Пример #1
func New(r *rand.Rand) *Simplex {
	var s Simplex
	perm := r.Perm(256)
	copy(s[:256], perm)
	copy(s[256:], perm)
	return &s
Пример #2
// Shuffle a slice of strings.
func shuffleStrings(strings []string, rng *rand.Rand) []string {
	var shuffled = make([]string, len(strings))
	for i, j := range rng.Perm(len(strings)) {
		shuffled[j] = strings[i]
	return shuffled
Пример #3
// DepthFirstRandom traverses a graph depth first, but following arcs in
// random order among arcs from a single node.
// If Rand r is nil, the method creates a new source and generator for
// one-time use.
// Usage is otherwise like the DepthFirst method.  See DepthFirst.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g AdjacencyList) DepthFirstRandom(start NI, bm *Bits, v OkNodeVisitor, r *rand.Rand) (ok bool) {
	if bm == nil {
		if v == nil {
			return false
		bm = &Bits{}
	if r == nil {
		r = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
	var df func(n NI) bool
	df = func(n NI) bool {
		if bm.Bit(n) == 1 {
			return true
		bm.SetBit(n, 1)
		if v != nil && !v(n) {
			return false
		to := g[n]
		for _, i := range r.Perm(len(to)) {
			if !df(to[i]) {
				return false
		return true
	return df(start)
Пример #4
func generateInput(rnd *rand.Rand, size int) []byte {
	permutations := rnd.Perm(size)
	data := make([]byte, size)
	for i, p := range permutations {
		data[i] = letters[p%len(letters)]
	return data
Пример #5
func shuffleEndpoints(r *rand.Rand, eps []url.URL) []url.URL {
	p := r.Perm(len(eps))
	neps := make([]url.URL, len(eps))
	for i, k := range p {
		neps[i] = eps[k]
	return neps
func (collection *exampleCollection) shuffle(r *rand.Rand) {
	permutation := r.Perm(len(collection.examples))
	shuffledExamples := make([]*example, len(collection.examples))
	for i, j := range permutation {
		shuffledExamples[i] = collection.examples[j]
	collection.examples = shuffledExamples
Пример #7
func (e *Specs) Shuffle(r *rand.Rand) {
	permutation := r.Perm(len(e.specs))
	shuffledSpecs := make([]*Spec, len(e.specs))
	for i, j := range permutation {
		shuffledSpecs[i] = e.specs[j]
	e.specs = shuffledSpecs
Пример #8
func (container *containerNode) shuffle(r *rand.Rand) {
	permutation := r.Perm(len(container.subjectAndContainerNodes))
	shuffledNodes := make([]node, len(container.subjectAndContainerNodes))
	for i, j := range permutation {
		shuffledNodes[i] = container.subjectAndContainerNodes[j]
	container.subjectAndContainerNodes = shuffledNodes
Пример #9
// Sample n unique individuals from a slice of individuals
func (indis Individuals) sample(n int, generator *rand.Rand) ([]int, Individuals) {
	var (
		sample  = make(Individuals, n)
		indexes = generator.Perm(len(indis))[:n]
	for i, j := range indexes {
		sample[i] = indis[j]
	return indexes, sample
Пример #10
func ShuffledIndex(rnd *rand.Rand, n, round int, fn func(i int)) {
	if rnd == nil {
		rnd = NewRand()
	for x := 0; x < round; x++ {
		for _, i := range rnd.Perm(n) {
Пример #11
// BreadthFirst traverses a directed or undirected graph in breadth first order.
// Argument start is the start node for the traversal.  If r is nil, nodes are
// visited in deterministic order.  If a random number generator is supplied,
// nodes at each level are visited in random order.
// Argument f can be nil if you have no interest in the FromList path result.
// If FromList f is non-nil, the method populates f.Paths and sets f.MaxLen.
// It does not set f.Leaves.  For convenience argument f can be a zero value
// FromList.  If f.Paths is nil, the FromList is initialized first.  If f.Paths
// is non-nil however, the FromList is  used as is.  The method uses a value of
// PathEnd.Len == 0 to indentify unvisited nodes.  Existing non-zero values
// will limit the traversal.
// Traversal calls the visitor function v for each node starting with node
// start.  If v returns true, traversal continues.  If v returns false, the
// traversal terminates immediately.  PathEnd Len and From values are updated
// before calling the visitor function.
// On return f.Paths and f.MaxLen are set but not f.Leaves.
// Returned is the number of nodes visited and ok = true if the traversal
// ran to completion or ok = false if it was terminated by the visitor
// function returning false.
// There are equivalent labeled and unlabeled versions of this method.
func (g AdjacencyList) BreadthFirst(start NI, r *rand.Rand, f *FromList, v OkNodeVisitor) (visited int, ok bool) {
	switch {
	case f == nil:
		e := NewFromList(len(g))
		f = &e
	case f.Paths == nil:
		*f = NewFromList(len(g))
	rp := f.Paths
	// the frontier consists of nodes all at the same level
	frontier := []NI{start}
	level := 1
	// assign path when node is put on frontier,
	rp[start] = PathEnd{Len: level, From: -1}
	for {
		f.MaxLen = level
		var next []NI
		if r == nil {
			for _, n := range frontier {
				if !v(n) { // visit nodes as they come off frontier
				for _, nb := range g[n] {
					if rp[nb].Len == 0 {
						next = append(next, nb)
						rp[nb] = PathEnd{From: n, Len: level}
		} else { // take nodes off frontier at random
			for _, i := range r.Perm(len(frontier)) {
				n := frontier[i]
				// remainder of block same as above
				if !v(n) {
				for _, nb := range g[n] {
					if rp[nb].Len == 0 {
						next = append(next, nb)
						rp[nb] = PathEnd{From: n, Len: level}
		if len(next) == 0 {
		frontier = next
	return visited, true
Пример #12
// Apply permutation mutation.
func (mut MutPermute) Apply(indi *Individual, generator *rand.Rand) {
	for i := 0; i <= generator.Intn(mut.Max); i++ {
		// Choose two points on the genome
		var (
			points = generator.Perm(len(indi.Genome))[:2]
			i      = points[0]
			j      = points[1]
		// Permute the genes
		indi.Genome[i], indi.Genome[j] = indi.Genome[j], indi.Genome[i]
Пример #13
// genValues creates a slice containing a random number of random values
// that when scaled by adding minValue will fall into [min, max].
func (w *WeightedDist) genValues(rng *rand.Rand) {
	nValues := (w.maxValue + 1) - w.minValue
	values := rng.Perm(nValues)
	if nValues < minValues {
		nValues = minValues
	if nValues > maxValues {
		nValues = maxValues
	nValues = rng.Intn(nValues) + 1
	w.values = values[:nValues]
Пример #14
// selectRandom chooses up to count random store descriptors from the given
// store list.
func selectRandom(randGen *rand.Rand, count int, sl StoreList) []*roachpb.StoreDescriptor {
	var descs []*roachpb.StoreDescriptor
	// Randomly permute available stores matching the required attributes.
	for _, idx := range randGen.Perm(len(sl.stores)) {
		// Add this store; exit loop if we've satisfied count.
		descs = append(descs, sl.stores[idx])
		if len(descs) >= count {
	if len(descs) == 0 {
		return nil
	return descs
Пример #15
func (h *dbCorruptHarness) buildShuffled(n int, rnd *rand.Rand) {
	p := &h.dbHarness
	t := p.t
	db := p.db

