Пример #1
 * When allocation changed, modify the state of slot and update slotmaps.
func HandleAllocationChange(oldAllocations, newAllocations *SlotAllocation, slotinfoMaps *SlotInfoMaps, zkHelper *utils.ZkHelper) {
	isChanged := false
	newSlotInfoMap := make(map[string]*SlotInfo) //create a new slotinfo maps
	for i := 0; i < oldAllocations.SlotCount; i++ {
		oldNodeId := oldAllocations.Allocations[strconv.Itoa(i)]
		newNodeId := newAllocations.Allocations[strconv.Itoa(i)]
		newSlotInfoMap[strconv.Itoa(i)] = slotinfoMaps.GetSlotInfoMap()[strconv.Itoa(i)].Clone()
		if oldNodeId != newNodeId {
			isChanged = true
			log.Infof("The slot %d's node changed to %d from %d.", i, newNodeId, oldNodeId)
			newSlotInfoMap[strconv.Itoa(i)].MigrateState = MigStateMigrating
			newSlotInfoMap[strconv.Itoa(i)].NodeId = strconv.Itoa(newNodeId)
			newSlotInfoMap[strconv.Itoa(i)].SrcNodeId = strconv.Itoa(oldNodeId)
			newSlotInfoMap[strconv.Itoa(i)].TargetNodeId = strconv.Itoa(newNodeId)
			//update the new slotinfo to zk
			jsonStr, err := utils.ToJson(newSlotInfoMap[strconv.Itoa(i)])
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Can not convert to json string from obj [%s]", newSlotInfoMap[strconv.Itoa(i)])
			} else {
				_, err = zkHelper.CoverCreate("/yundis/ids/"+strconv.Itoa(i), []byte(jsonStr), 0, zk.WorldACL(zk.PermAll))
				if err != nil {
					log.Errorf("Change the value of /yundis/ids/%d fail, err:%s.", i, err)
				//zkHelper.Set("/yundis/ids/"+strconv.Itoa(i), []byte(jsonStr), 1)
	if isChanged {
		log.Info("Update the slotinfoMaps.")
Пример #2
 * generate the data of node by map
func (self *SlotAllocation) ToNodeData() ([]byte, error) {
	str, err := utils.ToJson(self)
	if err != nil {
		return []byte{}, err
	return []byte(str), nil
Пример #3
 * register it self to zk
 * path :  /yundis/nodes/{id}
func (self *YundisServer) registerToZk() {
	if !self.zkHelper.PathExist("/yundis/nodes") {
	//register itself to zk
	nodeinfo := NodeInfo{
		Id:        self.Id,
		Host:      self.Host,
		Port:      self.Port,
		RedisHost: self.RedisHost,
		RedisPort: self.RedisPort,
	jsonStr, err := utils.ToJson(nodeinfo)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Convert to json string error:%s", err)
	_, err = self.zkHelper.CoverCreate("/yundis/nodes/"+strconv.Itoa(self.Id), []byte(jsonStr), zk.FlagEphemeral, zk.WorldACL(zk.PermAll))
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("register node error:%s", err)
Пример #4
 * load the slot's info to map.
func (self *SlotInfoMaps) GetSlotInfoMapFromZk() map[string]*SlotInfo {
	log.Info("Read the slot's info from zk.")
	if !self.zk.PathExist("/yundis/ids") {
		_, err := self.zk.Create("/yundis/ids", []byte{}, 0, zk.WorldACL(zk.PermAll))
		log.Errorf("can not create path %s, err: %s", "/yundis/ids", err)
	infoMap := make(map[string]*SlotInfo)
	for i := 0; i < self.slotCount; i++ {
		strI := strconv.Itoa(i)
		bytes, _, err := self.zk.Get("/yundis/ids/" + strI)
		if err != nil || len(bytes) == 0 {
			slotInfo := &SlotInfo{
				SlotId: strI,
				State:  SlotStateNormal,
			infoMap[strI] = slotInfo
			dataStr, err := utils.ToJson(slotInfo)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Can not convert %s to json. err:%s", slotInfo, err)
			self.zk.Create("/yundis/ids/"+strI, []byte(dataStr), 0, zk.WorldACL(zk.PermAll))
		} else {
			log.Infof("Read the data form path %s", "/yundis/ids/"+strI)
			var slotInfo SlotInfo
			err = utils.JsonParse(string(bytes), &slotInfo)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Can not parse data from node %s, err: %s", "/yundis/ids/"+strI, err)
			} else {
				infoMap[strI] = &slotInfo
	return infoMap
Пример #5
 * 1. for each the slotinfo list
func (self *NodeInfoMaps) ModifySlotState(newInfoMap map[string]*NodeInfo) {
	log.Info("Call modify slotinfo state.")
