Пример #1
func (fs *FileSession) hashHandler(incomingPacket packet.PacketStd) {

	//connects to db to comapre hash
	db, error := sql.Open("sqlite3", "../gypo.db")

	if error != nil {
	} else {
		var hash string
		error := db.QueryRow("SELECT hash FROM files WHERE path = ? AND filename = ? AND user_id = ?", incomingPacket.Name[:strings.LastIndex(incomingPacket.Name, "/")+1], incomingPacket.Name[strings.LastIndex(incomingPacket.Name, "/")+1:], fs.User.Id).Scan(&hash)

		if error != nil {
			newPacket := packet.PacketStd{packet.Packet{"hash", incomingPacket.Name}, "SEND_FILE_TRUE"}
			go newPacket.SendPacket(fs.Connection)
			fmt.Println("file not exist, send file")

			//adds hash to tempHash, if file recieve is successful; tempHash is dumped to db
			incomingPacket.Data = "0" + incomingPacket.Data //adds '0' to indicate INSERT(new file)
			fs.tempHash[incomingPacket.Name] = incomingPacket

		} else if hash != incomingPacket.Data {
			newPacket := packet.PacketStd{packet.Packet{"hash", incomingPacket.Name}, "SEND_FILE_TRUE"}
			go newPacket.SendPacket(fs.Connection)
			fmt.Println("hash different, send file")

			//adds hash to tempHash, if file recieve is successful; tempHash is dumped to db
			incomingPacket.Data = "1" + incomingPacket.Data //adds '1' to indicate UPDATE(existing file)
			fs.tempHash[incomingPacket.Name] = incomingPacket

		} else if hash == incomingPacket.Data {
			newPacket := packet.PacketStd{packet.Packet{"hash", incomingPacket.Name}, "SEND_FILE_FALSE"}
			go newPacket.SendPacket(fs.Connection)
			fmt.Println("hash same, no send file")

Пример #2
func (fs *FileSession) pullHandler(incomingPacket packet.PacketStd) {

	if incomingPacket.Name == "REQ_FILELIST" {
		//db initializing
		db, error := sql.Open("sqlite3", "../gypo.db")

		//tells client pull request recieved
		newPacket := packet.PacketStd{packet.Packet{"pull", "REQ_FILELIST_RECV"}, ""}
		go newPacket.SendPacket(fs.Connection)

		//creates list of server files and sends back to client
		if error != nil {
		} else {
			//PacketList instance for server files(db)
			var server_fileList packet.PacketList

			//get number of files from db to use for file server_fileList.Data size
			var dbFileCount int
			error = db.QueryRow("SELECT count(*) AS number FROM files WHERE user_id = ?", fs.User.Id).Scan(&dbFileCount)

			if error != nil {
			} else {
				//sets PacketList instance variables
				server_fileList.Data = make([]packet.PacketStd, dbFileCount)
				server_fileList.ContentType = "pull"
				server_fileList.Name = "RESP_FILELIST"

				//get fileList from db
				rows, error := db.Query("SELECT filename, path, hash, is_dir FROM files WHERE user_id = ?", fs.User.Id)

				if error != nil {
				} else {
					var rowPacket packet.PacketStd
					var filename, path, hash string
					var is_dir int
					i := 0

					for rows.Next() {
						error = rows.Scan(&filename, &path, &hash, &is_dir)
						if error != nil {
						} else {
							if is_dir == 1 {
								rowPacket.ContentType = "folder"
								rowPacket.Name = path
								rowPacket.Data = ""
							} else {
								rowPacket.ContentType = "hash"
								rowPacket.Name = path + filename
								rowPacket.Data = hash
						server_fileList.Data[i] = rowPacket
					go server_fileList.SendPacket(fs.Connection)
					fmt.Println("server_fileList size: ", len(server_fileList.Data))
	} else if incomingPacket.Name == "REQ_FILE" {
		//wraps file in packet and sends it
		newPacket := packet.PacketStd{packet.Packet{"pull", "RESP_FILE"}, incomingPacket.Data}
		go newPacket.SendFilePacket(fs.Connection)

