func forwardMsg(msg protocol.Message, node nodes.Nodes, readonly bool) (msgAck protocol.Message) {
	var (
		clusterConnPool connection.Pool
		isMaster        bool
	if readonly {
		clusterConnPool, isMaster = node.GetRandom()
	} else {
		clusterConnPool = node.GetMaster()
		isMaster = true
	msgAck = forwardMsgToPool(msg, clusterConnPool, isMaster, false)
	if msgAck.GetProtocolType() == protocol.ErrorsStringsType {
		var msgAckBytesValueSplit [][]byte = bytes.Fields(msgAck.GetBytesValue())
		if len(msgAckBytesValueSplit) == 3 {
			switch {
			case bytes.EqualFold(msgAckBytesValueSplit[0], MOVED):
				msgAck = forwardMsgToPool(msg, cluster.GetClusterParameter().GetNodePool(string(msgAckBytesValueSplit[2])), true, false)
			case bytes.EqualFold(msgAckBytesValueSplit[0], ASK):
				msgAck = forwardMsgToPool(msg, cluster.GetClusterParameter().GetNodePool(string(msgAckBytesValueSplit[2])), true, true)
func (a loginAuth) Next(fromServer []byte, more bool) ([]byte, error) {
	if more {
		if bytes.EqualFold([]byte("username:"******"password:"), fromServer) {
			return []byte(a.password), nil
	return nil, nil
文件: get.go 项目: tgulacsi/nav
func findDownloadURL(relTo url.URL, r io.Reader) (string, error) {
	z := html.NewTokenizer(r)
	for {
		tt := z.Next()
		if tt == html.ErrorToken {
			if z.Err() == io.EOF {
			Log.Error("parse page", "error", z.Err())
			return "", z.Err()
		if tt != html.StartTagToken {
		tn, hasAttr := z.TagName()
		if !(hasAttr && bytes.EqualFold(tn, []byte("input"))) {
		var onClick string
		for {
			key, val, more := z.TagAttr()
			if bytes.EqualFold(key, []byte("name")) && !bytes.Equal(val, []byte("letolt")) {
				continue Outer
			if bytes.EqualFold(key, []byte("onclick")) {
				onClick = string(val)
				if i := strings.IndexAny(onClick, `'"`); i >= 0 {
					sep := onClick[i]
					onClick = onClick[i+1:]
					if i = strings.LastIndex(onClick, string(sep)); i >= 0 {
						onClick = onClick[:i]
				nxt, err := url.Parse(onClick)
				if err != nil {
					return onClick, err
				relTo := &relTo
				return relTo.ResolveReference(nxt).String(), nil
			if !more {
	return "", errors.New("no download URL found")
文件: repl.go 项目: CowLeo/qdb
// if no need full resync, returns false and sync offset
func (h *Handler) needFullReSync(c *conn, args [][]byte) (bool, int64) {
	masterRunID := args[0]

	if !bytes.EqualFold(masterRunID, h.runID) {
		if !bytes.Equal(masterRunID, []byte{'?'}) {
			log.Infof("Partial resynchronization not accepted, runid mismatch, server is %s, but client is %s", h.runID, masterRunID)
		} else {
			log.Infof("Full resync requested by slave.")
		return true, 0

	syncOffset, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(args[1]), 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("PSYNC parse sync offset err, try full resync - %s", err)
		return true, 0

	r := &h.repl

	defer h.repl.RUnlock()

	if r.backlogBuf == nil || syncOffset < r.backlogOffset ||
		syncOffset > (r.backlogOffset+int64(r.backlogBuf.Len())) {
		log.Infof("unable to partial resync with the slave for lack of backlog, slave offset %d", syncOffset)
		if syncOffset > r.masterOffset {
			log.Infof("slave tried to PSYNC with an offset %d larger than master offset %d", syncOffset, r.masterOffset)

		return true, 0

	return false, syncOffset
文件: node.go 项目: flyingtime/goback
func (f *backRefNodeFiber) Resume() (output, error) {
	if f.cnt == 0 {

		var b []byte
		if f.node.Index > 0 {
			if r, ok := f.I.sub.i[f.node.Index]; ok {
				b = r.b
		} else if len(f.node.Name) > 0 {
			if r, ok := f.I.sub.n[f.node.Name]; ok {
				b = r.b

