Domain: models.DomainFields{ Name: "", }, }} app2Routes := []models.RouteSummary{ { Host: "app2", Domain: models.DomainFields{Name: ""}, }} app := models.Application{} app.Name = "Application-1" app.GUID = "Application-1-guid" app.State = "started" app.RunningInstances = 1 app.InstanceCount = 1 app.Memory = 512 app.DiskQuota = 1024 app.Routes = app1Routes app.AppPorts = []int{8080, 9090} app2 := models.Application{} app2.Name = "Application-2" app2.GUID = "Application-2-guid" app2.State = "started" app2.RunningInstances = 1 app2.InstanceCount = 2 app2.Memory = 256 app2.DiskQuota = 1024 app2.Routes = app2Routes
[]string{"requested state: started"}, []string{"instances: 1/1"}, // Commented to hide app-ports for release #117189491 // []string{"app ports: 8080, 9090"}, []string{"usage: 1G x 1 instances"}, []string{"urls: fake-route-host.fake-route-domain-name"}, []string{"last uploaded: Thu Nov 19 01:00:15 UTC 2015"}, []string{"stack: fake-stack-name"}, // buildpack tested separately []string{"#0", "running", "2015-11-19 01:01:17 AM", "25.0%", "24M of 32M", "1G of 2G"}, )) }) Context("when getting the application summary fails because the app is stopped", func() { BeforeEach(func() { getAppSummaryModel.RunningInstances = 0 getAppSummaryModel.InstanceCount = 1 getAppSummaryModel.State = "stopped" appSummaryRepo.GetSummaryReturns(getAppSummaryModel, errors.NewHTTPError(400, errors.InstancesError, "error")) }) It("prints appropriate output", func() { Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(ui.Outputs()).To(ContainSubstrings( []string{"Showing health and status", "fake-app-name", "my-org", "my-space", "my-user"}, []string{"state", "stopped"}, []string{"instances", "0/1"}, []string{"usage", "1G x 1 instances"}, []string{"There are no running instances of this app."}, )) })