文件: aof.go 项目: alash3al/aof
// Scan the datafile in reverse order using a custom separator and function.
// The provided function has two params, data and whether we at the end or not .
// This function will lock the whole file till it ends .
func (this *AOF) ReverseScan(sep []byte, fn func(data []byte, atEOF bool) bool) {
	defer this.Unlock()
	pos := int64(0)
	done := int64(0)
	data := []byte{}
	for {
		this.file.Seek(pos, 2)
		tmp := make([]byte, len(sep))
		n, _ := this.file.Read(tmp)
		pos -= int64(len(sep))
		if n > 0 {
			done += int64(n)
			data = append(tmp, data...)
		if bytes.Equal(sep, tmp) {
			if !fn(bytes.Trim(data, string(sep)), false) {
			data = []byte{}
		if done >= this.size {
			fn(bytes.Trim(data, string(sep)), true)
	data = []byte{}
文件: aof.go 项目: alash3al/aof
// Scan the datafile using a custom separator and function.
// The provided function has two params, data and whether we at the end or not .
// This function will lock the whole file till it ends .
func (this *AOF) Scan(sep []byte, fn func(data []byte, atEOF bool) bool) {
	defer this.Unlock()
	this.file.Seek(0, 0)
	data := []byte{}
	for {
		tmp := make([]byte, len(sep))
		n, e := this.file.Read(tmp)
		if n > 0 {
			data = append(data, tmp[0:n]...)
		if e != nil || n == 0 {
			if len(data) > 0 {
				fn(bytes.Trim(data, string(sep)), true)
		if bytes.Equal(sep, tmp) {
			if !fn(bytes.Trim(data, string(sep)), false) {
			data = []byte{}
	data = []byte{}
文件: opentsdb.go 项目: y8y/OWL-v3
func WiteToTSDB(channel chan []byte, cfg *Config) {
	tcpAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp4", cfg.OPENTSDB_ADDR)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("error opentsdb address(%s)", cfg.OPENTSDB_ADDR))
	conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp4", nil, tcpAddr)
	if err != nil {
		slog.Error("connect tsdb server(%s) error(%s)", tcpAddr, err)
		time.Sleep(time.Second * 30)
		goto START
	slog.Info("connected to opentsdb server %s", cfg.OPENTSDB_ADDR)
	defer conn.Close()
	for {
		select {
		case data, ok := <-channel:
			if ok {
				data = append(data, '\n')
				length, err := conn.Write(data)
				if err != nil {
					slog.Error("write opentsdb error %s", err)
					channel <- bytes.Trim(data, "\n")
					time.Sleep(time.Second * 30)
					goto START
				dlog.Info("write opentsdb %d bytes, data:(%s)", length, string(bytes.Trim(data, "\n")))
文件: pacman.go 项目: sbinet/gur
func parseMeta(buf *bytes.Buffer, repo string) {
	var name string
	pack := map[string]string{}
	pack["REPO"] = repo
	_, _ = buf.ReadByte()
	for {
		key, err := buf.ReadBytes('%')
		if err == io.EOF {
		key = bytes.Trim(key, "%")
		values, _ := buf.ReadBytes('%')
		values = bytes.Trim(values, "%")
		values = bytes.Replace(values, []byte("\n"), []byte(" "), -1)
		values = bytes.Trim(values, " ")
		if string(key) == "NAME" {
			name = string(values)
		pack[string(key)] = string(values)
	v, _ := packages[name]
	if v != nil {
		printf("%s exists\n", name)
	packages[name] = pack
func ProtrackerParse(rawData *bytes.Buffer) (samples []Sample) {
	modTitle := string(bytes.Trim(rawData.Next(20), zerostring))
	for i := 0; i < 31; i++ {
		sampleTitle := modTitle + " - " + string(bytes.Trim(rawData.Next(22), zerostring))
		sampleLength := BigEndianBytesToInt(rawData.Next(2)) * 2
		if sampleLength >= uint16(2) &&
			len(sampleTitle) > 0 {
			samples = append(samples, Sample{
				Title:  sampleTitle,
				Length: int(sampleLength),
		//discard finetune (1 byte), volume (1 byte), repeat info (4 bytes)
		_ = rawData.Next(6)

