Пример #1

			By("waiting for Ingress to come up with ip: " + ip)
			httpClient := buildInsecureClient(reqTimeout)
			framework.ExpectNoError(framework.PollURL(fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/", ip), "", framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout, jig.pollInterval, httpClient, false))

			By("should reject HTTP traffic")
			framework.ExpectNoError(framework.PollURL(fmt.Sprintf("http://%v/", ip), "", framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout, jig.pollInterval, httpClient, true))

			By("should have correct firewall rule for ingress")
			fw := gceController.getFirewallRule()
			expFw := jig.constructFirewallForIngress(gceController)
			// Passed the last argument as `true` to verify the backend ports is a subset
			// of the allowed ports in firewall rule, given there may be other existing
			// ingress resources and backends we are not aware of.
			Expect(framework.VerifyFirewallRule(fw, expFw, gceController.cloud.Network, true)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())

			// TODO: uncomment the restart test once we have a way to synchronize
			// and know that the controller has resumed watching. If we delete
			// the ingress before the controller is ready we will leak.
			// By("restaring glbc")
			// restarter := NewRestartConfig(
			//	 framework.GetMasterHost(), "glbc", glbcHealthzPort, restartPollInterval, restartTimeout)
			// restarter.restart()
			// By("should continue serving on provided static-ip for 30 seconds")
			// ExpectNoError(jig.verifyURL(fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/", ip), "", 30, 1*time.Second, httpClient))

		// TODO: Implement a multizone e2e that verifies traffic reaches each
		// zone based on pod labels.
Пример #2
		defer func() {
			jig.UpdateServiceOrFail(svc.Namespace, svc.Name, func(svc *v1.Service) {
				svc.Spec.Type = v1.ServiceTypeNodePort
				svc.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges = nil
			Expect(cs.Core().Services(svc.Namespace).Delete(svc.Name, nil)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
		svcExternalIP := svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].IP

		By("Checking if service's firewall rules are correct")
		nodeTags := framework.GetInstanceTags(cloudConfig, nodesNames[0])
		expFw := framework.ConstructFirewallForLBService(svc, nodeTags.Items)
		fw, err := gceCloud.GetFirewall(expFw.Name)
		Expect(framework.VerifyFirewallRule(fw, expFw, cloudConfig.Network, false)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())

		By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating netexec pods on at most %v nodes", maxNodesForEndpointsTests))
		for i, nodeName := range nodesNames {
			podName := fmt.Sprintf("netexec%v", i)
			jig.LaunchNetexecPodOnNode(f, nodeName, podName, firewallTestHttpPort, firewallTestUdpPort, true)
			defer func() {
				framework.Logf("Cleaning up the netexec pod: %v", podName)
				Expect(cs.Core().Pods(ns).Delete(podName, nil)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())

		// Send requests from outside of the cluster because internal traffic is whitelisted
		By("Accessing the external service ip from outside, all non-master nodes should be reached")
		Expect(testHitNodesFromOutside(svcExternalIP, firewallTestHttpPort, firewallTimeoutDefault, nodesSet)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())