		l := len(b)
		if l > len(f.I.b) {
			l = len(f.I.b)
		if f.node.Flags&syntax.FoldCase != 0 && bytes.EqualFold(b, f.I.b[:l]) {
			return output{offset: l}, nil
		} else if bytes.Equal(b, f.I.b[:l]) {
			return output{offset: l}, nil
	return output{}, errDeadFiber
文件: utils.go 项目: kissthink/goread
func ParseFeed(c appengine.Context, contentType, origUrl, fetchUrl string, body []byte) (*Feed, []*Story, error) {
	cr := defaultCharsetReader
	if !bytes.EqualFold(body[:len(xml.Header)], []byte(xml.Header)) {
		enc, err := encodingReader(body, contentType)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		if enc != encoding.Nop {
			cr = nilCharsetReader
			body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(transform.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(body), enc.NewDecoder()))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
	var feed *Feed
	var stories []*Story
	var atomerr, rsserr, rdferr error
	feed, stories, atomerr = parseAtom(c, body, cr)
	if feed == nil {
		feed, stories, rsserr = parseRSS(c, body, cr)
	if feed == nil {
		feed, stories, rdferr = parseRDF(c, body, cr)
	if feed == nil {
		c.Warningf("atom parse error: %s", atomerr.Error())
		c.Warningf("xml parse error: %s", rsserr.Error())
		c.Warningf("rdf parse error: %s", rdferr.Error())
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse feed data")
	feed.Url = origUrl
	return parseFix(c, feed, stories, fetchUrl)
func equalFold(a, b []byte) {
	if bytes.EqualFold(a, b) {
		log.Printf("%s and %s are equal", a, b)
	} else {
		log.Printf("%s and %s are NOT equal", a, b)
func (lm *LocationMuxer) longestMatchingPath(path string) *types.Location {
	pathAsPrefix := patricia.Prefix(path)
	var matchSoFar patricia.Prefix
	var matchedItem *types.Location
	err := lm.locationTrie.Visit(func(prefix patricia.Prefix, item patricia.Item) error {
		if len(prefix) > len(pathAsPrefix) {
			return patricia.SkipSubtree
		} else if len(prefix) > len(matchSoFar) && bytes.EqualFold(prefix, pathAsPrefix[:len(prefix)]) {
			exactMatch := len(prefix) == len(pathAsPrefix)
			matchedLocation := item.(*types.Location)
			if isLocationType(matchedLocation, exact) && !exactMatch {
				return nil

			matchedItem = matchedLocation
			matchSoFar = prefix
			if exactMatch {
				return errExactMatch // not an error, just so the search is canceled
		return nil

	if err != nil && err != errExactMatch {
		panic(err) // an impossible error

	return matchedItem
func TestFoldAgainstUnicode(t *testing.T) {
	const bufSize = 5
	buf1 := make([]byte, 0, bufSize)
	buf2 := make([]byte, 0, bufSize)
	var runes []rune
	for i := 0x20; i <= 0x7f; i++ {
		runes = append(runes, rune(i))
	runes = append(runes, kelvin, smallLongEss)

	funcs := []struct {
		name   string
		fold   func(s, t []byte) bool
		letter bool // must be ASCII letter
		simple bool // must be simple ASCII letter (not 'S' or 'K')
			name: "equalFoldRight",
			fold: equalFoldRight,
			name:   "asciiEqualFold",
			fold:   asciiEqualFold,
			simple: true,
			name:   "simpleLetterEqualFold",
			fold:   simpleLetterEqualFold,
			simple: true,
			letter: true,

