func (cmd *MapRoute) Requirements(requirementsFactory requirements.Factory, fc flags.FlagContext) ([]requirements.Requirement, error) {
	if len(fc.Args()) != 2 {
		cmd.ui.Failed(T("Incorrect Usage. Requires APP_NAME and DOMAIN as arguments\n\n") + commandregistry.Commands.CommandUsage("map-route"))
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Incorrect usage: %d arguments of %d required", len(fc.Args()), 2)

	if fc.IsSet("port") && (fc.IsSet("hostname") || fc.IsSet("path")) {
		cmd.ui.Failed(T("Cannot specify port together with hostname and/or path."))
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot specify port together with hostname and/or path.")

	if fc.IsSet("random-port") && (fc.IsSet("port") || fc.IsSet("hostname") || fc.IsSet("path")) {
		cmd.ui.Failed(T("Cannot specify random-port together with port, hostname and/or path."))
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot specify random-port together with port, hostname and/or path.")

	appName := fc.Args()[0]
	domainName := fc.Args()[1]

	requirement := requirementsFactory.NewApplicationRequirement(appName)
	cmd.appReq = requirement

	cmd.domainReq = requirementsFactory.NewDomainRequirement(domainName)

	var reqs []requirements.Requirement

	if fc.String("path") != "" {
		reqs = append(reqs, requirementsFactory.NewMinAPIVersionRequirement("Option '--path'", cf.RoutePathMinimumAPIVersion))

	var flag string
	switch {
	case fc.IsSet("port"):
		flag = "port"
	case fc.IsSet("random-port"):
		flag = "random-port"

	if flag != "" {
		reqs = append(reqs, requirementsFactory.NewMinAPIVersionRequirement(fmt.Sprintf("Option '--%s'", flag), cf.TCPRoutingMinimumAPIVersion))
		reqs = append(reqs, requirementsFactory.NewDiegoApplicationRequirement(appName))

	reqs = append(reqs, []requirements.Requirement{

	return reqs, nil