Пример #1
func main() {
	f, err := os.Open("test3.xml")
	if err != nil {
	n, err := xmlpath.Parse(f)
	if err != nil {
	q1 := xmlpath.MustCompile("//item")
	if _, ok := q1.String(n); !ok {
		fmt.Println("no item")
	q2 := xmlpath.MustCompile("//price")
	for it := q2.Iter(n); it.Next(); {
	q3 := xmlpath.MustCompile("//name")
	names := []*xmlpath.Node{}
	for it := q3.Iter(n); it.Next(); {
		names = append(names, it.Node())
	if len(names) == 0 {
		fmt.Println("no names")
Пример #2
func (hfy *httphfy) Paser(reader io.Reader) *Response {
	rsp := new(Response)
	root, err := xmlpath.Parse(reader)
	if err != nil {
		rsp.Status = FAILED
		rsp.Msg = "短信平台服务错误"
		return rsp

	pathstatus := xmlpath.MustCompile("//returnsms/returnstatus")
	pathmessage := xmlpath.MustCompile("//returnsms/message")

	if status, ok := pathstatus.String(root); ok {
		if status == "Success" {
			rsp.Status = SUCCESS
		} else {
			rsp.Status = FAILED
	} else {
		rsp.Status = FAILED
		rsp.Msg = "短信平台服务错误"
		return rsp

	if message, ok := pathmessage.String(root); ok {
		rsp.Msg = "短信平台:" + message
	return rsp
Пример #3
func front_parse(c_front_urls chan string, c_front_page chan []byte, c_doc_urls chan string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	front_page := <-c_front_page
	//fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(front_page))
	//path := xmlpath.MustCompile("/html/body/div/div[2]/div/div[3]/div/div[1]/div[1]/h1/text()") //title
	doc_urls_xpath := xmlpath.MustCompile("/html/body/div[@id=\"page_align\"]/div[@id=\"page_width\"]/div[@id=\"ContainerMain\"]/div[@class=\"content-border list\"]/div[@class=\"content-color\"]/div[@class=\"list-lbc\"]//a/@href") //doc urls
	next_front_urls_xpath := xmlpath.MustCompile("/html/body/div[@id=\"page_align\"]/div[@id=\"page_width\"]/div[@id=\"ContainerMain\"]/nav/ul[@id=\"paging\"]/li[@class=\"page\"]")                                                   //next url
		front_page_noscript := remove_noscript(front_page)
		fix_html := fix_broken_html(front_page_noscript)
		utf8_reader := decode_utf8(fix_html)
		root, err := xmlpath.ParseHTML(utf8_reader)*/

	utf8_reader := decode_utf8(string(front_page))
	doc_page_noscript := remove_noscript(utf8_reader)

	fix_html := fix_broken_html(doc_page_noscript)


	root, err := xmlpath.ParseHTML(strings.NewReader(fix_html))

	if err != nil {
		//log.Println("ca rentre")
		log.Fatal("FRONT PAGE", err)

	doc_urls := doc_urls_xpath.Iter(root)
	for doc_urls.Next() {
		doc_url := doc_urls.Node().String()
		c_doc_urls <- doc_url
		//log.Println( "Doc URL:", doc_url)  //<-- DOC URL

	prev_next_front_urls := next_front_urls_xpath.Iter(root)
	var node *xmlpath.Node

	for prev_next_front_urls.Next() {
		node = prev_next_front_urls.Node()

	href_xpath := xmlpath.MustCompile("a/@href")
	if next_front_url, ok := href_xpath.String(node); ok {
		c_front_urls <- next_front_url
		log.Println("Next Front URL:", next_front_url)
		go front_worker(c_front_urls, c_front_page, c_doc_urls, wg)
	} else {
		log.Println("No Next Front URL")
		log.Println("Front DONE")
Пример #4
func tarballsFrom(source tarballSource) ([]*Tarball, error) {
	resp, err := http.Get(source.url)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer resp.Body.Close()
	data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot read http response: %v", err)
	root, err := xmlpath.ParseHTML(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var tbs []*Tarball
	iter := xmlpath.MustCompile(source.xpath).Iter(root)
	for iter.Next() {
		s := iter.Node().String()
		if strings.HasPrefix(s, "//") {
			s = "https:" + s
		if tb, ok := parseURL(s); ok {
			tbs = append(tbs, tb)
	if len(tbs) == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no downloads available at " + source.url)
	return tbs, nil
Пример #5
func loadXpath(response *http.Response, xpath string) ([]byte, error) {
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)

