func (this *ServiceContext) SetHeaders(code, timeout int, ctype string, modified int64) { t := time.UTC() t = time.SecondsToUTC(t.Seconds() + int64(timeout)) ts := t.Format(time.RFC1123) this.Conn.SetHeader("Cache-Control", fmt.Sprintf("max-age=%d; must-revalidate", timeout)) this.Conn.SetHeader("Expires", fmt.Sprintf("%s GMT", ts[0:len(ts)-4])) if modified > 0 { t = time.SecondsToUTC(modified) } else { t = time.UTC() } ts = t.Format(time.RFC1123) this.Conn.SetHeader("Last-Modified", fmt.Sprintf("%s GMT", ts[0:len(ts)-4])) this.Conn.SetHeader("Content-Type", ctype) this.Conn.SetHeader("Server", context.Config().ServerName) if this.Compressed { this.Conn.SetHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip") } this.Conn.WriteHeader(code) }
func (self *Generation) String() string { r := fmt.Sprintf("Generation [%s-%s]", time.SecondsToUTC(self.startEpoch), time.SecondsToUTC(self.startEpoch+GenerationSize)) for key, _ := range self.inhabitants { r += fmt.Sprintf("\n %s", key) } return r }
func TestCRLCreation(t *testing.T) { block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(pemPrivateKey)) priv, _ := ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(block.Bytes) block, _ = pem.Decode([]byte(pemCertificate)) cert, _ := ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) now := time.SecondsToUTC(1000) expiry := time.SecondsToUTC(10000) revokedCerts := []pkix.RevokedCertificate{ { SerialNumber: big.NewInt(1), RevocationTime: now, }, { SerialNumber: big.NewInt(42), RevocationTime: now, }, } crlBytes, err := cert.CreateCRL(rand.Reader, priv, revokedCerts, now, expiry) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error creating CRL: %s", err) } _, err = ParseDERCRL(crlBytes) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error reparsing CRL: %s", err) } }
func TestCreateSelfSignedCertificate(t *testing.T) { random := rand.Reader block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(pemPrivateKey)) priv, err := ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(block.Bytes) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to parse private key: %s", err) return } template := Certificate{ SerialNumber: []byte{1}, Subject: Name{ CommonName: "", Organization: []string{"Acme Co"}, }, NotBefore: time.SecondsToUTC(1000), NotAfter: time.SecondsToUTC(100000), SubjectKeyId: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}, KeyUsage: KeyUsageCertSign, BasicConstraintsValid: true, IsCA: true, DNSNames: []string{""}, PolicyIdentifiers: []asn1.ObjectIdentifier{[]int{1, 2, 3}}, PermittedDNSDomains: []string{"", ""}, } derBytes, err := CreateCertificate(random, &template, &template, &priv.PublicKey, priv) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to create certificate: %s", err) return } cert, err := ParseCertificate(derBytes) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to parse certificate: %s", err) return } if len(cert.PolicyIdentifiers) != 1 || !cert.PolicyIdentifiers[0].Equal(template.PolicyIdentifiers[0]) { t.Errorf("Failed to parse policy identifiers: got:%#v want:%#v", cert.PolicyIdentifiers, template.PolicyIdentifiers) } if len(cert.PermittedDNSDomains) != 2 || cert.PermittedDNSDomains[0] != "" || cert.PermittedDNSDomains[1] != "" { t.Errorf("Failed to parse name constraints: %#v", cert.PermittedDNSDomains) } err = cert.CheckSignatureFrom(cert) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Signature verification failed: %s", err) return } }
func (ctx Context) SetCookie(key string, val string, exp int64) { var utc *time.Time if exp == 0 { utc = time.SecondsToUTC(2147483647) // year 2038 } else { utc = time.SecondsToUTC(time.UTC().Seconds() + exp) } cookie := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s; expires=%s", key, val, webTime(utc)) ctx.SetHeader("Set-Cookie", cookie) }