	for _, ff := range funcs {
		for _, r := range runes {
			if r >= utf8.RuneSelf {
			if ff.letter && !isASCIILetter(byte(r)) {
			if ff.simple && (r == 's' || r == 'S' || r == 'k' || r == 'K') {
			for _, r2 := range runes {
				buf1 := append(buf1[:0], 'x')
				buf2 := append(buf2[:0], 'x')
				buf1 = buf1[:1+utf8.EncodeRune(buf1[1:bufSize], r)]
				buf2 = buf2[:1+utf8.EncodeRune(buf2[1:bufSize], r2)]
				buf1 = append(buf1, 'x')
				buf2 = append(buf2, 'x')
				want := bytes.EqualFold(buf1, buf2)
				if got := ff.fold(buf1, buf2); got != want {
					t.Errorf("%s(%q, %q) = %v; want %v", ff.name, buf1, buf2, got, want)
文件: server.go 项目: kuninl/go-irc
// compare two clients: name and network connection
func (c *ClientChat) Equal(cl *ClientChat) bool {
	if bytes.EqualFold([]byte(c.Name), []byte(cl.Name)) {
		if c.Con == cl.Con {
			return true
	return false
文件: get.go 项目: tgulacsi/nav
func getBase(ctx context.Context, page string, client *http.Client) (string, error) {
	resp, err := client.Get(page)
	if err != nil {
		Log.Error("get start page", "url", page, "error", err)
		return "", err
	defer resp.Body.Close()
	select {
	case <-ctx.Done():
		return "", ctx.Err()
	z := html.NewTokenizer(resp.Body)
	for {
		tt := z.Next()
		if tt == html.ErrorToken {
			if z.Err() == io.EOF {
			Log.Error("parse page", "error", z.Err())
			return "", z.Err()
		if tt != html.StartTagToken {
		tn, hasAttr := z.TagName()
		if !(hasAttr && bytes.EqualFold(tn, []byte("iframe"))) {
		for {
			key, val, more := z.TagAttr()
			if bytes.EqualFold(key, []byte("src")) {
				return string(val), nil
			if !more {
	return "", errgo.Notef(errgo.New("no iframe found"), "page="+page)
文件: ldif.go 项目: xstevens/ldap
func (lr *LDIFReader) ReadLDIFEntry() (LDIFRecord, *Error) {
	if lr.NoMoreEntries {
		return nil, nil
	ldiflines, err := lr.readLDIFEntryIntoSlice()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if ldiflines == nil {
		return nil, nil

	if bytes.EqualFold(ldiflines[0][0:7], []byte("version")) {
		lr.Version = string(versionRegex.Find(ldiflines[0]))
		return lr.ReadLDIFEntry()
	if bytes.EqualFold(ldiflines[0][0:7], []byte("charset")) {
		lr.Charset = string(charsetRegex.Find(ldiflines[0]))
		return lr.ReadLDIFEntry()
	return sliceToLDIFRecord(ldiflines)
文件: client.go 项目: vax11780/go-irc
// clientsender(): read from stdin and send it via network
func clientsender(cn net.Conn) {
	reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
	for {
		fmt.Print("you> ")
		input, _ := reader.ReadBytes('\n')
		if bytes.EqualFold(input, []byte("/quit\n")) {
			running = false
		Log("clientsender(): send: ", string(input[0:len(input)-1]))
		cn.Write(input[0 : len(input)-1])
文件: node.go 项目: flyingtime/goback
func (f *literalNodeFiber) Resume() (output, error) {
	if f.cnt == 0 {

		l := len(f.node.L)
		if l > len(f.I.b) {
			l = len(f.I.b)
		if f.node.Flags&syntax.FoldCase != 0 && bytes.EqualFold(f.node.L, f.I.b[:l]) {
			return output{offset: l}, nil
		} else if bytes.Equal(f.node.L, f.I.b[:l]) {
			return output{offset: l}, nil
	return output{}, errDeadFiber
文件: server.go 项目: yinqiwen/ssf
func processEventConnection(c io.ReadWriteCloser, decodeEvent bool, hander ipcEventHandler) {
	//test connection type
	magicBuf := make([]byte, 4)
	magic, err := readMagicHeader(c, magicBuf)
	if nil != err {
		if err != io.EOF {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to read magic header for error:%v from %v", err, c)
	} else {
		if bytes.Equal(magic, MAGIC_EVENT_HEADER) {
			processSSFEventConnection(c, decodeEvent, hander)
		} else if bytes.EqualFold(magic, MAGIC_OTSC_HEADER) {
		} else {
			glog.Errorf("Invalid magic header:%s", string(magic))
文件: decode.go 项目: walle/cfg
// UnmarshalFromConfig strores the data in config in the value pointed to by v.
// v must be a pointer to a struct.
// UnmarshalFromConfig matches incoming keys to either the struct field name
// or its tag, preferring an exact match but also accepting
// a case-insensitive match.
// Only exported fields can be populated. The tag value "-" is used to skip
// a field.
// If the type indicated in the struct field does not match the type in the
// config the field is skipped. Eg. the field type is int but contains a non
// numerical string value in the config data.
func UnmarshalFromConfig(c *Config, v interface{}) error {
	// Check that the type v we will populate is a struct
	rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
	if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || rv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
		return errors.New("cfg: interface must be a pointer to struct")

	// Dereference the pointer if it is one
	rv = rv.Elem()

