Пример #1
// Check that the pods comprising a service get spread evenly across available zones
func SpreadServiceOrFail(f *framework.Framework, replicaCount int, image string) {
	// First create the service
	serviceName := "test-service"
	serviceSpec := &v1.Service{
		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      serviceName,
			Namespace: f.Namespace.Name,
		Spec: v1.ServiceSpec{
			Selector: map[string]string{
				"service": serviceName,
			Ports: []v1.ServicePort{{
				Port:       80,
				TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(80),
	_, err := f.ClientSet.Core().Services(f.Namespace.Name).Create(serviceSpec)

	// Now create some pods behind the service
	podSpec := &v1.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:   serviceName,
			Labels: map[string]string{"service": serviceName},
		Spec: v1.PodSpec{
			Containers: []v1.Container{
					Name:  "test",
					Image: framework.GetPauseImageName(f.ClientSet),

	// Caution: StartPods requires at least one pod to replicate.
	// Based on the callers, replicas is always positive number: zoneCount >= 0 implies (2*zoneCount)+1 > 0.
	// Thus, no need to test for it. Once the precondition changes to zero number of replicas,
	// test for replicaCount > 0. Otherwise, StartPods panics.
	framework.ExpectNoError(testutils.StartPods(f.ClientSet, replicaCount, f.Namespace.Name, serviceName, *podSpec, false, framework.Logf))

	// Wait for all of them to be scheduled
	selector := labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set(map[string]string{"service": serviceName}))
	pods, err := framework.WaitForPodsWithLabelScheduled(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, selector)

	// Now make sure they're spread across zones
	zoneNames, err := getZoneNames(f.ClientSet)
	Expect(checkZoneSpreading(f.ClientSet, pods, zoneNames)).To(Equal(true))
Пример #2
			totalPodCapacity += podCapacity.Value()

		currentlyScheduledPods := framework.WaitForStableCluster(c, masterNodes)
		podsNeededForSaturation := int(totalPodCapacity) - currentlyScheduledPods

		By(fmt.Sprintf("Starting additional %v Pods to fully saturate the cluster max pods and trying to start another one", podsNeededForSaturation))

		// As the pods are distributed randomly among nodes,
		// it can easily happen that all nodes are satured
		// and there is no need to create additional pods.
		// StartPods requires at least one pod to replicate.
		if podsNeededForSaturation > 0 {
			framework.ExpectNoError(testutils.StartPods(c, podsNeededForSaturation, ns, "maxp",
				*initPausePod(f, pausePodConfig{
					Name:   "",
					Labels: map[string]string{"name": ""},
				}), true, framework.Logf))
		podName := "additional-pod"
		createPausePod(f, pausePodConfig{
			Name:   podName,
			Labels: map[string]string{"name": "additional"},
		verifyResult(c, podsNeededForSaturation, 1, ns)

	// This test verifies we don't allow scheduling of pods in a way that sum of limits of pods is greater than machines capacity.
	// It assumes that cluster add-on pods stay stable and cannot be run in parallel with any other test that touches Nodes or Pods.
	// It is so because we need to have precise control on what's running in the cluster.