	batch := new(Batch)
	for i := range rnd.Perm(n) {
		batch.Put(tkey(i), tval(i, ctValSize))
		err := db.Write(batch, p.wo)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("write error: ", err)
Пример #16
// LatinHypercube generates len(batch) samples using Latin hypercube sampling
// from the given distribution. If src != nil, it will be used to generate
// random numbers, otherwise rand.Float64 will be used.
// Latin hypercube sampling divides the cumulative distribution function into equally
// spaced bins and guarantees that one sample is generated per bin. Within each bin,
// the location is randomly sampled. The distuv.UnitNormal variable can be used
// for easy generation from the unit interval.
func LatinHypercube(batch []float64, q distuv.Quantiler, src *rand.Rand) {
	n := len(batch)
	var perm []int
	var f64 func() float64
	if src != nil {
		f64 = src.Float64
		perm = src.Perm(n)
	} else {
		f64 = rand.Float64
		perm = rand.Perm(n)
	for i := range batch {
		v := f64()/float64(n) + float64(i)/float64(n)
		batch[perm[i]] = q.Quantile(v)
Пример #17
// LatinHypercube generates len(samples) samples using Latin hypercube sampling
// from the given distribution. If src != nil, it will be used to generate
// random numbers, otherwise rand.Float64 will be used.
// Latin hypercube sampling divides the cumulative distribution function into equally
// spaced bins and guarantees that one sample is generated per bin. Within each bin,
// the location is randomly sampled. The dist.UnitNormal variable can be used
// for easy generation from the unit interval.
func LatinHypercube(samples []float64, q dist.Quantiler, src *rand.Rand) {
	n := len(samples)
	var perm []int
	var f64 func() float64
	if src != nil {
		f64 = src.Float64
		perm = src.Perm(n)
	} else {
		f64 = rand.Float64
		perm = rand.Perm(n)
	for i := range samples {
		v := f64()/float64(n) + float64(i)/float64(n)
		samples[perm[i]] = q.Quantile(v)
Пример #18
func (d *Director) randomPartition(rng *rand.Rand) []*network.Link {
	count := state.NodeCount()

