Пример #1
func getModeFilter(fh *mp3agic.FrameHeader) uint32 {
	if fh.Verify() != nil {
		return 0
	if fh.Channels() == 1 {
		return FILTER_MONO
Пример #2
func getLayerFilter(fh *mp3agic.FrameHeader) uint32 {
	if fh.Verify() != nil {
		return 0
	switch fh.Layer() {
	case mp3agic.MPEG_LAYER_1:
		return FILTER_LAYER1
	case mp3agic.MPEG_LAYER_2:
		return FILTER_LAYER2
	case mp3agic.MPEG_LAYER_3:
		return FILTER_LAYER3
	return 0
Пример #3
func getSamplingrateFilter(fh *mp3agic.FrameHeader) uint32 {
	if fh.Verify() != nil {
		return 0
	switch fh.SampleRate() {
	case 32000, 16000, 8000:
		return FILTER_32000HZ
	case 44100, 22050, 11025:
		return FILTER_44100HZ
	case 48000, 24000, 12000:
		return FILTER_48000HZ
	return 0
Пример #4
func getMpegFilter(fh *mp3agic.FrameHeader) uint32 {
	if fh.Verify() != nil {
		return 0
	switch fh.Version() {
	case mp3agic.MPEG_VERSION_1_0:
		return FILTER_MPEG1
	case mp3agic.MPEG_VERSION_2_0:
		return FILTER_MPEG2
	case mp3agic.MPEG_VERSION_2_5:
		return FILTER_MPEG25
	return 0
Пример #5
func constructReservoirFrame(dest []byte, header *mp3agic.FrameHeader, minResSize int, absStartSample int64) int {
	// increase for 10-byte-header inclusion
	minResSize += 10
	h32 := header.getHeader32() | 0x00010000 // switch off CRC usage
	fh2 := &FrameHeader{}
	for bri := 1; bri <= 14; bri++ {
		h32 = (h32 & 0xFFFF0FFF) + (bri << 12)
		frameSize := fh2.getFrameSize()
		sideInfoEnd := fh2.getSideInfoEnd()
		mainDataBlockSize := frameSize - sideInfoEnd
		if mainDataBlockSize >= minResSize {
			dest[0] = byte(h32 >> 24)
			dest[1] = byte(h32 >> 16)
			dest[2] = byte(h32 >> 8)
			dest[3] = byte(h32)
			fill(dest[4:sideInfoEnd], 0)
			fill(dest[sideInfoEnd:frameSize], 0x78)
			// Arrays.fill(dest, 4, sideInfoEnd, (byte) 0);
			// Arrays.fill(dest, sideInfoEnd, frameSize, (byte) 0x78);
			copy(dest[sideInfoEnd:], []byte("PCUT"))
			// dest[sideInfoEnd] = 0x50; // P
			// dest[sideInfoEnd + 1] = 0x43; // C
			// dest[sideInfoEnd + 2] = 0x55; // U
			// dest[sideInfoEnd + 3] = 0x54; // T
			copy(dest[sideInfoEnd+4:], []byte{
				// revision 0
				// absolute sample start pos
				byte(uint64(absStartSample) >> 32),
				byte(uint64(absStartSample) >> 24),
				byte(uint64(absStartSample) >> 16),
				byte(uint64(absStartSample) >> 8),
			return frameSize
	return -1
Пример #6
func (m *scannedMp3) scan(ips io.ReadSeeker) os.Error {
	temp := make([]byte, MAX_MPAFRAME_SIZE)

	jh := new(MyCountingJunkHandler)
	mpafp := &mpaFrameParser{ips: ips, junkh: jh}

	filter := FILTER_LAYER3
	var fh *mp3agic.FrameHeader
	frameCounter := 0
	firstFrameFound := false
	isMPEG1 := false
	firstkbps := 0
	sumMusicFrameSize := 0
	//try {
	for {
		fh, err := mpafp.getNextFrame(filter, temp, fh)
		if err != nil && err != os.EOF {
			return err
		frameSize := fh.LengthInBytes()
		//int frameSize = fh.getFrameSize();
		if !firstFrameFound {
			firstFrameFound = true
			firstkbps = fh.BitrateInKbps()
			m.samplesPerFrame = fh.SamplesPerFrame()
			isMPEG1 = (fh.Version() == mp3agic.MPEG_VERSION_1_0)
			if isMPEG1 {
				m.maxRes = 511
			} else {
				m.maxRes = 255
			filter = getFilterFor(fh)
			m.firstFrameHeader = fh
			if m.xiltFrame.parse(temp, 0) {
				if m.xiltFrame.hasXingTag {
					m.isVBR = true
				if m.xiltFrame.hasLameTag {
					m.encDelay = m.xiltFrame.encDelay
					m.encPadding = m.xiltFrame.encPadding
		} else {
			checkBitRate := true
			if frameCounter == 0 {
				checkBitRate = false
				// first music frame. might be a PCUT-tag
				// reservoir-filler frame
				sie := fh.SideInfoEnd()
				// a pcut frame contains its tag in the first 10
				// bytes of the
				// main data section
				pcutFrame := (sie+10 <= frameSize) && (temp[sie] == 0x50) && // P
					(temp[sie+1] == 0x43) && // C
					(temp[sie+2] == 0x55) && // U
					(temp[sie+3] == 0x54) // T
				if pcutFrame {
					// temp[sie+4] tag revision (always 0 for now)
					t := int64(temp[sie+5]) // fetch 40 bit start sample
					t = (t << 8) | int64(temp[sie+6])
					t = (t << 8) | int64(temp[sie+7])
					t = (t << 8) | int64(temp[sie+8])
					t = (t << 8) | int64(temp[sie+9])
					m.startSample = t
				} else {
					for b := range temp[fh.SideInfoStart():fh.SideInfoEnd()] {
						if b != 0 {
							checkBitRate = true
			// we don't want the first "music frame" to be checked
			// if it's
			// possibly a PCUT generated reservoir frame
			if checkBitRate && fh.BitrateInKbps() != firstkbps {
				m.isVBR = true
		if frameCounter >= 0 {
			sumMusicFrameSize += frameSize
			sis := fh.SideInfoStart()
			ofs := sis
			brPointer := int(temp[ofs])
			if isMPEG1 {
				brPointer = (brPointer << 1) | int((temp[ofs+1]&0x80)>>7)
			setMainDataSectionSize(frameSize - sis - fh.SideInfoSize())
	//catch (EOFException x) {

	m.musicFrameCount = frameCounter
	if !firstFrameFound {
		return os.NewError("no mp3 data found")

	var framerate float32 = float32(m.firstFrameHeader.SampleRate()) /
	m.avgBitrate = (float32(sumMusicFrameSize) / float32(m.musicFrameCount)) * framerate / 125
		} finally {
		    try {
		    catch (IOException x) {
	return nil