Пример #1
// Find information about the children of a span.
func doFindChildren(hcl *htrace.Client, sid common.SpanId, lim int) int {
	spanIds, err := hcl.FindChildren(sid, lim)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", err.Error())
	pbuf, err := json.MarshalIndent(spanIds, "", "  ")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error: error pretty-printing span IDs to JSON: %s", err.Error())
		return 1
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(pbuf))
	return 0
Пример #2
func TestClientOperations(t *testing.T) {
	htraceBld := &MiniHTracedBuilder{Name: "TestClientOperations",
		DataDirs: make([]string, 2)}
	ht, err := htraceBld.Build()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to create datastore: %s", err.Error())
	defer ht.Close()
	var hcl *htrace.Client
	hcl, err = htrace.NewClient(ht.ClientConf())
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to create client: %s", err.Error())

	// Create some random trace spans.
	allSpans := createRandomTestSpans(NUM_TEST_SPANS)

	// Write half of the spans to htraced via the client.
	err = hcl.WriteSpans(&common.WriteSpansReq{
		Spans: allSpans[0 : NUM_TEST_SPANS/2],
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("WriteSpans(0:%d) failed: %s\n", NUM_TEST_SPANS/2,

	// Look up the first half of the spans.  They should be found.
	var span *common.Span
	for i := 0; i < NUM_TEST_SPANS/2; i++ {
		span, err = hcl.FindSpan(allSpans[i].Id)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("FindSpan(%d) failed: %s\n", i, err.Error())
		common.ExpectSpansEqual(t, allSpans[i], span)

	// Look up the second half of the spans.  They should not be found.
	for i := NUM_TEST_SPANS / 2; i < NUM_TEST_SPANS; i++ {
		span, err = hcl.FindSpan(allSpans[i].Id)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("FindSpan(%d) failed: %s\n", i, err.Error())
		if span != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Unexpectedly found a span we never write to "+
				"the server: FindSpan(%d) succeeded\n", i)

	// Test FindChildren
	childSpan := allSpans[1]
	parentId := childSpan.Parents[0]
	var children []common.SpanId
	children, err = hcl.FindChildren(parentId, 1)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("FindChildren(%s) failed: %s\n", parentId, err.Error())
	if len(children) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("FindChildren(%s) returned an invalid number of "+
			"children: expected %d, got %d\n", parentId, 1, len(children))
	if !children[0].Equal(childSpan.Id) {
		t.Fatalf("FindChildren(%s) returned an invalid child id: expected %s, "+
			" got %s\n", parentId, childSpan.Id, children[0])

	// Test FindChildren on a span that has no children
	childlessSpan := allSpans[NUM_TEST_SPANS/2]
	children, err = hcl.FindChildren(childlessSpan.Id, 10)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("FindChildren(%d) failed: %s\n", childlessSpan.Id, err.Error())
	if len(children) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("FindChildren(%d) returned an invalid number of "+
			"children: expected %d, got %d\n", childlessSpan.Id, 0, len(children))

	// Test Query
	var query common.Query
	query = common.Query{Lim: 10}
	spans, err := hcl.Query(&query)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Query({lim: %d}) failed: %s\n", 10, err.Error())
	if len(spans) != 10 {
		t.Fatalf("Query({lim: %d}) returned an invalid number of "+
			"children: expected %d, got %d\n", 10, 10, len(spans))