	// Loop through all fields of the struct
	for i := 0; i < rv.NumField(); i++ {
		fv := rv.Field(i)        // Save the Value of the field
		sf := rv.Type().Field(i) // Save the StructField of the field

		// Check if the field should be skipped
		if sf.PkgPath != "" { // unexported
		tag := sf.Tag.Get(tagKey)
		if tag == "-" {

		// Loop through all keys and match them against the field
		// set the value if it matches.
		for key := range c.values {
			// Check so the tag, or the name case insensitive matches, if not
			// go on to the next key
			if key != tag && bytes.EqualFold([]byte(key), []byte(sf.Name)) == false {

			err := setValue(&fv, c, key)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("cfg: error setting field value: %s", err)

	return nil
文件: server.go 项目: kuninl/go-irc
// go routine spun up by clientHandling to manage incoming
// client traffic and terminate upon receipt of /quit command from client
// prints out client string data and thens forwards that data
// to the handlingINOUT routine via a channel notifier
func clientreceiver(client *ClientChat) {
	buf := make([]byte, 2048)

	Log("clientreceiver(): start for: ", client.Name)
	for client.Read(buf) {

		if bytes.EqualFold(buf, []byte("/quit")) {
		Log("clientreceiver(): received from ", client.Name, " (", string(buf), ")")
		send := client.Name + "> " + string(buf)
		client.OUT <- send
		for i := 0; i < 2048; i++ {
			buf[i] = 0x00

	client.OUT <- client.Name + " has left chat"
	Log("clientreceiver(): stop for: ", client.Name)
// read, [match, seek] till empty. repeat. validate
func (s *subset) findParts() (err error) {
	if s.current == nil {
		s.current = &part{offset: []int64{s.offsets[0], s.offsets[1]}, n: len(s.parts)}
	if s.read[1] > 0 {
		if bytes.EqualFold(s.bufA(), s.bufB()) {
			s.current.length += int64(s.read[0])
			s.offsets[0] += int64(s.read[0])
			s.offsets[1] += int64(s.read[1])
		} else {
		return s.findParts()
	} else {
		if s.current.length > 0 {
			s.parts = append(s.parts, s.current)
func (self *Decoder) find_map_key(generic_map map[interface{}]interface{}, keyname string) (res interface{}, ok bool) {
	if len(keyname) == 0 || keyname == "-" {
		return nil, false
	for key, value := range generic_map {
		switch key.(type) {
		case string:
			if key.(string) == keyname {
				return value, true
		case []byte:
			if bytes.Equal(key.([]byte), []byte(keyname)) {
				return value, true
			if fmt.Sprintf("%v", key) == keyname {
				return value, true
	for key, value := range generic_map {
		switch key.(type) {
		case string:
			if strings.EqualFold(key.(string), keyname) {
				return value, true
		case []byte:
			if bytes.EqualFold(key.([]byte), []byte(keyname)) {
				return value, true
			if strings.EqualFold(fmt.Sprintf("%v", key), keyname) {
				return value, true
	return nil, false
文件: transition.go 项目: pjump/gcc
// indexTagEnd finds the index of a special tag end in a case insensitive way, or returns -1
func indexTagEnd(s []byte, tag []byte) int {
	res := 0
	plen := len(specialTagEndPrefix)
	for len(s) > 0 {
		// Try to find the tag end prefix first
		i := bytes.Index(s, specialTagEndPrefix)
		if i == -1 {
			return i
		s = s[i+plen:]
		// Try to match the actual tag if there is still space for it
		if len(tag) <= len(s) && bytes.EqualFold(tag, s[:len(tag)]) {
			s = s[len(tag):]
			// Check the tag is followed by a proper separator
			if len(s) > 0 && bytes.IndexByte(tagEndSeparators, s[0]) != -1 {
				return res + i
			res += len(tag)
		res += i + plen
	return -1

s 字节切片
f 过滤函数

[][]byte 被分割的字节切片的切片

func main() {
	fmt.Println(bytes.EqualFold([]byte("abc"), []byte("abc")))
	fmt.Println(bytes.EqualFold([]byte("abc"), []byte("abd")))
	fmt.Println(bytes.EqualFold([]byte("abc"), []byte("aBc")))
func ExampleEqualFold() {
	fmt.Println(bytes.EqualFold([]byte("Go"), []byte("go")))
	// Output: true
func Compare(a, b []byte) (ok bool) {