	// Parse body to see if login worked
	//	reader := strings.NewReader(body)
	root, err := html.Parse(bytes.NewBuffer(body))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var b bytes.Buffer
	html.Render(&b, root)
	fixedHtml := b

	//	body = bytes.NewReader(fixedHtml)
	xmlroot, xmlerr := xmlpath.ParseHTML(bytes.NewReader(fixedHtml.Bytes()))

	if xmlerr != nil {
		return nil, xmlerr

	path := xmlpath.MustCompile(xpath)
	if value, ok := path.Bytes(xmlroot); ok {
		return value, nil

	return nil, errors.New("Could not find xpath")
Пример #6
func print_simple_selector(pathString string) {
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile(pathString)

	if value, ok := path.String(read_xml()); ok {
Пример #7
func main() {

	if os.Getenv("AWS_KEY") == "" || len(os.Args) != 2 {
		fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "Usage: amzn-item-lookup <itemId>.\nAWS credentials are read from the environment variables AWS_KEY and AWS_SECRET.\n")

	// Construct AWS credentials
	var cred AWSCredentials
	cred.host = "ecs.amazonaws.co.uk"
	cred.accessKey = os.Getenv("AWS_KEY")
	cred.secret = os.Getenv("AWS_SECRET")

	// lookup item by id
	itemId := os.Args[1]
	itemXml := lookupItem(cred, itemId)

	// find ItemAttributes block
	xml := xmlpath.MustCompile("//ItemAttributes")
	iter := xml.Iter(itemXml)
	if !iter.Next() {
		panic("Cannot parse response! [Wrong credentials?]")
	item := parseItemAttributes(iter.Node())
	//	fmt.Println(item)

	// print output
	fmt.Print(strings.Join(item.author, ", "), DELIM)
	fmt.Print(item.title, DELIM, item.publisher, DELIM, item.edition, " ed", DELIM, item.publicationDate, DELIM)
	fmt.Print(item.binding, DELIM, item.pages, " pages", DELIM, item.isbn, DELIM, item.ean, DELIM, item.price, DELIM, item.priceCurrency)
Пример #8
func (vim *VimClient) FindByInventoryPath(inventoryPath string) (vmId string, err error) {
	data := struct {
		InventoryPath string
	t := template.Must(template.New("FindByInventoryPath").Parse(FindByInventoryPathRequestTemplate))

	log.Printf("Looking for '%s'", inventoryPath)

	request, _ := vim.prepareRequest(t, data)
	response, err := vim.Do(request)
	// defer response.Body.Close()
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Error calling FindByInventoryPath: '%s'", err.Error())
	body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
	// log.Printf("RESPONSE BODY BELOW:\n============\n%s\n===========\nEND RESPONSE BODY\n", string(body))
	root, _ := xmlpath.Parse(bytes.NewBuffer(body))
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile("//*/FindByInventoryPathResponse/returnval")
	if vmId, ok := path.String(root); ok {
		return vmId, err
	} else {
		err := fmt.Errorf("Found nothing.")
		return vmId, err
Пример #9
func (s *BasicSuite) TestHTML(c *C) {
	node, err := xmlpath.ParseHTML(bytes.NewBuffer(trivialHtml))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile("/root/foo")
	result, ok := path.String(node)
	c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
	c.Assert(result, Equals, "<a>")
Пример #10
func (r *XMLResource) XPathIter(xpath string) *XMLIter {
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile(xpath)
	b := bytes.NewBufferString(string(r.Body()))