	songLength := rawData.Next(2)[0] //discard unused 127 byte.
	patternOrder := rawData.Next(133)[:songLength]
	// discard pattern data
	for i := 0; i < int(biggest(patternOrder))+1; i++ { // patterns start at 00, so add 1
		_ = rawData.Next(1024)

	for i, s := range samples {
		samples[i].Data = rawData.Next(s.Length)

	fmt.Println("Title:", modTitle, "Samples:", len(samples))
文件: init.go 项目: handong890/mobile
// checkVersionMatch makes sure that the go command in the path matches
// the GOROOT that will be used for building the cross compiler.
// This is typically not a problem when using the a release version, but
// it is easy for development environments to drift, causing unexpected
// errors.
// checkVersionMatch is run after the tmpGoroot is built, so the dist
// command is available to call.
func checkVersionMatch(tmpGoroot string, version []byte) error {
	if buildN {
		return nil
	version = bytes.TrimPrefix(version, []byte("go version "))
	version = bytes.Trim(version, "\n")

	dist := filepath.Join(tmpGoroot, "pkg/tool/"+goEnv("GOOS")+"_"+goEnv("GOARCH")+"/dist")
	if goos == "windows" {
		dist += ".exe"
	cmd := exec.Command(dist, "version")
	cmd.Dir = tmpGoroot
	cmd.Env = []string{
		"GOROOT=" + tmpGoroot,
		`PATH=` + os.Getenv("PATH"),
	cmd.Env = appendCommonEnv(cmd.Env)
	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot get cmd/dist version: %v (%s)", err, out)
	out = bytes.Trim(out, "\n")

	if !bytes.HasPrefix(version, out) {
		return fmt.Errorf("Go command out of sync with GOROOT. The command `go version` reports:\n\t%s\nbut the GOROOT %q is version:\n\t%s\nRebuild Go.", version, goEnv("GOROOT"), out)
	return nil
文件: main.go 项目: echlebek/erickson
func readConfig() (cfg, error) {
	var config cfg
	cmd := exec.Command("git", "config", "erickson.url")
	output, err := cmd.Output()
	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
			return cfg{}, errNoConfig
		} else {
			return cfg{}, err
	config.url = string(bytes.Trim(output, "\n"))
	cmd = exec.Command("git", "config", "erickson.username")
	output, err = cmd.Output()
	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
			// the config option doesn't exist, that's ok
			return config, nil
		} else {
			return cfg{}, err
	config.username = string(bytes.Trim(output, "\n"))
	return config, nil
func (p *parser) parseLoop() {
	if p.tokens[p.position+1].id != TOKEN_OPEN_BRACE {
		panic("Syntax error: Expected opening brace after loop declaration")
	//get the arguments for the loop
	keyInCollection := bytes.Split(p.currentToken().match, []byte(" in "))
	key := string(bytes.Trim(keyInCollection[0], " "))
	collection := collectionForKey(p.args, bytes.Trim(keyInCollection[1], " "))

	//get the scope
	p.position += 2 //move past the opening brace
	scopeParser := p.getScope()
	p.position += len(scopeParser.tokens) + 1 //+1 for closing brace

	//iterate through the collection and make a recusive call for each object in the collection keeping the same scope.
	objects := make([][]byte, collection.Len())
	for i := 0; i < collection.Len(); i++ {
		//reset the fields of the scope parser and set the new loop variable
		scopeParser.args[key] = collection.Get(i)
		scopeParser.position = 0
		scopeParser.result = []byte{}
		objects[i] = scopeParser.result
	//add the resulting array to the result

	//remove the loop variable from args
	delete(scopeParser.args, key)
文件: atxheader.go 项目: akavel/vfmd
func DetectAtxHeader(first, second Line, detectors Detectors) Handler {
	if !bytes.HasPrefix(first.Bytes, []byte("#")) {
		return nil
	done := false
	return HandlerFunc(func(line Line, ctx Context) (bool, error) {
		if done {
			return false, nil
		done = true
		block := md.AtxHeaderBlock{
			Raw: md.Raw{md.Run(line)},
		text := bytes.TrimRight(line.Bytes, "\n")
		text = bytes.Trim(text, "#")
		if len(text) > 0 {
			block.Level, _ = mdutils.OffsetIn(line.Bytes, text)
		} else {
			block.Level = len(bytes.TrimRight(line.Bytes, "\n"))
		if block.Level > 6 {
			block.Level = 6

		spanRegion := md.Raw{md.Run{
			Line:  line.Line,
			Bytes: bytes.Trim(text, mdutils.Whites),
		parseSpans(spanRegion, ctx)
		return true, nil
func (p *parser) parseInclude() {
	statement := p.currentToken().match
	params := bytes.Split(statement[8:len(statement)-1], []byte{','}) //strip away include() and split by comma
	templateName := p.workingDir + string(bytes.Trim(params[0], " "))

	template, err := ioutil.ReadFile(templateName + ".goson")

