// PK and FK constraints. func Eg6() { db, status := database.Open(DBPath) fmt.Println("Open database", status) // Create a table "PEOPLE". PERSON, status := db.Create("PEOPLE") fmt.Println("Create PEOPLE", status) // Add colums to PEOPLE. fmt.Println("Add NAME", PERSON.Add("NAME", 20)) fmt.Println("Add AGE", PERSON.Add("AGE", 2)) // 0-99 // Create a table "CONTACT". CONTACT, status := db.Create("CONTACT") fmt.Println("Create CONTACT", status) // Add columns to CONTACT. fmt.Println("Add SITE", CONTACT.Add("SITE", 20)) fmt.Println("Add USERNAME", CONTACT.Add("USERNAME", 30)) fmt.Println("Add NAME", CONTACT.Add("NAME", 20)) // Lock all tables because we are modifying multiple tables at once. // (This is in fact optional, you may also only lock the tables being modified.) tr := transaction.New(db) fmt.Println("Lock all", tr.LockAll()) // Make PERSON.NAME a PK, make CONTACT.NAME a FK. constraint.PK(db, PERSON, "NAME") constraint.FK(db, CONTACT, "NAME", PERSON, "NAME") // Insert three records to PERSON, the second record has duplicated NAME which will return an error. fmt.Println("Insert 1", tr.Insert(PERSON, map[string]string{"NAME": "Buzz", "AGE": "18"})) fmt.Println("Insert 2 (error)", tr.Insert(PERSON, map[string]string{"NAME": "Buzz", "AGE": "17"})) fmt.Println("Insert 3", tr.Insert(PERSON, map[string]string{"NAME": "Nikki", "AGE": "15"})) // Insert two records to CONTACT, the second record does not correspond to a NAME in PERSON which will return an error. fmt.Println("Insert 1", tr.Insert(CONTACT, map[string]string{"SITE": "Twitter", "USERNAME": "******", "NAME": "Buzz"})) fmt.Println("Insert 2 (error)", tr.Insert(CONTACT, map[string]string{"SITE": "FB", "USERNAME": "******", "NAME": "Christina"})) // Update "Buzz" in PERSON will trigger update-restricted and will return an error. fmt.Println("Update 1 (error)", tr.Update(PERSON, 0, map[string]string{"NAME": "BuzzM"})) // Update "Nikki" in PERSON will trigger update-restricted but will not return an error. fmt.Println("Update 1", tr.Update(PERSON, 1, map[string]string{"NAME": "NikkiH"})) // Delete "Buzz" in PERSON will trigger delete-restricted and will return an error. fmt.Println("Delete 1 (error)", tr.Delete(PERSON, 0)) // Delete "NikkiH" in PERSON will trigger delete-restricted but will not return an error. fmt.Println("Delete 2", tr.Delete(PERSON, 1)) fmt.Println("Commit", tr.Commit()) // Remove the PK and FK constraints. fmt.Println("Remove PK constraint", constraint.RemovePK(db, PERSON, "NAME")) fmt.Println("Remove FK constraint", constraint.RemoveFK(db, CONTACT, "NAME", PERSON, "NAME")) }
// Table locks func Eg4() { db, status := database.Open(DBPath) fmt.Println("Open database", status) // Create a table "t1". t1, status := db.Create("t1") fmt.Println("Create t1", status) // Begin two transactions. tr1 := transaction.New(db) tr2 := transaction.New(db) // tr1 locks t1 exclusively. fmt.Println("tr1 lock t1 exclusively", tr1.ELock(t1)) // tr2 tries to acquire exclusive lock or shared lock on t1 but fails. fmt.Println("tr2 tries to lock t1 exclusively (error)", tr2.ELock(t1)) fmt.Println("tr2 tries to lock t1 in shared (error)", tr2.SLock(t1)) // tr1 downgrades its lock on t1 to shared lock. // (No need to remove the exclusively lock first, downgrade happens automatically) fmt.Println("tr1 downgrades to shared lock on t1", tr1.SLock(t1)) // Now tr2 may acquire shared lock on t1. fmt.Println("tr2 tries to lock t1 in shared", tr2.SLock(t1)) // Print existing locks on t1. locks, status := transaction.LocksOf(t1) fmt.Println("Existing locks on t1", locks, status) // A transaction may not acquire exclusively lock on table if the table has shared lock(s) by other transaction(s). fmt.Println("tr1 tries to lock t1 exclusively (error)", tr1.ELock(t1)) // Both commit and rollback will release their locked tables. fmt.Println("tr1 commits", tr1.Commit()) fmt.Println("tr2 rolls back", tr2.Rollback()) locks, status = transaction.LocksOf(t1) fmt.Println("Existing locks on t1", locks, status) }
