func setArch(goarch string) (*arch.Arch, *obj.Link) {
	os.Setenv("GOOS", "linux") // obj can handle this OS for all architectures.
	architecture := arch.Set(goarch)
	if architecture == nil {
		panic("asm: unrecognized architecture " + goarch)
	return architecture, obj.Linknew(architecture.LinkArch)
文件: main.go 项目: Greentor/go
func main() {
	log.SetPrefix("asm: ")

	GOARCH := obj.Getgoarch()

	architecture := arch.Set(GOARCH)
	if architecture == nil {
		log.Fatalf("unrecognized architecture %s", GOARCH)


	ctxt := obj.Linknew(architecture.LinkArch)
	if *flags.PrintOut {
		ctxt.Debugasm = 1
	ctxt.LineHist.TrimPathPrefix = *flags.TrimPath
	ctxt.Flag_dynlink = *flags.Dynlink
	ctxt.Flag_shared = *flags.Shared || *flags.Dynlink
	ctxt.Bso = bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
	defer ctxt.Bso.Flush()

	// Create object file, write header.
	out, err := os.Create(*flags.OutputFile)
	if err != nil {
	defer bio.MustClose(out)
	buf := bufio.NewWriter(bio.MustWriter(out))

	fmt.Fprintf(buf, "go object %s %s %s\n", obj.Getgoos(), obj.Getgoarch(), obj.Getgoversion())
	fmt.Fprintf(buf, "!\n")

	lexer := lex.NewLexer(flag.Arg(0), ctxt)
	parser := asm.NewParser(ctxt, architecture, lexer)
	diag := false
	ctxt.DiagFunc = func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
		diag = true
		log.Printf(format, args...)
	pList := obj.Linknewplist(ctxt)
	var ok bool
	pList.Firstpc, ok = parser.Parse()
	if ok {
		// reports errors to parser.Errorf
		obj.Writeobjdirect(ctxt, buf)
	if !ok || diag {
		log.Printf("assembly of %s failed", flag.Arg(0))
文件: asm.go 项目: Ericean/go
func Main() {
	// Allow GOARCH=Thestring or GOARCH=Thestringsuffix,
	// but not other values.
	p := obj.Getgoarch()

	if !strings.HasPrefix(p, Thestring) {
		log.Fatalf("cannot use %cc with GOARCH=%s", Thechar, p)
	if p != Thestring {
		Thelinkarch = Arches[p]
		if Thelinkarch == nil {
			log.Fatalf("unknown arch %s", p)

	Ctxt = obj.Linknew(Thelinkarch)
	Ctxt.Diag = Yyerror
	Ctxt.Bso = &bstdout
	Ctxt.Enforce_data_order = 1
	bstdout = *obj.Binitw(os.Stdout)

	debug = [256]int{}
	outfile = ""

	flag.Var(flagFn(dodef), "D", "name[=value]: add #define")
	flag.Var(flagFn(setinclude), "I", "dir: add dir to include path")
	flag.Var((*count)(&debug['S']), "S", "print assembly and machine code")
	flag.Var((*count)(&debug['m']), "m", "debug preprocessor macros")
	flag.StringVar(&outfile, "o", "", "file: set output file")
	flag.StringVar(&Ctxt.LineHist.TrimPathPrefix, "trimpath", "", "prefix: remove prefix from recorded source file paths")


	Ctxt.Debugasm = int32(debug['S'])

	if flag.NArg() < 1 {
	if flag.NArg() > 1 {
		fmt.Printf("can't assemble multiple files\n")

	if assemble(flag.Arg(0)) != 0 {
	if nerrors > 0 {
文件: main.go 项目: bibbyflyaway/go
func main() {
	log.SetPrefix("asm: ")

	GOARCH := obj.Getgoarch()

	architecture := arch.Set(GOARCH)
	if architecture == nil {
		log.Fatalf("asm: unrecognized architecture %s", GOARCH)


	// Create object file, write header.
	fd, err := os.Create(*flags.OutputFile)
	if err != nil {
	ctxt := obj.Linknew(architecture.LinkArch)
	if *flags.PrintOut {
		ctxt.Debugasm = 1
	ctxt.LineHist.TrimPathPrefix = *flags.TrimPath
	ctxt.Flag_dynlink = *flags.Dynlink
	if *flags.Shared || *flags.Dynlink {
		ctxt.Flag_shared = 1
	ctxt.Bso = obj.Binitw(os.Stdout)
	defer ctxt.Bso.Flush()
	ctxt.Diag = log.Fatalf
	output := obj.Binitw(fd)
	fmt.Fprintf(output, "go object %s %s %s\n", obj.Getgoos(), obj.Getgoarch(), obj.Getgoversion())
	fmt.Fprintf(output, "!\n")

	lexer := lex.NewLexer(flag.Arg(0), ctxt)
	parser := asm.NewParser(ctxt, architecture, lexer)
	pList := obj.Linknewplist(ctxt)
	var ok bool
	pList.Firstpc, ok = parser.Parse()
	if !ok {
		log.Printf("asm: assembly of %s failed", flag.Arg(0))
	obj.Writeobjdirect(ctxt, output)
文件: main.go 项目: sjn1978/go-fuzz
func Fuzz(data []byte) int {
	f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "fuzz.asm")
	if err != nil {
		return 0
	defer os.Remove(f.Name())
	defer f.Close()
	_, err = f.Write(data)
	if err != nil {
		return 0