	// get the slotinfo map
	slotInfoMap := self.slotInfoMaps.CloneSlotInfoMap()
	var changedSlots []*SlotInfo
	for slotId, slotInfo := range slotInfoMap {
		log.Debugf("Orginal SlotInfo [SlotId:%s, State:%s, NodeId:%s, SrcNodeId:%s, TargetNodeId:%s]", slotInfo.SlotId, slotInfo.State, slotInfo.NodeId, slotInfo.SrcNodeId, slotInfo.TargetNodeId)
		isChanged := false
		if _, ok := newInfoMap[slotInfo.NodeId]; ok { //the node alive
			if slotInfo.State == SlotStateDead { //active this slot
				slotInfo.State = SlotStateNormal
				isChanged = true
				log.Infof("Active slot:%s", slotId)
		} else { // the node dead
			if slotInfo.State == SlotStateNormal { //inactive this slot
				slotInfo.State = SlotStateDead
				isChanged = true
				log.Infof("Inactive slot:%s", slotId)
		if isChanged {
			changedSlots = append(changedSlots, slotInfo)
			log.Debugf("SlotInfo after changed [SlotId:%s, State:%s, NodeId:%s, SrcNodeId:%s, TargetNodeId:%s]", slotInfo.SlotId, slotInfo.State, slotInfo.NodeId, slotInfo.SrcNodeId, slotInfo.TargetNodeId)
	//change current slotInfoMap

	if len(changedSlots) > 0 { //wether need to sync the value to zk.
		log.Info("Update the zk by new slotinfo map.")
		//get the zk locker
		zkLocker := self.zk.GetLocker("/yundis/idslocker")
		err := zkLocker.Lock()
		if err != nil {
			log.Warnf("Can not lock the idslocker, err:%s", err)
		} else {
			log.Info("Get the latest slotinfo map from zk before update them.")
			latestSlotMap := self.slotInfoMaps.GetSlotInfoMapFromZk()
			//update the slot to zk
			var changedSlotIds []int
			for _, slotInfo := range changedSlots {
				if slotInfo.State == latestSlotMap[slotInfo.SlotId].State {
				log.Infof("Begin to update the slotinfo[%s] to zk.", slotInfo.SlotId)
				//record the id
				slotId, err := strconv.Atoi(slotInfo.SlotId)
				if err == nil {
					changedSlotIds = append(changedSlotIds, slotId)
				} else {
					log.Errorf("Convert slotId to int from string. err:%s", err)
				//update the slot value
				slotJsonStr, err := utils.ToJson(slotInfo)
				if err == nil {
					_, err = self.zk.Set("/yundis/ids/"+slotInfo.SlotId, []byte(slotJsonStr))
					if err != nil {
						log.Errorf("Can not set the value of /yundis/ids/"+slotInfo.SlotId+" to zk. err : %s", err)
				} else {
					log.Errorf("Can not convert %+v to jsonstr. err : %s", slotInfo, err)
			//update the value of /yundis/ids
			if len(changedSlotIds) > 0 {
				sort.Ints(changedSlotIds) //sort the array.
				log.Infof("update the %s to /yundis/ids.", changedSlotIds)
				idsJsonStr, err := utils.ToJson(changedSlotIds)
				if err == nil {
					_, err = self.zk.Set("/yundis/ids", []byte(idsJsonStr))
					if err != nil {
						log.Errorf("Can not set the value of /yundis/ids. err : %s", err)
				} else {
					log.Errorf("Can not convert %+v to jsonstr. err:%s", changedSlotIds, err)
			err := zkLocker.Unlock()
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Unlock the idslocker error. err:%s", err)
	} else {
		log.Info("Do not need to refresh slotinfo to zk.")
Пример #6
func (self *AdminCmdHandler) DoReblance() bool {
	log.Info("Do reblance.")