func main() { flag.Parse() urandom, err := os.Open("/dev/urandom", os.O_RDONLY, 0) if err != nil { log.Exitf("failed to open /dev/urandom: %s", err) return } priv, err := rsa.GenerateKey(urandom, 1024) if err != nil { log.Exitf("failed to generate private key: %s", err) return } now := time.Seconds() template := x509.Certificate{ SerialNumber: []byte{0}, Subject: x509.Name{ CommonName: *hostName, Organization: "Acme Co", }, NotBefore: time.SecondsToUTC(now - 300), NotAfter: time.SecondsToUTC(now + 60*60*24*365), // valid for 1 year. SubjectKeyId: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}, KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment | x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature, } derBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(urandom, &template, &template, &priv.PublicKey, priv) if err != nil { log.Exitf("Failed to create certificate: %s", err) return } certOut, err := os.Open("cert.pem", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT, 0644) if err != nil { log.Exitf("failed to open cert.pem for writing: %s", err) return } pem.Encode(certOut, &pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: derBytes}) certOut.Close() log.Print("written cert.pem\n") keyOut, err := os.Open("key.pem", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT, 0600) if err != nil { log.Print("failed to open key.pem for writing:", err) return } pem.Encode(keyOut, &pem.Block{Type: "RSA PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(priv)}) keyOut.Close() log.Print("written key.pem\n") }
//Sets a cookie -- duration is the amount of time in seconds. 0 = forever func (ctx *Context) SetCookie(name string, value string, age int64) { var utctime *time.Time if age == 0 { // 2^31 - 1 seconds (roughly 2038) utctime = time.SecondsToUTC(2147483647) } else { utctime = time.SecondsToUTC(time.UTC().Seconds() + age) } cookie := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s; expires=%s", name, value, webTime(utctime)) ctx.SetHeader("Set-Cookie", cookie, false) }
func (p *viewAccountContext) LastModified() *time.Time { var lastModified *time.Time if p.user != nil && p.user.ModifiedAt != 0 { lastModified = time.SecondsToUTC(p.user.ModifiedAt) } else if p.consumer != nil && p.consumer.ModifiedAt != 0 { lastModified = time.SecondsToUTC(p.consumer.ModifiedAt) } else if p.externalUser != nil && p.externalUser.ModifiedAt != 0 { lastModified = time.SecondsToUTC(p.externalUser.ModifiedAt) } return lastModified }
func main() { flag.Parse() timestamp := time.Seconds() if len(*hostname) == 0 { ErrorF("Error: Missing -hostname parameter.\n") } fmt.Printf(">>> Generating Private Key: %s\n", *hostname+".key.pem") private_key, error := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, *bits) if error != nil { ErrorF("Error: Unable to generate private key: %s\n", error) } private_key_file, error := os.OpenFile(*hostname+".key.pem", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if error != nil { ErrorF("Error: Unable to open %s for writing: %s\n", *hostname+".key.pem", error) } defer private_key_file.Close() pem.Encode(private_key_file, &pem.Block{Type: "RSA PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(private_key)}) template := x509.Certificate{ SerialNumber: []byte{0}, Subject: x509.Name{ CommonName: *hostname, Organization: []string{*organization}, }, NotBefore: time.SecondsToUTC(timestamp), NotAfter: time.SecondsToUTC(365*24*60*60 + timestamp), SubjectKeyId: []byte{1, 3, 3, 7}, KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment | x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature, } fmt.Printf(">>> Generating Certificate: %s\n", *hostname+".pem") certificate, error := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &template, &template, &private_key.PublicKey, private_key) if error != nil { ErrorF("Error: Unable to generate certificate: %s\n", error) } certificate_file, error := os.OpenFile(*hostname+".pem", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644) if error != nil { ErrorF("Error: Unable to open %s for writing: %s\n", *hostname+".pem", error) } defer certificate_file.Close() pem.Encode(certificate_file, &pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: certificate}) }
