerapi.HostPriority{}
	//score int - scale of 0-10
	// 0 being the lowest priority and 10 being the highest
	for nodeName, success := range labeledNodes {
		if success {
			score = 10
		} else {
			score = 0
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: nodeName, Score: score})
	return result, nil
Пример #2
// ImageLocalityPriority is a priority function that favors nodes that already have requested pod container's images.
// It will detect whether the requested images are present on a node, and then calculate a score ranging from 0 to 10
// based on the total size of those images.
// - If none of the images are present, this node will be given the lowest priority.
// - If some of the images are present on a node, the larger their sizes' sum, the higher the node's priority.
func ImageLocalityPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	sumSizeMap := make(map[string]int64)

	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {
		for _, node := range nodes.Items {
			// Check if this container's image is present and get its size.
			imageSize := checkContainerImageOnNode(node, container)
			// Add this size to the total result of this node.
			sumSizeMap[node.Name] += imageSize

	result := []schedulerapi.HostPriority{}
	// score int - scale of 0-10
	// 0 being the lowest priority and 10 being the highest.
	for nodeName, sumSize := range sumSizeMap {
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: nodeName,
			Score: calculateScoreFromSize(sumSize)})
	return result, nil
Пример #3
// Schedule tries to schedule the given pod to one of node in the node list.
// If it succeeds, it will return the name of the node.
// If it fails, it will return a Fiterror error with reasons.
func (g *genericScheduler) Schedule(pod *api.Pod, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (string, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(nodes.Items) == 0 {
		return "", ErrNoNodesAvailable

	// Used for all fit and priority funcs.
	nodeNameToInfo, err := g.cache.GetNodeNameToInfoMap()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	filteredNodes, failedPredicateMap, err := findNodesThatFit(pod, nodeNameToInfo, g.predicates, nodes, g.extenders)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	if len(filteredNodes.Items) == 0 {
		return "", &FitError{
			Pod:              pod,
			FailedPredicates: failedPredicateMap,

	priorityList, err := PrioritizeNodes(pod, nodeNameToInfo, g.prioritizers, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(filteredNodes), g.extenders)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return g.selectHost(priorityList)
func (g *genericScheduler) Schedule(pod *api.Pod, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (string, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(nodes.Items) == 0 {
		return "", ErrNoNodesAvailable

	filteredNodes, failedPredicateMap, err := findNodesThatFit(pod, g.pods, g.predicates, nodes)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	priorityList, err := PrioritizeNodes(pod, g.pods, g.prioritizers, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(filteredNodes))
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(priorityList) == 0 {
		return "", &FitError{
			Pod:              pod,
			FailedPredicates: failedPredicateMap,

	return g.selectHost(priorityList)
Пример #5
func (g *genericScheduler) Schedule(pod *api.Pod, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (string, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(nodes.Items) == 0 {
		return "", ErrNoNodesAvailable

	// TODO: we should compute this once and dynamically update it using Watch, not constantly re-compute.
	// But at least we're now only doing it in one place
	machinesToPods, err := predicates.MapPodsToMachines(g.pods)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	filteredNodes, failedPredicateMap, err := findNodesThatFit(pod, machinesToPods, g.predicates, nodes, g.extenders)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	priorityList, err := PrioritizeNodes(pod, machinesToPods, g.pods, g.prioritizers, algorithm.FakeNodeLister(filteredNodes), g.extenders)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(priorityList) == 0 {
		return "", &FitError{
			Pod:              pod,
			FailedPredicates: failedPredicateMap,

	return g.selectHost(priorityList)
Пример #6
// CalculateNodeAffinityPriority prioritizes nodes according to node affinity scheduling preferences
// indicated in PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution. Each time a node match a preferredSchedulingTerm,
// it will a get an add of preferredSchedulingTerm.Weight. Thus, the more preferredSchedulingTerms
// the node satisfies and the more the preferredSchedulingTerm that is satisfied weights, the higher
// score the node gets.
func CalculateNodeAffinityPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var maxCount float64
	counts := make(map[string]float64, len(nodes.Items))

	affinity, err := api.GetAffinityFromPodAnnotations(pod.Annotations)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// A nil element of PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution matches no objects.
	// An element of PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution that refers to an
	// empty PreferredSchedulingTerm matches all objects.
	if affinity.NodeAffinity != nil && affinity.NodeAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution != nil {
		// Match PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution term by term.
		for _, preferredSchedulingTerm := range affinity.NodeAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution {
			if preferredSchedulingTerm.Weight == 0 {

			nodeSelector, err := api.NodeSelectorRequirementsAsSelector(preferredSchedulingTerm.Preference.MatchExpressions)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			for _, node := range nodes.Items {
				if nodeSelector.Matches(labels.Set(node.Labels)) {
					counts[node.Name] += float64(preferredSchedulingTerm.Weight)

				if counts[node.Name] > maxCount {
					maxCount = counts[node.Name]

	result := make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, 0, len(nodes.Items))
	for i := range nodes.Items {
		node := &nodes.Items[i]
		if maxCount > 0 {
			fScore := 10 * (counts[node.Name] / maxCount)
			result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: int(fScore)})
			if glog.V(10) {
				// We explicitly don't do glog.V(10).Infof() to avoid computing all the parameters if this is
				// not logged. There is visible performance gain from it.
				glog.Infof("%v -> %v: NodeAffinityPriority, Score: (%d)", pod.Name, node.Name, int(fScore))
		} else {
			result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: 0})
	return result, nil
Пример #7
// ComputeTaintTolerationPriority prepares the priority list for all the nodes based on the number of intolerable taints on the node
func ComputeTaintTolerationPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// the max value of counts
	var maxCount float64
	// counts hold the count of intolerable taints of a pod for a given node
	counts := make(map[string]float64, len(nodes))

	tolerations, err := api.GetTolerationsFromPodAnnotations(pod.Annotations)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Fetch a list of all toleration with effect PreferNoSchedule
	tolerationList := getAllTolerationPreferNoSchedule(tolerations)

