// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Checkbox.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API BUTTON
// class (as provided by Common Controls version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkCheckButton.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSButton.
func (c *Checkbox) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(c.co))
文件: spinbox.go 项目: sjn1978/ui
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Spinbox.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API EDIT
// class (as provided by Common Controls version 6). Due to
// various limitations which affect the lifetime of the associated
// Common Controls version 6 UPDOWN_CLASS window that
// provides the buttons, there is no way to access it.
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkSpinButton.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSView that contains a NSTextField
// and a NSStepper as subviews.
func (s *Spinbox) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(s.c))
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Button.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API BUTTON
// class (as provided by Common Controls version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkButton.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSButton.
func (b *Button) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(b.c))
文件: entry.go 项目: carriercomm/ui-1
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Entry.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API EDIT
// class (as provided by Common Controls version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkEntry.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSTextField.
func (e *Entry) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(e.c))
文件: group.go 项目: carriercomm/ui-1
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Group.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API BUTTON
// class (as provided by Common Controls version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkFrame.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSBox.
func (g *Group) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(g.c))
文件: progressbar.go 项目: sjn1978/ui
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this ProgressBar.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API
// PROGRESS_CLASS class (as provided by Common Controls
// version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkProgressBar.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSProgressIndicator.
func (p *ProgressBar) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(p.c))
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Slider.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API
// TRACKBAR_CLASS class (as provided by Common Controls
// version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkScale.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSSlider.
func (s *Slider) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(s.c))
文件: area.go 项目: sjn1978/ui
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Area.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a libui-internal class.
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkScrolledWindow with a
// GtkViewport as its child. The child of the viewport is the
// GtkDrawingArea that provides the Area itself.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSScrollView whose document view
// is the NSView that provides the Area itself.
func (a *Area) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(a.c))
文件: separator.go 项目: sjn1978/ui
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Separator.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API STATIC
// class (as provided by Common Controls version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkSeparator.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSBox.
func (s *Separator) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(s.c))
文件: window.go 项目: sjn1978/ui
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Window.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a libui-internal class.
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkWindow.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSWindow.
func (w *Window) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(w.c))
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this DateTimePicker.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API
// DATETIMEPICK_CLASS class (as provided by Common Controls
// version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a libui-internal class.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSDatePicker.
func (d *DateTimePicker) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(d.c))
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this RadioButtons.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a libui-internal class; its
// child windows are instances of the standard Windows API
// BUTTON class (as provided by Common Controls version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkBox containing GtkRadioButtons.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSMatrix with NSButtonCell cells.
func (r *RadioButtons) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(r.c))
文件: tab.go 项目: carriercomm/ui-1
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Tab.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API
// WC_TABCONTROL class (as provided by Common Controls
// version 6). The pages are not children of this window and there
// currently is no way to directly access them.
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkNotebook.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSTabView.
func (t *Tab) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(t.c))
文件: label.go 项目: sjn1978/ui
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Label.
// On Windows this is an HWND of a standard Windows API STATIC
// class (as provided by Common Controls version 6).
// On GTK+ this is a pointer to a GtkLabel.
// On OS X this is a pointer to a NSTextField.
func (l *Label) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(l.c))
文件: control.go 项目: duckbrain/ui
// LibuiControlHandle allows implementations of Control
// to call the libui function uiControlHandle.
func LibuiControlHandle(c uintptr) uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(touiControl(c)))
文件: control.go 项目: duckbrain/ui
// Handle returns the OS-level handle associated with this Control.
func (c *control) Handle() uintptr {
	return uintptr(C.uiControlHandle(c.c))