// Apply applies a Mutation to a specific row.
func (t *Table) Apply(ctx context.Context, row string, m *Mutation, opts ...ApplyOption) error {
	ctx = mergeMetadata(ctx, t.md)
	after := func(res proto.Message) {
		for _, o := range opts {

	var callOptions []gax.CallOption
	if m.cond == nil {
		req := &btpb.MutateRowRequest{
			TableName: t.c.fullTableName(t.table),
			RowKey:    []byte(row),
			Mutations: m.ops,
		if mutationsAreRetryable(m.ops) {
			callOptions = retryOptions
		var res *btpb.MutateRowResponse
		err := gax.Invoke(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
			var err error
			res, err = t.c.client.MutateRow(ctx, req)
			return err
		}, callOptions...)
		if err == nil {
		return err

	req := &btpb.CheckAndMutateRowRequest{
		TableName:       t.c.fullTableName(t.table),
		RowKey:          []byte(row),
		PredicateFilter: m.cond.proto(),
	if m.mtrue != nil {
		req.TrueMutations = m.mtrue.ops
	if m.mfalse != nil {
		req.FalseMutations = m.mfalse.ops
	if mutationsAreRetryable(req.TrueMutations) && mutationsAreRetryable(req.FalseMutations) {
		callOptions = retryOptions
	var cmRes *btpb.CheckAndMutateRowResponse
	err := gax.Invoke(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
		var err error
		cmRes, err = t.c.client.CheckAndMutateRow(ctx, req)
		return err
	}, callOptions...)
	if err == nil {
	return err
// ApplyBulk applies multiple Mutations.
// Each mutation is individually applied atomically,
// but the set of mutations may be applied in any order.
// Two types of failures may occur. If the entire process
// fails, (nil, err) will be returned. If specific mutations
// fail to apply, ([]err, nil) will be returned, and the errors
// will correspond to the relevant rowKeys/muts arguments.
// Conditional mutations cannot be applied in bulk and providing one will result in an error.
func (t *Table) ApplyBulk(ctx context.Context, rowKeys []string, muts []*Mutation, opts ...ApplyOption) ([]error, error) {
	ctx = mergeMetadata(ctx, t.md)
	if len(rowKeys) != len(muts) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("mismatched rowKeys and mutation array lengths: %d, %d", len(rowKeys), len(muts))

	origEntries := make([]*entryErr, len(rowKeys))
	for i, key := range rowKeys {
		mut := muts[i]
		if mut.cond != nil {
			return nil, errors.New("conditional mutations cannot be applied in bulk")
		origEntries[i] = &entryErr{Entry: &btpb.MutateRowsRequest_Entry{RowKey: []byte(key), Mutations: mut.ops}}

	// entries will be reduced after each invocation to just what needs to be retried.
	entries := make([]*entryErr, len(rowKeys))
	copy(entries, origEntries)
	err := gax.Invoke(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
		err := t.doApplyBulk(ctx, entries, opts...)
		if err != nil {
			// We want to retry the entire request with the current entries
			return err
		entries = t.getApplyBulkRetries(entries)
		if len(entries) > 0 && len(idempotentRetryCodes) > 0 {
			// We have at least one mutation that needs to be retried.
			// Return an arbitrary error that is retryable according to callOptions.
			return grpc.Errorf(idempotentRetryCodes[0], "Synthetic error: partial failure of ApplyBulk")
		return nil
	}, retryOptions...)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Accumulate all of the errors into an array to return, interspersed with nils for successful
	// entries. The absence of any errors means we should return nil.
	var errs []error
	var foundErr bool
	for _, entry := range origEntries {
		if entry.Err != nil {
			foundErr = true
		errs = append(errs, entry.Err)
	if foundErr {
		return errs, nil
	return nil, nil
// ReadRows reads rows from a table. f is called for each row.
// If f returns false, the stream is shut down and ReadRows returns.
// f owns its argument, and f is called serially in order by row key.
// By default, the yielded rows will contain all values in all cells.
// Use RowFilter to limit the cells returned.
func (t *Table) ReadRows(ctx context.Context, arg RowSet, f func(Row) bool, opts ...ReadOption) error {
	ctx = mergeMetadata(ctx, t.md)

	var prevRowKey string
	err := gax.Invoke(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
		req := &btpb.ReadRowsRequest{
			TableName: t.c.fullTableName(t.table),
			Rows:      arg.proto(),
		for _, opt := range opts {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) // for aborting the stream
		defer cancel()

		stream, err := t.c.client.ReadRows(ctx, req)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		cr := newChunkReader()
		for {
			res, err := stream.Recv()
			if err == io.EOF {
			if err != nil {
				// Reset arg for next Invoke call.
				arg = arg.retainRowsAfter(prevRowKey)
				return err

			for _, cc := range res.Chunks {
				row, err := cr.Process(cc)
				if err != nil {
					// No need to prepare for a retry, this is an unretryable error.
					return err
				if row == nil {
				prevRowKey = row.Key()
				if !f(row) {
					// Cancel and drain stream.
					for {
						if _, err := stream.Recv(); err != nil {
							// The stream has ended. We don't return an error
							// because the caller has intentionally interrupted the scan.
							return nil
			if err := cr.Close(); err != nil {
				// No need to prepare for a retry, this is an unretryable error.
				return err
		return err
	}, retryOptions...)

	return err