func BuildCircuit(slc []dirclient.KNode, subchannel int) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
	// this returns a checker whether a public key is valid
	pubkey_checker := func(hsh string) func([]byte) bool {
		return func([]byte) bool { return true }

		return func(xaxa []byte) bool {
			hashed := hash_base32(xaxa)
			return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(hashed), []byte(hsh)) == 1

	// circuit-building loop
	gwire, err := dialer.Dial(Old2New(slc[0].Address))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	wire, err := kiss.TransportHandshake(kiss.GenerateDHKeys(),
		gwire, pubkey_checker(slc[0].PublicKey))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	for _, ele := range slc[1:] {
		kilog.Debug("Connecting to node %v...", string([]byte(ele.PublicKey)[:10]))
		// extend wire
		_, err = wire.Write(append([]byte{byte(len(ele.PublicKey))}, ele.PublicKey...))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		verifier := pubkey_checker(ele.PublicKey)
		// at this point wire is raw (well unobfs) connection to next
		wire, err = kiss.TransportHandshake(kiss.GenerateDHKeys(), wire, verifier)
		if err != nil {
			kilog.Debug("Died when transport at %s", ele.PublicKey)
			return nil, err
		kilog.Debug("Connected to node %v!", string([]byte(ele.PublicKey)[:10]))
	_, err = wire.Write([]byte{byte(subchannel)})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	kilog.Debug("Opened subchannel %d", subchannel)
	return wire, nil
Пример #2
import (



var MasterKey = kiss.GenerateDHKeys()
var MasterKeyHash = hash_base32(MasterKey.Public)

var confloc = flag.String("c", "", "config location")
var singhop = flag.Bool("singhop", false, "single hop or not")
var noclient = flag.Bool("noclient", false, "server only")

var version = "NOT_A_RELEASE_VERSION"

func main() {
	go run_monitor_loop()
	if *confloc == "" {
		kilog.Warning("No configuration file given, using defaults")
	} else {