	defer func() {
		if x := recover(); x != nil {
			if str, ok := x.(string); ok && str == "os.Exit" {

	const GOARCH = "amd64"
	architecture := arch.Set(GOARCH)
	fd := new(bytes.Buffer)
	ctxt := obj.Linknew(architecture.LinkArch)
	// Try to vary these and other flags:
	// ctxt.Flag_dynlink
	// ctxt.Flag_shared
	ctxt.Bso = obj.Binitw(new(bytes.Buffer))
	defer ctxt.Bso.Flush()
	ctxt.Diag = func(format string, v ...interface{}) { panic("os.Exit") }
	output := obj.Binitw(fd)
	lexer := lex.NewLexer(f.Name(), ctxt)
	parser := asm.NewParser(ctxt, architecture, lexer)
	pList := obj.Linknewplist(ctxt)
	var ok bool
	pList.Firstpc, ok = parser.Parse()
	if !ok {
		return 0
	obj.Writeobjdirect(ctxt, output)
	return 1
文件: main.go 项目: achanda/go
func Main() {
	timings.Start("fe", "init")

	defer hidePanic()

	Ctxt = obj.Linknew(Thearch.LinkArch)
	Ctxt.DiagFunc = yyerror
	Ctxt.Bso = bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)

	localpkg = mkpkg("")
	localpkg.Prefix = "\"\""

	// pseudo-package, for scoping
	builtinpkg = mkpkg("go.builtin")
	builtinpkg.Prefix = "go.builtin" // not go%2ebuiltin

	// pseudo-package, accessed by import "unsafe"
	unsafepkg = mkpkg("unsafe")
	unsafepkg.Name = "unsafe"

	// real package, referred to by generated runtime calls
	Runtimepkg = mkpkg("runtime")
	Runtimepkg.Name = "runtime"

	// pseudo-packages used in symbol tables
	itabpkg = mkpkg("go.itab")
	itabpkg.Name = "go.itab"
	itabpkg.Prefix = "go.itab" // not go%2eitab

	itablinkpkg = mkpkg("go.itablink")
	itablinkpkg.Name = "go.itablink"
	itablinkpkg.Prefix = "go.itablink" // not go%2eitablink

	trackpkg = mkpkg("go.track")
	trackpkg.Name = "go.track"
	trackpkg.Prefix = "go.track" // not go%2etrack

	typepkg = mkpkg("type")
	typepkg.Name = "type"

	// pseudo-package used for map zero values
	mappkg = mkpkg("go.map")
	mappkg.Name = "go.map"
	mappkg.Prefix = "go.map"

	Nacl = obj.GOOS == "nacl"
	if Nacl {
		flag_largemodel = true

	flag.BoolVar(&compiling_runtime, "+", false, "compiling runtime")
	obj.Flagcount("%", "debug non-static initializers", &Debug['%'])
	obj.Flagcount("B", "disable bounds checking", &Debug['B'])
	flag.StringVar(&localimport, "D", "", "set relative `path` for local imports")
	obj.Flagcount("E", "debug symbol export", &Debug['E'])
	obj.Flagfn1("I", "add `directory` to import search path", addidir)
	obj.Flagcount("K", "debug missing line numbers", &Debug['K'])
	obj.Flagcount("M", "debug move generation", &Debug['M'])
	obj.Flagcount("N", "disable optimizations", &Debug['N'])
	obj.Flagcount("P", "debug peephole optimizer", &Debug['P'])
	obj.Flagcount("R", "debug register optimizer", &Debug['R'])
	obj.Flagcount("S", "print assembly listing", &Debug['S'])
	obj.Flagfn0("V", "print compiler version", doversion)
	obj.Flagcount("W", "debug parse tree after type checking", &Debug['W'])
	flag.StringVar(&asmhdr, "asmhdr", "", "write assembly header to `file`")
	flag.StringVar(&buildid, "buildid", "", "record `id` as the build id in the export metadata")
	flag.BoolVar(&pure_go, "complete", false, "compiling complete package (no C or assembly)")
	flag.StringVar(&debugstr, "d", "", "print debug information about items in `list`")
	obj.Flagcount("e", "no limit on number of errors reported", &Debug['e'])
	obj.Flagcount("f", "debug stack frames", &Debug['f'])
	obj.Flagcount("g", "debug code generation", &Debug['g'])
	obj.Flagcount("h", "halt on error", &Debug['h'])
	obj.Flagcount("i", "debug line number stack", &Debug['i'])
	obj.Flagfn1("importmap", "add `definition` of the form source=actual to import map", addImportMap)
	flag.StringVar(&flag_installsuffix, "installsuffix", "", "set pkg directory `suffix`")
	obj.Flagcount("j", "debug runtime-initialized variables", &Debug['j'])
	obj.Flagcount("l", "disable inlining", &Debug['l'])
	flag.StringVar(&linkobj, "linkobj", "", "write linker-specific object to `file`")
	obj.Flagcount("live", "debug liveness analysis", &debuglive)
	obj.Flagcount("m", "print optimization decisions", &Debug['m'])
	flag.BoolVar(&flag_msan, "msan", false, "build code compatible with C/C++ memory sanitizer")
	flag.BoolVar(&nolocalimports, "nolocalimports", false, "reject local (relative) imports")
	flag.StringVar(&outfile, "o", "", "write output to `file`")
	flag.StringVar(&myimportpath, "p", "", "set expected package import `path`")
	flag.BoolVar(&writearchive, "pack", false, "write package file instead of object file")
	obj.Flagcount("r", "debug generated wrappers", &Debug['r'])
	flag.BoolVar(&flag_race, "race", false, "enable race detector")
	obj.Flagcount("s", "warn about composite literals that can be simplified", &Debug['s'])
	flag.StringVar(&Ctxt.LineHist.TrimPathPrefix, "trimpath", "", "remove `prefix` from recorded source file paths")
	flag.BoolVar(&safemode, "u", false, "reject unsafe code")
	obj.Flagcount("v", "increase debug verbosity", &Debug['v'])
	obj.Flagcount("w", "debug type checking", &Debug['w'])
	flag.BoolVar(&use_writebarrier, "wb", true, "enable write barrier")
	obj.Flagcount("x", "debug lexer", &Debug['x'])
	var flag_shared bool
	var flag_dynlink bool
	if supportsDynlink(Thearch.LinkArch.Arch) {
		flag.BoolVar(&flag_shared, "shared", false, "generate code that can be linked into a shared library")
		flag.BoolVar(&flag_dynlink, "dynlink", false, "support references to Go symbols defined in other shared libraries")
	if Thearch.LinkArch.Family == sys.AMD64 {
		flag.BoolVar(&flag_largemodel, "largemodel", false, "generate code that assumes a large memory model")
	flag.StringVar(&cpuprofile, "cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to `file`")
	flag.StringVar(&memprofile, "memprofile", "", "write memory profile to `file`")
	flag.Int64Var(&memprofilerate, "memprofilerate", 0, "set runtime.MemProfileRate to `rate`")
	flag.StringVar(&traceprofile, "traceprofile", "", "write an execution trace to `file`")
	flag.StringVar(&benchfile, "bench", "", "append benchmark times to `file`")