	// If there are fewer than three nodes, netsplits are pretty
	// boring
	if count < 3 {
		return []*network.Link{d.net.Links()[0]}
	perm := rng.Perm(count)
	splitPoint := rng.Intn(count-2) + 1
	split := make([]uint, 0)
	for i := 0; i < splitPoint; i++ {
		split = append(split, uint(perm[i]))
	log.Debugf("Made a netsplit: %v", split)
	return d.net.FindPerimeter(split)
Пример #19
func NewRandomSimilarityProvider(r *rand.Rand) *RandomSimilarityProvider {
	sims := make([]Similarity, len(allSims))
	for i, v := range r.Perm(len(allSims)) {
		sims[i] = allSims[v]
		assert(sims[i] != nil)
	ans := &RandomSimilarityProvider{
		Locker:           &sync.Mutex{},
		defaultSim:       NewDefaultSimilarity(),
		previousMappings: make(map[string]Similarity),
		perFieldSeed:     r.Int(),
		coordType:        r.Intn(3),
		shouldQueryNorm:  r.Intn(2) == 0,
		knownSims:        sims,
	ans.PerFieldSimilarityWrapper = NewPerFieldSimilarityWrapper(ans)
	return ans
Пример #20
func NewRandomSimilarityProvider(r *rand.Rand) *RandomSimilarityProvider {
	sims := make([]Similarity, len(allSims))
	for i, v := range r.Perm(len(allSims)) {
		sims[i] = allSims[v]
	return &RandomSimilarityProvider{
		PerFieldSimilarityWrapper: NewPerFieldSimilarityWrapper(func(name string) Similarity {
			panic("not implemented yet")
		Locker:           &sync.Mutex{},
		defaultSim:       NewDefaultSimilarity(),
		previousMappings: make(map[string]Similarity),
		perFieldSeed:     r.Int(),
		coordType:        r.Intn(3),
		shouldQueryNorm:  r.Intn(2) == 0,
		knownSims:        sims,
Пример #21
// SpofMonkey detects single points of failure by netsplitting one node at a
// time away from the rest of the cluster and ensuring that the cluster
// continues to make progress.
func (d *Director) SpofMonkey(rng *rand.Rand, intensity float64) bool {
	if spofIndex >= state.NodeCount() {
		return false
	} else if len(spofOrder) != state.NodeCount() {
		// Unfortunately we can't do this in an init() because we defer
		// the parsing of flag arguments until later.
		spofOrder = rng.Perm(state.NodeCount())

	i := spofOrder[spofIndex]
	log.Printf("[monkey] Testing if %v is a single point of failure",

	netsplit := d.net.FindPerimeter([]uint{uint(i)})


	for _, target := range netsplit {

	// We need to make sure that the cluster is capable of servicing
	// requests that no member of the cluster has ever seen before in order
	// to ensure that the cluster is making progress. To do this, we
	// determine the request ID of the last request that has been created,
	// and make sure that we see a request that was created *after* that
	// (any requests generated after targetRequestId were necessarily
	// generated after the actions above).
	targetRequestId := state.LastGeneratedRequest()
	for <-state.GotRequest() <= targetRequestId {

	log.Printf("[monkey] %v is (probably) not a single point of failure!",

	for _, target := range netsplit {


	return true
Пример #22
// Choose random connections such that each node has a connection in the
// returned list.
func (d *Director) randomNeighborLinks(rng *rand.Rand) []*network.Link {
	links := d.net.Links()
	perm := rng.Perm(len(links))

	cover := make(map[uint]bool, state.NodeCount())
	for i := 0; i < state.NodeCount(); i++ {
		cover[uint(i)] = false
	out := make([]*network.Link, 0, (state.NodeCount()+1)/2)