	// calculate the intolerable taints for all the nodes
	for _, node := range nodes {
		taints, err := api.GetTaintsFromNodeAnnotations(node.Annotations)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		count := countIntolerableTaintsPreferNoSchedule(taints, tolerationList)
		if count > 0 {
			// 0 is default value, so avoid unnecessary map operations.
			counts[node.Name] = count
			if count > maxCount {
				maxCount = count

	// The maximum priority value to give to a node
	// Priority values range from 0 - maxPriority
	const maxPriority = float64(10)
	result := make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, 0, len(nodes))
	for _, node := range nodes {
		fScore := maxPriority
		if maxCount > 0 {
			fScore = (1.0 - counts[node.Name]/maxCount) * 10
		if glog.V(10) {
			// We explicitly don't do glog.V(10).Infof() to avoid computing all the parameters if this is
			// not logged. There is visible performance gain from it.
			glog.Infof("%v -> %v: Taint Toleration Priority, Score: (%d)", pod.Name, node.Name, int(fScore))

		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: int(fScore)})
	return result, nil
Пример #8
// CalculateNodeAffinityPriority prioritizes nodes according to node affinity scheduling preferences
// indicated in PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution. Each time a node match a preferredSchedulingTerm,
// it will a get an add of preferredSchedulingTerm.Weight. Thus, the more preferredSchedulingTerms
// the node satisfies and the more the preferredSchedulingTerm that is satisfied weights, the higher
// score the node gets.
func (s *NodeAffinity) CalculateNodeAffinityPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {

	var maxCount int
	counts := map[string]int{}

	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	affinity, err := api.GetAffinityFromPodAnnotations(pod.Annotations)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// A nil element of PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution matches no objects.
	// An element of PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution that refers to an
	// empty PreferredSchedulingTerm matches all objects.
	if affinity.NodeAffinity != nil && affinity.NodeAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution != nil {
		// Match PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution term by term.
		for _, preferredSchedulingTerm := range affinity.NodeAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution {
			if preferredSchedulingTerm.Weight == 0 {

			nodeSelector, err := api.NodeSelectorRequirementsAsSelector(preferredSchedulingTerm.Preference.MatchExpressions)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			for _, node := range nodes.Items {
				if nodeSelector.Matches(labels.Set(node.Labels)) {
					counts[node.Name] += preferredSchedulingTerm.Weight

				if counts[node.Name] > maxCount {
					maxCount = counts[node.Name]

	result := []schedulerapi.HostPriority{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		fScore := float64(0)
		if maxCount > 0 {
			fScore = 10 * (float64(counts[node.Name]) / float64(maxCount))
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: int(fScore)})
		glog.V(10).Infof("%v -> %v: NodeAffinityPriority, Score: (%d)", pod.Name, node.Name, int(fScore))
	return result, nil
Пример #9
// BalancedResourceAllocation favors nodes with balanced resource usage rate.
// BalancedResourceAllocation should **NOT** be used alone, and **MUST** be used together with LeastRequestedPriority.
// It calculates the difference between the cpu and memory fracion of capacity, and prioritizes the host based on how
// close the two metrics are to each other.
// Detail: score = 10 - abs(cpuFraction-memoryFraction)*10. The algorithm is partly inspired by:
// "Wei Huang et al. An Energy Efficient Virtual Machine Placement Algorithm with Balanced Resource Utilization"
func BalancedResourceAllocation(pod *api.Pod, machinesToPods map[string][]*api.Pod, podLister algorithm.PodLister, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}, err

	list := schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		list = append(list, calculateBalancedResourceAllocation(pod, node, machinesToPods[node.Name]))
	return list, nil
Пример #10
// BalancedResourceAllocation favors nodes with balanced resource usage rate.
// BalancedResourceAllocation should **NOT** be used alone, and **MUST** be used together with LeastRequestedPriority.
// It calculates the difference between the cpu and memory fracion of capacity, and prioritizes the host based on how
// close the two metrics are to each other.
// Detail: score = 10 - abs(cpuFraction-memoryFraction)*10. The algorithm is partly inspired by:
// "Wei Huang et al. An Energy Efficient Virtual Machine Placement Algorithm with Balanced Resource Utilization"
func BalancedResourceAllocation(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}, err

	list := schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		list = append(list, calculateBalancedResourceAllocation(pod, node, nodeNameToInfo[node.Name].Pods()))
	return list, nil
Пример #11
// LeastRequestedPriority is a priority function that favors nodes with fewer requested resources.
// It calculates the percentage of memory and CPU requested by pods scheduled on the node, and prioritizes
// based on the minimum of the average of the fraction of requested to capacity.
// Details: cpu((capacity - sum(requested)) * 10 / capacity) + memory((capacity - sum(requested)) * 10 / capacity) / 2
func LeastRequestedPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}, err

	list := schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		list = append(list, calculateResourceOccupancy(pod, node, nodeNameToInfo[node.Name]))
	return list, nil
Пример #12
// LeastRequestedPriority is a priority function that favors nodes with fewer requested resources.
// It calculates the percentage of memory and CPU requested by pods scheduled on the node, and prioritizes
// based on the minimum of the average of the fraction of requested to capacity.
// Details: cpu((capacity - sum(requested)) * 10 / capacity) + memory((capacity - sum(requested)) * 10 / capacity) / 2
func LeastRequestedPriority(pod *api.Pod, podLister algorithm.PodLister, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}, err
	podsToMachines, err := predicates.MapPodsToMachines(podLister)