	Ctxt.Flag_shared = flag_dynlink || flag_shared
	Ctxt.Flag_dynlink = flag_dynlink
	Ctxt.Flag_optimize = Debug['N'] == 0

	Ctxt.Debugasm = int32(Debug['S'])
	Ctxt.Debugvlog = int32(Debug['v'])

	if flag.NArg() < 1 {


	if flag_race {
		racepkg = mkpkg("runtime/race")
		racepkg.Name = "race"
	if flag_msan {
		msanpkg = mkpkg("runtime/msan")
		msanpkg.Name = "msan"
	if flag_race && flag_msan {
		log.Fatal("cannot use both -race and -msan")
	} else if flag_race || flag_msan {
		instrumenting = true

	// parse -d argument
	if debugstr != "" {
		for _, name := range strings.Split(debugstr, ",") {
			if name == "" {
			val := 1
			valstring := ""
			if i := strings.Index(name, "="); i >= 0 {
				var err error
				val, err = strconv.Atoi(name[i+1:])
				if err != nil {
					log.Fatalf("invalid debug value %v", name)
				name = name[:i]
			} else if i := strings.Index(name, ":"); i >= 0 {
				valstring = name[i+1:]
				name = name[:i]
			for _, t := range debugtab {
				if t.name == name {
					if t.val != nil {
						*t.val = val
						continue Split
			// special case for ssa for now
			if strings.HasPrefix(name, "ssa/") {
				// expect form ssa/phase/flag
				// e.g. -d=ssa/generic_cse/time
				// _ in phase name also matches space
				phase := name[4:]
				flag := "debug" // default flag is debug
				if i := strings.Index(phase, "/"); i >= 0 {
					flag = phase[i+1:]
					phase = phase[:i]
				err := ssa.PhaseOption(phase, flag, val, valstring)
				if err != "" {
				continue Split
			log.Fatalf("unknown debug key -d %s\n", name)

	// enable inlining.  for now:
	//	default: inlining on.  (debug['l'] == 1)
	//	-l: inlining off  (debug['l'] == 0)
	//	-ll, -lll: inlining on again, with extra debugging (debug['l'] > 1)
	if Debug['l'] <= 1 {
		Debug['l'] = 1 - Debug['l']

	Widthint = Thearch.LinkArch.IntSize
	Widthptr = Thearch.LinkArch.PtrSize
	Widthreg = Thearch.LinkArch.RegSize


	blockgen = 1
	dclcontext = PEXTERN
	nerrors = 0
	lexlineno = 1

	timings.Start("fe", "loadsys")

	timings.Start("fe", "parse")
	lexlineno0 := lexlineno
	for _, infile = range flag.Args() {
		if trace && Debug['x'] != 0 {
			fmt.Printf("--- %s ---\n", infile)

		block = 1
		iota_ = -1000000
		imported_unsafe = false
		if nsyntaxerrors != 0 {

		// Instead of converting EOF into '\n' in getc and count it as an extra line
		// for the line history to work, and which then has to be corrected elsewhere,
		// just add a line here.
	timings.AddEvent(int64(lexlineno-lexlineno0), "lines")

	mkpackage(localpkg.Name) // final import not used checks

	typecheckok = true
	if Debug['f'] != 0 {

	// Process top-level declarations in phases.

	// Phase 1: const, type, and names and types of funcs.
	//   This will gather all the information about types
	//   and methods but doesn't depend on any of it.

	// Don't use range--typecheck can add closures to xtop.
	timings.Start("fe", "typecheck", "top1")
	for i := 0; i < len(xtop); i++ {
		if xtop[i].Op != ODCL && xtop[i].Op != OAS && xtop[i].Op != OAS2 {
			xtop[i] = typecheck(xtop[i], Etop)

	// Phase 2: Variable assignments.
	//   To check interface assignments, depends on phase 1.