	root, _ := xmlpath.Parse(b)

	return &XMLIter{iter: path.Iter(root)}
Пример #11
func (s *BasicSuite) TestRootText(c *C) {
	node, err := xmlpath.Parse(bytes.NewBuffer(trivialXml))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile("/")
	result, ok := path.String(node)
	c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
	c.Assert(result, Equals, "abcdefg")
Пример #12
func (r *XMLResource) XPath(xpath string) (string, bool) {
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile(xpath)
	b := bytes.NewBufferString(r.Body())

	root, _ := xmlpath.Parse(b)

	return path.String(root)
Пример #13
func getTitusCsvLink(root *xmlpath.Node) (string, error) {
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile(titusCsvXpath)
	csvLink, ok := path.String(root)
	if ok {
		return TitusCgiBaseUrl + "/" + csvLink, nil
	} else {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("could not find xpath %s", titusCsvXpath)
Пример #14
func parseVmPowerStateProperty(body *bytes.Buffer) (value string) {
	root, _ := xmlpath.Parse(bytes.NewBuffer(body.Bytes()))
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile("//*/RetrievePropertiesResponse/returnval/propSet[name='runtime']/val/powerState")
	if value, ok := path.String(root); ok {
		return value
	} else {
		return ""
Пример #15
func parseVmPropertyValue(prop string, body *bytes.Buffer) (value string) {
	root, _ := xmlpath.Parse(body)
	pathString := strings.Join([]string{"//*/RetrievePropertiesResponse/returnval/propSet[name='", prop, "']/val"}, "")
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile(pathString)
	if value, ok := path.String(root); ok {
		return value
	} else {
		return ""
func getXPathValue(xml string, eomfile EomFile, lookupPath string) (string, bool) {
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile(lookupPath)
	root, err := xmlpath.Parse(strings.NewReader(xml))
	if err != nil {
		warnLogger.Printf("Cannot parse XML of eomfile using xpath [%v], error: [%v]", err.Error(), lookupPath)
		return "", false
	xpathValue, ok := path.String(root)
	return xpathValue, ok

Пример #17
func parseTaskIdFromResponse(response *http.Response) (value string) {
	body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
	root, _ := xmlpath.Parse(bytes.NewBuffer(body))

	path := xmlpath.MustCompile("//*/CloneVM_TaskResponse/returnval")
	if value, ok := path.String(root); ok {
		return value
	} else {
		return ""
Пример #18
func (s *BasicSuite) BenchmarkSimplePathExists(c *C) {
	node, err := xmlpath.Parse(bytes.NewBuffer(instancesXml))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile("/DescribeInstancesResponse/reservationSet/item/instancesSet/item/instanceType")
	var exists bool
	for i := 0; i < c.N; i++ {
		exists = path.Exists(node)
	c.Assert(exists, Equals, true)
Пример #19
func (s *BasicSuite) BenchmarkSimplePathString(c *C) {
	node, err := xmlpath.Parse(bytes.NewBuffer(instancesXml))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile("/DescribeInstancesResponse/reservationSet/item/instancesSet/item/instanceType")
	var str string
	for i := 0; i < c.N; i++ {
		str, _ = path.String(node)
	c.Assert(str, Equals, "m1.small")
Пример #20
func ParseTorumemo(content io.ReadCloser) (string, string, error) {
	datePath := xmlpath.MustCompile(`//div[@class="date"]`)
	titlePath := xmlpath.MustCompile(`//div[@class="title"]`)
	contentPath := xmlpath.MustCompile(`//div[@class="body"]/p`)
	root, err := xmlpath.ParseHTML(content)
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err

	date, _ := datePath.String(root)
	title, _ := titlePath.String(root)
	date = strings.TrimSpace(date)
	title = strings.TrimSpace(title)

