// Builds a single target
func buildTarget(tid int, state *core.BuildState, target *core.BuildTarget) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			if e, ok := r.(error); ok {
				err = e
			} else {
				err = fmt.Errorf("%s", r)

	if err := target.CheckDependencyVisibility(state.Graph); err != nil {
		return err
	// We can't do this check until build time, until then we don't know what all the outputs
	// will be (eg. for filegroups that collect outputs of other rules).
	if err := target.CheckDuplicateOutputs(); err != nil {
		return err
	// This must run before we can leave this function successfully by any path.
	if target.PreBuildFunction != 0 {
		log.Debug("Running pre-build function for %s", target.Label)
		if err := parse.RunPreBuildFunction(tid, state, target); err != nil {
			return err
		log.Debug("Finished pre-build function for %s", target.Label)
	state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetBuilding, "Preparing...")
	var postBuildOutput string
	if state.PrepareOnly && state.IsOriginalTarget(target.Label) {
		if target.IsFilegroup() {
			return fmt.Errorf("Filegroup targets don't have temporary directories")
		if err := prepareDirectories(target); err != nil {
			return err
		if err := prepareSources(state.Graph, target); err != nil {
			return err
		return stopTarget
	if !needsBuilding(state, target, false) {
		log.Debug("Not rebuilding %s, nothing's changed", target.Label)
		postBuildOutput = runPostBuildFunctionIfNeeded(tid, state, target)
		// If a post-build function ran it may modify the rule definition. In that case we
		// need to check again whether the rule needs building.
		if target.PostBuildFunction == 0 || !needsBuilding(state, target, true) {
			state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetCached, "Unchanged")
			return nil // Nothing needs to be done.
		} else {
			log.Debug("Rebuilding %s after post-build function", target.Label)
	if target.IsFilegroup() {
		log.Debug("Building %s...", target.Label)
		return buildFilegroup(tid, state, target)
	oldOutputHash, outputHashErr := OutputHash(target)
	if err := prepareDirectories(target); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error preparing directories for %s: %s", target.Label, err)

	retrieveArtifacts := func() bool {
		state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetBuilding, "Checking cache...")
		if _, retrieved := retrieveFromCache(state, target); retrieved {
			log.Debug("Retrieved artifacts for %s from cache", target.Label)
			checkLicences(state, target)
			newOutputHash, err := calculateAndCheckRuleHash(state, target)
			if err != nil { // Most likely hash verification failure
				log.Warning("Error retrieving cached artifacts for %s: %s", target.Label, err)
				return false
			} else if outputHashErr != nil || !bytes.Equal(oldOutputHash, newOutputHash) {
				state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetCached, "Cached")
			} else {
				state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetCached, "Cached (unchanged)")
			return true // got from cache
		return false

	cacheKey := mustShortTargetHash(state, target)
	if state.Cache != nil {
		// Note that ordering here is quite sensitive since the post-build function can modify
		// what we would retrieve from the cache.
		if target.PostBuildFunction != 0 {
			log.Debug("Checking for post-build output file for %s in cache...", target.Label)
			if (*state.Cache).RetrieveExtra(target, cacheKey, core.PostBuildOutputFileName(target)) {
				postBuildOutput = runPostBuildFunctionIfNeeded(tid, state, target)
				if retrieveArtifacts() {
					return nil
		} else if retrieveArtifacts() {
			return nil
	if err := prepareSources(state.Graph, target); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error preparing sources for %s: %s", target.Label, err)

	state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetBuilding, target.BuildingDescription)
	replacedCmd := replaceSequences(target)
	env := core.StampedBuildEnvironment(state, target, false, cacheKey)
	log.Debug("Building target %s\nENVIRONMENT:\n%s\n%s", target.Label, strings.Join(env, "\n"), replacedCmd)
	out, combined, err := core.ExecWithTimeoutShell(target.TmpDir(), env, target.BuildTimeout, state.Config.Build.Timeout, state.ShowAllOutput, replacedCmd)
	if err != nil {
		if state.Verbosity >= 4 {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error building target %s: %s\nENVIRONMENT:\n%s\n%s\n%s",
				target.Label, err, strings.Join(env, "\n"), target.GetCommand(), combined)
		return fmt.Errorf("Error building target %s: %s\n%s", target.Label, err, combined)
	if target.PostBuildFunction != 0 {
		out = bytes.TrimSpace(out)
		sout := string(out)
		if postBuildOutput != "" {
			// We've already run the post-build function once, it's not safe to do it again (e.g. if adding new
			// targets, it will likely fail). Theoretically it should get the same output this time and hence would
			// do the same thing, since it had all the same inputs.
