文件: store.go 项目: shawnps/kanjihub
// NewCookieStore returns a new CookieStore.
// Keys are defined in pairs to allow key rotation, but the common case is
// to set a single authentication key and optionally an encryption key.
// The first key in a pair is used for authentication and the second for
// encryption. The encryption key can be set to nil or omitted in the last
// pair, but the authentication key is required in all pairs.
// It is recommended to use an authentication key with 32 or 64 bytes.
// The encryption key, if set, must be either 16, 24, or 32 bytes to select
// AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256 modes.
// Use the convenience function securecookie.GenerateRandomKey() to create
// strong keys.
func NewCookieStore(keyPairs ...[]byte) *CookieStore {
	return &CookieStore{
		Codecs: securecookie.CodecsFromPairs(keyPairs...),
		Options: &Options{
			Path:   "/",
			MaxAge: 86400 * 30,
文件: session.go 项目: eramus/discuss
func newRedisStore(keyPairs ...[]byte) *redisStore {
	return &redisStore{
		Codecs: securecookie.CodecsFromPairs(keyPairs...),
		Options: &sessions.Options{
			Path:   "/",
			MaxAge: sessionExpire,
// NewDatastoreStore returns a new DatastoreStore.
// The kind argument is the kind name used to store the session data.
// If empty it will use "Session".
// See NewCookieStore() for a description of the other parameters.
func NewDatastoreStore(kind string, keyPairs ...[]byte) *DatastoreStore {
	if kind == "" {
		kind = "Session"
	return &DatastoreStore{
		Codecs: securecookie.CodecsFromPairs(keyPairs...),
		Options: &sessions.Options{
			Path:   "/",
			MaxAge: 86400 * 30,
		kind: kind,
// NewMemcacheStore returns a new MemcacheStore.
// The keyPrefix argument is the prefix used for memcache keys. If empty it
// will use "gorilla.appengine.sessions.".
// See NewCookieStore() for a description of the other parameters.
func NewMemcacheStore(keyPrefix string, keyPairs ...[]byte) *MemcacheStore {
	if keyPrefix == "" {
		keyPrefix = "gorilla.appengine.sessions."
	return &MemcacheStore{
		Codecs: securecookie.CodecsFromPairs(keyPairs...),
		Options: &sessions.Options{
			Path:   "/",
			MaxAge: 86400 * 30,
		prefix: keyPrefix,
func NewMongoStore(DBCollection *mgo.Collection, keyPairs ...[]byte) *MongoStore {
	index := mgo.Index{Unique: true, Key: []string{"sessionid"}}

	return &MongoStore{
		Codecs: securecookie.CodecsFromPairs(keyPairs...),
		Options: &sessions.Options{
			Path:   "/",
			MaxAge: 86400 * 30,
		DBCollection: DBCollection,
文件: store.go 项目: shawnps/kanjihub
// NewFilesystemStore returns a new FilesystemStore.
// The path argument is the directory where sessions will be saved. If empty
// it will use os.TempDir().
// See NewCookieStore() for a description of the other parameters.
func NewFilesystemStore(path string, keyPairs ...[]byte) *FilesystemStore {
	if path == "" {
		path = os.TempDir()
	if path[len(path)-1] != '/' {
		path += "/"
	return &FilesystemStore{
		Codecs: securecookie.CodecsFromPairs(keyPairs...),
		Options: &Options{
			Path:   "/",
			MaxAge: 86400 * 30,
		path: path,