	//probably cannot find the template file
	if err != nil {

	lastPathSegmentStart := strings.LastIndex(templateName, "/")
	var workingDir string
	if lastPathSegmentStart >= 0 {
		workingDir = templateName[0 : lastPathSegmentStart+1]

	tokens := Tokenize(template)
	args := explodeIntoArgs(objectForKey(p.args, bytes.Trim(params[1], " ")))
	includeParser := &parser{workingDir: workingDir, tokens: tokens, args: args}
func TestBundleWithECDSAKeyMarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
	b := newCustomizedBundlerFromFile(t, testCFSSLRootBundle, testCFSSLIntBundle, "")
	bundle, _ := b.BundleFromFile(leafECDSA256, leafKeyECDSA256, Optimal, "")
	jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(bundle)

	if err != nil {

	var obj map[string]interface{}
	err = json.Unmarshal(jsonBytes, &obj)
	if err != nil {

	key := obj["key"].(string)
	keyBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(leafKeyECDSA256)
	keyBytes = bytes.Trim(keyBytes, " \n")
	if key != string(keyBytes) {
		t.Fatal("key is not recovered.")

	cert := obj["crt"].(string)
	certBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(leafECDSA256)
	certBytes = bytes.Trim(certBytes, " \n")
	if cert != string(certBytes) {
		t.Fatal("cert is not recovered.")

	keyType := obj["key_type"]
	if keyType != "256-bit ECDSA" {
		t.Fatal("Incorrect key type:", keyType)

func ReadSequence(file string) {
	f, err := os.Open(file)
	if err != nil {
	defer f.Close()

	if file[len(file)-6:] == ".fasta" {
		scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
		byte_array := make([]byte, 0)
		for scanner.Scan() {
			line := scanner.Bytes()
			if len(line) > 0 && line[0] != '>' {
				byte_array = append(byte_array, bytes.Trim(line, "\n\r ")...)
		SEQ = append(byte_array, byte('$'))
	} else {
		byte_array, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
		if err != nil {
		SEQ = append(bytes.Trim(byte_array, "\n\r "), byte('$'))
func instrumentFromRaw(raw *rawInstrument) *Instrument {
	return &Instrument{
		Filename:             string(bytes.Trim(raw.DOSFilename[:], "\x00")),
		NewNoteAction:        NewNoteAction(raw.NNA),
		DuplicateCheckType:   DuplicateCheckType(raw.DCT),
		DuplicateCheckAction: DuplicateCheckAction(raw.DCA),
		FadeOut:              raw.FadeOut,
		PitchPanSeparation:   raw.PPS,
		PitchPanCenter:       raw.PPC,
		GlobalVolume:         raw.GbV,
		DefaultPan:           raw.DfP & 0x7f,
		DefaultPanOn:         raw.DfP&0x80 == 0,
		VolumeSwing:          raw.RV,
		PanSwing:             raw.RP,
		NumSamples:           raw.NoS,
		Name:                 string(bytes.Trim(raw.Name[:], "\x00")),
		DefaultCutoff:        raw.IFC,
		DefaultResonance:     raw.IFR,
		MIDIChannel:          raw.MCh,
		MIDIProgram:          raw.MPr,
		MIDIBankLow:          int8(raw.MIDIBnk[0]),
		MIDIBankHigh:         int8(raw.MIDIBnk[1]),
		KeyboardTable:        raw.KeyboardTable,
		VolumeEnvelope:       envelopeFromRaw(&raw.VolumeEnvelope),
		PanningEnvelope:      envelopeFromRaw(&raw.PanningEnvelope),
		PitchEnvelope:        envelopeFromRaw(&raw.PitchEnvelope),
文件: page.go 项目: go-xiaohei/pugo
// NewPageOfMarkdown create new page from markdown file
func NewPageOfMarkdown(file, slug string, page *Page) (*Page, error) {
	// page-node need not read file
	if page != nil && page.Node == true {
		return page, nil
	fileBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if len(fileBytes) < 3 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("page content is too less")
	if page == nil {
		dataSlice := bytes.SplitN(fileBytes, postBlockSeparator, 3)
		if len(dataSlice) != 3 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("page need front-matter block and markdown block")