	// Don't use range--typecheck can add closures to xtop.
	timings.Start("fe", "typecheck", "top2")
	for i := 0; i < len(xtop); i++ {
		if xtop[i].Op == ODCL || xtop[i].Op == OAS || xtop[i].Op == OAS2 {
			xtop[i] = typecheck(xtop[i], Etop)

	// Phase 3: Type check function bodies.
	// Don't use range--typecheck can add closures to xtop.
	timings.Start("fe", "typecheck", "func")
	var fcount int64
	for i := 0; i < len(xtop); i++ {
		if xtop[i].Op == ODCLFUNC || xtop[i].Op == OCLOSURE {
			Curfn = xtop[i]
			decldepth = 1
			typecheckslice(Curfn.Nbody.Slice(), Etop)
			if nerrors != 0 {
				Curfn.Nbody.Set(nil) // type errors; do not compile
	timings.AddEvent(fcount, "funcs")

	// Phase 4: Decide how to capture closed variables.
	// This needs to run before escape analysis,
	// because variables captured by value do not escape.
	timings.Start("fe", "capturevars")
	for _, n := range xtop {
		if n.Op == ODCLFUNC && n.Func.Closure != nil {
			Curfn = n

	Curfn = nil

	if nsavederrors+nerrors != 0 {

	// Phase 5: Inlining
	timings.Start("fe", "inlining")
	if Debug['l'] > 1 {
		// Typecheck imported function bodies if debug['l'] > 1,
		// otherwise lazily when used or re-exported.
		for _, n := range importlist {
			if n.Func.Inl.Len() != 0 {

		if nsavederrors+nerrors != 0 {

	if Debug['l'] != 0 {
		// Find functions that can be inlined and clone them before walk expands them.
		visitBottomUp(xtop, func(list []*Node, recursive bool) {
			for _, n := range list {
				if !recursive {
				} else {
					if Debug['m'] > 1 {
						fmt.Printf("%v: cannot inline %v: recursive\n", n.Line(), n.Func.Nname)

	// Phase 6: Escape analysis.
	// Required for moving heap allocations onto stack,
	// which in turn is required by the closure implementation,
	// which stores the addresses of stack variables into the closure.
	// If the closure does not escape, it needs to be on the stack
	// or else the stack copier will not update it.
	// Large values are also moved off stack in escape analysis;
	// because large values may contain pointers, it must happen early.
	timings.Start("fe", "escapes")

	// Phase 7: Transform closure bodies to properly reference captured variables.
	// This needs to happen before walk, because closures must be transformed
	// before walk reaches a call of a closure.
	timings.Start("fe", "xclosures")
	for _, n := range xtop {
		if n.Op == ODCLFUNC && n.Func.Closure != nil {
			Curfn = n

	Curfn = nil

	// Phase 8: Compile top level functions.
	// Don't use range--walk can add functions to xtop.
	timings.Start("be", "compilefuncs")
	fcount = 0
	for i := 0; i < len(xtop); i++ {
		if xtop[i].Op == ODCLFUNC {
	timings.AddEvent(fcount, "funcs")

	if nsavederrors+nerrors == 0 {

	if compiling_runtime {

	// Phase 9: Check external declarations.
	timings.Start("be", "externaldcls")
	for i, n := range externdcl {
		if n.Op == ONAME {
			externdcl[i] = typecheck(externdcl[i], Erv)

	if nerrors+nsavederrors != 0 {

	timings.Start("be", "dumpobj")
	if asmhdr != "" {

	if nerrors+nsavederrors != 0 {


	if benchfile != "" {
		if err := writebench(benchfile); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("cannot write benchmark data: %v", err)
文件: lex.go 项目: tidatida/go
func Main() {
	defer hidePanic()

	// Allow GOARCH=thearch.thestring or GOARCH=thearch.thestringsuffix,
	// but not other values.
	p := obj.Getgoarch()

	if !strings.HasPrefix(p, Thearch.Thestring) {
		log.Fatalf("cannot use %cg with GOARCH=%s", Thearch.Thechar, p)
	goarch = p

	Ctxt = obj.Linknew(Thearch.Thelinkarch)
	Ctxt.Diag = Yyerror
	Ctxt.Bso = &bstdout
	bstdout = *obj.Binitw(os.Stdout)

	localpkg = mkpkg("")
	localpkg.Prefix = "\"\""

	// pseudo-package, for scoping
	builtinpkg = mkpkg("go.builtin")

	builtinpkg.Prefix = "go.builtin" // not go%2ebuiltin

	// pseudo-package, accessed by import "unsafe"
	unsafepkg = mkpkg("unsafe")

	unsafepkg.Name = "unsafe"

	// real package, referred to by generated runtime calls
	Runtimepkg = mkpkg("runtime")

	Runtimepkg.Name = "runtime"