	list := schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		list = append(list, calculateResourceOccupancy(pod, node, podsToMachines[node.Name]))
	return list, nil
Пример #13
// BalancedResourceAllocation favors nodes with balanced resource usage rate.
// BalancedResourceAllocation should **NOT** be used alone, and **MUST** be used together with LeastRequestedPriority.
// It calculates the difference between the cpu and memory fracion of capacity, and prioritizes the host based on how
// close the two metrics are to each other.
// Detail: score = 10 - abs(cpuFraction-memoryFraction)*10. The algorithm is partly inspired by:
// "Wei Huang et al. An Energy Efficient Virtual Machine Placement Algorithm with Balanced Resource Utilization"
func BalancedResourceAllocation(pod *api.Pod, podLister algorithm.PodLister, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (algorithm.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return algorithm.HostPriorityList{}, err
	podsToMachines, err := predicates.MapPodsToMachines(podLister)

	list := algorithm.HostPriorityList{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		list = append(list, calculateBalancedResourceAllocation(pod, node, podsToMachines[node.Name]))
	return list, nil
Пример #14
// LeastRequestedPriority is a priority function that favors nodes with fewer requested resources.
// It calculates the percentage of memory and CPU requested by pods scheduled on the node, and prioritizes
// based on the minimum of the average of the fraction of requested to capacity.
// Details: cpu((capacity - sum(requested)) * 10 / capacity) + memory((capacity - sum(requested)) * 10 / capacity) / 2
func LeastRequestedPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}, err

	podResources := getNonZeroRequests(pod)
	list := make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, 0, len(nodes))
	for _, node := range nodes {
		list = append(list, calculateResourceOccupancy(pod, podResources, node, nodeNameToInfo[node.Name]))
	return list, nil
Пример #15
// ComputeTaintTolerationPriority prepares the priority list for all the nodes based on the number of intolerable taints on the node
func (s *TaintToleration) ComputeTaintTolerationPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	// counts hold the count of intolerable taints of a pod for a given node
	counts := make(map[string]int)

	// the max value of counts
	var maxCount int

	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	tolerations, err := api.GetTolerationsFromPodAnnotations(pod.Annotations)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Fetch a list of all toleration with effect PreferNoSchedule
	tolerationList := getAllTolerationPreferNoSchedule(tolerations)

	// calculate the intolerable taints for all the nodes
	for i := range nodes.Items {
		node := &nodes.Items[i]
		taints, err := api.GetTaintsFromNodeAnnotations(node.Annotations)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		count := countIntolerableTaintsPreferNoSchedule(taints, tolerationList)
		counts[node.Name] = count
		if count > maxCount {
			maxCount = count

	// The maximum priority value to give to a node
	// Priority values range from 0 - maxPriority
	const maxPriority = 10
	result := make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, 0, len(nodes.Items))
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		fScore := float64(maxPriority)
		if maxCount > 0 {
			fScore = (1.0 - float64(counts[node.Name])/float64(maxCount)) * 10
		glog.V(10).Infof("%v -> %v: Taint Toleration Priority, Score: (%d)", pod.Name, node.Name, int(fScore))

		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: int(fScore)})
	return result, nil
Пример #16
// Prioritizes the nodes by running the individual priority functions sequentially.
// Each priority function is expected to set a score of 0-10
// 0 is the lowest priority score (least preferred node) and 10 is the highest
// Each priority function can also have its own weight
// The node scores returned by the priority function are multiplied by the weights to get weighted scores
// All scores are finally combined (added) to get the total weighted scores of all nodes
func PrioritizeNodes(pod *api.Pod, machinesToPods map[string][]*api.Pod, podLister algorithm.PodLister, priorityConfigs []algorithm.PriorityConfig, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister, extenders []algorithm.SchedulerExtender) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	result := schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}

	// If no priority configs are provided, then the EqualPriority function is applied
	// This is required to generate the priority list in the required format
	if len(priorityConfigs) == 0 && len(extenders) == 0 {
		return EqualPriority(pod, machinesToPods, podLister, nodeLister)

	combinedScores := map[string]int{}
	for _, priorityConfig := range priorityConfigs {
		weight := priorityConfig.Weight
		// skip the priority function if the weight is specified as 0
		if weight == 0 {
		priorityFunc := priorityConfig.Function
		prioritizedList, err := priorityFunc(pod, machinesToPods, podLister, nodeLister)
		if err != nil {
			return schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}, err
		for _, hostEntry := range prioritizedList {
			combinedScores[hostEntry.Host] += hostEntry.Score * weight
	if len(extenders) != 0 && nodeLister != nil {
		nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
		if err != nil {
			return schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}, err

		for _, extender := range extenders {
			prioritizedList, weight, err := extender.Prioritize(pod, &nodes)
			if err != nil {
				// Prioritization errors from extender can be ignored, let k8s/other extenders determine the priorities

			for _, hostEntry := range *prioritizedList {
				combinedScores[hostEntry.Host] += hostEntry.Score * weight
	for host, score := range combinedScores {
		glog.V(10).Infof("Host %s Score %d", host, score)
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: host, Score: score})
	return result, nil
Пример #17
// EqualPriority is a prioritizer function that gives an equal weight of one to all nodes
func EqualPriority(_ *api.Pod, podLister algorithm.PodLister, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (algorithm.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("failed to list nodes: %v", err)
		return []algorithm.HostPriority{}, err

	result := []algorithm.HostPriority{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		result = append(result, algorithm.HostPriority{
			Host:  node.Name,
			Score: 1,
	return result, nil
Пример #18
func machine2Prioritizer(_ *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return []schedulerapi.HostPriority{}, err

