func AddSource(in snd.Sound) error { switch in.Channels() { case 1: hwa.format = al.FormatMono16 case 2: hwa.format = al.FormatStereo16 default: return fmt.Errorf("snd/al: can't handle input with channels(%v)", in.Channels()) } = in hwa.out = make([]byte, in.BufferLen()*2) s := al.GenSources(1) if code := al.Error(); code != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("snd/al: generate source failed [err=%v]", code) } hwa.source = s[0] hwa.buf.src = s[0] log.Println("snd/al: software latency", SoftLatency()) hwa.inputs = snd.GetInputs(in) return nil }
// TODO just how many samples do we want/need to display something useful? func NewWaveform(ctx gl.Context, n int, in snd.Sound) (*Waveform, error) { wf := &Waveform{Material: env.NewMaterial(ctx), Sound: in} wf.Drawer = wf.Draw wf.outs = make([][]float64, n) for i := range wf.outs { wf.outs[i] = make([]float64, in.BufferLen()*in.Channels()) } wf.samples = make([]float64, in.BufferLen()*in.Channels()*n) wf.verts = make([]float32, len(wf.samples)*2) wf.prg.CreateAndLink(ctx, glutil.ShaderAsset(gl.VERTEX_SHADER, "basic-vert.glsl"), glutil.ShaderAsset(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, "basic-frag.glsl")) wf.vbuf = glutil.NewFloatBuffer(ctx, wf.verts, gl.STREAM_DRAW) wf.uw = wf.prg.Uniform(ctx, "world") wf.uv = wf.prg.Uniform(ctx, "view") wf.up = wf.prg.Uniform(ctx, "proj") wf.uc = wf.prg.Uniform(ctx, "color") wf.ap = wf.prg.Attrib(ctx, "position") return wf, nil }