	// pseudo-packages used in symbol tables
	gostringpkg = mkpkg("go.string")

	gostringpkg.Name = "go.string"
	gostringpkg.Prefix = "go.string" // not go%2estring

	itabpkg = mkpkg("go.itab")

	itabpkg.Name = "go.itab"
	itabpkg.Prefix = "go.itab" // not go%2eitab

	weaktypepkg = mkpkg("go.weak.type")

	weaktypepkg.Name = "go.weak.type"
	weaktypepkg.Prefix = "go.weak.type" // not go%2eweak%2etype

	typelinkpkg = mkpkg("go.typelink")
	typelinkpkg.Name = "go.typelink"
	typelinkpkg.Prefix = "go.typelink" // not go%2etypelink

	trackpkg = mkpkg("go.track")

	trackpkg.Name = "go.track"
	trackpkg.Prefix = "go.track" // not go%2etrack

	typepkg = mkpkg("type")

	typepkg.Name = "type"

	goroot = obj.Getgoroot()
	goos = obj.Getgoos()

	Nacl = goos == "nacl"
	if Nacl {
		flag_largemodel = 1

	outfile = ""
	obj.Flagcount("+", "compiling runtime", &compiling_runtime)
	obj.Flagcount("%", "debug non-static initializers", &Debug['%'])
	obj.Flagcount("A", "for bootstrapping, allow 'any' type", &Debug['A'])
	obj.Flagcount("B", "disable bounds checking", &Debug['B'])
	obj.Flagstr("D", "path: set relative path for local imports", &localimport)
	obj.Flagcount("E", "debug symbol export", &Debug['E'])
	obj.Flagfn1("I", "dir: add dir to import search path", addidir)
	obj.Flagcount("K", "debug missing line numbers", &Debug['K'])
	obj.Flagcount("L", "use full (long) path in error messages", &Debug['L'])
	obj.Flagcount("M", "debug move generation", &Debug['M'])
	obj.Flagcount("N", "disable optimizations", &Debug['N'])
	obj.Flagcount("P", "debug peephole optimizer", &Debug['P'])
	obj.Flagcount("R", "debug register optimizer", &Debug['R'])
	obj.Flagcount("S", "print assembly listing", &Debug['S'])
	obj.Flagfn0("V", "print compiler version", doversion)
	obj.Flagcount("W", "debug parse tree after type checking", &Debug['W'])
	obj.Flagstr("asmhdr", "file: write assembly header to named file", &asmhdr)
	obj.Flagcount("complete", "compiling complete package (no C or assembly)", &pure_go)
	obj.Flagstr("d", "list: print debug information about items in list", &debugstr)
	obj.Flagcount("e", "no limit on number of errors reported", &Debug['e'])
	obj.Flagcount("f", "debug stack frames", &Debug['f'])
	obj.Flagcount("g", "debug code generation", &Debug['g'])
	obj.Flagcount("h", "halt on error", &Debug['h'])
	obj.Flagcount("i", "debug line number stack", &Debug['i'])
	obj.Flagstr("installsuffix", "pkg directory suffix", &flag_installsuffix)
	obj.Flagcount("j", "debug runtime-initialized variables", &Debug['j'])
	obj.Flagcount("l", "disable inlining", &Debug['l'])
	obj.Flagcount("live", "debug liveness analysis", &debuglive)
	obj.Flagcount("m", "print optimization decisions", &Debug['m'])
	obj.Flagcount("nolocalimports", "reject local (relative) imports", &nolocalimports)
	obj.Flagstr("o", "obj: set output file", &outfile)
	obj.Flagstr("p", "path: set expected package import path", &myimportpath)
	obj.Flagcount("pack", "write package file instead of object file", &writearchive)
	obj.Flagcount("r", "debug generated wrappers", &Debug['r'])
	obj.Flagcount("race", "enable race detector", &flag_race)
	obj.Flagcount("s", "warn about composite literals that can be simplified", &Debug['s'])
	obj.Flagstr("trimpath", "prefix: remove prefix from recorded source file paths", &Ctxt.Trimpath)
	obj.Flagcount("u", "reject unsafe code", &safemode)
	obj.Flagcount("v", "increase debug verbosity", &Debug['v'])
	obj.Flagcount("w", "debug type checking", &Debug['w'])
	use_writebarrier = 1
	obj.Flagcount("wb", "enable write barrier", &use_writebarrier)
	obj.Flagcount("x", "debug lexer", &Debug['x'])
	obj.Flagcount("y", "debug declarations in canned imports (with -d)", &Debug['y'])
	var flag_shared int
	if Thearch.Thechar == '6' {
		obj.Flagcount("largemodel", "generate code that assumes a large memory model", &flag_largemodel)
		obj.Flagcount("shared", "generate code that can be linked into a shared library", &flag_shared)

	obj.Flagstr("cpuprofile", "file: write cpu profile to file", &cpuprofile)
	obj.Flagstr("memprofile", "file: write memory profile to file", &memprofile)
	Ctxt.Flag_shared = int32(flag_shared)
	Ctxt.Debugasm = int32(Debug['S'])
	Ctxt.Debugvlog = int32(Debug['v'])

	if flag.NArg() < 1 {


	if flag_race != 0 {
		racepkg = mkpkg("runtime/race")
		racepkg.Name = "race"

	// parse -d argument
	if debugstr != "" {
		var j int
		f := strings.Split(debugstr, ",")
		for i := range f {
			if f[i] == "" {
			for j = 0; j < len(debugtab); j++ {
				if debugtab[j].name == f[i] {
					if debugtab[j].val != nil {
						*debugtab[j].val = 1

			if j >= len(debugtab) {
				log.Fatalf("unknown debug information -d '%s'\n", f[i])

	// enable inlining.  for now:
	//	default: inlining on.  (debug['l'] == 1)
	//	-l: inlining off  (debug['l'] == 0)
	//	-ll, -lll: inlining on again, with extra debugging (debug['l'] > 1)
	if Debug['l'] <= 1 {
		Debug['l'] = 1 - Debug['l']

	if Widthptr == 0 {
		Fatal("betypeinit failed")

