func initSQLiteDB(path string) error {
	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", path)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer db.Close()
	for _, tableSql := range sqlite.SQLCreateTables() {
		if _, err := db.Exec(tableSql); err != nil {
			return err
	if sqlite.IsWALCapable() {
		if _, err := db.Exec(sqlite.EnableWAL()); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		log.Print("WARNING: An SQLite indexer without Write Ahead Logging will most likely fail. See http://camlistore.org/issues/114\n")
	_, err = db.Exec(fmt.Sprintf(`REPLACE INTO meta VALUES ('version', '%d')`, sqlite.SchemaVersion()))
	return err
func (c *dbinitCmd) RunCommand(args []string) error {
	if c.dbName == "" {
		return cmdmain.UsageError("--dbname flag required")

	if c.dbType != "mysql" && c.dbType != "postgres" && c.dbType != "mongo" {
		if c.dbType == "sqlite" {
			if !WithSQLite {
				return ErrNoSQLite
			c.wal = c.wal && sqlite.IsWALCapable()
			if !c.wal {
				fmt.Print("WARNING: An SQLite indexer without Write Ahead Logging will most likely fail. See http://camlistore.org/issues/114\n")
		} else {
			return cmdmain.UsageError(fmt.Sprintf("--dbtype flag: got %v, want %v", c.dbType, `"mysql" or "postgres" or "sqlite", or "mongo"`))

	var rootdb *sql.DB
	var err error
	switch c.dbType {
	case "postgres":
		conninfo := fmt.Sprintf("user=%s dbname=%s host=%s password=%s sslmode=%s", c.user, "postgres", c.host, c.password, c.sslMode)
		rootdb, err = sql.Open("postgres", conninfo)
	case "mysql":
		rootdb, err = sql.Open("mymysql", "mysql/"+c.user+"/"+c.password)
	if err != nil {
		exitf("Error connecting to the root %s database: %v", c.dbType, err)

	dbname := c.dbName
	exists := c.dbExists(rootdb)
	if exists {
		if c.keep {
			return nil
		if !c.wipe {
			return cmdmain.UsageError(fmt.Sprintf("Database %q already exists, but --wipe not given. Stopping.", dbname))
		if c.dbType == "mongo" {
			return c.wipeMongo()
		if c.dbType != "sqlite" {
			do(rootdb, "DROP DATABASE "+dbname)
	switch c.dbType {
	case "sqlite":
		_, err := os.Create(dbname)
		if err != nil {
			exitf("Error creating file %v for sqlite db: %v", dbname, err)
	case "mongo":
		return nil
	case "postgres":
		// because we want string comparison to work as on MySQL and SQLite.
		// in particular we want: 'foo|bar' < 'foo}' (which is not the case with an utf8 collation apparently).
		do(rootdb, "CREATE DATABASE "+dbname+" LC_COLLATE = 'C' TEMPLATE = template0")
		do(rootdb, "CREATE DATABASE "+dbname)

	var db *sql.DB
	switch c.dbType {
	case "postgres":
		conninfo := fmt.Sprintf("user=%s dbname=%s host=%s password=%s sslmode=%s", c.user, dbname, c.host, c.password, c.sslMode)
		db, err = sql.Open("postgres", conninfo)
	case "sqlite":
		db, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", dbname)
		db, err = sql.Open("mymysql", dbname+"/"+c.user+"/"+c.password)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Connecting to the %s %s database: %v", dbname, c.dbType, err)

	switch c.dbType {
	case "postgres":
		for _, tableSql := range postgres.SQLCreateTables() {
			do(db, tableSql)
		for _, statement := range postgres.SQLDefineReplace() {
			do(db, statement)
		doQuery(db, fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT replaceintometa('version', '%d')`, postgres.SchemaVersion()))
	case "mysql":
		for _, tableSql := range mysql.SQLCreateTables() {
			do(db, tableSql)
		do(db, fmt.Sprintf(`REPLACE INTO meta VALUES ('version', '%d')`, mysql.SchemaVersion()))
	case "sqlite":
		for _, tableSql := range sqlite.SQLCreateTables() {
			do(db, tableSql)
		if c.wal {
			do(db, sqlite.EnableWAL())
		do(db, fmt.Sprintf(`REPLACE INTO meta VALUES ('version', '%d')`, sqlite.SchemaVersion()))
	return nil