Пример #1
func (ms *MinionServer) AddMinionFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	// general minion flags
	fs.StringVar(&ms.cgroupPrefix, "mesos-cgroup-prefix", ms.cgroupPrefix, "The cgroup prefix concatenated with MESOS_DIRECTORY must give the executor cgroup set by Mesos")
	fs.BoolVar(&ms.privateMountNS, "private-mountns", ms.privateMountNS, "Enter a private mount NS before spawning procs (linux only). Experimental, not yet compatible with k8s volumes.")
	fs.StringVar(&ms.pathOverride, "path-override", ms.pathOverride, "Override the PATH in the environment of the sub-processes.")
	fs.BoolVar(&ms.containPodResources, "contain-pod-resources", ms.containPodResources, "Allocate pod CPU and memory resources from offers and reparent pod containers into mesos cgroups; disable if you're having strange mesos/docker/systemd interactions.")

	// log file flags
	fs.Var(resource.NewQuantityFlagValue(&ms.logMaxSize), "max-log-size", "Maximum log file size for the executor and proxy before rotation")
	fs.IntVar(&ms.logMaxAgeInDays, "max-log-age", ms.logMaxAgeInDays, "Maximum log file age of the executor and proxy in days")
	fs.IntVar(&ms.logMaxBackups, "max-log-backups", ms.logMaxBackups, "Maximum log file backups of the executor and proxy to keep after rotation")

	// proxy flags
	fs.BoolVar(&ms.runProxy, "run-proxy", ms.runProxy, "Maintain a running kube-proxy instance as a child proc of this kubelet-executor.")
	fs.IntVar(&ms.proxyLogV, "proxy-logv", ms.proxyLogV, "Log verbosity of the child kube-proxy.")
	fs.BoolVar(&ms.proxyBindall, "proxy-bindall", ms.proxyBindall, "When true will cause kube-proxy to bind to")
Пример #2
func (s *SchedulerServer) addCoreFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	fs.IntVar(&s.Port, "port", s.Port, "The port that the scheduler's http service runs on")
	fs.IPVar(&s.Address, "address", s.Address, "The IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.EnableProfiling, "profiling", s.EnableProfiling, "Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/")
	fs.StringSliceVar(&s.APIServerList, "api-servers", s.APIServerList, "List of Kubernetes API servers for publishing events, and reading pods and services. (ip:port), comma separated.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.AuthPath, "auth-path", s.AuthPath, "Path to .kubernetes_auth file, specifying how to authenticate to API server.")
	fs.StringSliceVar(&s.EtcdServerList, "etcd-servers", s.EtcdServerList, "List of etcd servers to watch (http://ip:port), comma separated. Mutually exclusive with --etcd-config")
	fs.StringVar(&s.EtcdConfigFile, "etcd-config", s.EtcdConfigFile, "The config file for the etcd client. Mutually exclusive with --etcd-servers.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.AllowPrivileged, "allow-privileged", s.AllowPrivileged, "If true, allow privileged containers.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.ClusterDomain, "cluster-domain", s.ClusterDomain, "Domain for this cluster.  If set, kubelet will configure all containers to search this domain in addition to the host's search domains")
	fs.IPVar(&s.ClusterDNS, "cluster-dns", s.ClusterDNS, "IP address for a cluster DNS server. If set, kubelet will configure all containers to use this for DNS resolution in addition to the host's DNS servers")
	fs.StringVar(&s.StaticPodsConfigPath, "static-pods-config", s.StaticPodsConfigPath, "Path for specification of static pods. Path should point to dir containing the staticPods configuration files. Defaults to none.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosMaster, "mesos-master", s.MesosMaster, "Location of the Mesos master. The format is a comma-delimited list of of hosts like zk://host1:port,host2:port/mesos. If using ZooKeeper, pay particular attention to the leading zk:// and trailing /mesos! If not using ZooKeeper, standard URLs like http://localhost are also acceptable.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosUser, "mesos-user", s.MesosUser, "Mesos user for this framework, defaults to root.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosRole, "mesos-role", s.MesosRole, "Mesos role for this framework, defaults to none.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosAuthPrincipal, "mesos-authentication-principal", s.MesosAuthPrincipal, "Mesos authentication principal.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosAuthSecretFile, "mesos-authentication-secret-file", s.MesosAuthSecretFile, "Mesos authentication secret file.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosAuthProvider, "mesos-authentication-provider", s.MesosAuthProvider, fmt.Sprintf("Authentication provider to use, default is SASL that supports mechanisms: %+v", mech.ListSupported()))
	fs.StringVar(&s.DockerCfgPath, "dockercfg-path", s.DockerCfgPath, "Path to a dockercfg file that will be used by the docker instance of the minions.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.MesosCgroupPrefix, "mesos-cgroup-prefix", s.MesosCgroupPrefix, "The cgroup prefix concatenated with MESOS_DIRECTORY must give the executor cgroup set by Mesos")
	fs.Var(&s.MesosExecutorCPUs, "mesos-executor-cpus", "Initial CPU shares to allocate for each Mesos executor container.")
	fs.Var(&s.MesosExecutorMem, "mesos-executor-mem", "Initial memory (MB) to allocate for each Mesos executor container.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.Checkpoint, "checkpoint", s.Checkpoint, "Enable/disable checkpointing for the kubernetes-mesos framework.")
	fs.Float64Var(&s.FailoverTimeout, "failover-timeout", s.FailoverTimeout, fmt.Sprintf("Framework failover timeout, in sec."))
	fs.UintVar(&s.DriverPort, "driver-port", s.DriverPort, "Port that the Mesos scheduler driver process should listen on.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.HostnameOverride, "hostname-override", s.HostnameOverride, "If non-empty, will use this string as identification instead of the actual hostname.")
	fs.Int64Var(&s.ReconcileInterval, "reconcile-interval", s.ReconcileInterval, "Interval at which to execute task reconciliation, in sec. Zero disables.")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.ReconcileCooldown, "reconcile-cooldown", s.ReconcileCooldown, "Minimum rest period between task reconciliation operations.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.SchedulerConfigFileName, "scheduler-config", s.SchedulerConfigFileName, "An ini-style configuration file with low-level scheduler settings.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.Graceful, "graceful", s.Graceful, "Indicator of a graceful failover, intended for internal use only.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.HA, "ha", s.HA, "Run the scheduler in high availability mode with leader election. All peers should be configured exactly the same.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.FrameworkName, "framework-name", s.FrameworkName, "The framework name to register with Mesos.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.FrameworkWebURI, "framework-weburi", s.FrameworkWebURI, "A URI that points to a web-based interface for interacting with the framework.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.AdvertisedAddress, "advertised-address", s.AdvertisedAddress, "host:port address that is advertised to clients. May be used to construct artifact download URIs.")
	fs.IPVar(&s.ServiceAddress, "service-address", s.ServiceAddress, "The service portal IP address that the scheduler should register with (if unset, chooses randomly)")
	fs.Var(&s.DefaultContainerCPULimit, "default-container-cpu-limit", "Containers without a CPU resource limit are admitted this much CPU shares")
	fs.Var(&s.DefaultContainerMemLimit, "default-container-mem-limit", "Containers without a memory resource limit are admitted this much amount of memory in MB")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.ContainPodResources, "contain-pod-resources", s.ContainPodResources, "Reparent pod containers into mesos cgroups; disable if you're having strange mesos/docker/systemd interactions.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.AccountForPodResources, "account-for-pod-resources", s.AccountForPodResources, "Allocate pod CPU and memory resources from offers (Default: true)")