		idx := getFirstBreakByte(dataSlice[1])
		if idx == 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("page need front-matter block and markdown block")

		formatType := detectFormat(string(dataSlice[1][:idx]))
		if formatType == 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("page front-matter block is unrecognized")

		page = new(Page)
		if formatType == FormatTOML {
			if err = toml.Unmarshal(dataSlice[1][idx:], page); err != nil {
				return nil, err
		if formatType == FormatINI {
			iniObj, err := ini.Load(dataSlice[1][idx:])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if err = newPageFromIniObject(iniObj, page, "DEFAULT", "meta"); err != nil {
				return nil, err
		if page.Node == false {
			page.Bytes = bytes.Trim(dataSlice[2], "\n")
	} else {
		page.Bytes = bytes.Trim(fileBytes, "\n")
	page.fileURL = file
	if page.Slug == "" {
		page.Slug = slug
	if page.Date == "" && page.Node == false { // page-node need not time
		t, _ := com.FileMTime(file)
		page.dateTime = time.Unix(t, 0)
	return page, page.normalize()
func client(c net.Conn) {
	// Close the connection when this function returns.
	defer c.Close()

	br := bufio.NewReader(c)

	fmt.Fprintf(c, "Please enter your name: ")

	buf, err := br.ReadBytes('\n')
	if err != nil {
		error_(err, -1)
	name := string(bytes.Trim(buf, " \t\n\r\x00"))

	if name == "" {
		fmt.Fprintf(c, "!!! %v is invalid !!!\n", name)

	// Try to add the connection to the map.
	if !clients.Add(name, c) {
		fmt.Fprintf(c, "!!! %v is not available !!!\n", name)

	// Send a message telling the clients who connected.
	fmt.Fprintf(clients, "+++ %v connected +++\n", name)
	// Send a disconnected message when the function returns.
	defer fmt.Fprintf(clients, "--- %v disconnected ---\n", name)
	// Remove the client from the list.
	defer delete(clients, name)

	for {
		buf, err = br.ReadBytes('\n')
		if err != nil {
		buf = bytes.Trim(buf, " \t\n\r\x00")

		// Ignore empty messages.
		if len(buf) == 0 {

		switch {
		// Support for '/me' type messages.
		case string(buf[0:3]) == "/me":
			buf = append([]byte(name), buf[3:]...)
			// Prepend the user-name and '> '.
			buf = append([]byte(name+"> "), buf...)

		// Send the message to all the clients.
		fmt.Fprintf(clients, "%v\n", string(buf))
文件: rtlsdr.go 项目: cyoung/gortlsdr
// GetUsbStrings returns the device information. Note, strings may be empty.
func (dev *Context) GetUsbStrings() (manufact, product, serial string, err error) {
	m := make([]byte, 257) // includes space for NULL byte
	p := make([]byte, 257)
	s := make([]byte, 257)
	i := int(C.rtlsdr_get_usb_strings((*C.rtlsdr_dev_t)(dev),
	return string(bytes.Trim(m, "\x00")), string(bytes.Trim(p, "\x00")),
		string(bytes.Trim(s, "\x00")), libError(i)
文件: rtlsdr.go 项目: cyoung/gortlsdr
// GetDeviceUsbStrings returns the information of a device by index.
func GetDeviceUsbStrings(index int) (manufact, product, serial string, err error) {
	m := make([]byte, 257) // includes space for NULL byte
	p := make([]byte, 257)
	s := make([]byte, 257)
	i := int(C.rtlsdr_get_device_usb_strings(C.uint32_t(index),
	return string(bytes.Trim(m, "\x00")), string(bytes.Trim(p, "\x00")),
		string(bytes.Trim(s, "\x00")), libError(i)
文件: get.go 项目: MrGosti/slingshot
func save_file(title string, content []byte) {
	title = string(bytes.Trim([]byte(title), "\x00"))
	content = bytes.Trim(content, "\x00")
	file, err := os.Create(title)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error during file creation -> ", err)
	_, err = io.WriteString(file, string(content))
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error during writing -> ", err)
文件: post.go 项目: go-xiaohei/pugo
// NewPostOfMarkdown create new post from markdown file
func NewPostOfMarkdown(file string, post *Post) (*Post, error) {
	fileBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if len(fileBytes) < 3 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("post content is too less")