	return bytes.EqualFold(a, b)
func (t *Token) ValueEqual(val []byte) bool {
	return bytes.EqualFold(t.Value, val)
文件: peglib.go 项目: neelance/peg
func HasPrefixFold(input []byte, prefix string) bool {
	return len(input) >= len(prefix) && bytes.EqualFold(input[:len(prefix)], []byte(prefix))
文件: ldif.go 项目: xstevens/ldap
func sliceToLDIFRecord(lines [][]byte) (LDIFRecord, *Error) {
	var dn string
	var dataLineStart int // better name, after dn/controls/changetype
	controls := make([]Control, 0)
	recordtype := EntryRecord
	for i, line := range lines {
		attrName, value, _, err := findAttrAndValue(line)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		switch {
		case i == 0 && bytes.EqualFold(attrName, []byte("dn")):
			dn = string(value)
			continue LINES
		case i == 0 && !bytes.EqualFold(attrName, []byte("dn")):
			return nil, NewError(ErrorLDIFRead, errors.New("'dn:' not at the start of line in LDIF record"))
		case bytes.EqualFold(attrName, []byte("changetype")):
			switch strings.ToLower(string(value)) {
			// check the record type, if one.
			case "add":
				recordtype = AddRecord
			case "modify":
				recordtype = ModifyRecord
			case "moddn":
				recordtype = ModDnRecord
			case "modrdn":
				recordtype = ModRdnRecord
			case "delete":
				recordtype = DeleteRecord

			continue LINES
		case bytes.EqualFold(attrName, []byte("control")):
			//TODO handle controls
			continue LINES
		dataLineStart = i
	// TODO - add the missing record types
	unsupportedError := NewError(ErrorLDIFRead, errors.New("Unsupported LDIF record type"))
	switch recordtype {
	case AddRecord:
		addEntry, err := ldifLinesToEntryRecord(dn, lines[dataLineStart:])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		addRequest := AddRequest{Entry: addEntry, Controls: controls}
		if LDIFDebug {
			log.Printf("dn: %s, changetype: %d, datastart: %d\n", dn, AddRecord, dataLineStart)
		return &addRequest, nil
	case ModifyRecord:
		if LDIFDebug {
			log.Printf("dn: %s, changetype: %d, datastart: %d\n", dn, ModifyRecord, dataLineStart)
		modRequest, err := ldifLinesToModifyRecord(dn, lines[dataLineStart:])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		modRequest.Controls = controls
		return modRequest, nil
	case ModDnRecord:
		if LDIFDebug {
			log.Printf("dn: %s, changetype: %d, datastart: %d\n", dn, ModDnRecord, dataLineStart)
		return nil, unsupportedError
	case ModRdnRecord:
		if LDIFDebug {
			log.Printf("dn: %s, changetype: %d, datastart: %d\n", dn, ModRdnRecord, dataLineStart)
		return nil, unsupportedError
	case DeleteRecord:
		if LDIFDebug {
			log.Printf("dn: %s, changetype: %d, datastart: %d\n", dn, DeleteRecord, dataLineStart)
		deleteRequest := NewDeleteRequest(dn)
		for _, control := range controls {
		return deleteRequest, nil
	case EntryRecord:
		if LDIFDebug {
			log.Printf("dn: %s, changetype: %d, datastart: %d\n", dn, EntryRecord, dataLineStart)
		return ldifLinesToEntryRecord(dn, lines[dataLineStart:])
	return nil, NewError(ErrorLDIFRead, errors.New("Unkown LDIF record type"))
// Equal returns true if current uuid equal to passed uuid.
func (this UUID) Equal(another UUID) bool {
	return bytes.EqualFold(this, another)
文件: get.go 项目: tgulacsi/nav
func getFormParams(ctx context.Context, base string, client *http.Client) (formParams, error) {
	params := formParams{URL: base}
	resp, err := client.Get(base)
	if err != nil {
		return params, err
	defer resp.Body.Close()
	select {
	case <-ctx.Done():
		return params, ctx.Err()

	params.fields = make(map[string][]string, 4)
	z := html.NewTokenizer(resp.Body)
	state := 0
	for {
		tt := z.Next()
		if tt == html.ErrorToken {
			if z.Err() == io.EOF {
			Log.Error("parse page", "error", z.Err())
			return params, z.Err()
		if tt != html.StartTagToken {
		tn, hasAttr := z.TagName()
		if state == 0 {
			if !bytes.EqualFold(tn, []byte("form")) {
		if !(hasAttr && bytes.EqualFold(tn, []byte("input"))) {
		var name, value, typ string
		for {
			key, val, more := z.TagAttr()
			switch {
			case bytes.EqualFold(key, []byte("name")):
				name = string(val)
			case bytes.EqualFold(key, []byte("type")):
				typ = string(bytes.ToLower(val))
			case bytes.EqualFold(key, []byte("value")):
				value = string(val)
			if !more {
		if typ == "file" {
			params.fileName = name
		} else {
			params.fields[name] = append(params.fields[name], value)