	result := []schedulerapi.HostPriority{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		score := 1
		if node.Name == "machine2" {
			score = 10
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: score})
	return result, nil
Пример #19
// EqualPriority is a prioritizer function that gives an equal weight of one to all nodes
func EqualPriority(_ *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Failed to list nodes: %v", err)
		return []schedulerapi.HostPriority{}, err

	result := []schedulerapi.HostPriority{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{
			Host:  node.Name,
			Score: 1,
	return result, nil
Пример #20
// Schedule tries to schedule the given pod to one of node in the node list.
// If it succeeds, it will return the name of the node.
// If it fails, it will return a Fiterror error with reasons.
func (g *genericScheduler) Schedule(pod *api.Pod, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (string, error) {
	var trace *util.Trace
	if pod != nil {
		trace = util.NewTrace(fmt.Sprintf("Scheduling %s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name))
	} else {
		trace = util.NewTrace("Scheduling <nil> pod")
	defer trace.LogIfLong(20 * time.Millisecond)

	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(nodes) == 0 {
		return "", ErrNoNodesAvailable

	// Used for all fit and priority funcs.
	err = g.cache.UpdateNodeNameToInfoMap(g.cachedNodeInfoMap)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	trace.Step("Computing predicates")
	filteredNodes, failedPredicateMap, err := findNodesThatFit(pod, g.cachedNodeInfoMap, nodes, g.predicates, g.extenders)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	if len(filteredNodes) == 0 {
		return "", &FitError{
			Pod:              pod,
			FailedPredicates: failedPredicateMap,

	meta := g.priorityMetaProducer(pod)
	priorityList, err := PrioritizeNodes(pod, g.cachedNodeInfoMap, meta, g.prioritizers, filteredNodes, g.extenders)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	trace.Step("Selecting host")
	return g.selectHost(priorityList)
Пример #21
func numericPriority(pod *api.Pod, podLister algorithm.PodLister, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (algorithm.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	result := []algorithm.HostPriority{}

	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to list nodes: %v", err)
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		score, err := strconv.Atoi(node.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		result = append(result, algorithm.HostPriority{
			Host:  node.Name,
			Score: score,
	return result, nil
Пример #22
func numericPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	result := []schedulerapi.HostPriority{}

	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to list nodes: %v", err)
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		score, err := strconv.Atoi(node.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{
			Host:  node.Name,
			Score: score,
	return result, nil
Пример #23
// compute a sum by iterating through the elements of weightedPodAffinityTerm and adding
// "weight" to the sum if the corresponding PodAffinityTerm is satisfied for
// that node; the node(s) with the highest sum are the most preferred.
// Symmetry need to be considered for preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution from podAffinity & podAntiAffinity,
// symmetry need to be considered for hard requirements from podAffinity
func (ipa *InterPodAffinity) CalculateInterPodAffinityPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	allPods, err := ipa.podLister.List(labels.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	affinity, err := api.GetAffinityFromPodAnnotations(pod.Annotations)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// convert the topology key based weights to the node name based weights
	var maxCount float64
	var minCount float64
	// counts store the mapping from node name to so-far computed score of
	// the node.
	counts := make(map[string]float64, len(nodes))

	processTerm := func(term *api.PodAffinityTerm, affinityPod, podToCheck *api.Pod, fixedNode *api.Node, weight float64) error {
		match, err := podMatchesNamespaceAndSelector(podToCheck, affinityPod, term)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if match {
			for _, node := range nodes {
				if ipa.failureDomains.NodesHaveSameTopologyKey(node, fixedNode, term.TopologyKey) {
					counts[node.Name] += weight
		return nil
	processTerms := func(terms []api.WeightedPodAffinityTerm, affinityPod, podToCheck *api.Pod, fixedNode *api.Node, multiplier int) error {
		for _, weightedTerm := range terms {
			if err := processTerm(&weightedTerm.PodAffinityTerm, affinityPod, podToCheck, fixedNode, float64(weightedTerm.Weight*multiplier)); err != nil {
				return err
		return nil

	for _, existingPod := range allPods {
		existingPodNode, err := ipa.info.GetNodeInfo(existingPod.Spec.NodeName)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		existingPodAffinity, err := api.GetAffinityFromPodAnnotations(existingPod.Annotations)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if affinity.PodAffinity != nil {
			// For every soft pod affinity term of <pod>, if <existingPod> matches the term,
			// increment <counts> for every node in the cluster with the same <term.TopologyKey>
			// value as that of <existingPods>`s node by the term`s weight.
			terms := affinity.PodAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution
			if err := processTerms(terms, pod, existingPod, existingPodNode, 1); err != nil {
				return nil, err
		if affinity.PodAntiAffinity != nil {
			// For every soft pod anti-affinity term of <pod>, if <existingPod> matches the term,
			// decrement <counts> for every node in the cluster with the same <term.TopologyKey>
			// value as that of <existingPod>`s node by the term`s weight.
			terms := affinity.PodAntiAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution
			if err := processTerms(terms, pod, existingPod, existingPodNode, -1); err != nil {
				return nil, err