	if post == nil {
		dataSlice := bytes.SplitN(fileBytes, postBlockSeparator, 3)
		if len(dataSlice) != 3 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("post need front-matter block and markdown block")

		idx := getFirstBreakByte(dataSlice[1])
		if idx == 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("post need front-matter block and markdown block")

		formatType := detectFormat(string(dataSlice[1][:idx]))
		if formatType == 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("post front-matter block is unrecognized")

		post = new(Post)
		if formatType == FormatTOML {
			if err = toml.Unmarshal(dataSlice[1][idx:], post); err != nil {
				return nil, err
		if formatType == FormatINI {
			iniObj, err := ini.Load(dataSlice[1][idx:])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			section := iniObj.Section("DEFAULT")
			if err = newPostFromIniSection(section, post); err != nil {
				return nil, err
		post.Bytes = bytes.Trim(dataSlice[2], "\n")
	} else {
		post.Bytes = bytes.Trim(fileBytes, "\n")
	post.fileURL = file
	if post.Date == "" {
		t, _ := com.FileMTime(file)
		post.dateTime = time.Unix(t, 0)
	return post, post.normalize()
func TestRestoreDump(t *testing.T) {
	b1, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(TestDir, "data1.json")) // with validators
	if err != nil {
	b2, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(TestDir, "data2.json")) // without
	if err != nil {
	b1 = bytes.Trim(b1, "\n")
	b2 = bytes.Trim(b2, "\n")

	// restore to a memdir
	config.Set("db_backend", "memdb")
	cfg.ApplyConfig(config) // Notify modules of new config
	CoreRestore("", b1)

	stateDB := dbm.GetDB("state")
	st := sm.LoadState(stateDB)
	acc := st.GetAccount(ptypes.GlobalPermissionsAddress)

	dump1 := CoreDump(true) // with validators

	if bytes.Compare(b1, dump1) != 0 {
		ld, lb := len(dump1), len(b1)
		max := int(math.Max(float64(ld), float64(lb)))
		n := 100
		for i := 0; i < max/n; i++ {
			dd := dump1[i*n : (i+1)*n]
			bb := b1[i*n : (i+1)*n]
			if bytes.Compare(dd, bb) != 0 {
				t.Fatalf("Error in dumps! Got \n\n\n\n %s \n\n\n\n Expected \n\n\n\n %s", dd, bb)

	CoreRestore("", b2)
	dump2 := CoreDump(false) //without validators
	if bytes.Compare(b2, dump2) != 0 {
		ld, lb := len(dump2), len(b2)
		max := int(math.Max(float64(ld), float64(lb)))
		n := 100
		for i := 0; i < max/n; i++ {
			dd := dump2[i*n : (i+1)*n]
			bb := b2[i*n : (i+1)*n]
			if bytes.Compare(dd, bb) != 0 {
				t.Fatalf("Error in dumps! Got \n\n\n\n %s \n\n\n\n Expected \n\n\n\n %s", dd, bb)
func (dsl *DeviceStateLocation) String() string {
	if dsl == nil {
		return "<*lifxpayloads.DeviceStateLocation(nil)>"

	loc := string(bytes.Trim(dsl.Location[0:], "\x00"))
	label := string(bytes.Trim(dsl.Label[0:], "\x00"))

	return fmt.Sprintf(
		"<*lifxpayloads.DeviceStateLocation(%p): Location: \"%s\", Label: \"%s\", UpdatedAt: %d>",
		dsl, loc, label, dsl.UpdatedAt,
func (dsg *DeviceStateGroup) String() string {
	if dsg == nil {
		return "<*lifxpayloads.DeviceStateGroup(nil)>"

	group := string(bytes.Trim(dsg.Group[0:], "\x00"))
	label := string(bytes.Trim(dsg.Label[0:], "\x00"))

