func (s *BootstrapS) TestLogfAndGetTestLog(c *gocheck.C) { c.Logf("Hello %v", "there!") log := c.GetTestLog() if log != "Hello there!\n" { critical(fmt.Sprintf("Logf() or GetTestLog() is not working! Got: %#v", log)) } }
func (*logSuite) TestLog(c *gc.C) { logger := loggo.GetLogger("test") jujuLogger := loggo.GetLogger("juju") logConfig = "<root>=DEBUG;juju=TRACE" c.Assert(logger.EffectiveLogLevel(), gc.Equals, loggo.WARNING) var suite LoggingSuite suite.SetUpSuite(c) c.Assert(logger.EffectiveLogLevel(), gc.Equals, loggo.DEBUG) c.Assert(jujuLogger.EffectiveLogLevel(), gc.Equals, loggo.TRACE) logger.Debugf("message 1") logger.Tracef("message 2") jujuLogger.Tracef("message 3") c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, ".*DEBUG test message 1\n"+ ".*TRACE juju message 3\n", ) suite.TearDownSuite(c) logger.Debugf("message 1") logger.Tracef("message 2") jujuLogger.Tracef("message 3") c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, ".*DEBUG test message 1\n"+ ".*TRACE juju message 3\n", ) c.Assert(logger.EffectiveLogLevel(), gc.Equals, loggo.WARNING) c.Assert(jujuLogger.EffectiveLogLevel(), gc.Equals, loggo.WARNING) }
func (s *logSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) { s.LoggingSuite.SetUpTest(c) // The SetUpTest resets the logging levels. logger.SetLogLevel(loggo.INFO) logger.Infof("testing-SetUpTest") c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, ".*INFO test testing-SetUpTest\n") }
func (s *logSuite) TestLog(c *gc.C) { logger.Infof("testing-Test") c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, ".*INFO test testing-SetUpTest\n"+ ".*INFO test testing-Test\n", ) }
func (*LxcSuite) TestManagerWarnsAboutUnknownOption(c *gc.C) { _, err := lxc.NewContainerManager(container.ManagerConfig{ container.ConfigName: "BillyBatson", "shazam": "Captain Marvel", }) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), jc.Contains, `WARNING juju.container unused config option: "shazam" -> "Captain Marvel"`) }
func (*kernelVersionSuite) TestMacOSXSeriesFromKernelVersionError(c *gc.C) { // We suppress the actual error in favor of returning "unknown", but we // do log the error series, err := version.MacOSXSeriesFromKernelVersion(sysctlError) c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "no such syscall") c.Assert(series, gc.Equals, "unknown") c.Check(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, ".* juju.version unable to determine OS version: no such syscall\n") }
func (s *BootstrapS) TestMinLogger(c *gocheck.C) { var logger minLogger logger = log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0) logger = c logger.Output(0, "Hello there") expected := `\[LOG\] [0-9]+:[0-9][0-9]\.[0-9][0-9][0-9] +Hello there\n` output := c.GetTestLog() c.Assert(output, gocheck.Matches, expected) }
func (s *StoreSuite) TestWarning(c *gc.C) { charmURL := charm.MustParseURL("cs:series/unwise") expect := `.* WARNING juju.charm charm store reports for "cs:series/unwise": foolishness` + "\n" r, err := charm.Latest(, charmURL) c.Assert(r, gc.Equals, 23) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, expect) ch, err := c.Assert(ch, gc.NotNil) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, expect+expect) }
func (s *MongoSuite) TestEnsureServer(c *gc.C) { dataDir := c.MkDir() dbDir := filepath.Join(dataDir, "db") namespace := "namespace" mockShellCommand(c, &s.CleanupSuite, "apt-get") err := mongo.EnsureServer(makeEnsureServerParams(dataDir, namespace)) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) testJournalDirs(dbDir, c) assertInstalled := func() { c.Assert(s.installed, gc.HasLen, 1) conf := s.installed[0] c.Assert(conf.Name, gc.Equals, "juju-db-namespace") c.Assert(conf.InitDir, gc.Equals, "/etc/init") c.Assert(conf.Desc, gc.Equals, "juju state database") c.Assert(conf.Cmd, gc.Matches, regexp.QuoteMeta(s.mongodPath)+".*") // TODO(nate) set Out so that mongod output goes somewhere useful? c.Assert(conf.Out, gc.Equals, "") } assertInstalled() contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.mongodConfigPath) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(contents, jc.DeepEquals, []byte("ENABLE_MONGODB=no")) contents, err = ioutil.ReadFile(mongo.SSLKeyPath(dataDir)) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(string(contents), gc.Equals, testInfo.Cert+"\n"+testInfo.PrivateKey) contents, err = ioutil.ReadFile(mongo.SharedSecretPath(dataDir)) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(string(contents), gc.Equals, testInfo.SharedSecret) s.installed = nil // now check we can call it multiple times without error err = mongo.EnsureServer(makeEnsureServerParams(dataDir, namespace)) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) assertInstalled() // make sure that we log the version of mongodb as we get ready to // start it tlog := c.GetTestLog() any := `(.|\n)*` start := "^" + any tail := any + "$" c.Assert(tlog, gc.Matches, start+`using mongod: .*/mongod --version: "db version v2\.4\.9`+tail) }