			// Obviously we can't be 100% sure that will be the case, so issue a warning if not...
			if postBuildOutput != sout {
				log.Warning("The build output for %s differs from what we got back from the cache earlier.\n"+
					"This implies your target's output is nondeterministic; Please won't re-run the\n"+
					"post-build function, which will *probably* be okay, but Please can't be sure.\n"+
					"See https://github.com/thought-machine/please/issues/113 for more information.", target.Label)
				log.Debug("Cached build output for %s: %s\n\nNew build output: %s",
					target.Label, postBuildOutput, sout)
		} else if err := parse.RunPostBuildFunction(tid, state, target, sout); err != nil {
			return err
		storePostBuildOutput(state, target, out)
	checkLicences(state, target)
	state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetBuilding, "Collecting outputs...")
	extraOuts, outputsChanged, err := moveOutputs(state, target)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error moving outputs for target %s: %s", target.Label, err)
	if _, err = calculateAndCheckRuleHash(state, target); err != nil {
		return err
	if outputsChanged {
	} else {
	if state.Cache != nil {
		state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetBuilding, "Storing...")
		newCacheKey := mustShortTargetHash(state, target)
		(*state.Cache).Store(target, newCacheKey)
		if target.PostBuildFunction != 0 {
			// NB. Important this is stored with the earlier hash - if we calculate the hash
			//     now, it might be different, and we could of course never retrieve it again.
			(*state.Cache).StoreExtra(target, cacheKey, core.PostBuildOutputFileName(target))
		for _, out := range extraOuts {
			(*state.Cache).StoreExtra(target, newCacheKey, out)
	// Clean up the temporary directory once it's done.
	if state.CleanWorkdirs {
		if err := os.RemoveAll(target.TmpDir()); err != nil {
			log.Warning("Failed to remove temporary directory for %s: %s", target.Label, err)
	if outputsChanged {
		state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetBuilt, "Built")
	} else {
		state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetBuilt, "Built (unchanged)")
	return nil
func addTarget(state *core.BuildState, i int) *core.BuildTarget {
	// Create and add a new target, with a parent and a dependency.
	target := core.NewBuildTarget(label(i))
	target.Command = "__FILEGROUP__" // Will mean it doesn't have to shell out to anything.
	if i <= size {
		if i > 10 {
			target.Flakiness = i // Stash this here, will be useful later.
			target.PostBuildFunction = reflect.ValueOf(&postBuildFunc).Pointer()
		if i < size/10 {
			for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
				dep := label(i*10 + j)
				log.Info("Adding dependency %s -> %s", target.Label, dep)
				state.Graph.AddDependency(target.Label, dep)
		} else {
			// These are buildable now
			state.AddPendingBuild(target.Label, false)
	return target
// prepareAndRunTest sets up a test directory and runs the test.
func prepareAndRunTest(tid int, state *core.BuildState, target *core.BuildTarget) (out []byte, err error) {
	if err = prepareTestDir(state.Graph, target); err != nil {
		state.LogBuildError(tid, target.Label, core.TargetTestFailed, err, "Failed to prepare test directory for %s: %s", target.Label, err)
		return []byte{}, err
	return runPossiblyContainerisedTest(state, target)
func Test(tid int, state *core.BuildState, label core.BuildLabel) {
	state.LogBuildResult(tid, label, core.TargetTesting, "Testing...")
	startTime := time.Now()
	target := state.Graph.TargetOrDie(label)
	test(tid, state, label, target)
	metrics.Record(target, time.Since(startTime))
// setWindowTitle sets the title of the current shell window based on the current build state.
func setWindowTitle(state *core.BuildState) {
	if state == nil {
		SetWindowTitle("plz: finishing up")
	} else {
		SetWindowTitle(fmt.Sprintf("plz: %d / %d tasks, %3.1fs", state.NumDone(), state.NumActive(), time.Since(startTime).Seconds()))
func printLines(state *core.BuildState, buildingTargets []buildingTarget, maxLines, cols int) {
	now := time.Now()
	printf("Building [%d/%d, %3.1fs]:\n", state.NumDone(), state.NumActive(), time.Since(startTime).Seconds())
	for i := 0; i < len(buildingTargets) && i < maxLines; i++ {
		// Take a local copy of the structure, which isn't *that* big, so we don't need to retain the lock
		// while we do potentially blocking things like printing.
		target := buildingTargets[i].buildingTargetData
		label := target.Label.Parent()
		if target.Active {
			lprintf(cols, "${BOLD_WHITE}=> [%4.1fs] ${RESET}%s%s ${BOLD_WHITE}%s${ERASE_AFTER}\n",
				now.Sub(target.Started).Seconds(), target.Colour, label, target.Description)
		} else if time.Since(target.Finished).Seconds() < 0.5 {
			// Only display finished targets for half a second after they're done.
			duration := target.Finished.Sub(target.Started).Seconds()
			if target.Failed {
				lprintf(cols, "${BOLD_RED}=> [%4.1fs] ${RESET}%s%s ${BOLD_RED}Failed${ERASE_AFTER}\n",
					duration, target.Colour, label)
			} else if target.Cached {
				lprintf(cols, "${BOLD_WHITE}=> [%4.1fs] ${RESET}%s%s ${BOLD_GREY}%s${ERASE_AFTER}\n",
					duration, target.Colour, label, target.Description)
			} else {
				lprintf(cols, "${BOLD_WHITE}=> [%4.1fs] ${RESET}%s%s ${WHITE}%s${ERASE_AFTER}\n",
					duration, target.Colour, label, target.Description)
		} else {
func printBuildResults(state *core.BuildState, duration float64) {
	// Count incrementality.