Пример #3
func (fs *FileSession) pushHandler(incomingPacket packet.PacketStd) {

	fmt.Println("processing push")

	//getting pushList from socket
	incomingBytes, _ := strconv.Atoi(incomingPacket.Data)
	pushListB := make([]byte, incomingBytes)
	i := 0
	for i < incomingBytes {
		chunkSize, _ := fs.Connection.Read(pushListB[i:])
		i = i + chunkSize
		fmt.Println("read so far: ", i)

	//unmarshal data from socket to PacketList instance
	var client_pushList packet.PacketList
	client_pushList.ContentType = "push"
	client_pushList.Name = "client"
	flsize, _ := strconv.Atoi(incomingPacket.Name)
	flObj := make([]packet.PacketStd, flsize)
	client_pushList.Data = flObj
	error := json.Unmarshal(pushListB, &client_pushList)

	if error == nil {
		fmt.Println("push recieved, " + incomingPacket.Name + " entries\n")
	} else {

	//tells client push was recieved
	newPacket := packet.PacketStd{packet.Packet{"push", ""}, "PUSH_RECIEVED"}
	go newPacket.SendPacket(fs.Connection)

	//PacketList instance for server files(db)
	var server_fileList packet.PacketList

	db, error := sql.Open("sqlite3", "../gypo.db")

	if error != nil {
	} else {
		//get number of files from db to use for file array size
		var dbFileCount int
		error = db.QueryRow("SELECT count(*) AS number FROM files WHERE user_id = ?", fs.User.Id).Scan(&dbFileCount)

		if error != nil {
		} else {
			server_fileList.Data = make([]packet.PacketStd, dbFileCount)

			//fetches files from db and adds them to server_fileList
			rows, error := db.Query("SELECT filename, path, hash, is_dir FROM files WHERE user_id = ?", fs.User.Id)
			if error != nil {
			} else {
				var is_dir int
				var rowContentType, rowName, rowData string
				var rowPacket packet.PacketStd

				//populates server_fileList.Data
				i = 0
				for rows.Next() {
					error = rows.Scan(&rowContentType, &rowName, &rowData, &is_dir)
					//fmt.Println(i, " | ", is_dir)
					if error != nil {
					if is_dir == 1 {
						rowPacket.ContentType = "folder"
						rowPacket.Name = rowName
						rowPacket.Data = ""
					} else {
						rowPacket.ContentType = "hash"
						rowPacket.Name = rowName + rowContentType
						rowPacket.Data = rowData
					server_fileList.Data[i] = rowPacket

				fmt.Println("server_fileList size: ", len(server_fileList.Data))
				fmt.Println("client_pushList size: ", len(client_pushList.Data))

				   i = 0
				   for i < len(server_fileList.Data) {
				       fmt.Println("ContentType: " + server_fileList.Data[i].ContentType + " | Name: " + server_fileList.Data[i].Name + " | Data: " + server_fileList.Data[i].Data)


				   i = 0
				   for i < len(client_pushList.Data) {
				       fmt.Println("ContentType: " + client_pushList.Data[i].ContentType + " | Name: " + client_pushList.Data[i].Name + " | Data: " + server_fileList.Data[i].Data)

				//compares client_pushList to server_fileList
				nilPacket := packet.PacketStd{packet.Packet{"", ""}, ""} //to flag list entries as solved
				i = 0
				j := 0
				for i < len(client_pushList.Data) {
					//check if i is allready solved
					if len(client_pushList.Data[i].ContentType) > 0 {
						for j < len(server_fileList.Data) {
							if client_pushList.Data[i].ContentType == "hash" {
								if client_pushList.Data[i].Name == server_fileList.Data[j].Name {
									//update file if needed
									if client_pushList.Data[i].Data != server_fileList.Data[j].Data {

										client_pushList.Data[i].Data = "1" + client_pushList.Data[i].Data //adds '1' to indicate UPDATE(existing file)
										fs.tempHash[client_pushList.Data[i].Name] = client_pushList.Data[i]
										fmt.Println("hash for: " + client_pushList.Data[i].Name + " added to tempHash")