		if existingPodAffinity.PodAffinity != nil {
			// For every hard pod affinity term of <existingPod>, if <pod> matches the term,
			// increment <counts> for every node in the cluster with the same <term.TopologyKey>
			// value as that of <existingPod>'s node by the constant <ipa.hardPodAffinityWeight>
			if ipa.hardPodAffinityWeight > 0 {
				terms := existingPodAffinity.PodAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution
				// TODO: Uncomment this block when implement RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution.
				//if len(existingPodAffinity.PodAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution) != 0 {
				//	terms = append(terms, existingPodAffinity.PodAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution...)
				for _, term := range terms {
					if err := processTerm(&term, existingPod, pod, existingPodNode, float64(ipa.hardPodAffinityWeight)); err != nil {
						return nil, err
			// For every soft pod affinity term of <existingPod>, if <pod> matches the term,
			// increment <counts> for every node in the cluster with the same <term.TopologyKey>
			// value as that of <existingPod>'s node by the term's weight.
			terms := existingPodAffinity.PodAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution
			if err := processTerms(terms, existingPod, pod, existingPodNode, 1); err != nil {
				return nil, err
		if existingPodAffinity.PodAntiAffinity != nil {
			// For every soft pod anti-affinity term of <existingPod>, if <pod> matches the term,
			// decrement <counts> for every node in the cluster with the same <term.TopologyKey>
			// value as that of <existingPod>'s node by the term's weight.
			terms := existingPodAffinity.PodAntiAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution
			if err := processTerms(terms, existingPod, pod, existingPodNode, -1); err != nil {
				return nil, err

	for _, node := range nodes {
		if counts[node.Name] > maxCount {
			maxCount = counts[node.Name]
		if counts[node.Name] < minCount {
			minCount = counts[node.Name]

	// calculate final priority score for each node
	result := make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, 0, len(nodes))
	for _, node := range nodes {
		fScore := float64(0)
		if (maxCount - minCount) > 0 {
			fScore = 10 * ((counts[node.Name] - minCount) / (maxCount - minCount))
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: int(fScore)})
		if glog.V(10) {
			// We explicitly don't do glog.V(10).Infof() to avoid computing all the parameters if this is
			// not logged. There is visible performance gain from it.
			glog.V(10).Infof("%v -> %v: InterPodAffinityPriority, Score: (%d)", pod.Name, node.Name, int(fScore))
	return result, nil
Пример #24
// compute a sum by iterating through the elements of weightedPodAffinityTerm and adding
// "weight" to the sum if the corresponding PodAffinityTerm is satisfied for
// that node; the node(s) with the highest sum are the most preferred.
// Symmetry need to be considered for preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution from podAffinity & podAntiAffinity,
// symmetry need to be considered for hard requirements from podAffinity
func (ipa *InterPodAffinity) CalculateInterPodAffinityPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	allPods, err := ipa.podLister.List(labels.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	affinity, err := api.GetAffinityFromPodAnnotations(pod.Annotations)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// convert the topology key based weights to the node name based weights
	var maxCount int
	var minCount int
	counts := map[string]int{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		totalCount := 0
		// count weights for the weighted pod affinity
		if affinity.PodAffinity != nil {
			for _, weightedTerm := range affinity.PodAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution {
				weightedCount, err := ipa.CountWeightByPodMatchAffinityTerm(pod, allPods, weightedTerm.Weight, weightedTerm.PodAffinityTerm, &node)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				totalCount += weightedCount

		// count weights for the weighted pod anti-affinity
		if affinity.PodAntiAffinity != nil {
			for _, weightedTerm := range affinity.PodAntiAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution {
				weightedCount, err := ipa.CountWeightByPodMatchAffinityTerm(pod, allPods, (0 - weightedTerm.Weight), weightedTerm.PodAffinityTerm, &node)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				totalCount += weightedCount

		// reverse direction checking: count weights for the inter-pod affinity/anti-affinity rules
		// that are indicated by existing pods on the node.
		for _, ep := range allPods {
			epAffinity, err := api.GetAffinityFromPodAnnotations(ep.Annotations)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			if epAffinity.PodAffinity != nil {
				// count the implicit weight for the hard pod affinity indicated by the existing pod.
				if ipa.hardPodAffinityWeight > 0 {
					var podAffinityTerms []api.PodAffinityTerm
					if len(epAffinity.PodAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution) != 0 {
						podAffinityTerms = epAffinity.PodAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution
					// TODO: Uncomment this block when implement RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution.
					//if len(affinity.PodAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution) != 0 {
					//	podAffinityTerms = append(podAffinityTerms, affinity.PodAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution...)
					for _, epAffinityTerm := range podAffinityTerms {
						match, err := ipa.failureDomains.CheckIfPodMatchPodAffinityTerm(pod, ep, epAffinityTerm,
							func(pod *api.Pod) (*api.Node, error) { return &node, nil },
							func(ep *api.Pod) (*api.Node, error) { return ipa.info.GetNodeInfo(ep.Spec.NodeName) },
						if err != nil {
							return nil, err
						if match {
							totalCount += ipa.hardPodAffinityWeight

				// count weight for the weighted pod affinity indicated by the existing pod.
				for _, epWeightedTerm := range epAffinity.PodAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution {
					match, err := ipa.failureDomains.CheckIfPodMatchPodAffinityTerm(pod, ep, epWeightedTerm.PodAffinityTerm,
						func(pod *api.Pod) (*api.Node, error) { return &node, nil },
						func(ep *api.Pod) (*api.Node, error) { return ipa.info.GetNodeInfo(ep.Spec.NodeName) },
					if err != nil {
						return nil, err
					if match {
						totalCount += epWeightedTerm.Weight

			// count weight for the weighted pod anti-affinity indicated by the existing pod.
			if epAffinity.PodAntiAffinity != nil {
				for _, epWeightedTerm := range epAffinity.PodAntiAffinity.PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution {
					match, err := ipa.failureDomains.CheckIfPodMatchPodAffinityTerm(pod, ep, epWeightedTerm.PodAffinityTerm,
						func(pod *api.Pod) (*api.Node, error) { return &node, nil },
						func(ep *api.Pod) (*api.Node, error) { return ipa.info.GetNodeInfo(ep.Spec.NodeName) },
					if err != nil {
						return nil, err
					if match {
						totalCount -= epWeightedTerm.Weight

		counts[node.Name] = totalCount
		if counts[node.Name] > maxCount {
			maxCount = counts[node.Name]
		if counts[node.Name] < minCount {
			minCount = counts[node.Name]