///func parseActDetail(c appengine.Context, r *io.ReadCloser, res *ActDetail) (*ActDetail, os.Error) { func parseActDetail(c appengine.Context, res *ActDetail) (*ActDetail, os.Error) { tmp := strings.NewReader(sampleActHtml) r := &tmp n, err := html.Parse(*r) if err != nil { c.Errorf("%s", err.String()) return nil, err } nc := NewCursor(n) nc = nc.FindById("body1") nc.Prune() curr := nc.FindText("Activity Type:").Parent().NextSibling().Node.Child[0] res.Type = curr.Data curr = nc.FindText("Name:").Parent().NextSibling().Node.Child[0] res.Name = curr.Data curr = nc.FindText("Description:").Parent().NextSibling().Node.Child[0] res.Desc = curr.Data curr = nc.FindText("Location:").Parent().NextSibling().Node.Child[0] res.Location = curr.Data curr = nc.FindText("Start Date and Time:").Parent().NextSibling().Node.Child[0] res.Start, err = time.Parse("02 Jan 2006\u00a015:04", curr.Data) res.Start = time.SecondsToUTC(res.Start.Seconds()) if err != nil { return nil, err } curr = nc.FindText("Finish Date and Time:").Parent().NextSibling().Node.Child[0] res.End, err = time.Parse("02 Jan 2006\u00a015:04", curr.Data) res.End = time.SecondsToUTC(res.End.Seconds()) if err != nil { return nil, err } curr = nc.FindText("No of Cadets:").Parent().NextSibling().Node.Child[0] res.NCadets, err = strconv.Atoi(curr.Data) if err != nil { return nil, err } curr = nc.FindText("No of Staff:").Parent().NextSibling().Node.Child[0] res.NStaff, err = strconv.Atoi(curr.Data) if err != nil { return nil, err } return res, nil }
//Sets a cookie -- duration is the amount of time in seconds. // 0 = forever, persistent // <0 = omit expires attribute, i.e. expire at end of browser session func (ctx *Context) SetCookie(name string, value string, age int64) { cookie := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", name, value) if age == 0 { // 2^31 - 1 seconds (roughly 2038) utctime := time.SecondsToUTC(2147483647) cookie += fmt.Sprintf("; expires=%s", webTime(utctime)) } else if age > 0 { utctime := time.SecondsToUTC(time.UTC().Seconds() + age) cookie += fmt.Sprintf("; expires=%s", webTime(utctime)) } cookie += fmt.Sprintf("; path=/") ctx.SetHeader("Set-Cookie", cookie, false) }
func (p *HtmlDirectoryListing) OutputTo(req Request, cxt Context, writer io.Writer, resp ResponseWriter) { result := new(htmlDirectoryEntryResult) result.Path = p.urlPath result.Tail = path.Base(p.urlPath) var err os.Error defer func() { if p.file != nil { p.file.Close() p.file = nil } }() if p.file == nil { p.file, err = os.Open(p.fullPath) if err != nil { result.Message = err.String() result.Result = make([]htmlDirectoryEntry, 0) HTML_DIRECTORY_LISTING_ERROR_TEMPLATE.Execute(writer, result) return } } fileInfos, err := p.file.Readdir(-1) if err != nil { result.Message = err.String() result.Result = make([]htmlDirectoryEntry, 0) HTML_DIRECTORY_LISTING_ERROR_TEMPLATE.Execute(writer, result) return } entries := make([]htmlDirectoryEntry, len(fileInfos)) for i, fileInfo := range fileInfos { entries[i].Filename = fileInfo.Name entries[i].Path = path.Join(p.urlPath, fileInfo.Name) entries[i].Size = fileInfo.Size entries[i].IsDirectory = fileInfo.IsDirectory() if fileInfo.IsDirectory() { entries[i].IsDirectory = true entries[i].Size = 0 } else { entries[i].IsDirectory = false entries[i].Size = fileInfo.Size } entries[i].LastModified = time.SecondsToUTC(int64(fileInfo.Mtime_ns / 1e9)).Format(time.ANSIC) } dirInfo, _ := p.file.Stat() if dirInfo != nil { result.LastModified = time.SecondsToUTC(int64(dirInfo.Mtime_ns / 1e9)).Format(time.ANSIC) } result.Status = "success" result.Message = "" result.Result = entries HTML_DIRECTORY_LISTING_SUCCESS_TEMPLATE.Execute(writer, result) }
func postHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") if cv := req.FormValue("cookie"); cv != "" { trace("postHandler recieved param cookie %s.", cv) cp := strings.SplitN(cv, "=", 2) if cp[1] != "-DELETE-" { exp := time.SecondsToUTC(time.UTC().Seconds() + 7*24*3600).Format(http.TimeFormat) // Now + 7 days w.Header().Set("Set-Cookie", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s; Path=/de/index; expires=%s;; Secure;", cp[0], cp[1], exp)) } else { trace("post-handler: Deleting cookie %s\n", cp[0]) w.Header().Set("Set-Cookie", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s; Path=/de/index; MaxAge=-1;; Secure;", cp[0], "X")) } } t := req.FormValue("q") if req.Method != "POST" { fmt.Printf("====== called /post with GET! ======\n") } _, header, err := req.FormFile("datei") if err == nil { info("Recieved datei: %s. %v", header.Filename, header.Filename == "file äöü 1.txt") } if t != "" { // w.Header().Set("Location", "http://localhost:54123/"+t) // w.Header().Set("Location", "localhost:54123/"+t) w.Header().Set("Location", "/"+t) w.WriteHeader(302) } else { text := req.FormValue("text") w.WriteHeader(200) body := "<html><body><h1>Post Page</h1><p>t = " + html.EscapeString(text) + "</p></body></html>" w.Write([]byte(body)) } }