	totalBuilt := 0
	totalReused := 0
	for _, target := range state.Graph.AllTargets() {
		if target.State() == core.Built {
		} else if target.State() == core.Reused {
	incrementality := 100.0 * float64(totalReused) / float64(totalBuilt+totalReused)
	if totalBuilt+totalReused == 0 {
		incrementality = 100 // avoid NaN
	// Print this stuff so we always see it.
	printf("Build finished; total time %0.2fs, incrementality %.1f%%. Outputs:\n", duration, incrementality)
	for _, label := range state.ExpandOriginalTargets() {
		target := state.Graph.TargetOrDie(label)
		fmt.Printf("%s:\n", label)
		for _, result := range buildResult(target) {
			fmt.Printf("  %s\n", result)
func findOriginalTask(state *core.BuildState, target core.BuildLabel) {
	if target.IsAllSubpackages() {
		for pkg := range utils.FindAllSubpackages(state.Config, target.PackageName, "") {
			state.AddOriginalTarget(core.NewBuildLabel(pkg, "all"))
	} else {
func MonitorState(state *core.BuildState, numThreads int, plainOutput, keepGoing, shouldBuild, shouldTest, shouldRun bool, traceFile string) bool {
	failedTargetMap := map[core.BuildLabel]error{}
	buildingTargets := make([]buildingTarget, numThreads, numThreads)

	displayDone := make(chan interface{})
	stop := make(chan interface{})
	if !plainOutput {
		go display(state, &buildingTargets, stop, displayDone)
	aggregatedResults := core.TestResults{}
	failedTargets := []core.BuildLabel{}
	failedNonTests := []core.BuildLabel{}
	for result := range state.Results {
		processResult(state, result, buildingTargets, &aggregatedResults, plainOutput, keepGoing, &failedTargets, &failedNonTests, failedTargetMap, traceFile != "")
	if !plainOutput {
		stop <- struct{}{}
	if traceFile != "" {
	duration := time.Since(startTime).Seconds()
	if len(failedNonTests) > 0 { // Something failed in the build step.
		if state.Verbosity > 0 {
			printFailedBuildResults(failedNonTests, failedTargetMap, duration)
		// Die immediately and unsuccessfully, this avoids awkward interactions with
		// --failing_tests_ok later on.
	// Check all the targets we wanted to build actually have been built.
	for _, label := range state.ExpandOriginalTargets() {
		if target := state.Graph.Target(label); target == nil {
			log.Fatalf("Target %s doesn't exist in build graph", label)
		} else if (state.NeedHashesOnly || state.PrepareOnly) && target.State() == core.Stopped {
			// Do nothing, we will output about this shortly.
		} else if shouldBuild && target != nil && target.State() < core.Built && len(failedTargetMap) == 0 {
			cycle := graphCycleMessage(state.Graph, target)
			log.Fatalf("Target %s hasn't built but we have no pending tasks left.\n%s", label, cycle)
	if state.Verbosity > 0 && shouldBuild {
		if shouldTest { // Got to the test phase, report their results.
			printTestResults(state, aggregatedResults, failedTargets, duration)
		} else if state.NeedHashesOnly {
			printHashes(state, duration)
		} else if state.PrepareOnly {
			printTempDirs(state, duration)
		} else if !shouldRun { // Must be plz build or similar, report build outputs.
			printBuildResults(state, duration)
	return len(failedTargetMap) == 0
func printTempDirs(state *core.BuildState, duration float64) {
	fmt.Printf("Temp directories prepared, total time %0.2fs:\n", duration)
	for _, label := range state.ExpandOriginalTargets() {
		target := state.Graph.TargetOrDie(label)
		cmd := build.ReplaceSequences(target, target.GetCommand())
		env := core.BuildEnvironment(state, target, false)
		fmt.Printf("  %s: %s\n", label, target.TmpDir())
		fmt.Printf("    Command: %s\n", cmd)
		fmt.Printf("   Expanded: %s\n", os.Expand(cmd, core.ReplaceEnvironment(env)))
func printHashes(state *core.BuildState, duration float64) {
	fmt.Printf("Hashes calculated, total time %0.2fs:\n", duration)
	for _, label := range state.ExpandOriginalTargets() {
		hash, err := build.OutputHash(state.Graph.TargetOrDie(label))
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("  %s: cannot calculate: %s\n", label, err)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("  %s: %s\n", label, hex.EncodeToString(hash))
// findOriginalTasks finds the original parse tasks for the original set of targets.
func findOriginalTasks(state *core.BuildState, targets []core.BuildLabel) {
	for _, target := range targets {
		if target == core.BuildLabelStdin {
			for label := range utils.ReadStdin() {
				findOriginalTask(state, core.ParseBuildLabels([]string{label})[0])
		} else {
			findOriginalTask(state, target)
	state.TaskDone() // initial target adding counts as one.
