Пример #1
// Region is specified in the HasRegion interface.
func (env *azureEnviron) Region() (simplestreams.CloudSpec, error) {
	ecfg := env.getSnapshot().ecfg
	return simplestreams.CloudSpec{
		Region:   ecfg.location(),
		Endpoint: string(gwacl.GetEndpoint(ecfg.location())),
	}, nil
Пример #2
func (*storageSuite) TestURL(c *gc.C) {
	container := "container"
	filename := "blobname"
	account := "account"
	key := "bWFkZXlvdWxvb2sK"
	azStorage, _ := makeFakeStorage(container, account, key)
	// Use a realistic service endpoint for this test, so that we can see
	// that we're really getting the expected kind of URL.
	setStorageEndpoint(azStorage, gwacl.GetEndpoint("West US"))
	URL, err := azStorage.URL(filename)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	parsedURL, err := url.Parse(URL)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Check(parsedURL.Host, gc.Matches, fmt.Sprintf("%s.blob.core.windows.net", account))
	c.Check(parsedURL.Path, gc.Matches, fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", container, filename))
	values, err := url.ParseQuery(parsedURL.RawQuery)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	signature := values.Get("sig")
	// The query string contains a non-empty signature.
	c.Check(signature, gc.Not(gc.HasLen), 0)
	// The signature is base64-encoded.
	_, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(signature)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	// If Key is empty, query string does not contain a signature.
	key = ""
	azStorage, _ = makeFakeStorage(container, account, key)
	URL, err = azStorage.URL(filename)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	parsedURL, err = url.Parse(URL)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	values, err = url.ParseQuery(parsedURL.RawQuery)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Check(values.Get("sig"), gc.HasLen, 0)
Пример #3
func (*environSuite) TestGetStorageContextCreatesStorageContext(c *C) {
	env := makeEnviron(c)
	storage, err := env.getStorageContext()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(storage, NotNil)
	c.Check(storage.Account, Equals, env.ecfg.storageAccountName())
	c.Check(storage.AzureEndpoint, Equals, gwacl.GetEndpoint(env.ecfg.location()))
Пример #4
// getPublicStorageContext obtains a context object for interfacing with
// Azure's storage API (public storage).
func (env *azureEnviron) getPublicStorageContext() (*gwacl.StorageContext, error) {
	ecfg := env.getSnapshot().ecfg
	context := gwacl.StorageContext{
		Account:       ecfg.publicStorageAccountName(),
		Key:           "", // Empty string means anonymous access.
		AzureEndpoint: gwacl.GetEndpoint(ecfg.location()),
	// There is currently no way for this to fail.
	return &context, nil
Пример #5
// getStorageContext obtains a context object for interfacing with Azure's
// storage API.
// For now, each invocation just returns a separate object.  This is probably
// wasteful (each context gets its own SSL connection) and may need optimizing
// later.
func (env *azureEnviron) getStorageContext() (*gwacl.StorageContext, error) {
	snap := env.getSnapshot()
	key := snap.storageAccountKey
	if key == "" {
		// We don't know the storage-account key yet.  Request it.
		var err error
		key, err = env.updateStorageAccountKey(snap)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	context := gwacl.StorageContext{
		Account:       snap.ecfg.storageAccountName(),
		Key:           key,
		AzureEndpoint: gwacl.GetEndpoint(snap.ecfg.location()),
	return &context, nil
Пример #6
// getEndpoint returns the simplestreams endpoint to use for the given Azure
// location (e.g. West Europe or China North).
func getEndpoint(location string) string {
	// Simplestreams uses the management-API endpoint for the image, not
	// the base managent API URL.
	return gwacl.GetEndpoint(location).ManagementAPI()