	// TODO(rsc): Restore yytinit?

	blockgen = 1
	dclcontext = PEXTERN
	nerrors = 0
	lexlineno = 1

	for _, infile = range flag.Args() {
		linehist(infile, 0, 0)

		curio.infile = infile
		var err error
		curio.bin, err = obj.Bopenr(infile)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("open %s: %v\n", infile, err)

		curio.peekc = 0
		curio.peekc1 = 0
		curio.nlsemi = 0
		curio.eofnl = 0
		curio.last = 0

		// Skip initial BOM if present.
		if obj.Bgetrune(curio.bin) != obj.BOM {

		block = 1
		iota_ = -1000000

		imported_unsafe = 0

		if nsyntaxerrors != 0 {

		linehist("<pop>", 0, 0)
		if curio.bin != nil {

	mkpackage(localpkg.Name) // final import not used checks

	typecheckok = 1
	if Debug['f'] != 0 {

	// Process top-level declarations in phases.

	// Phase 1: const, type, and names and types of funcs.
	//   This will gather all the information about types
	//   and methods but doesn't depend on any of it.

	for l := xtop; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op != ODCL && l.N.Op != OAS {
			typecheck(&l.N, Etop)

	// Phase 2: Variable assignments.
	//   To check interface assignments, depends on phase 1.
	for l := xtop; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op == ODCL || l.N.Op == OAS {
			typecheck(&l.N, Etop)

	// Phase 3: Type check function bodies.
	for l := xtop; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op == ODCLFUNC || l.N.Op == OCLOSURE {
			Curfn = l.N
			decldepth = 1
			typechecklist(l.N.Nbody, Etop)
			if nerrors != 0 {
				l.N.Nbody = nil // type errors; do not compile

	// Phase 4: Decide how to capture closed variables.
	// This needs to run before escape analysis,
	// because variables captured by value do not escape.
	for l := xtop; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op == ODCLFUNC && l.N.Closure != nil {
			Curfn = l.N

	Curfn = nil

	if nsavederrors+nerrors != 0 {

	// Phase 5: Inlining
	if Debug['l'] > 1 {
		// Typecheck imported function bodies if debug['l'] > 1,
		// otherwise lazily when used or re-exported.
		for l := importlist; l != nil; l = l.Next {
			if l.N.Func.Inl != nil {

		if nsavederrors+nerrors != 0 {

	if Debug['l'] != 0 {
		// Find functions that can be inlined and clone them before walk expands them.
		visitBottomUp(xtop, func(list *NodeList, recursive bool) {
			for l := list; l != nil; l = l.Next {
				if l.N.Op == ODCLFUNC {

	// Phase 6: Escape analysis.
	// Required for moving heap allocations onto stack,
	// which in turn is required by the closure implementation,
	// which stores the addresses of stack variables into the closure.
	// If the closure does not escape, it needs to be on the stack
	// or else the stack copier will not update it.

	// Escape analysis moved escaped values off stack.
	// Move large values off stack too.

	// Phase 7: Transform closure bodies to properly reference captured variables.
	// This needs to happen before walk, because closures must be transformed
	// before walk reaches a call of a closure.
	for l := xtop; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op == ODCLFUNC && l.N.Closure != nil {
			Curfn = l.N

	Curfn = nil

	// Phase 8: Compile top level functions.
	for l := xtop; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op == ODCLFUNC {

	if nsavederrors+nerrors == 0 {

	// Phase 9: Check external declarations.
	for l := externdcl; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op == ONAME {
			typecheck(&l.N, Erv)

	if nerrors+nsavederrors != 0 {


	if asmhdr != "" {

	if nerrors+nsavederrors != 0 {

文件: lex.go 项目: ckeyer/gosrc
func Main() {
	defer hidePanic()

	// Allow GOARCH=thearch.thestring or GOARCH=thearch.thestringsuffix,
	// but not other values.
	p := obj.Getgoarch()

	if !strings.HasPrefix(p, Thearch.Thestring) {
		log.Fatalf("cannot use %cg with GOARCH=%s", Thearch.Thechar, p)
	goarch = p

	Ctxt = obj.Linknew(Thearch.Thelinkarch)
	Ctxt.DiagFunc = Yyerror
	Ctxt.Bso = &bstdout
	bstdout = *obj.Binitw(os.Stdout)

	localpkg = mkpkg("")
	localpkg.Prefix = "\"\""

	// pseudo-package, for scoping
	builtinpkg = mkpkg("go.builtin")

	builtinpkg.Prefix = "go.builtin" // not go%2ebuiltin

	// pseudo-package, accessed by import "unsafe"
	unsafepkg = mkpkg("unsafe")

	unsafepkg.Name = "unsafe"

	// real package, referred to by generated runtime calls
	Runtimepkg = mkpkg("runtime")

	Runtimepkg.Name = "runtime"