func logTestSuccess(state *core.BuildState, tid int, label core.BuildLabel, results core.TestResults, coverage core.TestCoverage) {
	var description string
	tests := pluralise("test", results.NumTests)
	if results.Skipped != 0 || results.ExpectedFailures != 0 {
		failures := pluralise("failure", results.ExpectedFailures)
		description = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s passed. %d skipped, %d expected %s",
			results.NumTests, tests, results.Skipped, results.ExpectedFailures, failures)
	} else {
		description = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s passed.", results.NumTests, tests)
	state.LogTestResult(tid, label, core.TargetTested, results, coverage, nil, description)
func Build(tid int, state *core.BuildState, label core.BuildLabel) {
	start := time.Now()
	target := state.Graph.TargetOrDie(label)
	if err := buildTarget(tid, state, target); err != nil {
		if err == stopTarget {
			state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetBuildStopped, "Build stopped")
		state.LogBuildError(tid, label, core.TargetBuildFailed, err, "Build failed: %s", err)
		if err := RemoveOutputs(target); err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to remove outputs for %s: %s", target.Label, err)
	metrics.Record(target, time.Since(start))

	// Add any of the reverse deps that are now fully built to the queue.
	for _, reverseDep := range state.Graph.ReverseDependencies(target) {
		if reverseDep.State() == core.Active && state.Graph.AllDepsBuilt(reverseDep) && reverseDep.SyncUpdateState(core.Active, core.Pending) {
			state.AddPendingBuild(reverseDep.Label, false)
	if target.IsTest && state.NeedTests {
	parse.UndeferAnyParses(state, target)
// please mimics the core build 'loop' from src/please.go.
func please(tid int, state *core.BuildState) {
	for {
		label, _, t := state.NextTask()
		switch t {
		case core.Stop, core.Kill:
		case core.Build:
			Build(tid, state, label)
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected task type: %d", t))
func updateTarget(state *core.BuildState, plainOutput bool, buildingTarget *buildingTarget, label core.BuildLabel,
	active bool, failed bool, cached bool, description string, err error, colour string) {
	updateTarget2(buildingTarget, label, active, failed, cached, description, err, colour)
	if plainOutput {
		if failed {
			log.Errorf("%s: %s", label.String(), description)
		} else {
			if !active {
				active := pluralise(state.NumActive(), "task", "tasks")
				log.Notice("[%d/%s] %s: %s [%3.1fs]", state.NumDone(), active, label.String(), description, time.Now().Sub(buildingTarget.Started).Seconds())
			} else {
				log.Info("%s: %s", label.String(), description)
func please(tid int, state *core.BuildState, parsePackageOnly bool, include, exclude []string) {
	for {
		label, dependor, t := state.NextTask()
		switch t {
		case core.Stop, core.Kill:
		case core.Parse, core.SubincludeParse:
			parse.Parse(tid, state, label, dependor, parsePackageOnly, include, exclude)
		case core.Build, core.SubincludeBuild:
			build.Build(tid, state, label)
		case core.Test:
			test.Test(tid, state, label)
// Return true if the rule needs building, false if the existing outputs are OK.
func needsBuilding(state *core.BuildState, target *core.BuildTarget, postBuild bool) bool {
	// Check the dependencies first, because they don't need any disk I/O.
	if target.NeedsTransitiveDependencies {
		if anyDependencyHasChanged(target) {
			return true // one of the transitive deps has changed, need to rebuild
	} else {
		for _, dep := range target.Dependencies() {
			if dep.State() < core.Unchanged {
				log.Debug("Need to rebuild %s, %s has changed", target.Label, dep.Label)
				return true // dependency has just been rebuilt, do this too.
	oldRuleHash, oldConfigHash, oldSourceHash := readRuleHashFile(ruleHashFileName(target), postBuild)
	if !bytes.Equal(oldConfigHash, state.Hashes.Config) {
		if len(oldConfigHash) == 0 {
			// Small nicety to make it a bit clearer what's going on.
			log.Debug("Need to build %s, outputs aren't there", target.Label)
		} else {
			log.Debug("Need to rebuild %s, config has changed (was %s, need %s)", target.Label, b64(oldConfigHash), b64(state.Hashes.Config))
		return true
	newRuleHash := RuleHash(target, false, postBuild)
	if !bytes.Equal(oldRuleHash, newRuleHash) {
		log.Debug("Need to rebuild %s, rule has changed (was %s, need %s)", target.Label, b64(oldRuleHash), b64(newRuleHash))
		return true
	newSourceHash, err := sourceHash(state.Graph, target)
	if err != nil || !bytes.Equal(oldSourceHash, newSourceHash) {
		log.Debug("Need to rebuild %s, sources have changed (was %s, need %s)", target.Label, b64(oldSourceHash), b64(newSourceHash))
		return true
	// Check the outputs of this rule exist. This would only happen if the user had
	// removed them but it's incredibly aggravating if you remove an output and the
	// rule won't rebuild itself.
