Пример #1
		deleted, err := framework.DeleteNamespaces(c, nil /* deleteFilter */, []string{api.NamespaceSystem, api.NamespaceDefault})
		if err != nil {
			framework.Failf("Error deleting orphaned namespaces: %v", err)
		glog.Infof("Waiting for deletion of the following namespaces: %v", deleted)
		if err := framework.WaitForNamespacesDeleted(c, deleted, framework.NamespaceCleanupTimeout); err != nil {
			framework.Failf("Failed to delete orphaned namespaces %v: %v", deleted, err)

	// Ensure all pods are running and ready before starting tests (otherwise,
	// cluster infrastructure pods that are being pulled or started can block
	// test pods from running, and tests that ensure all pods are running and
	// ready will fail).
	podStartupTimeout := framework.TestContext.SystemPodsStartupTimeout
	if err := framework.WaitForPodsRunningReady(c, api.NamespaceSystem, int32(framework.TestContext.MinStartupPods), podStartupTimeout, framework.ImagePullerLabels); err != nil {
		framework.DumpAllNamespaceInfo(c, api.NamespaceSystem)
		framework.LogFailedContainers(c, api.NamespaceSystem)
		framework.RunKubernetesServiceTestContainer(c, framework.TestContext.RepoRoot, api.NamespaceDefault)
		framework.Failf("Error waiting for all pods to be running and ready: %v", err)

	if err := framework.WaitForPodsSuccess(c, api.NamespaceSystem, framework.ImagePullerLabels, imagePrePullingTimeout); err != nil {
		// There is no guarantee that the image pulling will succeed in 3 minutes
		// and we don't even run the image puller on all platforms (including GKE).
		// We wait for it so we get an indication of failures in the logs, and to
		// maximize benefit of image pre-pulling.
		framework.Logf("WARNING: Image pulling pods failed to enter success in %v: %v", imagePrePullingTimeout, err)

	// Dump the output of the nethealth containers only once per run
Пример #2
		for _, a := range nodes.Items[0].Status.Addresses {
			if a.Type == v1.NodeInternalIP {
				addr = a.Address

	It("starts static pods on every node in the mesos cluster", func() {
		client := f.ClientSet
		framework.ExpectNoError(framework.AllNodesReady(client, wait.ForeverTestTimeout), "all nodes ready")

		nodelist := framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(client)
		const ns = "static-pods"
		numpods := int32(len(nodelist.Items))
		framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForPodsRunningReady(client, ns, numpods, wait.ForeverTestTimeout, map[string]string{}, false),
			fmt.Sprintf("number of static pods in namespace %s is %d", ns, numpods))

	It("schedules pods annotated with roles on correct slaves", func() {
		// launch a pod to find a node which can launch a pod. We intentionally do
		// not just take the node list and choose the first of them. Depending on the
		// cluster and the scheduler it might be that a "normal" pod cannot be
		// scheduled onto it.
		By("Trying to launch a pod with a label to get a node which can launch it.")
		podName := "with-label"
		_, err := c.Core().Pods(ns).Create(&v1.Pod{
			TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
				Kind: "Pod",
			ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{
Пример #3
		err := framework.CheckTestingNSDeletedExcept(c, ns)

		// Every test case in this suite assumes that cluster add-on pods stay stable and
		// cannot be run in parallel with any other test that touches Nodes or Pods.
		// It is so because we need to have precise control on what's running in the cluster.
		systemPods, err := framework.GetPodsInNamespace(c, ns, ignoreLabels)
		systemPodsNo = 0
		for _, pod := range systemPods {
			if !masterNodes.Has(pod.Spec.NodeName) && pod.DeletionTimestamp == nil {

		err = framework.WaitForPodsRunningReady(c, api.NamespaceSystem, int32(systemPodsNo), framework.PodReadyBeforeTimeout, ignoreLabels)

		for _, node := range nodeList.Items {
			framework.Logf("\nLogging pods the kubelet thinks is on node %v before test", node.Name)
			framework.PrintAllKubeletPods(c, node.Name)


	// This test verifies that max-pods flag works as advertised. It assumes that cluster add-on pods stay stable
	// and cannot be run in parallel with any other test that touches Nodes or Pods. It is so because to check
	// if max-pods is working we need to fully saturate the cluster and keep it in this state for few seconds.
	// Slow PR #13315 (8 min)
	It("validates MaxPods limit number of pods that are allowed to run [Slow]", func() {
Пример #4
			if a.Type == api.NodeInternalIP {
				addr = a.Address

	It("starts static pods on every node in the mesos cluster", func() {
		client := f.Client
		framework.ExpectNoError(framework.AllNodesReady(client, wait.ForeverTestTimeout), "all nodes ready")

		nodelist := framework.GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(f.Client)

		const ns = "static-pods"
		numpods := int32(len(nodelist.Items))
		framework.ExpectNoError(framework.WaitForPodsRunningReady(ns, numpods, wait.ForeverTestTimeout),
			fmt.Sprintf("number of static pods in namespace %s is %d", ns, numpods))

