func fillSyslog(args *models.InstallerArguments, manifest models.Manifest) {
	repJob := firstRepJob(manifest)
	properties := repJob.Properties
	// TODO: this is broken on ops manager:
	//   1. there are no global properties section
	//   2. none of the diego jobs (including rep) has syslog_daemon_config
	if properties.Syslog == nil && manifest.Properties != nil {
		properties = manifest.Properties

	if properties.Syslog == nil {

	args.SyslogHostIP = properties.Syslog.Address
	args.SyslogPort = properties.Syslog.Port
func fillSharedSecret(args *models.InstallerArguments, manifest models.Manifest) {
	repJob := firstRepJob(manifest)
	properties := repJob.Properties
	if properties.MetronEndpoint == nil {
		properties = manifest.Properties
	args.SharedSecret = properties.MetronEndpoint.SharedSecret
func fillEtcdCluster(args *models.InstallerArguments, manifest models.Manifest) {
	repJob := firstRepJob(manifest)
	properties := repJob.Properties
	if properties.Loggregator == nil {
		properties = manifest.Properties

	args.EtcdCluster = properties.Loggregator.Etcd.Machines[0]
func fillExternalIp(args *models.InstallerArguments, manifest models.Manifest, externalIp string) {
	if externalIp == "" {
		consulIp := strings.Split(args.ConsulIPs, ",")[0]
		conn, err := net.Dial("udp", consulIp+":65530")
		externalIp = strings.Split(conn.LocalAddr().String(), ":")[0]
	args.ExternalIp = externalIp
func generateInstallScript(outputDir string, args *models.InstallerArguments) {
	content := strings.Replace(installBatTemplate, "\n", "\r\n", -1)
	temp := template.Must(template.New("").Parse(content))
	args.Zone = "windows"
	filename := "install.bat"
	file, err := os.OpenFile(path.Join(outputDir, filename), os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0644)
	defer file.Close()

	err = temp.Execute(file, args)
func fillConsul(args *models.InstallerArguments, manifest models.Manifest, outputDir string) {
	repJob := firstRepJob(manifest)
	properties := repJob.Properties
	if properties.Consul == nil {
		properties = manifest.Properties

	// missing requireSSL implies true
	requireSSL := properties.Consul.RequireSSL
	if requireSSL == nil || *requireSSL {
		args.ConsulRequireSSL = true
		extractConsulKeyAndCert(properties, outputDir)

	consuls := properties.Consul.Agent.Servers.Lan

	if len(consuls) == 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Could not find any Consul VMs in your BOSH deployment")

	args.ConsulIPs = strings.Join(consuls, ",")
func fillBBS(args *models.InstallerArguments, manifest models.Manifest, outputDir string) {
	repJob := firstRepJob(manifest)
	properties := repJob.Properties
	if properties.Diego.Rep.BBS == nil {
		properties = manifest.Properties

	requireSSL := properties.Diego.Rep.BBS.RequireSSL
	// missing requireSSL implies true
	if requireSSL == nil || *requireSSL {
		args.BbsRequireSsl = true
		extractBbsKeyAndCert(properties, outputDir)
func fillMetronAgent(args *models.InstallerArguments, manifest models.Manifest, outputDir string) {
	repJob := firstRepJob(manifest)
	properties := repJob.Properties

	if properties.MetronAgent == nil || properties.MetronAgent.PreferredProtocol == nil {
		properties = manifest.Properties

	if properties != nil && properties.MetronAgent != nil && properties.MetronAgent.PreferredProtocol != nil {
		if *properties.MetronAgent.PreferredProtocol == "tls" {
			args.MetronPreferTLS = true
			extractMetronKeyAndCert(properties, outputDir)