	for _, output := range target.Outputs() {
		realOutput := path.Join(target.OutDir(), output)
		if !core.PathExists(realOutput) {
			log.Debug("Output %s doesn't exist for rule %s; will rebuild.", realOutput, target.Label)
			return true
	// Maybe we've forced a rebuild. Do this last; might be interesting to see if it needed building anyway.
	return state.ForceRebuild && (state.IsOriginalTarget(target.Label) || state.IsOriginalTarget(target.Label.Parent()))
// UndeferAnyParses un-defers the parsing of a package if it depended on some subinclude target being built.
func UndeferAnyParses(state *core.BuildState, target *core.BuildTarget) {
	defer pendingTargetMutex.Unlock()
	if m, present := deferredParses[target.Label.PackageName]; present {
		if s, present := m[target.Label.Name]; present {
			for _, deferredPackageName := range s {
				log.Debug("Undeferring parse of %s", deferredPackageName)
					core.BuildLabel{PackageName: deferredPackageName, Name: getDependingTarget(deferredPackageName)},
					core.BuildLabel{PackageName: deferredPackageName, Name: "_UNDEFER_"},
			delete(m, target.Label.Name) // Don't need this any more
// Adds empty coverage entries for any files covered by the original query that we
// haven't discovered through tests to the overall report.
// The coverage reports only contain information about files that were covered during
// tests, so it's important that we identify anything with zero coverage here.
// This is made trickier by attempting to reconcile coverage targets from languages like
// Java that don't preserve the original file structure, which requires a slightly fuzzy match.
func AddOriginalTargetsToCoverage(state *core.BuildState, includeAllFiles bool) {
	// First we collect all the source files from all relevant targets
	allFiles := map[string]bool{}
	doneTargets := map[*core.BuildTarget]bool{}
	// Track the set of packages the user ran tests from; we only show coverage metrics from them.
	coveragePackages := map[string]bool{}
	for _, label := range state.OriginalTargets {
		coveragePackages[label.PackageName] = true
	for _, label := range state.ExpandOriginalTargets() {
		collectAllFiles(state, state.Graph.TargetOrDie(label), coveragePackages, allFiles, doneTargets, includeAllFiles)

	// Now merge the recorded coverage so far into them
	recordedCoverage := state.Coverage
	state.Coverage = core.TestCoverage{Tests: recordedCoverage.Tests, Files: map[string][]core.LineCoverage{}}
	mergeCoverage(state, recordedCoverage, coveragePackages, allFiles, includeAllFiles)
func assertPendingBuilds(t *testing.T, state *core.BuildState, targets ...string) {
	pending := []core.BuildLabel{}
	for {
		label, _, typ := state.NextTask()
		if typ == core.Stop {
		} else if typ != core.Build && typ != core.SubincludeBuild {
			t.Errorf("Unexpected non-build task")
		} else {
			pending = append(pending, label)
	expected := []core.BuildLabel{}
	for _, target := range targets {
		expected = append(expected, core.ParseBuildLabel(target, ""))
	assert.Equal(t, expected, pending)
// calculateAndCheckRuleHash checks the output hash for a rule.
func calculateAndCheckRuleHash(state *core.BuildState, target *core.BuildTarget) ([]byte, error) {
	hash, err := OutputHash(target)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err = checkRuleHashes(target, hash); err != nil {
		if state.NeedHashesOnly && (state.IsOriginalTarget(target.Label) || state.IsOriginalTarget(target.Label.Parent())) {
			return nil, stopTarget
		} else if state.VerifyHashes {
			return nil, err
		} else {
			log.Warning("%s", err)
	if err := writeRuleHashFile(state, target); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Attempting to create hash file: %s", err)
	return hash, nil
func processResult(state *core.BuildState, result *core.BuildResult, buildingTargets []buildingTarget, aggregatedResults *core.TestResults, plainOutput bool,
	keepGoing bool, failedTargets, failedNonTests *[]core.BuildLabel, failedTargetMap map[core.BuildLabel]error, shouldTrace bool) {
	label := result.Label
	active := result.Status == core.PackageParsing || result.Status == core.TargetBuilding || result.Status == core.TargetTesting
	failed := result.Status == core.ParseFailed || result.Status == core.TargetBuildFailed || result.Status == core.TargetTestFailed
	cached := result.Status == core.TargetCached || result.Tests.Cached
	stopped := result.Status == core.TargetBuildStopped
	if shouldTrace {
		addTrace(result, buildingTargets[result.ThreadId].Label, active)
	if failed && result.Tests.NumTests == 0 && result.Tests.Failed == 0 {
		result.Tests.NumTests = 1
		result.Tests.Failed = 1 // Ensure there's one test failure when there're no results to parse.
