Пример #1
func TestPermanode2(t *testing.T) {
	s := store.NewSimpleBlobStore()
	sg := NewSimpleGraphStore()
	grapher := NewGrapher("a@b", schema, s, sg, &dummyFederation{})

	blob1 := []byte(`{"type":"permanode", "signer":"a@b", "mimetype":"application/x-test-file", "random":"perma1abc"}`)
	blobref1 := store.NewBlobRef(blob1)
	blob2 := []byte(`{"type":"permanode", "signer":"a@b", "mimetype":"application/x-test-file", "random":"perma2xyz", "perma":"` + blobref1 + `"}`)
	blobref2 := store.NewBlobRef(blob2)

	// Insert them in the wrong order
	s.StoreBlob(blob2, blobref2)
	s.StoreBlob(blob1, blobref1)

	time.Sleep(1000000000 * 2)

	perma, err := grapher.permaNode(blobref1)
	if perma == nil || err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Did not find perma node")
	perma, err = grapher.permaNode(blobref2)
	if perma == nil || err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Did not find perma node")
Пример #2
func TestImporter(t *testing.T) {
	fed := &dummyFederation{}
	s := store.NewSimpleBlobStore()
	sg := NewSimpleGraphStore()
	grapher := NewGrapher("a@b", schema, s, sg, nil)

Пример #3
func TestPermanode3(t *testing.T) {
	fed := &dummyFederation{}
	s := store.NewSimpleBlobStore()
	sg := NewSimpleGraphStore()
	grapher := NewGrapher("a@b", schema, s, sg, fed)

	blob1 := []byte(`{"type":"permanode", "signer":"a@b", "mimetype":"application/x-test-file", "random":"perma1abc"}`)
	blobref1 := store.NewBlobRef(blob1)
	blob1b := []byte(`{"type":"keep", "signer":"a@b", "perma":"` + blobref1 + `"}`)
	blobref1b := store.NewBlobRef(blob1b)
	blob1c := []byte(`{"type":"entity", "signer":"a@b", "perma":"` + blobref1 + `", "mimetype": "application/x-test-entity", "content":"", "dep":["` + blobref1b + `"]}`)
	blobref1c := store.NewBlobRef(blob1c)
	blob2 := []byte(`{"type":"mutation", "signer":"a@b", "perma":"` + blobref1 + `", "dep":["` + blobref1c + `"], "op":{"$t":["Hello World"]}, "entity":"` + blobref1c + `", "field":"text"}`)
	blobref2 := store.NewBlobRef(blob2)
	blob3 := []byte(`{"type":"mutation", "signer":"a@b", "perma":"` + blobref1 + `", "dep":["` + blobref1c + `"], "op":{"$t":["Olla!!"]}, "entity":"` + blobref1c + `", "field":"text"}`)
	blobref3 := store.NewBlobRef(blob3)
	blob4 := []byte(`{"type":"mutation", "signer":"a@b", "perma":"` + blobref1 + `", "dep":["` + blobref2 + `"], "op":{"$t":[{"$s":11}, "??"]}, "entity":"` + blobref1c + `", "field":"text"}`)
	blobref4 := store.NewBlobRef(blob4)
	// Grant user foo@bar read access. At the same time this serves as an invitation
	blob5 := []byte(`{"type":"permission", "perma":"` + blobref1 + `", "signer":"a@b", "action":"invite", "dep":["` + blobref4 + `"], "user":"******", "allow":` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", Perm_Read) + `, "deny":0}`)
	blobref5 := store.NewBlobRef(blob5)
	// Fake a keep
	blob7 := []byte(`{"type":"keep", "signer":"foo@bar", "permission":"` + blobref5 + `", "perma":"` + blobref1 + `"}`)
	blobref7 := store.NewBlobRef(blob7)

	s.StoreBlob(blob1, blobref1)
	s.StoreBlob(blob1b, blobref1b)
	s.StoreBlob(blob1c, blobref1c)
	s.StoreBlob(blob2, blobref2)
	s.StoreBlob(blob3, blobref3)
	s.StoreBlob(blob4, blobref4)
	s.StoreBlob(blob5, blobref5)
	s.StoreBlob(blob7, blobref7)

	time.Sleep(1000000000 * 2)

	perma, err := grapher.permaNode(blobref1)
	if perma == nil || err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Did not find perma node")
	if !perma.hasKeep("a@b") {
		t.Fatal("Missing a keep for a@b")
	if !perma.hasKeep("foo@bar") {
		t.Fatal("Missing a keep for foo@bar")

	allow := perma.hasPermission("a@b", Perm_Read)
	if !allow {
		t.Fatal("Expected an allow for a@b")

	allow = perma.hasPermission("x@y", Perm_Read)
	if allow {
		t.Fatal("Expected a deny")

	allow = perma.hasPermission("foo@bar", Perm_Read)
	if !allow {
		t.Fatal("Expected an allow for foo@bar")

	allow = perma.hasPermission("a@b", Perm_Invite|Perm_Expel)
	if !allow {
		t.Fatal("Expected an allow for Invite a@b")

	users := perma.Followers()
	if len(users) != 2 {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong number of users: %v\n", users)
	if (users[0] != "a@b" || users[1] != "foo@bar") && (users[1] != "a@b" || users[0] != "foo@bar") {
		t.Fatal("Wrong users")

	users = perma.followersWithPermission(Perm_Read)
	if len(users) != 2 {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong number of users: %v\n", users)
	if (users[0] != "a@b" || users[1] != "foo@bar") && (users[1] != "a@b" || users[0] != "foo@bar") {
		t.Fatal("Wrong users")

	users = perma.followersWithPermission(Perm_Read | Perm_Invite)
	if len(users) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong number of users: %v\n", users)
	if users[0] != "a@b" {
		t.Fatal("Wrong users")