	// pseudo-packages used in symbol tables
	gostringpkg = mkpkg("go.string")

	gostringpkg.Name = "go.string"
	gostringpkg.Prefix = "go.string" // not go%2estring

	itabpkg = mkpkg("go.itab")

	itabpkg.Name = "go.itab"
	itabpkg.Prefix = "go.itab" // not go%2eitab

	weaktypepkg = mkpkg("go.weak.type")

	weaktypepkg.Name = "go.weak.type"
	weaktypepkg.Prefix = "go.weak.type" // not go%2eweak%2etype

	typelinkpkg = mkpkg("go.typelink")
	typelinkpkg.Name = "go.typelink"
	typelinkpkg.Prefix = "go.typelink" // not go%2etypelink

	trackpkg = mkpkg("go.track")

	trackpkg.Name = "go.track"
	trackpkg.Prefix = "go.track" // not go%2etrack

	typepkg = mkpkg("type")

	typepkg.Name = "type"

	goroot = obj.Getgoroot()
	goos = obj.Getgoos()

	Nacl = goos == "nacl"
	if Nacl {
		flag_largemodel = 1

	outfile = ""
	obj.Flagcount("+", "compiling runtime", &compiling_runtime)
	obj.Flagcount("%", "debug non-static initializers", &Debug['%'])
	obj.Flagcount("A", "for bootstrapping, allow 'any' type", &Debug['A'])
	obj.Flagcount("B", "disable bounds checking", &Debug['B'])
	obj.Flagstr("D", "set relative `path` for local imports", &localimport)
	obj.Flagcount("E", "debug symbol export", &Debug['E'])
	obj.Flagfn1("I", "add `directory` to import search path", addidir)
	obj.Flagcount("K", "debug missing line numbers", &Debug['K'])
	obj.Flagcount("L", "use full (long) path in error messages", &Debug['L'])
	obj.Flagcount("M", "debug move generation", &Debug['M'])
	obj.Flagcount("N", "disable optimizations", &Debug['N'])
	obj.Flagcount("P", "debug peephole optimizer", &Debug['P'])
	obj.Flagcount("R", "debug register optimizer", &Debug['R'])
	obj.Flagcount("S", "print assembly listing", &Debug['S'])
	obj.Flagfn0("V", "print compiler version", doversion)
	obj.Flagcount("W", "debug parse tree after type checking", &Debug['W'])
	obj.Flagstr("asmhdr", "write assembly header to `file`", &asmhdr)
	obj.Flagstr("buildid", "record `id` as the build id in the export metadata", &buildid)
	obj.Flagcount("complete", "compiling complete package (no C or assembly)", &pure_go)
	obj.Flagstr("d", "print debug information about items in `list`", &debugstr)
	obj.Flagcount("e", "no limit on number of errors reported", &Debug['e'])
	obj.Flagcount("f", "debug stack frames", &Debug['f'])
	obj.Flagcount("g", "debug code generation", &Debug['g'])
	obj.Flagcount("h", "halt on error", &Debug['h'])
	obj.Flagcount("i", "debug line number stack", &Debug['i'])
	obj.Flagfn1("importmap", "add `definition` of the form source=actual to import map", addImportMap)
	obj.Flagstr("installsuffix", "set pkg directory `suffix`", &flag_installsuffix)
	obj.Flagcount("j", "debug runtime-initialized variables", &Debug['j'])
	obj.Flagcount("l", "disable inlining", &Debug['l'])
	obj.Flagcount("live", "debug liveness analysis", &debuglive)
	obj.Flagcount("m", "print optimization decisions", &Debug['m'])
	obj.Flagcount("msan", "build code compatible with C/C++ memory sanitizer", &flag_msan)
	obj.Flagcount("newexport", "use new export format", &newexport) // TODO(gri) remove eventually (issue 13241)
	obj.Flagcount("nolocalimports", "reject local (relative) imports", &nolocalimports)
	obj.Flagstr("o", "write output to `file`", &outfile)
	obj.Flagstr("p", "set expected package import `path`", &myimportpath)
	obj.Flagcount("pack", "write package file instead of object file", &writearchive)
	obj.Flagcount("r", "debug generated wrappers", &Debug['r'])
	obj.Flagcount("race", "enable race detector", &flag_race)
	obj.Flagcount("s", "warn about composite literals that can be simplified", &Debug['s'])
	obj.Flagstr("trimpath", "remove `prefix` from recorded source file paths", &Ctxt.LineHist.TrimPathPrefix)
	obj.Flagcount("u", "reject unsafe code", &safemode)
	obj.Flagcount("v", "increase debug verbosity", &Debug['v'])
	obj.Flagcount("w", "debug type checking", &Debug['w'])
	use_writebarrier = 1
	obj.Flagcount("wb", "enable write barrier", &use_writebarrier)
	obj.Flagcount("x", "debug lexer", &Debug['x'])
	obj.Flagcount("y", "debug declarations in canned imports (with -d)", &Debug['y'])
	var flag_shared int
	var flag_dynlink bool
	switch Thearch.Thechar {
	case '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
		obj.Flagcount("shared", "generate code that can be linked into a shared library", &flag_shared)
	if Thearch.Thechar == '6' {
		obj.Flagcount("largemodel", "generate code that assumes a large memory model", &flag_largemodel)
	switch Thearch.Thechar {
	case '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
		flag.BoolVar(&flag_dynlink, "dynlink", false, "support references to Go symbols defined in other shared libraries")
	obj.Flagstr("cpuprofile", "write cpu profile to `file`", &cpuprofile)
	obj.Flagstr("memprofile", "write memory profile to `file`", &memprofile)
	obj.Flagint64("memprofilerate", "set runtime.MemProfileRate to `rate`", &memprofilerate)

	if flag_dynlink {
		flag_shared = 1
	Ctxt.Flag_shared = int32(flag_shared)
	Ctxt.Flag_dynlink = flag_dynlink