	return fmt.Sprintf(
		"<*lifxpayloads.DeviceStateGroup(%p): Group: \"%s\", Label: \"%s\", UpdatedAt: %d>",
		dsg, group, label, dsg.UpdatedAt,
// DecodeFile decodes the drum machine file found at the provided path
// and returns a pointer to a parsed pattern which is the entry point to the
// rest of the data.
func DecodeFile(path string) (*Pattern, error) {
	p := &Pattern{}

	raw, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
	if err != nil {
		return p, errors.New("open: error reading file")

	fileBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(raw)

	if bytes.Equal(fileBuf.Next(13), header) { // Check file for a valid header
		var msgLength uint8

		binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(fileBuf.Next(1)), binary.LittleEndian, &msgLength) // Get length of message (to pass testcase 5)
		if err != nil {
			return p, errors.New("decode: unable to decode message length")

		msgBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(fileBuf.Next(int(msgLength))) // Create new buffer with the message

		fileBuf.Reset() // Clear the buffer that we're not using anymore

		p.Version = string(bytes.Trim(msgBuf.Next(32), "\x00"))
		p.Tempo = btof(msgBuf.Next(4))

		for msgBuf.Len() > 0 {

			id, err := btoi(msgBuf.Next(1))
			if err != nil {
				return p, errors.New("decode: unable to decode id")

			nameLength, err := btoi(bytes.Trim(msgBuf.Next(4), "\x00"))
			if err != nil {
				return p, errors.New("decode: unable to decode name length")

			name := string(msgBuf.Next(nameLength))
			rhythm := msgBuf.Next(16)

			t := Track{id, name, rhythm}

			p.Tracks = append(p.Tracks, t)

	} else {
		return p, errors.New("decode: missing 'SPLICE' header")

	return p, nil
文件: core.go 项目: eris-ltd/eris-pm
func getStringValue(value interface{}, output Argument) (string, error) {
	typ := output.Type

	if typ.IsSlice || typ.IsArray {
		if typ.T == BytesTy || typ.T == FixedBytesTy {
			return string(bytes.Trim(value.([]byte), "\x00")[:]), nil
		var val []string
		if typ.Elem.T == FixedBytesTy {
			byteVals := reflect.ValueOf(value)
			for i := 0; i < byteVals.Len(); i++ {
				val = append(val, string(bytes.Trim(byteVals.Index(i).Interface().([]byte), "\x00")[:]))

		} else {
			val = strings.Split(fmt.Sprintf("%v", value), " ")
		StringVal := strings.Join(val, ",")

		if typ.Elem.T == FixedBytesTy {
			StringVal = strings.Join([]string{"[", StringVal, "]"}, "")
		return StringVal, nil
	} else {
		switch typ.T {
		case IntTy:
			switch typ.Size {
			case 8, 16, 32, 64:
				return fmt.Sprintf("%v", value), nil
				return common.S256(value.(*big.Int)).String(), nil
		case UintTy:
			switch typ.Size {
			case 8, 16, 32, 64:
				return fmt.Sprintf("%v", value), nil
				return common.U256(value.(*big.Int)).String(), nil
		case BoolTy:
			return strconv.FormatBool(value.(bool)), nil
		case StringTy:
			return value.(string), nil
		case AddressTy:
			return strings.ToUpper(Bytes2Hex(value.(Address).Bytes())), nil
			return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not unpack value %v", value)
// Overrides the default Marshal method for Utmp
// MarshalJSON correctly interprets the address field and byte arrays into
// properly formatted strings stripped of empty padding
func (u Utmp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	utmp := map[string]interface{}{}
	utmp["type"] = u.Type
	utmp["pid"] = u.Pid
	utmp["device"] = string(bytes.Trim(u.Device[:], "\u0000"))
	utmp["id"] = string(bytes.Trim(u.Id[:], "\u0000"))
	utmp["user"] = string(bytes.Trim(u.User[:], "\u0000"))
	utmp["host"] = string(bytes.Trim(u.Host[:], "\u0000"))
	utmp["exit"] = u.Exit
	utmp["session"] = u.Session
	utmp["time"] = u.Time
	utmp["address"] = AddrToString(u.Addr)
	return json.Marshal(utmp)
文件: reader.go 项目: bibbyflyaway/go
func (tr *Reader) octal(b []byte) int64 {
	// Check for binary format first.
	if len(b) > 0 && b[0]&0x80 != 0 {
		var x int64
		for i, c := range b {
			if i == 0 {
				c &= 0x7f // ignore signal bit in first byte
			x = x<<8 | int64(c)
		return x