func googleDateTimeStringToDsocial(s string) (d *DateTime) { if len(s) == 10 { // YYYY-MM-DD d = new(DateTime) year, _ := strconv.Atoi(s[0:4]) month, _ := strconv.Atoi(s[5:7]) day, _ := strconv.Atoi(s[8:10]) d.Year = int16(year) d.Month = int8(month) d.Day = int8(day) } else if len(s) == 7 { t, err := time.Parse("--01-02", s) if err == nil && t != nil { d = new(DateTime) d.Month = int8(t.Month) d.Day = int8(t.Day) } } else if len(s) == 25 { // YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-05:00 t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00", s) if err == nil && t != nil { t2 := time.SecondsToUTC(t.Seconds()) d = new(DateTime) d.Year = int16(t2.Year) d.Month = int8(t2.Month) d.Day = int8(t2.Day) d.Hour = int8(t2.Hour) d.Minute = int8(t2.Minute) d.Second = int8(t2.Second) } } return }
func (sh *Handler) serveRecentPermanodes(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { ret := jsonMap() defer httputil.ReturnJson(rw, ret) ch := make(chan *Result) errch := make(chan os.Error) go func() { errch <- sh.index.GetRecentPermanodes(ch, []*blobref.BlobRef{sh.owner}, 50) }() dr := sh.NewDescribeRequest() recent := jsonMapList() for res := range ch { dr.Describe(res.BlobRef, 2) jm := jsonMap() jm["blobref"] = res.BlobRef.String() jm["owner"] = res.Signer.String() t := time.SecondsToUTC(res.LastModTime) jm["modtime"] = t.Format(time.RFC3339) recent = append(recent, jm) } err := <-errch if err != nil { // TODO: return error status code ret["error"] = err.String() return } ret["recent"] = recent dr.PopulateJSON(ret) }
func (fi *FakeIndex) nextDate() *time.Time { fi.cllk.Lock() fi.clock++ clock := fi.clock fi.cllk.Unlock() return time.SecondsToUTC(clock) }
func SetSecureCookie(rw http.ResponseWriter, name, val, path string, timeout int64) { var buf bytes.Buffer e := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, &buf) e.Write([]byte(val)) e.Close() ts := strconv.Itoa64(time.Seconds()) data := strings.Join([]string{buf.String(), ts, getCookieSig(buf.Bytes(), ts)}, "|") var cookie string // Timeout of -1 is a special case that omits the entire 'expires' bit. // This is used for cookies which expire as soon as a user's session ends. if timeout != -1 { t := time.UTC() t = time.SecondsToUTC(t.Seconds() + timeout) ts = t.Format(time.RFC1123) ts = ts[0:len(ts)-3] + "GMT" cookie = fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s; expires=%s; path=%s", name, data, ts, path) } else { cookie = fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s; path=%s", name, data, path) } if context.Config().Secure { cookie += "; secure" } rw.SetHeader("Set-Cookie", cookie) }
func Crawl(pool *mgo.Session, du *DigestwUser, tl *TwTimeLine, resolveURL bool, done chan<- int) { defer func() { done <- 0 }() sess := pool.New() defer sess.Close() sa := NewStatsAll(du.TwUser.Screen_Name, sess) var sid, first, last int64 for k, v := range *tl { tmpTime, _ := time.Parse(time.RubyDate, v.Created_at) tmpSec := tmpTime.Seconds() if du.UTC_Offset != nil { tmpSec += *du.UTC_Offset v.Created_at = time.SecondsToUTC(tmpSec).Format(time.RubyDate) } if k == 0 { sid = v.Id last = tmpSec } addStats(sa, &v, resolveURL) if k == (len(*tl) - 1) { first = tmpSec } //log.Printf("id:%d", v.Id) } sa.Foreach(update) // decide to the next execution time du.SinceId = strconv.Itoa64(sid) du.NextSeconds = time.Seconds() + (last - first) if _, err := du.Upsert(sess); err != nil { log.Print(err) } }