	iter := contentPath.Iter(root)
	var body string
	for iter.Next() {
		body += iter.Node().String()
	return date + " " + title, body, err
Пример #21
func parseTaskPropertyValues(body []byte, props ...string) map[string]string {
	values := make(map[string]string)
	for _, prop := range props {
		root, _ := xmlpath.Parse(bytes.NewBuffer(body))
		// pathString := fmt.Sprintf("//*/RetrievePropertiesResponse/returnval/propSet/val/%s", prop)
		pathString := strings.Join([]string{"//*/RetrievePropertiesResponse/returnval/propSet/val/", prop}, "")
		path := xmlpath.MustCompile(pathString)
		if value, ok := path.String(root); ok {
			values[prop] = value
		} else {
			values[prop] = ""
	return values
Пример #22
func print_app_groups_json() {
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile("//group/app_root")

	app_iter := path.Iter(read_xml())

	var entries []map[string]string

	for app_iter.Next() {
		entries = append(entries, map[string]string{"{#NAME}": app_iter.Node().String()})

	data := map[string][]map[string]string{"data": entries}

	json, _ := json.Marshal(data)
Пример #23
func (c *Comp) doCompXPath(r *http.Response) bool {
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile(c.Path)
	root, err := xmlpath.ParseHTML(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("doCompXPath: %v\n", err)
		return false

	value, ok := path.String(root)
	if !ok {
		return false

	ok = c.dataMatch(value)
	return ok
Пример #24
// LatestVersion find latest version of the artifact
func (r *MavenRepository) LatestVersion(artifact *Artifact) (version string, err error) {
	metadataURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/maven-metadata.xml", r.artifactURLBase(artifact))
	utils.Log("info", fmt.Sprintf("Search latest version to %s: %+v", metadataURL, artifact))
	content, err := ValidateDownload(metadataURL)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	xmlPath := xmlpath.MustCompile(`/metadata/versioning/latest`)
	root, err := xmlpath.Parse(bytes.NewReader(content))
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if latestVersion, ok := xmlPath.String(root); ok {
		utils.Log("info", fmt.Sprintf("Found latest version: %s", latestVersion))
		return latestVersion, nil
	return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not find latest version in %s", metadataURL)
Пример #25
func crawle(rank, url string, quest chan string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	// XPATH of quest name
	// '//table/tr[(position() mod 2) = 1]/td[1]/a[1]/text()'
	defer wg.Done()
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile("//table/tr/td[1]/span/../a[1]/text()")
	resp, err := http.Get(url)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error while fetching", url)
	defer resp.Body.Close()
	root, err := xmlpath.ParseHTML(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error while parsing", url)
	iter := path.Iter(root)
	for iter.Next() {
		quest <- fmt.Sprintf("{\"rank\": \"%s\", \"name\": \"%s\"},", rank, iter.Node().String())
Пример #26
func lookupMap(m map[string]interface{}) {
	for n, v := range m {
		switch v2 := v.(type) {
		case string:
			xpath := xmlpath.MustCompile(myStack.String())
			if xpath.Exists(root) {
				itr := xpath.Iter(root)
				isMatched := false
				var srcStr string
				for itr.Next() {
					node := itr.Node()
					srcStr = node.String()
					if v2 == srcStr {
						s := fmt.Sprintf("%s\t[%s]", myStack, v2)
						matched = append(matched, s)
						isMatched = true
				if !isMatched {
					s := fmt.Sprintf("%s, source: [%s], target: [%s]", myStack, srcStr, v2)
					unmatched = append(unmatched, s)
			} else {
				s := fmt.Sprintf("%s\t[%s]", myStack, v2)
				skipped = append(skipped, s)
		case map[string]interface{}:
		case []interface{}:
Пример #27
func read_xml() *xmlpath.Node {
	path, err := exec.LookPath("passenger-status")
	if err != nil {
		// passenger-status not found in path
		if _, err := os.Stat("/usr/local/rvm/wrappers/default/passenger-status"); err == nil {
			// default rvm wrapper exists so use that!
			path = "/usr/local/rvm/wrappers/default/passenger-status"

	cmd := exec.Command(path, "--show=xml")
	stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
	if err != nil {
	if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {

	// Stuff to handle the iso-8859-1 xml encoding
	// http://stackoverflow.com/a/32224438/606167
	decoder := xml.NewDecoder(stdout)
	decoder.CharsetReader = charset.NewReaderLabel

	xmlData, err := xmlpath.ParseDecoder(decoder)
	if err != nil {

	// Check version
	version_path := xmlpath.MustCompile("/info/@version")
	if version, ok := version_path.String(xmlData); !ok || (version != "3" && version != "2") {
		log.Fatal("Unsupported Passenger version (xml version ", version, ")")

	return xmlData
Пример #28
func parsePathProperty(body *bytes.Buffer) (value string) {

	root, _ := xmlpath.Parse(bytes.NewBuffer(body.Bytes()))
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile("//RetrievePropertiesResponse//val")
	iter := path.Iter(root)
	values := make([]string, 0)

	// iter.Next() // skip top element "Datacenters"
	for {
		// iter.Next() // skip id element
		ok := iter.Next()
		if ok == false {
		} else {
			newVal := []string{iter.Node().String()}
			// add new value to the beginning of the slice
			// TODO: get rid of ids
			// current end value: Datacenters/group-d1/Tukwila/datacenter-2/vm/group-v3/1-templates/group-v53287/Lower/group-v54541/my_new_template_that_packer_built
			values = append(newVal, values...)
	value = strings.Join(values, "/")
	return value
Пример #29
// http://www.jma.go.jp/jp/amedas_h/today-46211.html
// http://www6.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/03kanku/shimoda/ shift-jis
// http://www6.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/03kanku/yokosuka/kisyou.html
func getWindData(c appengine.Context) (*WindData, error) {
	windData := &WindData{}
	client := urlfetch.Client(c)
	resp, err := client.Get(MICS_URL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get %s: %v", MICS_URL, err)
	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("server responded non-200: %s, %s", MICS_URL, resp.Status)

	defer resp.Body.Close()
	// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24101721/parse-broken-html-with-golang
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	content := mahonia.NewDecoder("cp932").ConvertString(buf.String())

	doc, err := xhtml.Parse(strings.NewReader(content))
	// https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/net/html
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse HTML for %s: %v", MICS_URL, err)
	var b bytes.Buffer
	xhtml.Render(&b, doc)
	fixed := strings.NewReader(b.String())

	root, err := xmlpath.ParseHTML(fixed)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse HTML: %s\n Error: %v", content, err)

	path := xmlpath.MustCompile(MICS_TABLE_XPATH)
	table, ok := path.String(root)
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find table path")
	re := regexp.MustCompile("([^\n])\n")
	windData.Table = re.ReplaceAllString(table, "$1 ")

	path = xmlpath.MustCompile(MICS_DATE_XPATH)
	date, ok := path.String(root)
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find date")
	windData.Date = date

	imgResp, err := client.Get(MICS_SHIMODA_IMG_URL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get img from %s: %v", MICS_SHIMODA_IMG_URL, err)
	if imgResp.StatusCode != 200 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("img server responded non-200: %s, %s", MICS_SHIMODA_IMG_URL, imgResp.Status)
	defer imgResp.Body.Close()

	// XXX need to resize the image for Gratina2
	// JPG is more available: http://media.kddi.com/app/publish/torisetsu/pdf/gratina2_torisetsu_shousai.pdf
	// go image packages
	// image/gif, image/jpeg: http://golang.org/pkg/image/gif/#Encode

	pngImg, err := png.Decode(imgResp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		// we can do with only text info
		c.Infof("No image attached. Could not decode png: %v", err)
		return windData, nil
	err = jpeg.Encode(buf, pngImg, &jpeg.Options{Quality: 75})
	if err != nil {
		// we can do with text info only
		c.Infof("No image attached. Could not encode to jpeg: %v", err)
		return windData, nil
	windData.Img = buf.Bytes()
	return windData, nil
Пример #30
func (n *XMLNode) XPathNode(xpath string) (string, bool) {
	path := xmlpath.MustCompile(xpath)
	return path.String(n.node)