	// calculate final priority score for each node
	result := []schedulerapi.HostPriority{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		fScore := float64(0)
		if (maxCount - minCount) > 0 {
			fScore = 10 * (float64(counts[node.Name]-minCount) / float64(maxCount-minCount))
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: int(fScore)})
			"%v -> %v: InterPodAffinityPriority, Score: (%d)", pod.Name, node.Name, int(fScore),

	return result, nil
Пример #25
// Prioritizes the nodes by running the individual priority functions in parallel.
// Each priority function is expected to set a score of 0-10
// 0 is the lowest priority score (least preferred node) and 10 is the highest
// Each priority function can also have its own weight
// The node scores returned by the priority function are multiplied by the weights to get weighted scores
// All scores are finally combined (added) to get the total weighted scores of all nodes
func PrioritizeNodes(
	pod *api.Pod,
	nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo,
	priorityConfigs []algorithm.PriorityConfig,
	nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister,
	extenders []algorithm.SchedulerExtender,
) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	result := schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}

	// If no priority configs are provided, then the EqualPriority function is applied
	// This is required to generate the priority list in the required format
	if len(priorityConfigs) == 0 && len(extenders) == 0 {
		return EqualPriority(pod, nodeNameToInfo, nodeLister)

	var (
		mu             = sync.Mutex{}
		wg             = sync.WaitGroup{}
		combinedScores = map[string]int{}
		errs           []error

	for _, priorityConfig := range priorityConfigs {
		// skip the priority function if the weight is specified as 0
		if priorityConfig.Weight == 0 {

		go func(config algorithm.PriorityConfig) {
			defer wg.Done()
			weight := config.Weight
			priorityFunc := config.Function
			prioritizedList, err := priorityFunc(pod, nodeNameToInfo, nodeLister)

			defer mu.Unlock()
			if err != nil {
				errs = append(errs, err)
			for i := range prioritizedList {
				host, score := prioritizedList[i].Host, prioritizedList[i].Score
				combinedScores[host] += score * weight
	if len(errs) != 0 {
		return schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}, errors.NewAggregate(errs)

	// wait for all go routines to finish

	if len(extenders) != 0 && nodeLister != nil {
		nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
		if err != nil {
			return schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}, err
		for _, extender := range extenders {
			go func(ext algorithm.SchedulerExtender) {
				defer wg.Done()
				prioritizedList, weight, err := ext.Prioritize(pod, &nodes)
				if err != nil {
					// Prioritization errors from extender can be ignored, let k8s/other extenders determine the priorities
				for i := range *prioritizedList {
					host, score := (*prioritizedList)[i].Host, (*prioritizedList)[i].Score
					combinedScores[host] += score * weight
	// wait for all go routines to finish

	for host, score := range combinedScores {
		glog.V(10).Infof("Host %s Score %d", host, score)
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: host, Score: score})
	return result, nil
Пример #26
// CalculateSpreadPriority spreads pods across hosts and zones, considering pods belonging to the same service or replication controller.
// When a pod is scheduled, it looks for services or RCs that match the pod, then finds existing pods that match those selectors.
// It favors nodes that have fewer existing matching pods.
// i.e. it pushes the scheduler towards a node where there's the smallest number of
// pods which match the same service selectors or RC selectors as the pod being scheduled.
// Where zone information is included on the nodes, it favors nodes in zones with fewer existing matching pods.
func (s *SelectorSpread) CalculateSpreadPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	selectors := make([]labels.Selector, 0)
	services, err := s.serviceLister.GetPodServices(pod)
	if err == nil {
		for _, service := range services {
			selectors = append(selectors, labels.SelectorFromSet(service.Spec.Selector))
	rcs, err := s.controllerLister.GetPodControllers(pod)
	if err == nil {
		for _, rc := range rcs {
			selectors = append(selectors, labels.SelectorFromSet(rc.Spec.Selector))
	rss, err := s.replicaSetLister.GetPodReplicaSets(pod)
	if err == nil {
		for _, rs := range rss {
			if selector, err := unversioned.LabelSelectorAsSelector(rs.Spec.Selector); err == nil {
				selectors = append(selectors, selector)

	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Count similar pods by node
	countsByNodeName := map[string]int{}
	countsByNodeNameLock := sync.Mutex{}

	if len(selectors) > 0 {
		// Create a number of go-routines that will be computing number
		// of "similar" pods for given nodes.
		workers := 16
		toProcess := make(chan string, len(nodes.Items))
		for i := range nodes.Items {
			toProcess <- nodes.Items[i].Name

		wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
		for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
			go func() {
				defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
				defer wg.Done()
				for {
					nodeName, ok := <-toProcess
					if !ok {
					count := 0
					for _, nodePod := range nodeNameToInfo[nodeName].Pods() {
						if pod.Namespace != nodePod.Namespace {
						// When we are replacing a failed pod, we often see the previous
						// deleted version while scheduling the replacement.
						// Ignore the previous deleted version for spreading purposes
						// (it can still be considered for resource restrictions etc.)
						if nodePod.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
							glog.V(4).Infof("skipping pending-deleted pod: %s/%s", nodePod.Namespace, nodePod.Name)
						matches := false
						for _, selector := range selectors {
							if selector.Matches(labels.Set(nodePod.ObjectMeta.Labels)) {
								matches = true
						if matches {

					func() {
						defer countsByNodeNameLock.Unlock()
						countsByNodeName[nodeName] = count

	// Aggregate by-node information
	// Compute the maximum number of pods hosted on any node
	maxCountByNodeName := 0
	for _, count := range countsByNodeName {
		if count > maxCountByNodeName {
			maxCountByNodeName = count