// Insert/update/delete rows. func Eg3() { db, status := database.Open(DBPath) fmt.Println("Open database", status) // Create a table "t1". t1, status := db.Create("t1") fmt.Println("Create t1", status) // Add colums c1, c2 with maximum length of 2 and 5 chars. fmt.Println("Add c1", t1.Add("c1", 2)) fmt.Println("Add c2", t1.Add("c2", 5)) // Begin a transaction. tr := transaction.New(db) // Lock t1 in exclusive mode. fmt.Println("Lock t1 exclusively", tr.ELock(t1)) // Insert three records fmt.Println("Insert", tr.Insert(t1, map[string]string{"c1": "a", "c2": "111"})) fmt.Println("Insert", tr.Insert(t1, map[string]string{"c1": "b", "c2": "222"})) // Long value is truncated to fit the maximum length of the column. fmt.Println("Insert", tr.Insert(t1, map[string]string{"c1": "cccc", "c2": "333"})) // Print the table. rows, status := t1.SelectAll() fmt.Println("Select all rows", status) for _, row := range rows { fmt.Println(row) } // Update row 0, set c1 to "dd". fmt.Println("Update", tr.Update(t1, 0, map[string]string{"c1": "dd"})) // Delete row 1 fmt.Println("Delete", tr.Delete(t1, 1)) // Print the table again. rows, status = t1.SelectAll() fmt.Println("Select all rows", status) for _, row := range rows { fmt.Println(row) } // Commit the transaction, release table locks. tr.Commit() }
// Transaction commit and rollback. func Eg5() { db, status := database.Open(DBPath) fmt.Println("Open database", status) // Create a table "t1". t1, status := db.Create("t1") fmt.Println("Create t1", status) // Add colums c1, c2 with maximum length of 2 and 5 chars. fmt.Println("Add c1", t1.Add("c1", 2)) fmt.Println("Add c2", t1.Add("c2", 5)) // Begin a transaction. tr := transaction.New(db) // Insert a record. fmt.Println("Insert", tr.Insert(t1, map[string]string{"c1": "a", "c2": "111"})) // Commit all changes made so far. fmt.Println("Commit", tr.Commit()) // After transaction is committed, it is available for next use. // Insert a record, update a record, finally delete a record. fmt.Println("Insert", tr.Insert(t1, map[string]string{"c1": "b", "c2": "111"})) fmt.Println("Update", tr.Update(t1, 1, map[string]string{"c1": "bbb"})) fmt.Println("Delete", tr.Delete(t1, 0)) // Print the table to show the changes made by the transaction. rows, status := t1.SelectAll() fmt.Println("Select all rows", status) for _, row := range rows { fmt.Println(row) } // Now roll back the transaction. fmt.Println("Roll back", tr.Rollback()) // And print the table again. rows, status = t1.SelectAll() fmt.Println("Select all rows", status) for _, row := range rows { fmt.Println(row) } }
// Handle UPDATE/DELETE statements. func Eg8() { /* CREATE TABLE PERSON ( NAME CHAR(20), AGE CHAR(2) ); CREATE TABLE CONTACT ( NAME CHAR(20), SITE CHAR(20), USERNAME CHAR(40) ); INSERT INTO PERSON VALUES('BUZZ', '18'); INSERT INTO PERSON VALUES('CHRISTINA', '16'); INSERT INTO PERSON VALUES('JOSHUA', '21'); INSERT INTO PERSON VALUES('NIKKI', '16'); INSERT INTO CONTACT VALUES('BUZZ', 'TWITTER', 'BUZZ01'); INSERT INTO CONTACT VALUES('CHRISTINA', 'FACEBOOK', 'CG'); INSERT INTO CONTACT VALUES('CHRISTINA', 'SKYPE', 'CGG'); INSERT INTO CONTACT VALUES('JOSHUA', 'TWITTER', 'JAMD') INSERT INTO CONTACT VALUES('NIKKI', 'MYB', 'NH'); COMMIT; DELETE FROM CONTACT WHERE NAME IN (SELECT NAME FROM PERSON WHERE NAME = CONTACT.NAME AND AGE > 18); UPDATE CONTACT SET SITE = "FB" WHERE SITE = "FACEBOOK"; COMMIT; SELECT * FROM CONTACT; -- NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING 'TRANSLATION' DOES NOT CHECK FOR ERRORS. */ db, _ := database.Open(DBPath) PERSON, _ := db.Create("PERSON") PERSON.Add("NAME", 20) PERSON.Add("AGE", 2) CONTACT, _ := db.Create("CONTACT") CONTACT.Add("NAME", 20) CONTACT.Add("SITE", 20) CONTACT.Add("USERNAME", 40) tr := transaction.New(db) tr.Insert(PERSON, map[string]string{"NAME": "BUZZ", "AGE": "18"}) tr.Insert(PERSON, map[string]string{"NAME": "CHRISTINA", "AGE": "16"}) tr.Insert(PERSON, map[string]string{"NAME": "JOSHUA", "AGE": "21"}) tr.Insert(PERSON, map[string]string{"NAME": "NIKKI", "AGE": "16"}) tr.Insert(CONTACT, map[string]string{"NAME": "JOSHUA", "SITE": "TWITTER", "USERNAME": "******"}) tr.Insert(CONTACT, map[string]string{"NAME": "NIKKI", "SITE": "MYB", "USERNAME": "******"}) tr.Insert(CONTACT, map[string]string{"NAME": "BUZZ", "SITE": "TWITTER", "USERNAME": "******"}) tr.Insert(CONTACT, map[string]string{"NAME": "CHRISTINA", "SITE": "FACEBOOK", "USERNAME": "******"}) tr.Insert(CONTACT, map[string]string{"NAME": "CHRISTINA", "SITE": "SKYPE", "USERNAME": "******"}) tr.Commit() tr.ELock(PERSON) tr.ELock(CONTACT) query := ra.New() query.Load(PERSON) query.NLJoin("NAME", CONTACT, "NAME") query.Select("AGE", filter.Gt{}, 18) query.Project("SITE", "USERNAME") contactResult, _ := query.Table("CONTACT") for _, i := range contactResult.RowNumbers { tr.Delete(CONTACT, i) } rows, _ := CONTACT.SelectAll() for _, row := range rows { fmt.Println(row) } query2 := ra.New() query2.Load(CONTACT) query2.Select("SITE", filter.Eq{}, "FACEBOOK") contactResult, _ = query2.Table("CONTACT") for _, i := range contactResult.RowNumbers { fmt.Println("Updating", i) tr.Update(CONTACT, i, map[string]string{"SITE": "FB"}) } tr.Commit() rows, _ = CONTACT.SelectAll() for _, row := range rows { fmt.Println(row) } }
// Handle query. func Eg7() { /* CREATE TABLE PERSON ( NAME CHAR(20), AGE CHAR(2) ); CREATE TABLE CONTACT ( NAME CHAR(20), SITE CHAR(20), USERNAME CHAR(40) ); INSERT INTO PERSON VALUES('BUZZ', '18'); INSERT INTO PERSON VALUES('CHRISTINA', '16'); INSERT INTO PERSON VALUES('JOSHUA', '21'); INSERT INTO PERSON VALUES('NIKKI', '16'); INSERT INTO CONTACT VALUES('BUZZ', 'TWITTER', 'BUZZ01'); INSERT INTO CONTACT VALUES('CHRISTINA', 'FACEBOOK', 'CG'); INSERT INTO CONTACT VALUES('CHRISTINA', 'SKYPE', 'CGG'); INSERT INTO CONTACT VALUES('JOSHUA', 'TWITTER', 'JAMD') INSERT INTO CONTACT VALUES('NIKKI', 'MYB', 'NH'); COMMIT; SELECT SITE, USERNAME FROM CONTACT, PERSON WHERE PERSON.NAME = CONTACT.NAME AND PERSON.AGE > 17; -- NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING 'TRANSLATION' DOES NOT CHECK FOR ERRORS. */ db, _ := database.Open(DBPath) PERSON, _ := db.Create("PERSON") PERSON.Add("NAME", 20) PERSON.Add("AGE", 2) CONTACT, _ := db.Create("CONTACT") CONTACT.Add("NAME", 20) CONTACT.Add("SITE", 20) CONTACT.Add("USERNAME", 40) tr := transaction.New(db) tr.Insert(PERSON, map[string]string{"NAME": "BUZZ", "AGE": "18"}) tr.Insert(PERSON, map[string]string{"NAME": "CHRISTINA", "AGE": "16"}) tr.Insert(PERSON, map[string]string{"NAME": "JOSHUA", "AGE": "21"}) tr.Insert(PERSON, map[string]string{"NAME": "NIKKI", "AGE": "16"}) tr.Insert(CONTACT, map[string]string{"NAME": "BUZZ", "SITE": "TWITTER", "USERNAME": "******"}) tr.Insert(CONTACT, map[string]string{"NAME": "CHRISTINA", "SITE": "FACEBOOK", "USERNAME": "******"}) tr.Insert(CONTACT, map[string]string{"NAME": "CHRISTINA", "SITE": "SKYPE", "USERNAME": "******"}) tr.Insert(CONTACT, map[string]string{"NAME": "JOSHUA", "SITE": "TWITTER", "USERNAME": "******"}) tr.Insert(CONTACT, map[string]string{"NAME": "NIKKI", "SITE": "MYB", "USERNAME": "******"}) tr.Commit() tr.SLock(PERSON) tr.SLock(CONTACT) query := ra.New() query.Load(PERSON) query.NLJoin("NAME", CONTACT, "NAME") query.Select("AGE", filter.Gt{}, 17) query.Project("SITE", "USERNAME") for i := 0; i < query.NumberOfRows(); i++ { row, status := query.Read(i) fmt.Println(row, status) } tr.Commit() }