文件: machine.go 项目: jvaemape/vbox
// Unregister removes this from VirtualBox's list of registered machines.
// The returned slice of Medium instances is intended to be passed to
// DeleteConfig to get all the VM's files cleaned.
// It returns an array of detached Medium instances and any error encountered.
func (machine *Machine) Unregister(cleanupMode CleanupMode) ([]Medium, error) {
	var cmediaPtr **C.IMedium
	var mediaCount C.ULONG

	result := C.GoVboxMachineUnregister(machine.cmachine,
		C.PRUint32(cleanupMode), &cmediaPtr, &mediaCount)
	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 || (cmediaPtr == nil && mediaCount != 0) {
		return nil, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to unregister IMachine: %x", result))

	sliceHeader := reflect.SliceHeader{
		Data: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cmediaPtr)),
		Len:  int(mediaCount),
		Cap:  int(mediaCount),
	cmediaSlice := *(*[]*C.IMedium)(unsafe.Pointer(&sliceHeader))

	var media = make([]Medium, mediaCount)
	for i := range cmediaSlice {
		media[i] = Medium{cmediaSlice[i]}

	return media, nil
文件: session.go 项目: jvaemape/vbox
// LockMachine obtains a lock on a VM, so it can be modified or started.
// It returns any error encountered.
func (session *Session) LockMachine(machine Machine, lockType LockType) error {
	result := C.GoVboxLockMachine(machine.cmachine, session.csession,
	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to lock IMachine: %x", result))
	return nil
文件: display.go 项目: jvaemape/vbox
// TakeScreenShotToArray takes a screenshot of the VM's display.
// It returns a byte slice encoding the image as RGBA, and any error
// encountered.
func (display *Display) TakeScreenShotToArray(screenId uint,
	width uint, height uint) ([]byte, error) {
	var cdataPtr *C.PRUint8
	var dataSize C.PRUint32

	result := C.GoVboxDisplayTakeScreenShotToArray(display.cdisplay,
		C.PRUint32(screenId), C.PRUint32(width), C.PRUint32(height), &dataSize,
	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 {
		return nil, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to take IDisplay screenshot: %x", result))

	data := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(cdataPtr), C.int(dataSize))
	return data, nil
文件: machine.go 项目: jvaemape/vbox
// SetVramSize changes the machine's emulated mouse type.
// It returns a number and any error encountered.
func (machine *Machine) SetVramSize(vram uint) error {
	result := C.GoVboxSetMachineVRAMSize(machine.cmachine, C.PRUint32(vram))
	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 {
		return errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set IMachine VRAM size: %x", result))
	return nil
// SetBootMenuMode sets whether the BIOS logo fades out during boot.
// It any error encountered.
func (settings *BiosSettings) SetBootMenuMode(menuMode BootMenuMode) error {
	result := C.GoVboxSetBiosSettingsBootMenuMode(settings.csettings,
	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 {
		return errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set IBiosSettings boot menu mode: %x", result))
	return nil
文件: display.go 项目: jvaemape/vbox
// TakeScreenShot takes a screenshot of the VM's display.
// The slice passed in must be big enough to receive the image data, which is
// RGBA (4 bytes per pixel).
// It returns any error encountered.
func (display *Display) TakeScreenShot(screenId uint, imageData []byte,
	width uint, height uint) ([]byte, error) {
	dataSize := int(width * height * 4)
	if dataSize > cap(imageData) {
		return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf(
			"Insufficient slice capacity %d, screenshot needs at least %d",
			cap(imageData), dataSize))

	imageData = imageData[:dataSize]
	cdataPtr := (*C.PRUint8)(unsafe.Pointer(&imageData[0]))
	result := C.GoVboxDisplayTakeScreenShot(display.cdisplay,
		C.PRUint32(screenId), cdataPtr, C.PRUint32(width), C.PRUint32(height))
	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 {
		return nil, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to take IDisplay fast screenshot: %x", result))
	return imageData, nil
文件: machine.go 项目: jvaemape/vbox
// SetPointingHidType changes the machine's emulated mouse type.
// It returns a number and any error encountered.
func (machine *Machine) SetPointingHidType(
	pointingHidType PointingHidType) error {
	result := C.GoVboxSetMachinePointingHIDType(machine.cmachine,
	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 {
		return errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set IMachine pointing HID type: %x", result))
	return nil
// SetType changes the controller's type.
// It returns a number and any error encountered.
func (controller *StorageController) SetType(
	controllerType StorageControllerType) error {
	result := C.GoVboxSetStorageControllerType(controller.ccontroller,
	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 {
		return errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set IStorageController type: %x", result))
	return nil
文件: medium.go 项目: jvaemape/vbox
// CreateBaseStorage starts building a hard disk image.
// It returns a Progress and any error encountered.
func (medium *Medium) CreateBaseStorage(
	size uint64, variants []MediumVariant) (Progress, error) {
	var cvariants *C.PRUint32
	if len(variants) > 0 {
		cvariantsSlice := make([]C.PRUint32, len(variants))
		for i, variant := range variants {
			cvariantsSlice[i] = C.PRUint32(variant)
		cvariants = &cvariantsSlice[0]