	It("schedules pods annotated with roles on correct slaves", func() {
		// launch a pod to find a node which can launch a pod. We intentionally do
		// not just take the node list and choose the first of them. Depending on the
		// cluster and the scheduler it might be that a "normal" pod cannot be
		// scheduled onto it.
		By("Trying to launch a pod with a label to get a node which can launch it.")
		podName := "with-label"
		_, err := c.Pods(ns).Create(&api.Pod{
			TypeMeta: unversioned.TypeMeta{
				Kind: "Pod",
			ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Пример #5
		err = fmt.Errorf("nodeUpgrade() is not implemented for provider %s", framework.TestContext.Provider)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Wait for it to complete and validate nodes and pods are healthy.
	// TODO(ihmccreery) We shouldn't have to wait for nodes to be ready in
	// GKE; the operation shouldn't return until they all are.
	framework.Logf("Waiting up to %v for all nodes to be ready after the upgrade", restartNodeReadyAgainTimeout)
	if _, err := checkNodesReady(f.Client, restartNodeReadyAgainTimeout, framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.NumNodes); err != nil {
		return err
	framework.Logf("Waiting up to %v for all pods to be running and ready after the upgrade", restartPodReadyAgainTimeout)
	return framework.WaitForPodsRunningReady(f.Namespace.Name, replicas, restartPodReadyAgainTimeout)

func nodeUpgradeGCE(rawV string) error {
	// TODO(ihmccreery) This code path should be identical to how a user
	// would trigger a node update; right now it's very different.
	v := "v" + rawV

	framework.Logf("Getting the node template before the upgrade")
	tmplBefore, err := migTemplate()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error getting the node template before the upgrade: %v", err)

	framework.Logf("Preparing node upgrade by creating new instance template for %q", v)
	stdout, _, err := runCmd(path.Join(framework.TestContext.RepoRoot, "cluster/gce/upgrade.sh"), "-P", v)
Пример #6
		err = framework.CheckTestingNSDeletedExcept(c, ns)

		// Every test case in this suite assumes that cluster add-on pods stay stable and
		// cannot be run in parallel with any other test that touches Nodes or Pods.
		// It is so because we need to have precise control on what's running in the cluster.
		systemPods, err := c.Pods(api.NamespaceSystem).List(api.ListOptions{})
		systemPodsNo = 0
		for _, pod := range systemPods.Items {
			if !masterNodes.Has(pod.Spec.NodeName) && pod.DeletionTimestamp == nil {

		err = framework.WaitForPodsRunningReady(api.NamespaceSystem, systemPodsNo, framework.PodReadyBeforeTimeout)

		for _, node := range nodeList.Items {
			framework.Logf("\nLogging pods the kubelet thinks is on node %v before test", node.Name)
			framework.PrintAllKubeletPods(c, node.Name)


	// This test verifies that max-pods flag works as advertised. It assumes that cluster add-on pods stay stable
	// and cannot be run in parallel with any other test that touches Nodes or Pods. It is so because to check
	// if max-pods is working we need to fully saturate the cluster and keep it in this state for few seconds.
	// Slow PR #13315 (8 min)
	It("validates MaxPods limit number of pods that are allowed to run [Slow]", func() {
Пример #7
			// TODO(cjcullen) reduce this sleep (#19314)
			if framework.ProviderIs("gke") {
				By("waiting 5 minutes for all dead tunnels to be dropped")
				time.Sleep(5 * time.Minute)
			if err := WaitForGroupSize(group, int32(framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.NumNodes)); err != nil {
				framework.Failf("Couldn't restore the original node instance group size: %v", err)
			if err := framework.WaitForClusterSize(c, framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.NumNodes, 10*time.Minute); err != nil {
				framework.Failf("Couldn't restore the original cluster size: %v", err)
			// Many e2e tests assume that the cluster is fully healthy before they start.  Wait until
			// the cluster is restored to health.
			By("waiting for system pods to successfully restart")
			err := framework.WaitForPodsRunningReady(c, api.NamespaceSystem, systemPodsNo, framework.PodReadyBeforeTimeout, ignoreLabels, true)
			By("waiting for image prepulling pods to complete")
			framework.WaitForPodsSuccess(c, api.NamespaceSystem, framework.ImagePullerLabels, imagePrePullingTimeout)

		It("should be able to delete nodes", func() {
			// Create a replication controller for a service that serves its hostname.
			// The source for the Docker container kubernetes/serve_hostname is in contrib/for-demos/serve_hostname
			name := "my-hostname-delete-node"
			replicas := int32(framework.TestContext.CloudConfig.NumNodes)
			newRCByName(c, ns, name, replicas, nil)
			err := framework.VerifyPods(c, ns, name, true, replicas)

			By(fmt.Sprintf("decreasing cluster size to %d", replicas-1))
Пример #8
		deleted, err := framework.DeleteNamespaces(c, nil /* deleteFilter */, []string{api.NamespaceSystem, api.NamespaceDefault})
		if err != nil {
			framework.Failf("Error deleting orphaned namespaces: %v", err)
		glog.Infof("Waiting for deletion of the following namespaces: %v", deleted)
		if err := framework.WaitForNamespacesDeleted(c, deleted, framework.NamespaceCleanupTimeout); err != nil {
			framework.Failf("Failed to delete orphaned namespaces %v: %v", deleted, err)

	// Ensure all pods are running and ready before starting tests (otherwise,
	// cluster infrastructure pods that are being pulled or started can block
	// test pods from running, and tests that ensure all pods are running and
	// ready will fail).
	if err := framework.WaitForPodsRunningReady(api.NamespaceSystem, int32(framework.TestContext.MinStartupPods), podStartupTimeout); err != nil {
		if c, errClient := framework.LoadClient(); errClient != nil {
			framework.Logf("Unable to dump cluster information because: %v", errClient)
		} else {
			framework.DumpAllNamespaceInfo(c, api.NamespaceSystem)
		framework.RunKubernetesServiceTestContainer(framework.TestContext.RepoRoot, api.NamespaceDefault)
		framework.Failf("Error waiting for all pods to be running and ready: %v", err)

	return nil

}, func(data []byte) {
	// Run on all Ginkgo nodes