func (s *FoundationS) TestSucceedNow(c *gocheck.C) { defer (func() { if c.Failed() { c.Error("SucceedNow() didn't succeed the test") } if c.GetTestLog() != "" { c.Error("Something got logged:\n" + c.GetTestLog()) } })() c.Fail() c.SucceedNow() c.Log("SucceedNow() didn't stop the test") }
func (s *BootstrapS) TestMinLogger(c *gocheck.C) { var logger minLogger logger = log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0) logger = c logger.Output(0, "Hello there") expected := "\\[LOG\\] [.0-9]+ Hello there\n" output := c.GetTestLog() matched, err := regexp.MatchString(expected, output) if err != nil { c.Error("Bad expression: ", expected) } else if !matched { c.Error("Output() didn't log properly:\n", output) } }
func (s *LocalRepoSuite) TestIgnoresUnpromisingNames(c *gc.C) { err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(s.seriesPath, "blah.notacharm"), nil, 0666) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) err = os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(s.seriesPath, ".blah"), 0666) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) renameSibling(c, s.addDir("dummy"), ".dummy") renameSibling(c, s.addBundle("dummy"), "dummy.notacharm") charmURL := charm.MustParseURL("local:quantal/dummy") _, err = s.repo.Get(charmURL) s.checkNotFoundErr(c, err, charmURL) _, err = charm.Latest(s.repo, charmURL) s.checkNotFoundErr(c, err, charmURL) c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Equals, "") }
// Bug #864164: Must complain if charm hooks aren't executable func (s *DirSuite) TestBundleToWithNonExecutableHooks(c *gc.C) { hooks := []string{"install", "start", "config-changed", "upgrade-charm", "stop"} for _, relName := range []string{"foo", "bar", "self"} { for _, kind := range []string{"joined", "changed", "departed", "broken"} { hooks = append(hooks, relName+"-relation-"+kind) } } dir := charmtesting.Charms.Dir("all-hooks") path := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "bundle.charm") file, err := os.Create(path) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) err = dir.BundleTo(file) file.Close() c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) tlog := c.GetTestLog() for _, hook := range hooks { fullpath := filepath.Join(dir.Path, "hooks", hook) exp := fmt.Sprintf(`^(.|\n)*WARNING juju.charm making "%s" executable in charm(.|\n)*$`, fullpath) c.Assert(tlog, gc.Matches, exp, gc.Commentf("hook %q was not made executable", fullpath)) } // Expand it and check the hooks' permissions // (But do not use ExpandTo(), just use the raw zip) f, err := os.Open(path) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) defer f.Close() fi, err := f.Stat() c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) size := fi.Size() zipr, err := zip.NewReader(f, size) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) allhooks := dir.Meta().Hooks() for _, zfile := range zipr.File { cleanName := filepath.Clean(zfile.Name) if strings.HasPrefix(cleanName, "hooks") { hookName := filepath.Base(cleanName) if _, ok := allhooks[hookName]; ok { perms := zfile.Mode() c.Assert(perms&0100 != 0, gc.Equals, true, gc.Commentf("hook %q is not executable", hookName)) } } } }
func (s *FoundationS) TestErrorf(c *gocheck.C) { // Do not use checkState() here. It depends on Errorf() working. expectedLog := fmt.Sprintf("foundation_test.go:%d:\n"+ " c.Errorf(\"Error %%v!\", \"message\")\n"+ "... Error: Error message!\n\n", getMyLine()+1) c.Errorf("Error %v!", "message") failed := c.Failed() c.Succeed() if log := c.GetTestLog(); log != expectedLog { c.Logf("Errorf() logged %#v rather than %#v", log, expectedLog) c.Fail() } if !failed { c.Logf("Errorf() didn't put the test in a failed state") c.Fail() } }
func (s *FoundationS) TestFatalf(c *gocheck.C) { var line int defer (func() { if !c.Failed() { c.Error("Fatalf() didn't fail the test") } else { c.Succeed() expected := fmt.Sprintf("foundation_test.go:%d:\n"+ " c.Fatalf(\"Die %%s!\", \"now\")\n"+ "... Error: Die now!\n\n", line) if c.GetTestLog() != expected { c.Error("Incorrect log:", c.GetTestLog()) } } })() line = getMyLine() + 1 c.Fatalf("Die %s!", "now") c.Log("Fatalf() didn't stop the test") }
