Пример #1
// Converts an array of strings to an array of float32.
func StringArrayAsFloat32Array(v []string) []float32 {
	data := make([]float32, len(v))
	for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
		x := strings.TrimSpace(v[i])
		data[i] = what.Atof32(x)
	return data
Пример #2
// Load an inpcrd file into this system
func (mol *System) LoadRst(inpcrdFilename string) {
	inpcrdFile, err := os.Open(inpcrdFilename)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error opening inpcrd:", err)
	// defer == awesome!
	defer inpcrdFile.Close()
	inpcrd := bufio.NewReader(inpcrdFile)
	// Header line - discard
	s, err := inpcrd.ReadString('\n')
	// Number of atoms
	s, err = inpcrd.ReadString('\n')
	n, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(s))
	numCoords := mol.NumAtoms() * 3
	if n*3 != numCoords {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Inpcrd says it has %d atoms but I'm expecting %d instead.\n", n, numCoords)

	// Now we know how many tokens to expect. They are all of length 12,
	// with up to 6 per line.
	mol.Coords = make(map[int][]float32)
	frame := 0
	mol.Coords[frame] = make([]float32, numCoords)
	numThings := 6
	thingLen := 12
	ctr := 0

	for err == nil {
		s, err = inpcrd.ReadString('\n')
		// s contains some number of things
		n := (len(s) - 1) / thingLen
		if n > numThings {
			n = numThings
		thisFrame := mol.Coords[frame]
		for i := 0; i < n*thingLen && ctr < numCoords; i += thingLen {
			thisFrame[ctr] = what.Atof32(s[i : i+thingLen])

	// TODO: if it has a box, read the box, and move on to the next frame
	if mol.GetInt("POINTERS", IFBOX) > 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "There's a box! We should do something about this.\n")
Пример #3
// Assumes file pointer is at the start of a frame
func GetNextFrameFromTrajectory(trj *bufio.Reader, numAtoms int, hasBox bool) ([]float32, error) {
	// Calculate how many lines per frame
	linesPerFrame := numAtoms * 3 / 10
	if numAtoms*3%10 != 0 {
	// fmt.Println("Lines per frame:", linesPerFrame);

	// var ok bool
	var coords = make([]float32, numAtoms*3)
	coords = <-coordsFreeList
	// if (!ok) {
	//     fmt.Println("Allocating a new coords buffer.")
	//     coords = make([]float32, numAtoms*3)
	// }
	ci := 0

	for i := 0; i < linesPerFrame; i++ {
		// Read and trim a line
		line, err := trj.ReadString('\n')
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		line = trimSpace(line)
		// Each token is ended by whitespace or eol.
		for b := 0; b < len(line); {
			var e int
			// Advance to end of token
			for e = b; e < len(line) && line[e] != ' ' && line[e] != '\n' && line[e] != '\t'; e++ {
			//fmt.Println(b, e, line[b:e]);
			coords[ci] = what.Atof32(line[b:e])
			// Now, e is either at end of line or points to whitespace.
			// Advance b to start of next token or eol
			for b = e; b < len(line) && (line[b] == ' ' || line[b] == '\n' || line[b] == '\t'); b++ {


	// Eat box line
	if hasBox {
	return coords, nil
Пример #4
// Loads an AMBER system - both a prmtop and inpcrd.
func LoadSystem(prmtopFilename string) *System {
	var mol System
	mol.Blocks = make(map[string][]string)
	mol.Formats = make(map[string][]string)

	prmtopFile, err := os.Open(prmtopFilename)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error opening prmtop:", err)
		return nil
	// defer == awesome!
	defer prmtopFile.Close()
	prmtop := bufio.NewReader(prmtopFile)

	// Set up us the regular expression
	formatRe, _ := regexp.Compile("[(]([0-9]+)([aIE]+)([0-9.]+)[)]")

	// Eat header line
	s, err := prmtop.ReadString('\n')

	// Get first FLAG line
	s, err = prmtop.ReadString('\n')

	for err == nil {
		if len(s) < 5 {
		blockName := strings.TrimSpace(s[6 : len(s)-1])
		mol.Blocks[blockName] = make([]string, 0)

		// FORMAT line
		s, err = prmtop.ReadString('\n')
		fmtSpec := formatRe.FindStringSubmatch(s)

		var numThings, thingLen int
		if len(fmtSpec) == 4 {
			numThings, _ = strconv.Atoi(fmtSpec[1])
			//thingType = fmtSpec[2];
			lenSpec := what.Atof32(fmtSpec[3])
			thingLen = int(lenSpec)
			mol.Formats[blockName] = fmtSpec
		} else {
			fmt.Println("Couldn't understand format specifier - bad prmtop")
			fmt.Println(fmtSpec, s)
			return nil

		// Now that we know what type of data to expect, read it
		// until we hit another FLAG line
		for err == nil {
			s, err = prmtop.ReadString('\n')
			if len(s) >= 5 && s[0:5] == "%FLAG" {
			// s contains some number of things
			n := (len(s) - 1) / thingLen
			if n > numThings {
				n = numThings
			for i := 0; i < (n * thingLen); i += thingLen {
				mol.Blocks[blockName] = append(mol.Blocks[blockName], s[i:i+thingLen])
	return &mol