func (this Type) String() string { cname := C.g_type_name(C.GType(this)) if cname == nil { return "" } return C.GoString((*C.char)(cname)) }
// Emit is a wrapper around g_signal_emitv() and emits the signal // specified by the string s to an Object. Arguments to callback // functions connected to this signal must be specified in args. Emit() // returns an interface{} which must be type asserted as the Go // equivalent type to the return value for native C callback. // // Note that this code is unsafe in that the types of values in args are // not checked against whether they are suitable for the callback. func (v *Object) Emit(s string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) { cstr := C.CString(s) defer // Create array of this instance and arguments valv := C.alloc_gvalue_list( + 1) defer // Add args and valv val, err := GValue(v) if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("Error converting Object to GValue: " + err.Error()) } C.val_list_insert(valv,, val.native()) for i := range args { val, err := GValue(args[i]) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error converting arg %d to GValue: %s", i, err.Error()) } C.val_list_insert(valv,, val.native()) } t := v.TypeFromInstance() // TODO: use just the signal name id := C.g_signal_lookup((*C.gchar)(cstr), C.GType(t)) ret, err := ValueAlloc() if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("Error creating Value for return value") } C.g_signal_emitv(valv, id, C.GQuark(0), ret.native()) return ret.GoValue() }
// ValueInit is a wrapper around g_value_init() and allocates and // initializes a new Value with the Type t. A runtime finalizer is set // to call g_value_unset() on the underlying GValue after leaving scope. // ValueInit() returns a non-nil error if the allocation failed. func ValueInit(t Type) (*Value, error) { c := C._g_value_init(C.GType(t)) if c == nil { return nil, errNilPtr } v := &Value{*c} runtime.SetFinalizer(v, (*Value).unset) return v, nil }
func New(typ GType, properties map[string]interface{}) ObjectLike { obj := gobject{} obj.object = C.new_GObject(C.GType(typ)) Set(obj, properties) return obj }
func (self *Widget) GetAncestor(widget_type gobject.GType) WidgetLike { w := C.gtk_widget_get_ancestor(self.object, C.GType(widget_type)) if w == nil { return nil } if par, err := gobject.ConvertToGo(unsafe.Pointer(&w)); err == nil { return par.(WidgetLike) } return nil }
func CreateCGValue(tn GType, object ...unsafe.Pointer) *GValue { var cv C.GValue C.g_value_init(&cv, C.GType(tn)) // If no data, then return Gvalue initialized with default if len(object) == 0 { gv := GValue{tn, &cv} return &gv } obj := object[0] // Foundamental types are special // TODO: Handle more cases, like creating GValue from GdkEvents switch tn { case G_TYPE_STRING: C.g_value_take_string(&cv, (*C.gchar)(obj)) case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN: C.g_value_set_boolean(&cv, *((*C.gboolean)(obj))) case G_TYPE_CHAR: C.g_value_set_char(&cv, *((*C.gchar)(obj))) case G_TYPE_INT: C.g_value_set_int(&cv, *((*C.gint)(obj))) case G_TYPE_LONG: C.g_value_set_long(&cv, *((*C.glong)(obj))) case G_TYPE_INT64: C.g_value_set_int64(&cv, *((*C.gint64)(obj))) case G_TYPE_UCHAR: C.g_value_set_uchar(&cv, *((*C.guchar)(obj))) case G_TYPE_UINT: C.g_value_set_uint(&cv, *((*C.guint)(obj))) case G_TYPE_ULONG: C.g_value_set_ulong(&cv, *((*C.gulong)(obj))) case G_TYPE_UINT64: C.g_value_set_uint64(&cv, *((*C.guint64)(obj))) case G_TYPE_FLOAT: C.g_value_set_float(&cv, *((*C.gfloat)(obj))) case G_TYPE_DOUBLE: C.g_value_set_double(&cv, *((*C.gdouble)(obj))) default: C.g_value_set_object(&cv, C.gpointer(obj)) } gv := GValue{tn, &cv} return &gv }
// IsA is a wrapper around g_type_is_a(). func (v *Object) IsA(typ Type) bool { return gobool(C.g_type_is_a(C.GType(v.TypeFromInstance()), C.GType(typ))) }
// Parent is a wrapper around g_type_parent(). func (t Type) Parent() Type { return Type(C.g_type_parent(C.GType(t))) }
// Depth is a wrapper around g_type_depth(). func (t Type) Depth() uint { return uint(C.g_type_depth(C.GType(t))) }
// Name is a wrapper around g_type_name(). func (t Type) Name() string { return C.GoString((*C.char)(C.g_type_name(C.GType(t)))) }
func (t Type) g() C.GType { return C.GType(t) }
func (o *GstObj) ImplementsInterfaceCast(typ glib.Type) glib.Pointer { return glib.Pointer(C.gst_implements_interface_cast(C.gpointer(o.GetPtr()), C.GType(typ))) }
func (o *GstObj) ImplementsInterfaceCheck(typ glib.Type) bool { return C.gst_implements_interface_check(C.gpointer(o.GetPtr()), C.GType(typ)) != 0 }
func SignalLookup(name string, objectType GType) uint32 { n := GString(name) defer n.Free() s := C.g_signal_lookup((*C.gchar)(n.GetPtr()), C.GType(objectType)) return uint32(s) }
func (this Type) asC() C.GType { return C.GType(this) }
func (this Type) IsA(other Type) bool { return C.g_type_is_a(C.GType(this), C.GType(other)) != 0 }