	Ctxt.Debugasm = int32(Debug['S'])
	Ctxt.Debugvlog = int32(Debug['v'])

	if flag.NArg() < 1 {


	if flag_race != 0 {
		racepkg = mkpkg("runtime/race")
		racepkg.Name = "race"
	if flag_msan != 0 {
		msanpkg = mkpkg("runtime/msan")
		msanpkg.Name = "msan"
	if flag_race != 0 && flag_msan != 0 {
		log.Fatal("can not use both -race and -msan")
	} else if flag_race != 0 || flag_msan != 0 {
		instrumenting = true

	// parse -d argument
	if debugstr != "" {
		for _, name := range strings.Split(debugstr, ",") {
			if name == "" {
			val := 1
			if i := strings.Index(name, "="); i >= 0 {
				var err error
				val, err = strconv.Atoi(name[i+1:])
				if err != nil {
					log.Fatalf("invalid debug value %v", name)
				name = name[:i]
			for _, t := range debugtab {
				if t.name == name {
					if t.val != nil {
						*t.val = val
						continue Split
			log.Fatalf("unknown debug key -d %s\n", name)

	// enable inlining.  for now:
	//	default: inlining on.  (debug['l'] == 1)
	//	-l: inlining off  (debug['l'] == 0)
	//	-ll, -lll: inlining on again, with extra debugging (debug['l'] > 1)
	if Debug['l'] <= 1 {
		Debug['l'] = 1 - Debug['l']

	if Widthptr == 0 {
		Fatalf("betypeinit failed")


	blockgen = 1
	dclcontext = PEXTERN
	nerrors = 0
	lexlineno = 1
	const BOM = 0xFEFF

	for _, infile = range flag.Args() {
		if trace && Debug['x'] != 0 {
			fmt.Printf("--- %s ---\n", infile)


		curio.infile = infile
		var err error
		curio.bin, err = obj.Bopenr(infile)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("open %s: %v\n", infile, err)

		curio.peekc = 0
		curio.peekc1 = 0
		curio.nlsemi = false
		curio.eofnl = false
		curio.last = 0

		// Skip initial BOM if present.
		if obj.Bgetrune(curio.bin) != BOM {

		block = 1
		iota_ = -1000000

		imported_unsafe = false

		if nsyntaxerrors != 0 {

		if curio.bin != nil {

	mkpackage(localpkg.Name) // final import not used checks

	typecheckok = true
	if Debug['f'] != 0 {

	// Process top-level declarations in phases.

	// Phase 1: const, type, and names and types of funcs.
	//   This will gather all the information about types
	//   and methods but doesn't depend on any of it.

	for l := xtop; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op != ODCL && l.N.Op != OAS && l.N.Op != OAS2 {
			typecheck(&l.N, Etop)

	// Phase 2: Variable assignments.
	//   To check interface assignments, depends on phase 1.
	for l := xtop; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op == ODCL || l.N.Op == OAS || l.N.Op == OAS2 {
			typecheck(&l.N, Etop)

	// Phase 3: Type check function bodies.
	for l := xtop; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op == ODCLFUNC || l.N.Op == OCLOSURE {
			Curfn = l.N
			decldepth = 1
			typechecklist(l.N.Nbody, Etop)
			if nerrors != 0 {
				l.N.Nbody = nil // type errors; do not compile

	// Phase 4: Decide how to capture closed variables.
	// This needs to run before escape analysis,
	// because variables captured by value do not escape.
	for l := xtop; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op == ODCLFUNC && l.N.Func.Closure != nil {
			Curfn = l.N

	Curfn = nil

	if nsavederrors+nerrors != 0 {

	// Phase 5: Inlining
	if Debug['l'] > 1 {
		// Typecheck imported function bodies if debug['l'] > 1,
		// otherwise lazily when used or re-exported.
		for _, n := range importlist {
			if n.Func.Inl != nil {

		if nsavederrors+nerrors != 0 {

	if Debug['l'] != 0 {
		// Find functions that can be inlined and clone them before walk expands them.
		visitBottomUp(xtop, func(list []*Node, recursive bool) {
			// TODO: use a range statement here if the order does not matter
			for i := len(list) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
				n := list[i]
				if n.Op == ODCLFUNC {

	// Phase 6: Escape analysis.
	// Required for moving heap allocations onto stack,
	// which in turn is required by the closure implementation,
	// which stores the addresses of stack variables into the closure.
	// If the closure does not escape, it needs to be on the stack
	// or else the stack copier will not update it.
	// Large values are also moved off stack in escape analysis;
	// because large values may contain pointers, it must happen early.

	// Phase 7: Transform closure bodies to properly reference captured variables.
	// This needs to happen before walk, because closures must be transformed
	// before walk reaches a call of a closure.
	for l := xtop; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op == ODCLFUNC && l.N.Func.Closure != nil {
			Curfn = l.N

	Curfn = nil

	// Phase 8: Compile top level functions.
	for l := xtop; l != nil; l = l.Next {
		if l.N.Op == ODCLFUNC {

	if nsavederrors+nerrors == 0 {

	if compiling_runtime != 0 {

	// Phase 9: Check external declarations.
	for i, n := range externdcl {
		if n.Op == ONAME {
			typecheck(&externdcl[i], Erv)

	if nerrors+nsavederrors != 0 {


	if asmhdr != "" {

	if nerrors+nsavederrors != 0 {
