func RedrawWindow(W *XWindow, tweetsList []*TweetInfo, mouseClick [2]int) {
	var Attribs C.XWindowAttributes
	C.XGetWindowAttributes(W.Display, W.Window, &Attribs)
	// TODO -- Do this only when resizing?
	C.cairo_xlib_surface_set_size(W.Surface, Attribs.width, Attribs.height)

	C.cairo_set_source_rgb(W.Cairo, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)

	var Rect C.PangoRectangle
	yPos := 10.0 + W.Scroll

	WindowWidth := Attribs.width

	maxTweetWidth := PixelsToPango(float64(WindowWidth - 5*UIPadding - UserImageSize))

	for i := 0; i < len(tweetsList); i++ {
		t := tweetsList[i]

		C.pango_layout_set_width(t.Layout, maxTweetWidth)
		C.pango_layout_get_extents(t.Layout, nil, &Rect)

		// Get tweet text size
		_, ry, _, rh := PangoRectToPixels(&Rect)

		// Position and add padding
		ry += yPos
		if rh < UserImageSize+2*UIPadding-UIPadding {
			rh = UserImageSize + 2*UIPadding
		} else {
			rh += UIPadding

		// Draw rectangle around tweet
		C.cairo_set_source_rgb(W.Cairo, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
		C.cairo_rectangle(W.Cairo, UIPadding, C.double(ry), C.double(WindowWidth-2*UIPadding), C.double(rh))
		if mouseClick[0] >= UIPadding && float64(mouseClick[1]) >= ry && float64(mouseClick[1]) <= ry+rh {
			fmt.Println("Clicked tweet", t.Text)

		// Draw user image
		userImage := GetCachedImage(W.UserImages, t.UserImage)
		if userImage == nil || C.cairo_surface_status(userImage) != C.CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS {
			userImage = placeholderImage
		C.cairo_set_source_surface(W.Cairo, userImage, 2*UIPadding, C.double(yPos+UIPadding))

		// Draw tweet text
		C.cairo_move_to(W.Cairo, 63, C.double(yPos+SmallPadding))
		C.cairo_set_source_rgb(W.Cairo, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95)
		C.pango_cairo_show_layout(W.Cairo, t.Layout)
		yPos += 5 + rh
文件: area_unix.go 项目: UIKit0/ui
//export our_area_draw_callback
func our_area_draw_callback(widget *C.GtkWidget, cr *C.cairo_t, data C.gpointer) C.gboolean {
	var x0, y0, x1, y1 C.double
	var maxwid, maxht C.gint

	s := (*sysData)(unsafe.Pointer(data))
	// thanks to desrt in irc.gimp.net/#gtk+
	// these are in user coordinates, which match what coordinates we want by default, even out of a draw event handler (thanks johncc3, mclasen, and Company in irc.gimp.net/#gtk+)
	C.cairo_clip_extents(cr, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1)
	// we do not need to clear the cliprect; GtkDrawingArea did it for us beforehand
	cliprect := image.Rect(int(x0), int(y0), int(x1), int(y1))
	// the cliprect can actually fall outside the size of the Area; clip it by intersecting the two rectangles
	C.gtk_widget_get_size_request(widget, &maxwid, &maxht)
	cliprect = image.Rect(0, 0, int(maxwid), int(maxht)).Intersect(cliprect)
	if cliprect.Empty() { // no intersection; nothing to paint
		return C.FALSE // signals handled without stopping the event chain (thanks to desrt again)
	i := s.handler.Paint(cliprect)
	surface := C.cairo_image_surface_create(
		C.CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, // alpha-premultiplied; native byte order
	if status := C.cairo_surface_status(surface); status != C.CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("cairo_create_image_surface() failed: %s\n",
	// the flush and mark_dirty calls are required; see the cairo docs and https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gdk/gdkcairo.c#n232 (thanks desrt in irc.gimp.net/#gtk+)
	toARGB(i, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(C.cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface))),
		0, 0) // origin of the surface
	// that just set the brush that cairo uses: we have to actually draw now
	// (via https://developer.gnome.org/gtkmm-tutorial/stable/sec-draw-images.html.en)
	C.cairo_rectangle(cr, x0, y0, x1, y1) // breaking the nrom here since we have the coordinates as a C double already
	C.cairo_surface_destroy(surface) // free surface
	return C.FALSE                   // signals handled without stopping the event chain (thanks to desrt again)
func (self *Surface) SetSourceSurface(surface *Surface, x, y float64) {
	C.cairo_set_source_surface(self.context, surface.surface, C.double(x), C.double(y))
文件: cairo.go 项目: raichu/gotk3
// SetSourceSurface is a wrapper around cairo_set_source_surface().
func (v *Context) SetSourceSurface(surface *Surface, x, y float64) {
	C.cairo_set_source_surface(v.native(), surface.native(), C.double(x),
//SetSourceSurface is a convenience function for creating a pattern
//from a surface and setting it as the source pattern in c
//with SetSource.
//The originDisplacement vector gives the user-space coordinates
//at which the surface origin should appear.
//The surface origin is its upper-left corner before any transformation
//has been applied.
//The x and y components of the vector are negated and then set
//as the translation values in the pattern matrix.
//Other than the initial pattern matrix, described above, all other
//pattern attributes are set to their default values.
//The resulting pattern can be retrieved by calling Source.
//Originally cairo_set_source_surface.
func (c *Context) SetSourceSurface(s Surface, originDisplacement Point) error {
	sr := s.XtensionRaw()
	x, y := originDisplacement.c()
	C.cairo_set_source_surface(c.c, sr, x, y)
	return c.Err()