Пример #1
func loadDictionary(fileName string) dictionary {
	dict := dictionary{}
	//read file lines
	input := file.FileLines(fileName)
	// break out first line, load its values into size
	dict.size = intSeparate(input[0])
	input = input[1:]
	// break out second line, load it into basic
	dict.basic = intSeparate(input[0])
	input = input[1:]
	// break out third line, load it into nonBasic
	dict.nonBasic = intSeparate(input[0])
	input = input[1:]
	// break out fourth line, load it into coeff
	dict.coeff = floatSeparate(input[0])
	input = input[1:]
	// for next size[0] lines, load into matrix
	dict.matrix = make([][]float64, dict.size[0])
	for i := 0; i < dict.size[0]; i++ {
		dict.matrix[i] = floatSeparate(input[0])
		input = input[1:]
	// load final line into objective
	dict.objective = floatSeparate(input[0])
	return dict
Пример #2
// Function to read encryption keys from a file
func readKey(fileName string) (*big.Int, *big.Int, error) {
	// Get the contents of file as a slice of strings
	keyStrings, err := file.FileLines(fileName)
	// If we ran into an i/o error, tell user and return
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("\nError, key could not be read from file")
		return nil, nil, err
	// indices 1 and 4 of the keyfile will hold the modulus and exponent
	modulus, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(keyStrings[1], 0)
	exponent, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(keyStrings[4], 0)
	// Return to the user
	return modulus, exponent, nil
Пример #3
func loadGraph() Graph {
	fileLines := file.FileLines(fileToken)
	dataLine := strings.Split(fileLines[0], "\n")
	dataLine = strings.Split(dataLine[0], "\r")
	nodeCount, _ := strconv.Atoi(dataLine[0])
	fileLines = fileLines[1:]

	graph := make(Graph, nodeCount)

	for i, v := range fileLines {
		graph[i] = readNode(v)

	graph = calculateEdges(graph)

	return graph
Пример #4
// Function to read in an encrypted ciphertext from a file
func readCipher(fileName string) []*big.Int {
	// Read the file in as a slice of strings
	cipherStrings, err := file.FileLines(fileName)
	// If there was an error, let the user know and return
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("\nError, ciphertext could not be read from file!")
		return nil
	// Create a slice of big Ints to hold our ciphertext
	cipherText := make([]*big.Int, 0)
	// Every second line, except the last, should hold an encrypted
	//  chunk of data - convert them to big Ints and store them
	for i := 1; i < len(cipherStrings)-2; i += 2 {
		next, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(cipherStrings[i], 0)
		cipherText = append(cipherText, next)
	return cipherText