	fs.IntVar(&s.ExecutorLogV, "executor-logv", s.ExecutorLogV, "Logging verbosity of spawned minion and executor processes.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.ExecutorBindall, "executor-bindall", s.ExecutorBindall, "When true will set -address of the executor to")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.ExecutorSuicideTimeout, "executor-suicide-timeout", s.ExecutorSuicideTimeout, "Executor self-terminates after this period of inactivity. Zero disables suicide watch.")

	fs.BoolVar(&s.ProxyBindall, "proxy-bindall", s.ProxyBindall, "When true pass -proxy-bindall to the executor.")
	fs.BoolVar(&s.RunProxy, "run-proxy", s.RunProxy, "Run the kube-proxy as a side process of the executor.")
	fs.IntVar(&s.ProxyLogV, "proxy-logv", s.ProxyLogV, "Logging verbosity of spawned minion proxy processes.")

	fs.StringVar(&s.MinionPathOverride, "minion-path-override", s.MinionPathOverride, "Override the PATH in the environment of the minion sub-processes.")
	fs.Var(resource.NewQuantityFlagValue(&s.MinionLogMaxSize), "minion-max-log-size", "Maximum log file size for the executor and proxy before rotation")
	fs.IntVar(&s.MinionLogMaxAgeInDays, "minion-max-log-age", s.MinionLogMaxAgeInDays, "Maximum log file age of the executor and proxy in days")
	fs.IntVar(&s.MinionLogMaxBackups, "minion-max-log-backups", s.MinionLogMaxBackups, "Maximum log file backups of the executor and proxy to keep after rotation")

	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletRootDirectory, "kubelet-root-dir", s.KubeletRootDirectory, "Directory path for managing kubelet files (volume mounts,etc). Defaults to executor sandbox.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletDockerEndpoint, "kubelet-docker-endpoint", s.KubeletDockerEndpoint, "If non-empty, kubelet will use this for the docker endpoint to communicate with.")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletPodInfraContainerImage, "kubelet-pod-infra-container-image", s.KubeletPodInfraContainerImage, "The image whose network/ipc namespaces containers in each pod will use.")
	fs.UintVar(&s.KubeletCadvisorPort, "kubelet-cadvisor-port", s.KubeletCadvisorPort, "The port of the kubelet's local cAdvisor endpoint")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletHostNetworkSources, "kubelet-host-network-sources", s.KubeletHostNetworkSources, "Comma-separated list of sources from which the Kubelet allows pods to use of host network. For all sources use \"*\" [default=\"file\"]")
	fs.DurationVar(&s.KubeletSyncFrequency, "kubelet-sync-frequency", s.KubeletSyncFrequency, "Max period between synchronizing running containers and config")
	fs.StringVar(&s.KubeletNetworkPluginName, "kubelet-network-plugin", s.KubeletNetworkPluginName, "<Warning: Alpha feature> The name of the network plugin to be invoked for various events in kubelet/pod lifecycle")

	//TODO(jdef) support this flag once we have a better handle on mesos-dns and k8s DNS integration
	//fs.StringVar(&s.HADomain, "ha-domain", s.HADomain, "Domain of the HA scheduler service, only used in HA mode. If specified may be used to construct artifact download URIs.")