func (c *Cookie) String() string { var b bytes.Buffer b.WriteString(c.Name) b.WriteRune('=') b.WriteString(c.Value) if c.MaxAge < 0 { // A date in the past will delete the cookie. b.WriteString("; Expires=Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT") } if c.MaxAge > 0 { // Write expires attribute because some browsers do not support max-age. b.WriteString("; Expires=") b.WriteString(time.SecondsToUTC(time.Seconds() + int64(c.MaxAge)).Format(TimeLayout)) } if c.Path != "" { b.WriteString("; Path=") b.WriteString(c.Path) } if c.Domain != "" { b.WriteString("; Domain=") b.WriteString(c.Domain) } if c.Secure { b.WriteString("; Secure") } if c.HttpOnly { b.WriteString("; HttpOnly") } return b.String() }
func (sd SportsData) ParsedStartTime() *time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, sd.StartTime) // Hack to make sure that the weekday is set correctly. // Found here: t = time.SecondsToUTC(t.Seconds()) return t }
func TestCreateSelfSignedCertificate(t *testing.T) { urandom, err := os.Open("/dev/urandom", os.O_RDONLY, 0) if err != nil { t.Errorf("failed to open /dev/urandom") } block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(pemPrivateKey)) priv, err := ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(block.Bytes) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to parse private key: %s", err) return } template := Certificate{ SerialNumber: []byte{1}, Subject: Name{ CommonName: "", Organization: "Acme Co", }, NotBefore: time.SecondsToUTC(1000), NotAfter: time.SecondsToUTC(100000), SubjectKeyId: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}, KeyUsage: KeyUsageCertSign, BasicConstraintsValid: true, IsCA: true, DNSNames: []string{""}, } derBytes, err := CreateCertificate(urandom, &template, &template, priv) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to create certificate: %s", err) return } cert, err := ParseCertificate(derBytes) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to parse certificate: %s", err) return } err = cert.CheckSignatureFrom(cert) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Signature verification failed: %s", err) return } }
// Translate the RRSIG's incep. and expir. time to the correct date. // Taking into account serial arithmetic (RFC 1982) func timeToDate(t uint32) string { utc := time.UTC().Seconds() mod := (int64(t) - utc) / Year68 // If needed assume wrap around(s) ti := time.SecondsToUTC(int64(t) + (mod * Year68)) // abs()? TODO return ti.Format("20060102150405") }
func FormatTime(nanoSeconds int64, utc bool, format string) string { seconds := nanoSeconds / 1000000000 if utc { return time.SecondsToUTC(seconds).Format(format) } else { return time.SecondsToLocalTime(seconds).Format(format) } panic("unreachable code") }
func readTestFile(t *testing.T, ft ZipTestFile, f *File) { if f.Name != ft.Name { t.Errorf("name=%q, want %q", f.Name, ft.Name) } mtime, err := time.Parse("01-02-06 15:04:05", ft.Mtime) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } if got, want := f.Mtime_ns()/1e9, mtime.Seconds(); got != want { t.Errorf("%s: mtime=%s (%d); want %s (%d)", f.Name, time.SecondsToUTC(got), got, mtime, want) } testFileMode(t, f, ft.Mode) size0 := f.UncompressedSize var b bytes.Buffer r, err := f.Open() if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } if size1 := f.UncompressedSize; size0 != size1 { t.Errorf("file %q changed f.UncompressedSize from %d to %d", f.Name, size0, size1) } _, err = io.Copy(&b, r) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } r.Close() var c []byte if len(ft.Content) != 0 { c = ft.Content } else if c, err = ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/" + ft.File); err != nil { t.Error(err) return } if b.Len() != len(c) { t.Errorf("%s: len=%d, want %d", f.Name, b.Len(), len(c)) return } for i, b := range b.Bytes() { if b != c[i] { t.Errorf("%s: content[%d]=%q want %q", f.Name, i, b, c[i]) return } } }
//Sets a cookie -- duration is the amount of time in seconds. 0 = forever func (ctx *Context) SetCookie(name string, value string, age int64) { if age == 0 { //do some really long time } utctime := time.UTC() utc1 := time.SecondsToUTC(utctime.Seconds() + 60*30) cookie := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s; expires=%s", name, value, webTime(utc1)) ctx.SetHeader("Set-Cookie", cookie, false) }
func redirectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") switch lastPath(req) { case "redirect", "": w.Header().Set("Location", "http://localhost:54123/redirect/first") w.Header().Add("Set-Cookie", "rda=rda; Path=/") w.Header().Add("Set-Cookie", "clearme=eraseme; Path=/") w.WriteHeader(302) return case "first": w.Header().Set("Location", "http://localhost:54123/redirect/second") w.Header().Set("Set-Cookie", "rdb=rdb; Path=/redirect") w.WriteHeader(302) return case "second": w.Header().Set("Location", "http://localhost:54123/redirect/third") w.Header().Set("Set-Cookie", "rdc=rdc; Path=/otherpath") w.WriteHeader(302) return case "third": w.Header().Set("Location", "http://localhost:54123/redirect/fourth") exp := time.SecondsToUTC(time.UTC().Seconds() - 10000).Format(http.TimeFormat) w.Header().Set("Set-Cookie", "clearme=; Path=/; Max-Age=0; Expires="+exp) w.WriteHeader(302) return case "fourth": w.Header().Set("Location", "http://localhost:54123/redirect/last") rdav, rdae := req.Cookie("rda") rdbv, rdbe := req.Cookie("rdb") _, rdce := req.Cookie("rdc") _, cme := req.Cookie("clearme") if rdae == nil && rdav.Value == "rda" && rdbe == nil && rdbv.Value == "rdb" && rdce != nil && cme != nil { w.WriteHeader(302) } else { w.WriteHeader(500) body := "<html><body><h1>Wrong cookies</h1><pre>" for _, c := range req.Cookies() { body += fmt.Sprintf("\n%#v\n", *c) } body += "</pre></body></html>" w.Write([]byte(body)) } return case "last": w.WriteHeader(200) w.Write([]byte("<html><body><h1>No more redirects.</h1></body></html>")) return default: w.WriteHeader(404) w.Write([]byte("<html><body><h1>Oooops..." + lastPath(req) + "</h1></body></html>")) return } }
func JSONValueToTime(value interface{}, format string) *time.Time { switch v := value.(type) { case nil, bool, JSONArray, JSONObject, []interface{}, map[string]interface{}: return nil case string: t, _ := time.Parse(format, v) return t case int64: return time.SecondsToUTC(v) case int: return time.SecondsToUTC(int64(v)) case float64: return time.SecondsToUTC(int64(v)) case time.Time: return &v case *time.Time: return v } return nil }
func rfc3339FromNanos(epochnanos int64) string { nanos := epochnanos % 1e9 esec := epochnanos / 1e9 t := time.SecondsToUTC(esec) timeStr := t.Format(time.RFC3339) if nanos == 0 { return timeStr } nanoStr := fmt.Sprintf("%09d", nanos) nanoStr = strings.TrimRight(nanoStr, "0") return timeStr[:len(timeStr)-1] + "." + nanoStr + "Z" }
//Sets a cookie -- duration is the amount of time in seconds. 0 = forever func (ctx *Context) SetCookie(name string, value string, age int64) { if age == 0 { //do some really long time } utctime := time.UTC() utc1 := time.SecondsToUTC(utctime.Seconds() + 60*30) expires := utc1.Format(time.RFC1123) expires = expires[0:len(expires)-3] + "GMT" cookie := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s; expires=%s", name, value, expires) ctx.SetHeader("Set-Cookie", cookie, false) }
func (p *JsonDirectoryListing) OutputTo(req Request, cxt Context, writer io.Writer, resp ResponseWriter) { result := new(jsonDirectoryEntryResult) result.Path = p.urlPath var err os.Error defer func() { if p.file != nil { p.file.Close() p.file = nil } }() if p.file == nil { p.file, err = os.Open(p.fullPath) if err != nil { result.Status = "error" result.Message = err.String() result.Result = make([]jsonDirectoryEntry, 0) encoder := json.NewEncoder(writer) encoder.Encode(result) return } } fileInfos, err := p.file.Readdir(-1) if err != nil { result.Status = "error" result.Message = err.String() result.Result = make([]jsonDirectoryEntry, 0) encoder := json.NewEncoder(writer) encoder.Encode(result) return } entries := make([]jsonDirectoryEntry, len(fileInfos)) for i, fileInfo := range fileInfos { entries[i].Filename = fileInfo.Name entries[i].Path = path.Join(p.urlPath, fileInfo.Name) entries[i].Size = fileInfo.Size entries[i].IsDirectory = fileInfo.IsDirectory() if fileInfo.IsDirectory() { entries[i].IsDirectory = true entries[i].Size = 0 } else { entries[i].IsDirectory = false entries[i].Size = fileInfo.Size } entries[i].LastModified = time.SecondsToUTC(int64(fileInfo.Mtime_ns / 1e9)).Format(time.RFC3339) } result.Status = "success" result.Message = "" result.Result = entries encoder := json.NewEncoder(writer) encoder.Encode(result) }