	var progress Progress
	result := C.GoVboxMediumCreateBaseStorage(medium.cmedium, C.PRInt64(size),
		C.PRUint32(len(variants)), cvariants, &progress.cprogress)
	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 || progress.cprogress == nil {
		return progress, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create IMedium storage: %x", result))
	return progress, nil
文件: medium.go 项目: jvaemape/vbox
// OpenMedium opens an image backing a VirtualBox storage medium.
// It returns the newly opened Medium and any error encountered.
func OpenMedium(location string, deviceType DeviceType, accessMode AccessMode,
	forceNewUuid bool) (Medium, error) {
	var medium Medium
	if err := Init(); err != nil {
		return medium, err

	clocation := C.CString(location)
	cforceNewUuid := C.PRBool(0)
	if forceNewUuid {
		cforceNewUuid = C.PRBool(1)
	result := C.GoVboxOpenMedium(cbox, clocation, C.PRUint32(deviceType),
		C.PRUint32(accessMode), cforceNewUuid, &medium.cmedium)

	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 || medium.cmedium == nil {
		return medium, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to open IMedium: %x", result))
	return medium, nil
文件: machine.go 项目: jvaemape/vbox
// AttachDevice connects a Medium to this VM.
// deviceSlot is 0 for IDE master and 1 for IDE slave. All other bus types use
// deviceSlot 0.
// It returns any error encountered.
func (machine *Machine) AttachDevice(controllerName string, controllerPort int,
	deviceSlot int, deviceType DeviceType, medium Medium) error {
	cname := C.CString(controllerName)
	result := C.GoVboxMachineAttachDevice(machine.cmachine, cname,
		C.PRInt32(controllerPort), C.PRInt32(deviceSlot), C.PRUint32(deviceType),

	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 {
		return errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to attach IMedium to IMachine: %x", result))
	return nil
文件: keyboard.go 项目: jvaemape/vbox
// PutScancodes posts keyboard scancodes to the guest OS event queue.
// It returns any error encountered.
func (keyboard *Keyboard) PutScancodes(scancodes []int) (uint, error) {
	scancodesCount := len(scancodes)
	cscancodes := make([]C.PRInt32, scancodesCount)
	for i, scancode := range scancodes {
		cscancodes[i] = C.PRInt32(scancode)

	var ccodesStored C.PRUint32
	result := C.GoVboxKeyboardPutScancodes(keyboard.ckeyboard,
		C.PRUint32(scancodesCount), &cscancodes[0], &ccodesStored)
	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 {
		return uint(ccodesStored), errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to post IKeyboard scancodes: %x", result))
	return uint(ccodesStored), nil
// AddUsbController attaches a storage controller to a VirtualBox VM.
// It returns the created UsbController and any error encountered.
func (machine *Machine) AddUsbController(
	name string, controllerType UsbControllerType) (UsbController, error) {
	var controller UsbController
	if err := Init(); err != nil {
		return controller, err

	cname := C.CString(name)
	result := C.GoVboxMachineAddUsbController(machine.cmachine, cname,
		C.PRUint32(controllerType), &controller.ccontroller)

	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 || controller.ccontroller == nil {
		return controller, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf(
			"Failed to add IUsbController: %x", result))
	return controller, nil
文件: display.go 项目: jvaemape/vbox
// GetScreenResolution reads the VM display's resolution.
// It returns any error encountered.
func (display *Display) GetScreenResolution(screenId uint,
	resolution *Resolution) error {
	var cwidth, cheight, cbitsPerPixel C.PRUint32
	var cxOrigin, cyOrigin C.PRInt32

	result := C.GoVboxDisplayGetScreenResolution(display.cdisplay,
		C.PRUint32(screenId), &cwidth, &cheight, &cbitsPerPixel, &cxOrigin,
	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 {
		return errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get IDisplay resolution: %x", result))

	resolution.Width = uint(cwidth)
	resolution.Height = uint(cheight)
	resolution.BitsPerPixel = uint(cbitsPerPixel)
	resolution.XOrigin = int(cxOrigin)
	resolution.YOrigin = int(cyOrigin)
	return nil
文件: machine.go 项目: jvaemape/vbox
// DeleteConfig removes a VM's config file, and can remove its disk images.
// The Medium array is intended to be obtained from a previous Unregister call.
// It returns a Progress instance and any error encountered.
func (machine *Machine) DeleteConfig(media []Medium) (Progress, error) {
	var cmediaSlice []*C.IMedium
	var cmedia **C.IMedium
	if len(media) > 0 {
		cmediaSlice = make([]*C.IMedium, len(media))
		for i, medium := range media {
			cmediaSlice[i] = medium.cmedium
		cmedia = &cmediaSlice[0]

	var progress Progress
	result := C.GoVboxMachineDeleteConfig(machine.cmachine,
		C.PRUint32(len(media)), cmedia, &progress.cprogress)
	if C.GoVboxFAILED(result) != 0 || progress.cprogress == nil {
		return progress, errors.New(
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to delete IMachine config: %x", result))
	return progress, nil