	// Count similar pods by zone, if zone information is present
	countsByZone := map[string]int{}
	for i := range nodes.Items {
		node := &nodes.Items[i]

		count, found := countsByNodeName[node.Name]
		if !found {

		zoneId := getZoneKey(node)
		if zoneId == "" {

		countsByZone[zoneId] += count

	// Aggregate by-zone information
	// Compute the maximum number of pods hosted in any zone
	haveZones := len(countsByZone) != 0
	maxCountByZone := 0
	for _, count := range countsByZone {
		if count > maxCountByZone {
			maxCountByZone = count

	result := []schedulerapi.HostPriority{}
	//score int - scale of 0-maxPriority
	// 0 being the lowest priority and maxPriority being the highest
	for i := range nodes.Items {
		node := &nodes.Items[i]
		// initializing to the default/max node score of maxPriority
		fScore := float32(maxPriority)
		if maxCountByNodeName > 0 {
			fScore = maxPriority * (float32(maxCountByNodeName-countsByNodeName[node.Name]) / float32(maxCountByNodeName))

		// If there is zone information present, incorporate it
		if haveZones {
			zoneId := getZoneKey(node)
			if zoneId != "" {
				zoneScore := maxPriority * (float32(maxCountByZone-countsByZone[zoneId]) / float32(maxCountByZone))
				fScore = (fScore * (1.0 - zoneWeighting)) + (zoneWeighting * zoneScore)

		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: int(fScore)})
			"%v -> %v: SelectorSpreadPriority, Score: (%d)", pod.Name, node.Name, int(fScore),
	return result, nil
Пример #27
// CalculateSpreadPriority spreads pods by minimizing the number of pods belonging to the same service or replication controller. It counts number of pods that run under
// Services or RCs as the pod being scheduled and tries to minimize the number of conflicts. I.e. pushes scheduler towards a Node where there's a smallest number of
// pods which match the same selectors of Services and RCs as current pod.
func (s *SelectorSpread) CalculateSpreadPriority(pod *api.Pod, podLister algorithm.PodLister, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (algorithm.HostPriorityList, error) {
	var maxCount int
	var nsPods []*api.Pod

	selectors := make([]labels.Selector, 0)
	services, err := s.serviceLister.GetPodServices(pod)
	if err == nil {
		for _, service := range services {
			selectors = append(selectors, labels.SelectorFromSet(service.Spec.Selector))
	controllers, err := s.controllerLister.GetPodControllers(pod)
	if err == nil {
		for _, controller := range controllers {
			selectors = append(selectors, labels.SelectorFromSet(controller.Spec.Selector))

	if len(selectors) > 0 {
		pods, err := podLister.List(labels.Everything())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// consider only the pods that belong to the same namespace
		for _, nsPod := range pods {
			if nsPod.Namespace == pod.Namespace {
				nsPods = append(nsPods, nsPod)

	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	counts := map[string]int{}
	if len(nsPods) > 0 {
		for _, pod := range nsPods {
			matches := false
			for _, selector := range selectors {
				if selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.ObjectMeta.Labels)) {
					matches = true
			if matches {
				// Compute the maximum number of pods hosted on any node
				if counts[pod.Spec.NodeName] > maxCount {
					maxCount = counts[pod.Spec.NodeName]

	result := []algorithm.HostPriority{}
	//score int - scale of 0-10
	// 0 being the lowest priority and 10 being the highest
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		// initializing to the default/max node score of 10
		fScore := float32(10)
		if maxCount > 0 {
			fScore = 10 * (float32(maxCount-counts[node.Name]) / float32(maxCount))
		result = append(result, algorithm.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: int(fScore)})
			"%v -> %v: SelectorSpreadPriority, Score: (%d)", pod.Name, node.Name, int(fScore),
	return result, nil
Пример #28
func (npa *NodePreferAvoidPod) CalculateNodePreferAvoidPodsPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// TODO: Once we have ownerReference fully implemented, use it to find controller for the pod.
	rcs, err := npa.controllerLister.GetPodControllers(pod)
	rss, err := npa.replicaSetLister.GetPodReplicaSets(pod)
	if len(rcs) == 0 && len(rss) == 0 {
		result := make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, 0, len(nodes))
		for _, node := range nodes {
			result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: 10})
		return result, nil

	avoidNodes := make(map[string]bool, len(nodes))
	avoidNode := false
	for _, node := range nodes {
		avoids, err := api.GetAvoidPodsFromNodeAnnotations(node.Annotations)
		if err != nil {

		avoidNode = false
		for i := range avoids.PreferAvoidPods {
			avoid := &avoids.PreferAvoidPods[i]
			// TODO: Once we have controllerRef implemented there will be at most one owner
			// of our pod. That said we won't even need loop theoretically. That said for
			// code simplicity, we can get rid of all breaks.
			// Also, we can simply compare fields from ownerRef with avoid.
			for _, rc := range rcs {
				if avoid.PodSignature.PodController.Kind == "ReplicationController" && avoid.PodSignature.PodController.UID == rc.UID {
					avoidNode = true
			for _, rs := range rss {
				if avoid.PodSignature.PodController.Kind == "ReplicaSet" && avoid.PodSignature.PodController.UID == rs.UID {
					avoidNode = true
			if avoidNode {
				// false is default value, so we don't even need to set it
				// to avoid unnecessary map operations.
				avoidNodes[node.Name] = true