	// Only aggregate test results the first time it finishes.
	if buildingTargets[result.ThreadId].Active && !active {
	target := state.Graph.Target(label)
	updateTarget(state, plainOutput, &buildingTargets[result.ThreadId], label, active, failed, cached, result.Description, result.Err, targetColour(target))
	if failed {
		failedTargetMap[label] = result.Err
		// Don't stop here after test failure, aggregate them for later.
		if !keepGoing && result.Status != core.TargetTestFailed {
			// Reset colour so the entire compiler error output doesn't appear red.
			log.Errorf("%s failed:${RESET}\n%s", result.Label, result.Err)
		} else if !plainOutput { // plain output will have already logged this
			log.Errorf("%s failed: %s", result.Label, result.Err)
		*failedTargets = append(*failedTargets, label)
		if result.Status != core.TargetTestFailed {
			*failedNonTests = append(*failedNonTests, label)
	} else if stopped {
		failedTargetMap[result.Label] = nil
	} else if plainOutput && state.ShowTestOutput && result.Status == core.TargetTested {
		// If using interactive output we'll print it afterwards.
		printf("Finished test %s:\n%s\n", label, target.Results.Output)
// Adds a single target to the build queue.
func addDep(state *core.BuildState, label, dependor core.BuildLabel, rescan, forceBuild bool) {
	// Stop at any package that's not loaded yet
	if state.Graph.Package(label.PackageName) == nil {
		state.AddPendingParse(label, dependor, false)
	target := state.Graph.Target(label)
	if target == nil {
		log.Fatalf("Target %s (referenced by %s) doesn't exist\n", label, dependor)
	if target.State() >= core.Active && !rescan && !forceBuild {
		return // Target is already tagged to be built and likely on the queue.
	// Only do this bit if we actually need to build the target
	if !target.SyncUpdateState(core.Inactive, core.Semiactive) && !rescan && !forceBuild {
	if state.NeedBuild || forceBuild {
		if target.SyncUpdateState(core.Semiactive, core.Active) {
			if target.IsTest && state.NeedTests {
				state.AddActiveTarget() // Tests count twice if we're gonna run them.
	// If this target has no deps, add it to the queue now, otherwise handle its deps.
	// Only add if we need to build targets (not if we're just parsing) but we might need it to parse...
	if target.State() == core.Active && state.Graph.AllDepsBuilt(target) {
		if target.SyncUpdateState(core.Active, core.Pending) {
			state.AddPendingBuild(label, dependor.IsAllTargets())
		if !rescan {
	for _, dep := range target.DeclaredDependencies() {
		// Check the require/provide stuff; we may need to add a different target.
		if len(target.Requires) > 0 {
			if depTarget := state.Graph.Target(dep); depTarget != nil && len(depTarget.Provides) > 0 {
				for _, provided := range depTarget.ProvideFor(target) {
					addDep(state, provided, label, false, forceBuild)
		addDep(state, dep, label, false, forceBuild)
// buildFilegroup runs the manual build steps for a filegroup rule.
// We don't force this to be done in bash to avoid errors with maximum command lengths,
// and it's actually quite fiddly to get just so there.
func buildFilegroup(tid int, state *core.BuildState, target *core.BuildTarget) error {
	if err := prepareDirectory(target.OutDir(), false); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := os.RemoveAll(ruleHashFileName(target)); err != nil {
		return err
	changed := false
	outDir := target.OutDir()
	for _, source := range target.Sources {
		fullPaths := source.FullPaths(state.Graph)
		for i, sourcePath := range source.LocalPaths(state.Graph) {
			outPath := path.Join(outDir, sourcePath)
			c, err := moveOutput(target, fullPaths[i], outPath, true)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			changed = changed || c
	if target.HasLabel("py") && !target.IsBinary {
		// Pre-emptively create __init__.py files so the outputs can be loaded dynamically.
		// It's a bit cheeky to do non-essential language-specific logic but this enables
		// a lot of relatively normal Python workflows.
		// Errors are deliberately ignored.
	if _, err := calculateAndCheckRuleHash(state, target); err != nil {
		return err
	} else if changed {
	} else {
	state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetBuilt, "Built")
	return nil
// Parses the package corresponding to a single build label. The label can be :all to add all targets in a package.
// It is not an error if the package has already been parsed.
// By default, after the package is parsed, any targets that are now needed for the build and ready
// to be built are queued, and any new packages are queued for parsing. When a specific label is requested
// this is straightforward, but when parsing for pseudo-targets like :all and ..., various flags affect it:
// If 'noDeps' is true, then no new packages will be added and no new targets queued.
// 'include' and 'exclude' refer to the labels of targets to be added. If 'include' is non-empty then only
// targets with at least one matching label are added. Any targets with a label in 'exclude' are not added.
func Parse(tid int, state *core.BuildState, label, dependor core.BuildLabel, noDeps bool, include, exclude []string) {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			state.LogBuildError(tid, label, core.ParseFailed, fmt.Errorf("%s", r), "Failed to parse package")
	// First see if this package already exists; once it's in the graph it will have been parsed.
	pkg := state.Graph.Package(label.PackageName)
	if pkg != nil {
		// Does exist, all we need to do is toggle on this target
		activateTarget(state, pkg, label, dependor, noDeps, include, exclude)
	// We use the name here to signal undeferring of a package. If we get that we need to retry the package regardless.