										//fmt.Println("path and filename the same, different hash | client: " + client_pushList.Data[i].Data + " server: " + server_fileList.Data[j].Data)
										newPacket := packet.PacketStd{packet.Packet{"hash", client_pushList.Data[i].Name}, "SEND_FILE_TRUE"}
										go newPacket.SendPacket(fs.Connection)
										fmt.Println(client_pushList.Data[i].Name + " exist, different hash, send\n")

										//flag list entries as solved
										client_pushList.Data[i] = nilPacket
										server_fileList.Data[j] = nilPacket
									} else {
										//files are identical, flag list entries as solved
										client_pushList.Data[i] = nilPacket
										server_fileList.Data[j] = nilPacket
							} else if client_pushList.Data[i].ContentType == "folder" {
								if client_pushList.Data[i].Name == server_fileList.Data[j].Name {
									//if both paths exist on server and client, flag list entries as solved
									client_pushList.Data[i] = nilPacket
									server_fileList.Data[j] = nilPacket
							j++ //increase server_fileList index
					j = 0 //resets server_fileList index
					i++   //increase client_pushList index

				//client_pushList entries not flagged as handled are treated as new files and folders and will be downloaded an/or created
				i = 0
				for i < len(client_pushList.Data) {

					if client_pushList.Data[i].ContentType == "hash" { //file

						//adds hash to tempHash, if file recieve is successful; tempHash is dumped to db
						client_pushList.Data[i].Data = "0" + client_pushList.Data[i].Data //adds '0' to indicate INSERT(new file)
						fs.tempHash[client_pushList.Data[i].Name] = client_pushList.Data[i]
						fmt.Println("hash for: " + client_pushList.Data[i].Name + " added to tempHash")

						newPacket := packet.PacketStd{packet.Packet{"hash", client_pushList.Data[i].Name}, "SEND_FILE_TRUE"}
						go newPacket.SendPacket(fs.Connection)
						fmt.Println(client_pushList.Data[i].Name + " not exist, send\n")

						//flag list entry as solved
						client_pushList.Data[i] = nilPacket

					} else if client_pushList.Data[i].ContentType == "folder" { //folder
						error = os.MkdirAll(client_pushList.Data[i].Name[1:], 07777) //liberal chmod

						if error != nil {
							//adds folder to db
						} else {
							_, error := db.Exec("INSERT INTO files (path, is_dir, user_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", client_pushList.Data[i].Name, 1, fs.User.Id)
							if error != nil {
							} else {
								fmt.Println("folder: " + client_pushList.Data[i].Name + " created and added to db")

				fmt.Println("tempHash size: ", len(fs.tempHash))

				//server_fileList entries not flagged as handled are threated as deleted files and gets deleted
				i = 0
				for i < len(server_fileList.Data) {
					if server_fileList.Data[i].ContentType == "hash" { //file
						//delete db entry
						_, error := db.Exec("DELETE FROM files WHERE path = ? AND hash = ? AND user_id = ?", server_fileList.Data[i].Name[:strings.LastIndex(server_fileList.Data[i].Name, "/")+1], server_fileList.Data[i].Data, fs.User.Id)

						if error != nil {
						} else {
							//delete file
							_ = os.RemoveAll(fs.RootDir + server_fileList.Data[i].Name)
							/*if error != nil {
						//flag list entry as solved
						server_fileList.Data[i] = nilPacket

					} else if server_fileList.Data[i].ContentType == "folder" {
						//delete db entry
						_, error := db.Exec("DELETE FROM files WHERE path = ? AND is_dir = ? AND user_id = ?", server_fileList.Data[i].Name, 1, fs.User.Id)

						if error != nil {
						} else {
							//delete folder
							_ = os.RemoveAll(fs.RootDir + server_fileList.Data[i].Name)
							/*if error != nil {
						//flag list entry as solved
						server_fileList.Data[i] = nilPacket