	return params, nil
// parseAtom returns the next atom, number, or NIL. The syntax rules are relaxed
// to treat sequences such as "BODY[...]<...>" as a single atom. Numbers are
// converted to uint32, NIL is converted to nil, everything else becomes a
// string. Flags (e.g. "\Seen") are converted to title case, other strings are
// left in their original form.
func (raw *rawResponse) parseAtom(astring bool) (f Field, err error) {
	n, flag := 0, false
	for end := len(raw.tail); n < end; n++ {
		if c := raw.tail[n]; c >= char || atomSpecials[c] {
			switch c {
			case '\\':
				if n == 0 {
					flag = true
					astring = false
					continue // ABNF: flag (e.g. `\Seen`)
			case '*':
				if n == 1 && flag {
					n++ // ABNF: flag-perm (`\*`), end of atom
			case '[':
				if n == 4 && bytes.EqualFold(raw.tail[:4], []byte("BODY")) {
					pos := raw.pos()
					raw.tail = raw.tail[n+1:] // Temporary shift for parseFields

					// TODO: Literals between '[' and ']' are handled correctly,
					// but only the octet count will make it into the returned
					// atom. Would any server actually send a literal here, and
					// is it a problem to discard it since the client already
					// knows what was requested?
					if _, err = raw.parseFields(']'); err != nil {
					n = raw.pos() - pos - 1
					raw.tail = raw.line[pos:] // Undo temporary shift
					end = len(raw.tail)
					astring = false
				continue // ABNF: fetch-att ("BODY[...]<...>"), atom, or astring
			case ']':
				if astring {
					continue // ABNF: ASTRING-CHAR
			break // raw.tail[n] is a delimiter or an unexpected byte

	// Atom must have at least one character, two if it starts with a backslash
	if n < 2 && (n == 0 || flag) {
		err = raw.unexpected(0)

	// Take whatever was found, let parseFields report delimiter errors
	atom := raw.tail[:n]
	if norm := normalize(atom); flag {
		f = norm
	} else if norm != "NIL" {
		if c := norm[0]; '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
			if ui, err := strconv.ParseUint(norm, 10, 32); err == nil {
				f = uint32(ui)
		if f == nil {
			if raw.Label == "" {
				raw.Label = norm
			f = string(atom)
	raw.tail = raw.tail[n:]
文件: cmd_sort.go 项目: eswdd/bosun
func handleXSort(c *client, tp string) error {
	args := c.args
	if len(args) == 0 {
		return ErrCmdParams

	key := args[0]
	desc := false
	alpha := false
	offset := 0
	size := 0
	var storeKey []byte
	var sortBy []byte
	var sortGet [][]byte
	var err error

	for i := 1; i < len(args); {
		if bytes.EqualFold(args[i], ascArg) {
			desc = false
		} else if bytes.EqualFold(args[i], descArg) {
			desc = true
		} else if bytes.EqualFold(args[i], alphaArg) {
			alpha = true
		} else if bytes.EqualFold(args[i], limitArg) && i+2 < len(args) {
			if offset, err = strconv.Atoi(string(args[i+1])); err != nil {
				return err
			if size, err = strconv.Atoi(string(args[i+2])); err != nil {
				return err
			i = i + 2
		} else if bytes.EqualFold(args[i], storeArg) && i+1 < len(args) {
			storeKey = args[i+1]
		} else if bytes.EqualFold(args[i], byArg) && i+1 < len(args) {
			sortBy = args[i+1]
		} else if bytes.EqualFold(args[i], getArg) && i+1 < len(args) {
			sortGet = append(sortGet, args[i+1])
		} else {
			return ErrCmdParams


	ay, err := xsort(c, tp, key, offset, size, alpha, desc, sortBy, sortGet)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if storeKey == nil {
	} else {
		// not threadsafe now, need lock???
		if _, err = c.db.LClear(storeKey); err != nil {
			return err

		if n, err := c.db.RPush(storeKey, ay...); err != nil {
			return err
		} else {
	return nil