	// Because unused fields are filled with NULs, we need
	// to skip leading NULs. Fields may also be padded with
	// spaces or NULs.
	// So we remove leading and trailing NULs and spaces to
	// be sure.
	b = bytes.Trim(b, " \x00")

	if len(b) == 0 {
		return 0
	x, err := strconv.ParseUint(cString(b), 8, 64)
	if err != nil {
		tr.err = err
	return int64(x)
func connect(userID string, clientID string) {
	ws, err := websocket.Dial(getServer(), "", "http://localhost/")
	if err != nil {

	message := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", userID, clientID))
	_, err = ws.Write(message)
	if err != nil {
	Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Sent: %s\n", message))

	for {
		var msg = make([]byte, 512)
		_, err = ws.Read(msg)
		if err != nil {

		Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Received: %s\n", msg))

		CmdChan <- string(bytes.Trim(msg, "\x00"))
func main() {
	if len(os.Args) != 3 {
		fmt.Printf("Usage: %s <file.srt> <time offset>\n", os.Args[0]) // Todo: Potential segfault if execve() was called without arguments in argv.
	file, err := os.OpenFile(os.Args[1], os.O_RDWR, 0)
	if err != nil {
	defer file.Close()

	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) // By default, splits arround '\n' characters
	var newFile bytes.Buffer

	offsetMilli, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[2])
	for scanner.Scan() {
		processLine(scanner.Text(), &newFile, offsetMilli)
	_, err = file.Seek(0, 0)
	if err != nil {
	_, err = file.Write(bytes.Trim(newFile.Bytes(), "\x00"))
	if err != nil {
文件: alert.go 项目: jacqui/newshound
// isDate detects if we see one of the following formats:
// August 12, 2014
// Aug 10, 2014  1:02 PM EDT
// Sunday August 10 2014
// Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:36 PM EDT
// Monday, August 11, 2014 9:18:59 AM
// Sat., Feb. 7, 2015 04:35 PM
// Tue., Apr. 21, 2015 4:17 p.m.
func isDate(line []byte) bool {
	// Trim dots 'n periods
	line = bytes.Trim(line, "• .\u00a0")
	// check if it starts with a day or month
	dateStart := false
	for _, day := range daysOfWeek {
		if bytes.HasPrefix(line, day) {
			dateStart = true
	if !dateStart {
		for _, day := range daysOfWeekShort {
			if bytes.HasPrefix(line, day) {
				dateStart = true
	if !dateStart {
		for _, month := range months {
			if bytes.HasPrefix(line, month) {
				dateStart = true

	if !dateStart {
		return false

	// check if it ends with a timezone/daytime/year
	dateEnd := false
	for _, ap := range amPM {
		if bytes.HasSuffix(line, ap) {
			dateEnd = true
	if !dateEnd {
		// newshound started in 2012. adjust if you want older data
		for i := 2012; i <= time.Now().Year(); i++ {
			if bytes.HasSuffix(line, []byte(strconv.Itoa(i))) {
				dateEnd = true
	if !dateEnd {
		for _, zone := range timezones {
			if bytes.HasSuffix(line, zone) {
				dateEnd = true

	return dateEnd
文件: alert.go 项目: jacqui/newshound
func findNews(text [][]byte, address, sender string) []byte {
	// prep the address for searching against text
	addr := []byte(address)
	addrStart := bytes.SplitN(addr, []byte("@"), 2)[0]
	// so we can reuse similar addresses?
	if len(addrStart) > 15 {
		addrStart = addrStart[:15]

	var news [][]byte
	badLines := 0
	senderBytes := bytes.ToLower([]byte(sender))
	for _, line := range text {
		line := bytes.Trim(line, "-| ?")
		if isNews(line, addr, addrStart, senderBytes) {
			badLines = 0
			news = append(news, line)

		} else if (len(news) > 0) && (len(line) > 0) {

		// get at most 3 or quit if we have bad rows and at least 2 or over 2 bads and 1 good
		if (len(news) >= 3) || ((badLines > 0) && (len(news) >= 2)) || ((badLines >= 2) && (len(news) >= 1)) {

	return bytes.Join(news, []byte(" "))