文件: call.go 项目: vanadium/go.jni
// CallObjectMethod calls a Java method that returns a java object.
func CallObjectMethod(env Env, obj Object, name string, argSigns []Sign, retSign Sign, args ...interface{}) (Object, error) {
	switch retSign {
	case ByteSign, CharSign, ShortSign, LongSign, FloatSign, DoubleSign, BoolSign, IntSign, VoidSign:
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Illegal call to CallObjectMethod on method with return sign %s", retSign))
	jmid, jArgArr, freeFunc, err := setupMethodCall(env, obj, name, argSigns, retSign, args...)
	if err != nil {
		return NullObject, err
	defer freeFunc()
	ret := C.CallObjectMethodA(env.value(), obj.value(), jmid, jArgArr)
	return Object(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ret))), JExceptionMsg(env)
文件: util.go 项目: vanadium/go.jni
// GoError converts the provided Java Exception into a Go error, converting VException into
// verror.T and all other exceptions into a Go error.
func GoError(env Env, jException Object) error {
	if jException.IsNull() {
		return nil
	if IsInstanceOf(env, jException, jVExceptionClass) {
		// VException: convert it into a verror.
		// Note that we can't use CallStaticObjectMethod below as it may lead to
		// an infinite loop.
		jmid, jArgArr, freeFunc, err := setupStaticMethodCall(env, jVomUtilClass, "encode", []Sign{ObjectSign, TypeSign}, ByteArraySign, jException, jVExceptionClass)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error converting VException: " + err.Error())
		defer freeFunc()
		dataObj := C.CallStaticObjectMethodA(env.value(), jVomUtilClass.value(), jmid, jArgArr)
		if e := C.ExceptionOccurred(env.value()); e != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error converting VException: exception during VomUtil.encode()")
		data := GoByteArray(env, Object(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dataObj))))
		var verr error
		if err := vom.Decode(data, &verr); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error converting VException: " + err.Error())
		return verr
	// Not a VException: convert it into a Go error.
	// Note that we can't use CallObjectMethod below, as it may lead to an
	// infinite loop.
	jmid, jArgArr, freeFunc, err := setupMethodCall(env, jException, "getMessage", nil, StringSign)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error converting exception: " + err.Error())
	defer freeFunc()
	strObj := C.CallObjectMethodA(env.value(), jException.value(), jmid, jArgArr)
	if e := C.ExceptionOccurred(env.value()); e != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error converting exception: exception during Throwable.getMessage()")
	return errors.New(GoString(env, Object(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(strObj)))))