	//get the allocation from zk.
	allocationsFromZk := GetSlotAllocationsFromZk(self.yundis.zkHelper)
	if allocationsFromZk != nil {
		//get the node list
		nodeInfoMaps := self.yundis.nodeinfoMaps.getNodeInfoMapFromZk()
		self.yundis.nodeinfoMaps.SetNodeInfoMap(nodeInfoMaps) //update the nodeinfo map
		nodeSlotsMap := allocationsFromZk.getNodeMap()
		var addedNodeIds []int
		for _, nodeInfo := range nodeInfoMaps {
			if _, ok := nodeSlotsMap[nodeInfo.Id]; ok {

			} else {
				addedNodeIds = append(addedNodeIds, nodeInfo.Id)
		if len(addedNodeIds) > 0 {
			log.Info("New Added node list : ", addedNodeIds)
			for _, nodeId := range addedNodeIds {
				log.Infof("Add node %d to allocations.", nodeId)
				err := allocationsFromZk.AddNode(nodeId)
				if err != nil {
					log.Errorf("Error when add node %d to allocation. err : %s", nodeId, err)

			zkLocker := self.yundis.zkHelper.GetLocker("/yundis/idslocker")
			lockErr := zkLocker.Lock()
			if lockErr != nil {
				log.Errorf("Can not lock /yundis/idslocker. err : %s", lockErr)
				return false
			} else {
				//current slot map
				slotMap := self.yundis.slotinfoMaps.GetSlotInfoMapFromZk()
				var affectedSlots []*SlotInfo
				//for each slot:node map
				for slotId, nodeId := range allocationsFromZk.Allocations {
					slotInfo := slotMap[slotId]
					if slotInfo != nil && slotInfo.NodeId != strconv.Itoa(nodeId) {
						//modify the slot's migrate state
						slotInfo.MigrateState = MigStateMigrating
						slotInfo.SrcNodeId = slotInfo.NodeId
						slotInfo.NodeId = strconv.Itoa(nodeId)
						slotInfo.TargetNodeId = strconv.Itoa(nodeId)
						affectedSlots = append(affectedSlots, slotInfo)
				self.yundis.slotinfoMaps.SetSlotInfoMap(slotMap) //update local slot map.
				//update allocation to zk
				log.Info("Update the allocation after changed to zk.")
				err := SyncToZk(allocationsFromZk, self.yundis.zkHelper)
				if err != nil {
					log.Errorf("Can not sync allocations to zk.err : %s", err)
				//update slot info to zk
				if len(affectedSlots) > 0 {
					log.Info("Update slotInfo to zk.")
					var affectedSlotIds []int
					for _, slotInfo := range affectedSlots {
						log.Infof("Begin to update the slotinfo[%s] to zk.", slotInfo.SlotId)
						//record the id
						slotId, err := strconv.Atoi(slotInfo.SlotId)
						if err == nil {
							affectedSlotIds = append(affectedSlotIds, slotId)
						} else {
							log.Errorf("Convert slotId to int from string. err:%s", err)
						//update the slot value
						slotJsonStr, err := utils.ToJson(slotInfo)
						if err == nil {
							_, err = self.yundis.zkHelper.Set("/yundis/ids/"+slotInfo.SlotId, []byte(slotJsonStr))
							if err != nil {
								log.Errorf("Can not set the value of /yundis/ids/"+slotInfo.SlotId+" to zk. err : %s", err)
						} else {
							log.Errorf("Can not convert %+v to jsonstr. err : %s", slotInfo, err)
					//update the value of /yundis/ids
					if len(affectedSlotIds) > 0 {
						sort.Ints(affectedSlotIds) //sort the array.
						log.Infof("update the %s to /yundis/ids.", affectedSlotIds)
						idsJsonStr, err := utils.ToJson(affectedSlotIds)
						if err == nil {
							_, err = self.yundis.zkHelper.Set("/yundis/ids", []byte(idsJsonStr))
							if err != nil {
								log.Errorf("Can not set the value of /yundis/ids. err : %s", err)
						} else {
							log.Errorf("Can not convert %+v to jsonstr. err:%s", affectedSlotIds, err)
				lockErr = zkLocker.Unlock()
				if lockErr != nil {
					log.Errorf("Can not release lock /yundis/dislocker. err : %s", lockErr)
		return true
	} else {
		log.Error("When do reblance, can not reload allocations from zk.")
	return false