	if dependor.Name != "_UNDEFER_" && !firstToParse(label, dependor) {
		// Check this again to avoid a potential race
		if pkg = state.Graph.Package(label.PackageName); pkg != nil {
			activateTarget(state, pkg, label, dependor, noDeps, include, exclude)
		} else {
			log.Debug("Adding pending parse for %s", label)
	// If we get here then it falls to us to parse this package
	state.LogBuildResult(tid, label, core.PackageParsing, "Parsing...")
	pkg = parsePackage(state, label, dependor)
	if pkg == nil {
		state.LogBuildResult(tid, label, core.PackageParsed, "Deferred")

	// Now add any lurking pending targets for this package.
	pending := pendingTargets[label.PackageName]                       // Must be present.
	pendingTargets[label.PackageName] = map[string][]core.BuildLabel{} // Empty this to free memory, but leave a sentinel
	pendingTargetMutex.Unlock()                                        // Nothing will look up this package in the map again.
	for targetName, dependors := range pending {
		for _, dependor := range dependors {
			lbl := core.BuildLabel{PackageName: label.PackageName, Name: targetName}
			activateTarget(state, pkg, lbl, dependor, noDeps, include, exclude)
	state.LogBuildResult(tid, label, core.PackageParsed, "Parsed")
// RunPreBuildFunction runs a pre-build callback function registered on a build target via pre_build = <...>.
// This is called before the target is built. It doesn't receive any output like the post-build one does but can
// be useful for other things; for example if you want to investigate a target's transitive labels to adjust
// its build command, you have to do that here (because in general the transitive dependencies aren't known
// when the rule is evaluated).
func RunPreBuildFunction(tid int, state *core.BuildState, target *core.BuildTarget) error {
	state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.PackageParsing,
		fmt.Sprintf("Running pre-build function for %s", target.Label))
	pkg := state.Graph.Package(target.Label.PackageName)
	defer pkg.BuildCallbackMutex.Unlock()
	if err := runPreBuildFunction(pkg, target); err != nil {
		state.LogBuildError(tid, target.Label, core.ParseFailed, err, "Failed pre-build function for %s", target.Label)
		return err
	rescanDeps(state, pkg)
	state.LogBuildResult(tid, target.Label, core.TargetBuilding,
		fmt.Sprintf("Finished pre-build function for %s", target.Label))
	return nil
func test(tid int, state *core.BuildState, label core.BuildLabel, target *core.BuildTarget) {
	startTime := time.Now()
	hash, err := build.RuntimeHash(state, target)
	if err != nil {
		state.LogBuildError(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, err, "Failed to calculate target hash")
	// Check the cached output files if the target wasn't rebuilt.
	hash = core.CollapseHash(hash)
	hashStr := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(hash)
	resultsFileName := fmt.Sprintf(".test_results_%s_%s", label.Name, hashStr)
	coverageFileName := fmt.Sprintf(".test_coverage_%s_%s", label.Name, hashStr)
	outputFile := path.Join(target.TestDir(), "test.results")
	coverageFile := path.Join(target.TestDir(), "test.coverage")
	cachedOutputFile := path.Join(target.OutDir(), resultsFileName)
	cachedCoverageFile := path.Join(target.OutDir(), coverageFileName)
	needCoverage := state.NeedCoverage && !target.NoTestOutput

	cachedTest := func() {
		log.Debug("Not re-running test %s; got cached results.", label)
		coverage := parseCoverageFile(target, cachedCoverageFile)
		results, err := parseTestResults(target, cachedOutputFile, true)
		target.Results.Duration = time.Since(startTime).Seconds()
		target.Results.Cached = true
		if err != nil {
			state.LogBuildError(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, err, "Failed to parse cached test file %s", cachedOutputFile)
		} else if results.Failed > 0 {
			panic("Test results with failures shouldn't be cached.")
		} else {
			logTestSuccess(state, tid, label, results, coverage)

	moveAndCacheOutputFiles := func(results core.TestResults, coverage core.TestCoverage) bool {
		// Never cache test results when given arguments; the results may be incomplete.
		if len(state.TestArgs) > 0 {
			log.Debug("Not caching results for %s, we passed it arguments", label)
			return true
		if err := moveAndCacheOutputFile(state, target, hash, outputFile, cachedOutputFile, resultsFileName, dummyOutput); err != nil {
			state.LogTestResult(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, results, coverage, err, "Failed to move test output file")
			return false
		if needCoverage || core.PathExists(coverageFile) {
			if err := moveAndCacheOutputFile(state, target, hash, coverageFile, cachedCoverageFile, coverageFileName, dummyCoverage); err != nil {
				state.LogTestResult(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, results, coverage, err, "Failed to move test coverage file")
				return false
		for _, output := range target.TestOutputs {
			tmpFile := path.Join(target.TestDir(), output)
			outFile := path.Join(target.OutDir(), output)
			if err := moveAndCacheOutputFile(state, target, hash, tmpFile, outFile, output, ""); err != nil {
				state.LogTestResult(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, results, coverage, err, "Failed to move test output file")
				return false
		return true

	needToRun := func() bool {
		if target.State() == core.Unchanged && core.PathExists(cachedOutputFile) {
			// Output file exists already and appears to be valid. We might still need to rerun though
			// if the coverage files aren't available.