	for _, i := range perm {
		link := links[i]
		a1, a2 := link.Agents()
		if !cover[a1] || !cover[a2] {
			out = append(out, link)
			cover[a1] = true
			cover[a2] = true
	return out
Пример #23
func makeRoutes(ps []place, r *rand.Rand) {
	for i := range ps {
		p := &ps[i]
		others := r.Perm(len(ps))
		percentageToConnectTo := r.Float32()
		next := i + 1
		if next == len(ps) {
			next = 0
		p.neighbours = append(p.neighbours, dist{to: int32(next), cost: calcDist(p, &ps[next])})
		for _, o := range others {
			var newNeighbour dist
			if r.Float32() < percentageToConnectTo && o != next && o != i {
				newNeighbour = dist{to: int32(o), cost: calcDist(p, &ps[o])}
			} else {
				newNeighbour = dist{-1, -1}
			p.neighbours = append(p.neighbours, newNeighbour)
Пример #24
// selectRandom chooses up to count random store descriptors from the given
// store list.
func selectRandom(randGen *rand.Rand, count int, sl StoreList,
	excluded nodeIDSet) []*roachpb.StoreDescriptor {
	var descs []*roachpb.StoreDescriptor
	// Randomly permute available stores matching the required attributes.
	for _, idx := range randGen.Perm(len(sl.stores)) {
		desc := sl.stores[idx]
		// Skip if store is in excluded set.
		if _, ok := excluded[desc.Node.NodeID]; ok {
		// Add this store; exit loop if we've satisfied count.
		descs = append(descs, sl.stores[idx])
		if len(descs) >= count {
	if len(descs) == 0 {
		return nil
	return descs
Пример #25
Файл: rand.go Проект: ngaut/ty
// SampleGen has a parametric type:
//	func SampleGen(population []A, n int, rng *rand.Rand) []A
// SampleGen returns a random sample of size `n` from a list
// `population` using a given random number generator `rng`.
// All elements in `population` have an equal chance of being selected.
// If `n` is greater than the size of `population`, then `n` is set to
// the size of the population.
func SampleGen(population interface{}, n int, rng *rand.Rand) interface{} {
	chk := ty.Check(
		new(func([]ty.A, int, *rand.Rand) []ty.A),
		population, n, rng)
	rpop, tsamp := chk.Args[0], chk.Returns[0]

	popLen := rpop.Len()
	if n == 0 {
		return reflect.MakeSlice(tsamp, 0, 0).Interface()
	if n > popLen {
		n = popLen

	// TODO(burntsushi): Implement an algorithm that doesn't depend on
	// the size of the population.

	rsamp := reflect.MakeSlice(tsamp, n, n)
	choices := rng.Perm(popLen)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
	return rsamp.Interface()
Пример #26
// Styled after the Graph500 example code.  Not well tested currently.
// Graph500 example generates undirected only.  No idea if the directed variant
// here is meaningful or not.
// note mma returns arc size ma for dir=true, but returns size m for dir=false
func kronecker(scale uint, edgeFactor float64, dir bool, r *rand.Rand) (g AdjacencyList, mma int) {
	if r == nil {
		r = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
	N := NI(1 << scale)                  // node extent
	M := int(edgeFactor*float64(N) + .5) // number of arcs/edges to generate
	a, b, c := 0.57, 0.19, 0.19          // initiator probabilities
	ab := a + b
	cNorm := c / (1 - ab)
	aNorm := a / ab
	ij := make([][2]NI, M)
	var bm Bits
	var nNodes int
	for k := range ij {
		var i, j NI
		for b := NI(1); b < N; b <<= 1 {
			if r.Float64() > ab {
				i |= b
				if r.Float64() > cNorm {
					j |= b
			} else if r.Float64() > aNorm {
				j |= b
		if bm.Bit(i) == 0 {
			bm.SetBit(i, 1)
		if bm.Bit(j) == 0 {
			bm.SetBit(j, 1)
		r := r.Intn(k + 1) // shuffle edges as they are generated
		ij[k] = ij[r]
		ij[r] = [2]NI{i, j}
	p := r.Perm(nNodes) // mapping to shuffle IDs of non-isolated nodes
	px := 0
	rn := make([]NI, N)
	for i := range rn {
		if bm.Bit(NI(i)) == 1 {
			rn[i] = NI(p[px]) // fill lookup table
	g = make(AdjacencyList, nNodes)
	for _, e := range ij {
		if e[0] == e[1] {
			continue // skip loops
		ri, rj := rn[e[0]], rn[e[1]]
		for _, nb := range g[ri] {
			if nb == rj {
				continue ij // skip parallel edges
		g[ri] = append(g[ri], rj)
		if !dir {
			g[rj] = append(g[rj], ri)
Пример #27
func RandPortMap(r *rand.Rand) PortMap {
	return PortMap(r.Perm(Nhost))