	var score int
	result := make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, 0, len(nodes))
	//score int - scale of 0-10
	// 0 being the lowest priority and 10 being the highest
	for _, node := range nodes {
		if avoidNodes[node.Name] {
			score = 0
		} else {
			score = 10
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: score})
	return result, nil
Пример #29
// CalculateSpreadPriority spreads pods across hosts and zones, considering pods belonging to the same service or replication controller.
// When a pod is scheduled, it looks for services or RCs that match the pod, then finds existing pods that match those selectors.
// It favors nodes that have fewer existing matching pods.
// i.e. it pushes the scheduler towards a node where there's the smallest number of
// pods which match the same service selectors or RC selectors as the pod being scheduled.
// Where zone information is included on the nodes, it favors nodes in zones with fewer existing matching pods.
func (s *SelectorSpread) CalculateSpreadPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	var nsPods []*api.Pod

	selectors := make([]labels.Selector, 0)
	services, err := s.serviceLister.GetPodServices(pod)
	if err == nil {
		for _, service := range services {
			selectors = append(selectors, labels.SelectorFromSet(service.Spec.Selector))
	controllers, err := s.controllerLister.GetPodControllers(pod)
	if err == nil {
		for _, controller := range controllers {
			selectors = append(selectors, labels.SelectorFromSet(controller.Spec.Selector))

	if len(selectors) > 0 {
		pods, err := s.podLister.List(labels.Everything())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// consider only the pods that belong to the same namespace
		for _, nsPod := range pods {
			if nsPod.Namespace == pod.Namespace {
				nsPods = append(nsPods, nsPod)

	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Count similar pods by node
	countsByNodeName := map[string]int{}
	for _, pod := range nsPods {
		// When we are replacing a failed pod, we often see the previous deleted version
		// while scheduling the replacement.  Ignore the previous deleted version for spreading
		// purposes (it can still be considered for resource restrictions etc.)
		if pod.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
			glog.V(2).Infof("skipping pending-deleted pod: %s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
		matches := false
		for _, selector := range selectors {
			if selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.ObjectMeta.Labels)) {
				matches = true
		if !matches {


	// Aggregate by-node information
	// Compute the maximum number of pods hosted on any node
	maxCountByNodeName := 0
	for _, count := range countsByNodeName {
		if count > maxCountByNodeName {
			maxCountByNodeName = count

	// Count similar pods by zone, if zone information is present
	countsByZone := map[string]int{}
	for i := range nodes.Items {
		node := &nodes.Items[i]

		count, found := countsByNodeName[node.Name]
		if !found {

		zoneId := getZoneKey(node)
		if zoneId == "" {

		countsByZone[zoneId] += count

	// Aggregate by-zone information
	// Compute the maximum number of pods hosted in any zone
	haveZones := len(countsByZone) != 0
	maxCountByZone := 0
	for _, count := range countsByZone {
		if count > maxCountByZone {
			maxCountByZone = count

	result := []schedulerapi.HostPriority{}
	//score int - scale of 0-maxPriority
	// 0 being the lowest priority and maxPriority being the highest
	for i := range nodes.Items {
		node := &nodes.Items[i]
		// initializing to the default/max node score of maxPriority
		fScore := float32(maxPriority)
		if maxCountByNodeName > 0 {
			fScore = maxPriority * (float32(maxCountByNodeName-countsByNodeName[node.Name]) / float32(maxCountByNodeName))

		// If there is zone information present, incorporate it
		if haveZones {
			zoneId := getZoneKey(node)
			if zoneId != "" {
				zoneScore := maxPriority * (float32(maxCountByZone-countsByZone[zoneId]) / float32(maxCountByZone))
				fScore = (fScore * (1.0 - zoneWeighting)) + (zoneWeighting * zoneScore)

		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node.Name, Score: int(fScore)})
			"%v -> %v: SelectorSpreadPriority, Score: (%d)", pod.Name, node.Name, int(fScore),
	return result, nil
Пример #30
// CalculateAntiAffinityPriority spreads pods by minimizing the number of pods belonging to the same service
// on machines with the same value for a particular label.
// The label to be considered is provided to the struct (ServiceAntiAffinity).
func (s *ServiceAntiAffinity) CalculateAntiAffinityPriority(pod *api.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodeLister algorithm.NodeLister) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	var nsServicePods []*api.Pod

	services, err := s.serviceLister.GetPodServices(pod)
	if err == nil {
		// just use the first service and get the other pods within the service
		// TODO: a separate predicate can be created that tries to handle all services for the pod
		selector := labels.SelectorFromSet(services[0].Spec.Selector)
		pods, err := s.podLister.List(selector)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// consider only the pods that belong to the same namespace
		for _, nsPod := range pods {
			if nsPod.Namespace == pod.Namespace {
				nsServicePods = append(nsServicePods, nsPod)

	nodes, err := nodeLister.List()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// separate out the nodes that have the label from the ones that don't
	otherNodes := []string{}
	labeledNodes := map[string]string{}
	for _, node := range nodes.Items {
		if labels.Set(node.Labels).Has(s.label) {
			label := labels.Set(node.Labels).Get(s.label)
			labeledNodes[node.Name] = label
		} else {
			otherNodes = append(otherNodes, node.Name)

	podCounts := map[string]int{}
	for _, pod := range nsServicePods {
		label, exists := labeledNodes[pod.Spec.NodeName]
		if !exists {

	numServicePods := len(nsServicePods)
	result := []schedulerapi.HostPriority{}
	//score int - scale of 0-maxPriority
	// 0 being the lowest priority and maxPriority being the highest
	for node := range labeledNodes {
		// initializing to the default/max node score of maxPriority
		fScore := float32(maxPriority)
		if numServicePods > 0 {
			fScore = maxPriority * (float32(numServicePods-podCounts[labeledNodes[node]]) / float32(numServicePods))
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node, Score: int(fScore)})
	// add the open nodes with a score of 0
	for _, node := range otherNodes {
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: node, Score: 0})

	return result, nil