Пример #1
func init() {
	if runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) == 1 {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Write a delimited stream of entries from stdin to a GraphStore",
		"[--batch_size entries] [--workers n] --graphstore spec")
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to which to write the entry stream")
Пример #2
func init() {
	if runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) == 1 {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to serve xrefs")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Exposes HTTP/GRPC interfaces for the search, xrefs, and filetree services",
		"(--graphstore spec | --serving_table path) [--listen addr] [--grpc_listen addr] [--public_resources dir]")
Пример #3
func init() {
	if runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) == 1 {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to read")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Creates a combined xrefs/filetree/search serving table based on a given GraphStore",
		"--graphstore spec --out path")
Пример #4
func init() {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage(`Determine what references are located at a particular offset within a file.

By default, kwazthis will search for a .kythe configuration file in a directory
above the given --path (if it exists locally relative to the current working
directory).  If found, --path will be made relative to this directory and --root
before making any Kythe service requests.  If not found, --path will be passed
unchanged.  --ignore_local_repo will turn off this behavior.`,
		"--offset int (--path p | --signature s) [--corpus c] [--root r] [--language l] [--ignore_local_repo] [--dirty_buffer path]")
Пример #5
func init() {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage(`Local CompilationAnalyzer server driver

Drives a CompilationAnalyzer server as a subprocess, sending it
AnalysisRequests, and writing the AnalysisOutput values as a delimited stream.

The command for the analyzer is given as non-flag arguments with the string
@port@ replaced with --analyzer_port.`,
		`[--analyzer_port int]
<analyzer-command> [analyzer-args...] -- <kindex-file...>`)
Пример #6
func init() {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage(`Determine what references are located at a particular offset (or line and column) within a file.

kwazthis normally searches for a .kythe configuration file in a directory above
the given --path (if it exists locally relative to the current working
directory).  If found, --path will be made relative to this directory and --root
before making any Kythe service requests.  If not found, --path will be passed

If the given --path file is found locally and --dirty_buffer is unset,
--dirty_buffer is automatically set to found local file and sent to the server .

--local_repo supplies kwazthis with the corpus root without searching the
filesystem for the .kythe file and --local_repo=NONE will turn off all local
filesystem behavior completely (including the automatic --dirty_buffer
		`(--offset int | --line int --column int) (--path p | --signature s)
[--corpus c] [--root r] [--language l]
[--api spec] [--local_repo root] [--dirty_buffer path] [--skip_defs]`)
Пример #7
func init() {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "Path to GraphStore to convert to triples (instead of an entry stream)")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Converts an Entry stream to a stream of triples",
		"[(--graphstore path | entries_file) [triples_out]]")
Пример #8
func init() {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Produce a stream of entries representing the files in the given directories",
		"[--verbose] [--emit_irregular] [--vnames path] [--exclude re0,re1,...,reN] [directories]")
Пример #9
func init() {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Indexes Kythe LevelDB serving tables into a codesearch index",
		"--serving_table path --out out-file")
Пример #10
func init() {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to read (mutually exclusive with --entries)")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage(
		"Creates a combined xrefs/filetree/search serving table based on a given GraphStore or stream of GraphStore-ordered entries",
		"(--graphstore spec | --entries path) --out path")
Пример #11
func init() {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Print a .kindex archive as JSON to stdout",
		"[--files] <kindex-file>")
Пример #12
func init() {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to read")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Scans/reads the entries from a GraphStore, emitting a delimited entry stream to stdout",
		"--graphstore spec [--count] [--shards N [--shard_index I] --sharded_file path] [--edge_kind] ([--fact_prefix str] [--target ticket] | [ticket...])")
Пример #13
func init() {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Remove duplicate records from a delimited stream")
Пример #14
func init() {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to serve xrefs")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Exposes HTTP/GRPC interfaces for the xrefs and filetree services",
		"(--graphstore spec | --serving_table path) [--listen addr] [--grpc_listen addr] [--public_resources dir]")
Пример #15
func init() {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Manipulate a stream of delimited Entry messages",
		"[--read_json] [--unique] ([--write_json] [--sort] | [--entrysets] | [--count])")
Пример #16
func init() {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Write a delimited stream of entries from stdin to a GraphStore",
		"[--batch_size entries] [--workers n] --graphstore spec")
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to which to write the entry stream")
Пример #17
func init() {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Emit ctags-formatted lines for the definitions in the given files",
		"[--api address] <file>...")
Пример #18
func init() {
	gsutil.Flag(&gs, "graphstore", "GraphStore to read")
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage("Creates a combined xrefs/filetree/search serving table based on a given GraphStore",
		"--graphstore spec --out path")
Пример #19
func init() {
	flag.Usage = flagutil.SimpleUsage(
		"Scan/print each key-value in the given LevelDB(s)",
		"[--string_key=false] [--string_value|--proto_value type]\n[--json] [--format f] [--prefix p] <leveldb-path>+")