			if needCoverage && !core.PathExists(cachedCoverageFile) {
				return true
			return false
		// Check the cache for these artifacts.
		if state.Cache == nil {
			return true
		cache := *state.Cache
		if !cache.RetrieveExtra(target, hash, resultsFileName) {
			return true
		if needCoverage && !cache.RetrieveExtra(target, hash, coverageFileName) {
			return true
		for _, output := range target.TestOutputs {
			if !cache.RetrieveExtra(target, hash, output) {
				return true
		return false

	// Don't cache when doing multiple runs, presumably the user explicitly wants to check it.
	if state.NumTestRuns <= 1 && !needToRun() {
	// Remove any cached test result file.
	if err := RemoveCachedTestFiles(target); err != nil {
		state.LogBuildError(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, err, "Failed to remove cached test files")
	numSucceeded := 0
	numFlakes := 0
	numRuns, successesRequired := calcNumRuns(state.NumTestRuns, target.Flakiness)
	var resultErr error
	resultMsg := ""
	var coverage core.TestCoverage
	for i := 0; i < numRuns && numSucceeded < successesRequired; i++ {
		if numRuns > 1 {
			state.LogBuildResult(tid, label, core.TargetTesting, fmt.Sprintf("Testing (%d of %d)...", i+1, numRuns))
		out, err := prepareAndRunTest(tid, state, target)
		duration := time.Since(startTime).Seconds()
		startTime = time.Now() // reset this for next time

		// This is all pretty involved; there are lots of different possibilities of what could happen.
		// The contract is that the test must return zero on success or non-zero on failure (Unix FTW).
		// If it's successful, it must produce a parseable file named "test.results" in its temp folder.
		// (alternatively, this can be a directory containing parseable files).
		// Tests can opt out of the file requirement individually, in which case they're judged only
		// by their return value.
		// But of course, we still have to consider all the alternatives here and handle them nicely.
		target.Results.Output = string(out)
		if err != nil && target.Results.Output == "" {
			target.Results.Output = err.Error()
		target.Results.TimedOut = err == context.DeadlineExceeded
		coverage = parseCoverageFile(target, coverageFile)
		target.Results.Duration += duration
		if !core.PathExists(outputFile) {
			if err == nil && target.NoTestOutput {
				target.Results.NumTests += 1
				target.Results.Passed += 1
			} else if err == nil {
				target.Results.Failures = append(target.Results.Failures, core.TestFailure{
					Name:   "Missing results",
					Stdout: string(out),
				resultErr = fmt.Errorf("Test failed to produce output results file")
				resultMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Test apparently succeeded but failed to produce %s. Output: %s", outputFile, string(out))
			} else {
				target.Results.Failures = append(target.Results.Failures, core.TestFailure{
					Name:   "Test failed with no results",
					Stdout: string(out),
				resultErr = err
				resultMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Test failed with no results. Output: %s", string(out))
		} else {
			results, err2 := parseTestResults(target, outputFile, false)
			if err2 != nil {
				resultErr = err2
				resultMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't parse test output file: %s. Stdout: %s", err2, string(out))
			} else if err != nil && results.Failed == 0 {
				// Add a failure result to the test so it shows up in the final aggregation.
				target.Results.Failed = 1
				target.Results.Failures = append(results.Failures, core.TestFailure{
					Name:   "Return value",
					Type:   fmt.Sprintf("%s", err),
					Stdout: string(out),
				resultErr = err
				resultMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Test returned nonzero but reported no errors: %s. Output: %s", err, string(out))
			} else if err == nil && results.Failed != 0 {
				resultErr = fmt.Errorf("Test returned 0 but still reported failures")
				resultMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Test returned 0 but still reported failures. Stdout: %s", string(out))
			} else if results.Failed != 0 {
				resultErr = fmt.Errorf("Tests failed")
				resultMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Tests failed. Stdout: %s", string(out))
			} else {
				if !state.ShowTestOutput {
					// Save a bit of memory, if we're not printing results on success we will never use them again.
					target.Results.Output = ""
	if numSucceeded >= successesRequired {
		target.Results.Failures = nil // Remove any failures, they don't count
		target.Results.Failed = 0     // (they'll be picked up as flakes below)
		if numSucceeded > 0 && numFlakes > 0 {
			target.Results.Flakes = numFlakes
		// Success, clean things up
		if moveAndCacheOutputFiles(target.Results, coverage) {
			logTestSuccess(state, tid, label, target.Results, coverage)
		// Clean up the test directory.
		if state.CleanWorkdirs {
			if err := os.RemoveAll(target.TestDir()); err != nil {
				log.Warning("Failed to remove test directory for %s: %s", target.Label, err)
	} else {
		state.LogTestResult(tid, label, core.TargetTestFailed, target.Results, coverage, resultErr, resultMsg)