func (s *LocalRepoSuite) TestLogsErrors(c *gc.C) { err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(s.seriesPath, "blah.charm"), nil, 0666) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) err = os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(s.seriesPath, "blah"), 0666) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) samplePath := s.addDir("upgrade2") gibberish := []byte("don't parse me by") err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(samplePath, "metadata.yaml"), gibberish, 0666) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) charmURL := charm.MustParseURL("local:quantal/dummy") s.addDir("dummy") ch, err := s.repo.Get(charmURL) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(ch.Revision(), gc.Equals, 1) c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, ` .* WARNING juju.charm failed to load charm at ".*/quantal/blah": .* .* WARNING juju.charm failed to load charm at ".*/quantal/blah.charm": .* .* WARNING juju.charm failed to load charm at ".*/quantal/upgrade2": .* `[1:]) }
func (*suite) TestReadHeaderLogsRequests(c *gc.C) { codecLogger := loggo.GetLogger("juju.rpc.jsoncodec") defer codecLogger.SetLogLevel(codecLogger.LogLevel()) codecLogger.SetLogLevel(loggo.TRACE) msg := `{"RequestId":1,"Type": "foo","Id": "id","Request":"frob","Params":{"X":"param"}}` codec := jsoncodec.New(&testConn{ readMsgs: []string{msg, msg, msg}, }) // Check that logging is off by default var h rpc.Header err := codec.ReadHeader(&h) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, "") // Check that we see a log message when we switch logging on. codec.SetLogging(true) err = codec.ReadHeader(&h) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, ".*TRACE juju.rpc.jsoncodec <- "+regexp.QuoteMeta(msg)+`\n`) // Check that we can switch it off again codec.SetLogging(false) err = codec.ReadHeader(&h) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, ".*TRACE juju.rpc.jsoncodec <- "+regexp.QuoteMeta(msg)+`\n`) }
func (*suite) TestWriteMessageLogsRequests(c *gc.C) { codecLogger := loggo.GetLogger("juju.rpc.jsoncodec") defer codecLogger.SetLogLevel(codecLogger.LogLevel()) codecLogger.SetLogLevel(loggo.TRACE) codec := jsoncodec.New(&testConn{}) h := rpc.Header{ RequestId: 1, Request: rpc.Request{ Type: "foo", Id: "id", Action: "frob", }, } // Check that logging is off by default err := codec.WriteMessage(&h, value{X: "param"}) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, "") // Check that we see a log message when we switch logging on. codec.SetLogging(true) err = codec.WriteMessage(&h, value{X: "param"}) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) msg := `{"RequestId":1,"Type":"foo","Id":"id","Request":"frob","Params":{"X":"param"}}` c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, `.*TRACE juju.rpc.jsoncodec -> `+regexp.QuoteMeta(msg)+`\n`) // Check that we can switch it off again codec.SetLogging(false) err = codec.WriteMessage(&h, value{X: "param"}) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, `.*TRACE juju.rpc.jsoncodec -> `+regexp.QuoteMeta(msg)+`\n`) }
// Verify the state of the test. Note that since this also verifies if // the test is supposed to be in a failed state, no other checks should // be done in addition to what is being tested. func checkState(c *gocheck.C, result interface{}, expected *expectedState) { failed := c.Failed() c.Succeed() log := c.GetTestLog() matched, matchError := regexp.MatchString("^"+expected.log+"$", log) if matchError != nil { c.Errorf("Error in matching expression used in testing %s", } else if !matched { c.Errorf("%s logged %#v which doesn't match %#v",, log, expected.log) } if result != expected.result { c.Errorf("%s returned %#v rather than %#v",, result, expected.result) } if failed != expected.failed { if failed { c.Errorf("%s has failed when it shouldn't", } else { c.Errorf("%s has not failed when it should", } } }
func (s *logSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) { s.LoggingSuite.SetUpTest(c) logger.Infof("testing-SetUpTest") c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, ".*INFO juju.logsuite testing-SetUpTest\n") }
func (s *logSuite) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) { s.LoggingSuite.SetUpSuite(c) logger.SetLogLevel(loggo.INFO) logger.Infof("testing-SetUpSuite") c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), gc.Matches, ".*INFO test testing-SetUpSuite\n") }